/* * Copyright (c) 2004 Matthijs Hollemans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MidiPlayerApp.h" #include "MidiPlayerWindow.h" #include "ScopeView.h" #include "SynthBridge.h" #define _W(a) (a->Frame().Width()) #define _H(a) (a->Frame().Height()) #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "Main Window" MidiPlayerWindow::MidiPlayerWindow() : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("MidiPlayer"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { playing = false; scopeEnabled = true; reverb = B_REVERB_BALLROOM; volume = 75; windowX = -1; windowY = -1; inputId = -1; instrLoaded = false; be_synth->SetSamplingRate(44100); bridge = new SynthBridge; //bridge->Register(); CreateViews(); LoadSettings(); InitControls(); } MidiPlayerWindow::~MidiPlayerWindow() { StopSynth(); //bridge->Unregister(); bridge->Release(); } bool MidiPlayerWindow::QuitRequested() { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } void MidiPlayerWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case MSG_PLAY_STOP: OnPlayStop(); break; case MSG_SHOW_SCOPE: OnShowScope(); break; case MSG_INPUT_CHANGED: OnInputChanged(msg); break; case MSG_REVERB_NONE: OnReverb(B_REVERB_NONE); break; case MSG_REVERB_CLOSET: OnReverb(B_REVERB_CLOSET); break; case MSG_REVERB_GARAGE: OnReverb(B_REVERB_GARAGE); break; case MSG_REVERB_IGOR: OnReverb(B_REVERB_BALLROOM); break; case MSG_REVERB_CAVERN: OnReverb(B_REVERB_CAVERN); break; case MSG_REVERB_DUNGEON: OnReverb(B_REVERB_DUNGEON); break; case MSG_VOLUME: OnVolume(); break; case B_SIMPLE_DATA: OnDrop(msg); break; default: super::MessageReceived(msg); break; } } void MidiPlayerWindow::FrameMoved(BPoint origin) { super::FrameMoved(origin); windowX = Frame().left; windowY = Frame().top; SaveSettings(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::MenusBeginning() { for (int32 t = inputPopUp->CountItems() - 1; t > 0; --t) delete inputPopUp->RemoveItem(t); // Note: if the selected endpoint no longer exists, then no endpoint is // marked. However, we won't disconnect it until you choose another one. inputOff->SetMarked(inputId == -1); int32 id = 0; while (BMidiEndpoint* endpoint = BMidiRoster::NextEndpoint(&id)) { if (endpoint->IsProducer()) { BMessage* msg = new BMessage(MSG_INPUT_CHANGED); msg->AddInt32("id", id); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(endpoint->Name(), msg); inputPopUp->AddItem(item); item->SetMarked(inputId == id); } endpoint->Release(); } } void MidiPlayerWindow::CreateInputMenu() { inputPopUp = new BPopUpMenu("inputPopUp"); BMessage* msg = new BMessage; msg->what = MSG_INPUT_CHANGED; msg->AddInt32("id", -1); inputOff = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Off"), msg); inputPopUp->AddItem(inputOff); inputMenu = new BMenuField(B_TRANSLATE("Live input:"), inputPopUp); } void MidiPlayerWindow::CreateReverbMenu() { BPopUpMenu* reverbPopUp = new BPopUpMenu("reverbPopUp"); reverbNone = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("None"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_NONE)); reverbCloset = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Closet"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_CLOSET)); reverbGarage = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Garage"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_GARAGE)); reverbIgor = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Igor's lab"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_IGOR)); reverbCavern = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Cavern"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_CAVERN)); reverbDungeon = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Dungeon"), new BMessage(MSG_REVERB_DUNGEON)); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbNone); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbCloset); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbGarage); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbIgor); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbCavern); reverbPopUp->AddItem(reverbDungeon); reverbMenu = new BMenuField(B_TRANSLATE("Reverb:"), reverbPopUp); } void MidiPlayerWindow::CreateViews() { // Set up needed views scopeView = new ScopeView; showScope = new BCheckBox("showScope", B_TRANSLATE("Scope"), new BMessage(MSG_SHOW_SCOPE)); showScope->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); CreateInputMenu(); CreateReverbMenu(); volumeSlider = new BSlider("volumeSlider", NULL, NULL, 0, 100, B_HORIZONTAL); rgb_color col = { 152, 152, 255 }; volumeSlider->UseFillColor(true, &col); volumeSlider->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_VOLUME)); playButton = new BButton("playButton", B_TRANSLATE("Play"), new BMessage(MSG_PLAY_STOP)); playButton->SetEnabled(false); BBox* divider = new BBox(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS, B_FANCY_BORDER); divider->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, 1)); BStringView* volumeLabel = new BStringView(NULL, B_TRANSLATE("Volume:")); volumeLabel->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT); volumeLabel->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); // Build the layout SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL)); AddChild(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, 10) .Add(scopeView) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(10, 10) .Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 0, 0) .Add(showScope, 1, 0) .Add(reverbMenu->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 1) .Add(reverbMenu->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 1, 1) .Add(inputMenu->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 2) .Add(inputMenu->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 1, 2) .Add(volumeLabel, 0, 3) .Add(volumeSlider, 1, 3) ) .AddGlue() .Add(divider) .AddGlue() .Add(playButton) .AddGlue() .SetInsets(5, 5, 5, 5) ); } void MidiPlayerWindow::InitControls() { Lock(); showScope->SetValue(scopeEnabled ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); scopeView->SetEnabled(scopeEnabled); inputOff->SetMarked(true); reverbNone->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_NONE); reverbCloset->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_CLOSET); reverbGarage->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_GARAGE); reverbIgor->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_BALLROOM); reverbCavern->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_CAVERN); reverbDungeon->SetMarked(reverb == B_REVERB_DUNGEON); be_synth->SetReverb(reverb); volumeSlider->SetValue(volume); if (windowX != -1 && windowY != -1) MoveTo(windowX, windowY); else CenterOnScreen(); Unlock(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::LoadSettings() { BFile file(SETTINGS_FILE, B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK || file.Lock() != B_OK) return; file.ReadAttr("Scope", B_BOOL_TYPE, 0, &scopeEnabled, sizeof(bool)); file.ReadAttr("Reverb", B_INT32_TYPE, 0, &reverb, sizeof(int32)); file.ReadAttr("Volume", B_INT32_TYPE, 0, &volume, sizeof(int32)); file.ReadAttr("WindowX", B_FLOAT_TYPE, 0, &windowX, sizeof(float)); file.ReadAttr("WindowY", B_FLOAT_TYPE, 0, &windowY, sizeof(float)); file.Unlock(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::SaveSettings() { BFile file(SETTINGS_FILE, B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE | B_WRITE_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK || file.Lock() != B_OK) return; file.WriteAttr("Scope", B_BOOL_TYPE, 0, &scopeEnabled, sizeof(bool)); file.WriteAttr("Reverb", B_INT32_TYPE, 0, &reverb, sizeof(int32)); file.WriteAttr("Volume", B_INT32_TYPE, 0, &volume, sizeof(int32)); file.WriteAttr("WindowX", B_FLOAT_TYPE, 0, &windowX, sizeof(float)); file.WriteAttr("WindowY", B_FLOAT_TYPE, 0, &windowY, sizeof(float)); file.Sync(); file.Unlock(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::LoadFile(entry_ref* ref) { if (playing) { scopeView->SetPlaying(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); UpdateIfNeeded(); StopSynth(); } synth.UnloadFile(); if (synth.LoadFile(ref) == B_OK) { // Ideally, we would call SetVolume() in InitControls(), // but for some reason that doesn't work: BMidiSynthFile // will use the default volume instead. So we do it here. synth.SetVolume(volume / 100.0f); playButton->SetEnabled(true); playButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Stop")); scopeView->SetHaveFile(true); scopeView->SetPlaying(true); scopeView->Invalidate(); StartSynth(); } else { playButton->SetEnabled(false); playButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Play")); scopeView->SetHaveFile(false); scopeView->SetPlaying(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); BAlert* alert = new BAlert(NULL, B_TRANSLATE("Could not load song"), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); } } void MidiPlayerWindow::StartSynth() { synth.Start(); synth.SetFileHook(_StopHook, (int32) this); playing = true; } void MidiPlayerWindow::StopSynth() { if (!synth.IsFinished()) synth.Fade(); playing = false; } void MidiPlayerWindow::_StopHook(int32 arg) { ((MidiPlayerWindow*)arg)->StopHook(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::StopHook() { Lock(); // we may be called from the synth's thread playing = false; scopeView->SetPlaying(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); playButton->SetEnabled(true); playButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Play")); Unlock(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnPlayStop() { if (playing) { playButton->SetEnabled(false); scopeView->SetPlaying(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); UpdateIfNeeded(); StopSynth(); } else { playButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Stop")); scopeView->SetPlaying(true); scopeView->Invalidate(); StartSynth(); } } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnShowScope() { scopeEnabled = !scopeEnabled; scopeView->SetEnabled(scopeEnabled); scopeView->Invalidate(); SaveSettings(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnInputChanged(BMessage* msg) { int32 newId; if (msg->FindInt32("id", &newId) == B_OK) { BMidiProducer* endpoint = BMidiRoster::FindProducer(inputId); if (endpoint != NULL) { endpoint->Disconnect(bridge); endpoint->Release(); } inputId = newId; endpoint = BMidiRoster::FindProducer(inputId); if (endpoint != NULL) { if (!instrLoaded) { scopeView->SetLoading(true); scopeView->Invalidate(); UpdateIfNeeded(); bridge->Init(B_BIG_SYNTH); instrLoaded = true; scopeView->SetLoading(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); } endpoint->Connect(bridge); endpoint->Release(); scopeView->SetLiveInput(true); scopeView->Invalidate(); } else { scopeView->SetLiveInput(false); scopeView->Invalidate(); } } } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnReverb(reverb_mode mode) { reverb = mode; be_synth->SetReverb(reverb); SaveSettings(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnVolume() { volume = volumeSlider->Value(); synth.SetVolume(volume / 100.0f); SaveSettings(); } void MidiPlayerWindow::OnDrop(BMessage* msg) { entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) LoadFile(&ref); }