/* * Copyright 2010, Stephan Aßmus . * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "SubtitleBitmap.h" #include #include #include #include "StackBlurFilter.h" SubtitleBitmap::SubtitleBitmap() : fBitmap(NULL), fTextView(new BTextView("offscreen text")), fShadowTextView(new BTextView("offscreen text shadow")), fUseSoftShadow(true), fOverlayMode(false) { fTextView->SetStylable(true); fTextView->MakeEditable(false); fTextView->SetWordWrap(false); fTextView->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER); fShadowTextView->SetStylable(true); fShadowTextView->MakeEditable(false); fShadowTextView->SetWordWrap(false); fShadowTextView->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER); } SubtitleBitmap::~SubtitleBitmap() { delete fBitmap; delete fTextView; delete fShadowTextView; } void SubtitleBitmap::SetText(const char* text) { if (text == fText) return; fText = text; _GenerateBitmap(); } void SubtitleBitmap::SetVideoBounds(BRect bounds) { if (bounds == fVideoBounds) return; fVideoBounds = bounds; fUseSoftShadow = true; _GenerateBitmap(); } void SubtitleBitmap::SetOverlayMode(bool overlayMode) { if (overlayMode == fOverlayMode) return; fOverlayMode = overlayMode; _GenerateBitmap(); } const BBitmap* SubtitleBitmap::Bitmap() const { return fBitmap; } void SubtitleBitmap::_GenerateBitmap() { if (!fVideoBounds.IsValid()) return; delete fBitmap; BRect bounds; float outlineRadius; _InsertText(bounds, outlineRadius, fOverlayMode); bigtime_t startTime = 0; if (!fOverlayMode && fUseSoftShadow) startTime = system_time(); fBitmap = new BBitmap(bounds, B_BITMAP_ACCEPTS_VIEWS, B_RGBA32); memset(fBitmap->Bits(), 0, fBitmap->BitsLength()); if (fBitmap->Lock()) { fBitmap->AddChild(fShadowTextView); fShadowTextView->ResizeTo(bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()); fShadowTextView->SetViewColor(0, 0, 0, 0); fShadowTextView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); fShadowTextView->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_COMPOSITE); fShadowTextView->PushState(); fShadowTextView->Draw(bounds); fShadowTextView->PopState(); if (!fOverlayMode && fUseSoftShadow) { fShadowTextView->Sync(); StackBlurFilter filter; filter.Filter(fBitmap, outlineRadius * 2); } fShadowTextView->RemoveSelf(); fBitmap->AddChild(fTextView); fTextView->ResizeTo(bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()); if (!fOverlayMode && fUseSoftShadow) fTextView->MoveTo(-outlineRadius / 2, -outlineRadius / 2); else fTextView->MoveTo(0, 0); fTextView->SetViewColor(0, 0, 0, 0); fTextView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); fTextView->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_COMPOSITE); fTextView->PushState(); fTextView->Draw(bounds); fTextView->PopState(); fTextView->Sync(); fTextView->RemoveSelf(); fBitmap->Unlock(); } if (!fOverlayMode && fUseSoftShadow && system_time() - startTime > 10000) fUseSoftShadow = false; } struct ParseState { ParseState(rgb_color color) : color(color), bold(false), italic(false), underlined(false), previous(NULL) { } ParseState(ParseState* previous) : color(previous->color), bold(previous->bold), italic(previous->italic), underlined(previous->underlined), previous(previous) { } rgb_color color; bool bold; bool italic; bool underlined; ParseState* previous; }; static bool find_next_tag(const BString& string, int32& tagPos, int32& tagLength, ParseState*& state) { static const char* kTags[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static const int32 kTagCount = sizeof(kTags) / sizeof(const char*); int32 startPos = tagPos; tagPos = string.Length(); tagLength = 0; // Find the next tag closest from the current position // This way of doing it allows broken input with overlapping tags even. BString tag; for (int32 i = 0; i < kTagCount; i++) { int32 nextTag = string.IFindFirst(kTags[i], startPos); if (nextTag >= startPos && nextTag < tagPos) { tagPos = nextTag; tag = kTags[i]; } } if (tag.Length() == 0) return false; // Tag found, ParseState will change. tagLength = tag.Length(); if (tag == "") { state = new ParseState(state); state->bold = true; } else if (tag == "") { state = new ParseState(state); state->italic = true; } else if (tag == "") { state = new ParseState(state); state->underlined = true; } else if (tag == "color.red = (colorInt & 0xff0000) >> 16; state->color.green = (colorInt & 0x00ff00) >> 8; state->color.blue = (colorInt & 0x0000ff); // skip 'RRGGBB">' part, too tagLength += 8; } } else if (tag == "" || tag == "" || tag == "" || tag == "") { // Closing tag, pop state if (state->previous != NULL) { ParseState* oldState = state; state = state->previous; delete oldState; } } return true; } static void apply_state(BTextView* textView, const ParseState* state, BFont font, bool changeColor) { uint16 face = 0; if (state->bold || state->italic || state->underlined) { if (state->bold) face |= B_BOLD_FACE; if (state->italic) face |= B_ITALIC_FACE; // NOTE: This is probably not supported by the app_server (perhaps // it is if the font contains a specific underline face). if (state->underlined) face |= B_UNDERSCORE_FACE; } else face = B_REGULAR_FACE; font.SetFace(face); if (changeColor) textView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &state->color); else textView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, NULL); } static void parse_text(const BString& string, BTextView* textView, const BFont& font, const rgb_color& color, bool changeColor) { ParseState rootState(color); // Colors may change, but alpha channel will be preserved ParseState* state = &rootState; int32 pos = 0; while (pos < string.Length()) { int32 nextPos = pos; int32 tagLength; bool stateChanged = find_next_tag(string, nextPos, tagLength, state); if (nextPos > pos) { // Insert text between last and next tags BString subString; string.CopyInto(subString, pos, nextPos - pos); textView->Insert(subString.String()); } pos = nextPos + tagLength; if (stateChanged) apply_state(textView, state, font, changeColor); } // Cleanup states in case the input text had non-matching tags. while (state->previous != NULL) { ParseState* oldState = state->previous; state = state->previous; delete oldState; } } void SubtitleBitmap::_InsertText(BRect& textRect, float& outlineRadius, bool overlayMode) { BFont font(be_plain_font); float fontSize = ceilf((fVideoBounds.Width() * 0.9) / 36); outlineRadius = ceilf(fontSize / 28.0); font.SetSize(fontSize); rgb_color shadow; shadow.red = 0; shadow.green = 0; shadow.blue = 0; shadow.alpha = 200; rgb_color color; color.red = 255; color.green = 255; color.blue = 255; color.alpha = 240; textRect = fVideoBounds; textRect.OffsetBy(outlineRadius, outlineRadius); fTextView->SetText(NULL); fTextView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &color); fTextView->Insert(" "); parse_text(fText, fTextView, font, color, true); font.SetFalseBoldWidth(outlineRadius); fShadowTextView->ForceFontAliasing(overlayMode); fShadowTextView->SetText(NULL); fShadowTextView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &shadow); fShadowTextView->Insert(" "); parse_text(fText, fShadowTextView, font, shadow, false); // This causes the BTextView to calculate the layout of the text fTextView->SetTextRect(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); fTextView->SetTextRect(textRect); fShadowTextView->SetTextRect(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); fShadowTextView->SetTextRect(textRect); textRect = fTextView->TextRect(); textRect.InsetBy(-outlineRadius, -outlineRadius); textRect.OffsetTo(B_ORIGIN); // Make sure the text rect really finishes behind the last line. // We don't want any accidental extra space. textRect.bottom = outlineRadius; int32 lineCount = fTextView->CountLines(); for (int32 i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) textRect.bottom += fTextView->LineHeight(i); textRect.bottom += outlineRadius; }