/* * Copyright © 2006-2008 Stephan Aßmus * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ // NOTE: Based on my code in the BeOS interface for the VLC media player // that I did during the VLC 0.4.3 - 0.4.6 times. Code not written by me // removed. -Stephan Aßmus #include "SeekSlider.h" #include #include #include "DrawingTidbits.h" #define SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH 8.0 const rgb_color kSeekGreen = (rgb_color){ 171, 221, 161, 255 }; const rgb_color kSeekGreenShadow = (rgb_color){ 144, 186, 136, 255 }; const rgb_color kSeekRed = (rgb_color){ 255, 0, 0, 255 }; const rgb_color kSeekRedLight = (rgb_color){ 255, 152, 152, 255 }; const rgb_color kSeekRedShadow = (rgb_color){ 178, 0, 0, 255 }; const char* kDisabledSeekMessage = "Drop files to play"; SeekSlider::SeekSlider(BRect frame, const char* name, BMessage* message, int32 minValue, int32 maxValue) : BControl(frame, name, NULL, message, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fTracking(false), fLastTrackTime(0), fKnobPos(_KnobPosFor(Bounds(), Value())), fMinValue(minValue), fMaxValue(maxValue), fDisabledString(kDisabledSeekMessage) { BFont font(be_plain_font); font.SetSize(9.0); SetFont(&font); } SeekSlider::~SeekSlider() { } void SeekSlider::AttachedToWindow() { BControl::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT); } void SeekSlider::SetValue(int32 value) { if (value == Value()) return; #if __HAIKU__ BControl::SetValueNoUpdate(value); #else BControl::SetValue(value); // this will Invalidate() the whole view #endif Invoke(); _SetKnobPosition(_KnobPosFor(Bounds(), Value())); fLastTrackTime = system_time(); } void SeekSlider::Draw(BRect updateRect) { BRect r(Bounds()); // draw both sides (the original from Be doesn't seem // to make a difference for enabled/disabled state) // DrawBitmapAsync(fLeftSideBits, r.LeftTop()); // DrawBitmapAsync(fRightSideBits, BPoint(sliderEnd + 1.0, r.top)); // colors for the slider area between the two bitmaps rgb_color background = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color shadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_2_TINT); rgb_color softShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color darkShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_4_TINT); rgb_color midShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_3_TINT); rgb_color light = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_MAX_TINT); rgb_color softLight = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT); rgb_color green = kSeekGreen; rgb_color greenShadow = kSeekGreenShadow; rgb_color black = kBlack; rgb_color dotGrey = midShadow; rgb_color dotGreen = greenShadow; // draw frame _StrokeFrame(r, softShadow, softShadow, light, light); r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); _StrokeFrame(r, black, black, softShadow, softShadow); if (IsEnabled()) { // *** enabled look *** r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); // inner shadow _StrokeFrame(r, greenShadow, greenShadow, green, green); r.top++; r.left++; _StrokeFrame(r, greenShadow, greenShadow, green, green); // inside area r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); SetHighColor(green); FillRect(r); // dots int32 dotCount = (int32)(r.Width() / 6.0); BPoint dotPos; dotPos.y = r.top + 2.0; SetHighColor(dotGreen); float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0; float sliderStart = (r.left + knobWidth2); for (int32 i = 0; i < dotCount; i++) { dotPos.x = sliderStart + i * 6.0; StrokeLine(dotPos, BPoint(dotPos.x, dotPos.y + 6.0)); } // slider handle r.top -= 4.0; r.bottom += 3.0; r.left = fKnobPos - knobWidth2; r.right = fKnobPos + knobWidth2; // black outline float handleBottomSize = 2.0; float handleArrowSize = 6.0; BeginLineArray(10); // upper handle AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.top + handleBottomSize), BPoint(r.left, r.top), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.top), BPoint(r.right, r.top), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.top + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.top + handleBottomSize), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.top + handleBottomSize + 1.0), BPoint(fKnobPos, r.top + handleArrowSize), black); AddLine(BPoint(fKnobPos - 1.0, r.top + handleArrowSize - 1.0), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.top + handleBottomSize + 1.0), black); // lower handle AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom - handleBottomSize - 1.0), BPoint(fKnobPos, r.bottom - handleArrowSize), black); AddLine(BPoint(fKnobPos + 1.0, r.bottom - handleArrowSize + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), black); AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), black); EndLineArray(); // inner red light and shadow lines r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); handleBottomSize--; handleArrowSize -= 2.0; BeginLineArray(10); // upper handle AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.top + handleBottomSize), BPoint(r.left, r.top), kSeekRedLight); AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.top), BPoint(r.right, r.top), kSeekRedLight); AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.top + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.top + handleBottomSize), kSeekRedShadow); AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.top + handleBottomSize + 1.0), BPoint(fKnobPos, r.top + handleArrowSize), kSeekRedShadow); AddLine(BPoint(fKnobPos - 1.0, r.top + handleArrowSize - 1.0), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.top + handleBottomSize + 1.0), kSeekRedLight); // lower handle AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), kSeekRedLight); AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom - handleBottomSize - 1.0), BPoint(fKnobPos, r.bottom - handleArrowSize), kSeekRedLight); AddLine(BPoint(fKnobPos + 1.0, r.bottom - handleArrowSize + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), kSeekRedShadow); AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), kSeekRedShadow); AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), kSeekRedShadow); EndLineArray(); // fill rest of handles with red SetHighColor(kSeekRed); r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); handleArrowSize -= 2.0; BPoint arrow[3]; // upper handle arrow arrow[0].x = r.left; arrow[0].y = r.top; arrow[1].x = r.right; arrow[1].y = r.top; arrow[2].x = fKnobPos; arrow[2].y = r.top + handleArrowSize; FillPolygon(arrow, 3); // lower handle arrow arrow[0].x = r.left; arrow[0].y = r.bottom; arrow[1].x = r.right; arrow[1].y = r.bottom; arrow[2].x = fKnobPos; arrow[2].y = r.bottom - handleArrowSize; FillPolygon(arrow, 3); } else { // *** disabled look *** r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); _StrokeFrame(r, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow); r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); _StrokeFrame(r, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow); r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0); SetHighColor(darkShadow); SetLowColor(shadow); // stripes float width = floorf(StringWidth(fDisabledString.String())); float textPos = r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0; pattern stripes = { { 0xc7, 0x8f, 0x1f, 0x3e, 0x7c, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xe3 } }; BRect stripesRect(r); stripesRect.right = textPos - 5.0; FillRect(stripesRect, stripes); stripesRect.left = textPos + width + 3.0; stripesRect.right = r.right; FillRect(stripesRect, stripes); // info text r.left = textPos - 4.0; r.right = textPos + width + 2.0; FillRect(r); SetHighColor(shadow); SetLowColor(darkShadow); font_height fh; GetFontHeight(&fh); DrawString(fDisabledString.String(), BPoint(textPos, r.top + ceilf(fh.ascent) - 1.0)); } } void SeekSlider::MouseDown(BPoint where) { if (IsEnabled() && Bounds().Contains(where)) { SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x)); fTracking = true; SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); } } void SeekSlider::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* dragMessage) { if (fTracking) { SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x)); } } void SeekSlider::MouseUp(BPoint where) { if (fTracking) { fTracking = false; } } void SeekSlider::ResizeToPreferred() { float width = 15.0 + StringWidth(fDisabledString.String()) + 15.0; ResizeTo(width, 17.0); } void SeekSlider::FrameResized(float width, float height) { _SetKnobPosition(_KnobPosFor(Bounds(), Value())); } void SeekSlider::SetPosition(float position) { int32 value = fMinValue + (int32)floorf((fMaxValue - fMinValue) * position + 0.5); if (value != Value()) { BControl::SetValue(value); _SetKnobPosition(_KnobPosFor(Bounds(), Value())); } } bool SeekSlider::IsTracking() const { if (fTracking) return true; return system_time() - fLastTrackTime < 250000; } void SeekSlider::SetDisabledString(const char* string) { if (string == NULL) string = kDisabledSeekMessage; if (fDisabledString == string) return; fDisabledString = string; if (!IsEnabled()) Invalidate(); } // #pragma mark - int32 SeekSlider::_ValueFor(float xPos) const { BRect r(Bounds()); float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0; float sliderStart = (r.left + knobWidth2); float sliderEnd = (r.right - knobWidth2); int32 value = fMinValue + (int32)(((xPos - sliderStart) * (fMaxValue - fMinValue)) / (sliderEnd - sliderStart - 1.0)); if (value < fMinValue) value = fMinValue; if (value > fMaxValue) value = fMaxValue; return value; } int32 SeekSlider::_KnobPosFor(BRect r, int32 value) const { float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0; r.left += knobWidth2; r.right -= knobWidth2; float knobPos = r.left + floorf((r.right - r.left - 1.0) * (Value() - fMinValue) / (fMaxValue - fMinValue) + 0.5); return (int32)knobPos; } void SeekSlider::_StrokeFrame(BRect r, rgb_color left, rgb_color top, rgb_color right, rgb_color bottom) { BeginLineArray(4); AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left, r.top), left); AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.top), BPoint(r.right, r.top), top); AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.top + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), right); AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), bottom); EndLineArray(); } void SeekSlider::_SetKnobPosition(int32 knobPos) { if (fKnobPos == knobPos) return; float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0; BRect oldKnob(Bounds()); BRect newKnob(oldKnob); oldKnob.left = fKnobPos - knobWidth2; oldKnob.right = fKnobPos + knobWidth2; fKnobPos = knobPos; newKnob.left = fKnobPos - knobWidth2; newKnob.right = fKnobPos + knobWidth2; Invalidate(oldKnob | newKnob); }