/* * Copyright 2016, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Authors: * Augustin Cavalier * kerwizzy */ #include "FractalEngine.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Colorsets.h" // #define TRACE_MANDELBROT_ENGINE #ifdef TRACE_MANDELBROT_ENGINE # include # define TRACE(x...) printf(x) #else # define TRACE(x...) #endif FractalEngine::FractalEngine(BHandler* parent, BLooper* looper) : BLooper("FractalEngine"), fWidth(0), fHeight(0), fRenderBuffer(NULL), fRenderBufferLen(0), fSubsampling(2), fMessenger(parent, looper), fIterations(1024), fColorset(Colorset_Royal) { fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_Mandelbrot; fRenderSem = create_sem(0, "RenderSem"); fRenderStoppedSem = create_sem(0, "RenderStopped"); system_info info; get_system_info(&info); fThreadCount = info.cpu_count; if (fThreadCount > MAX_RENDER_THREADS) fThreadCount = MAX_RENDER_THREADS; for (uint8 i = 0; i < fThreadCount; i++) { fRenderThreads[i] = spawn_thread(&FractalEngine::RenderThread, BString().SetToFormat("RenderThread%d", i).String(), B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread(fRenderThreads[i]); } } FractalEngine::~FractalEngine() { delete_sem(fRenderSem); delete_sem(fRenderStoppedSem); } void FractalEngine::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case MSG_CHANGE_SET: switch (msg->GetUInt8("set", 0)) { case 0: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_Mandelbrot; break; case 1: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_BurningShip; break; case 2: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_Tricorn; break; case 3: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_Julia; break; case 4: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_OrbitTrap; break; case 5: fDoSet = &FractalEngine::DoSet_Multibrot; break; } break; case MSG_SET_PALETTE: switch (msg->GetUInt8("palette", 0)) { case 0: fColorset = Colorset_Royal; break; case 1: fColorset = Colorset_DeepFrost; break; case 2: fColorset = Colorset_Frost; break; case 3: fColorset = Colorset_Fire; break; case 4: fColorset = Colorset_Midnight; break; case 5: fColorset = Colorset_Grassland; break; case 6: fColorset = Colorset_Lightning; break; case 7: fColorset = Colorset_Spring; break; case 8: fColorset = Colorset_HighContrast; break; } break; case MSG_SET_ITERATIONS: fIterations = msg->GetUInt16("iterations", 0); break; case MSG_SET_SUBSAMPLING: fSubsampling = msg->GetUInt8("subsampling", 1); break; case MSG_RESIZE: { TRACE("Got MSG_RESIZE threads rendering\n"); if (fStopRender) { // Will be true throughout this whole handler. Set false at the end TRACE("Breaking out of MSG_RESIZE handler\n"); break; } StopRender(); delete fRenderBuffer; fRenderBuffer = NULL; fWidth = msg->GetUInt16("width", 320); fHeight = msg->GetUInt16("height", 240); TRACE("Creating new buffer. width %u height %u\n", fWidth, fHeight); fRenderBufferLen = fWidth * fHeight * 3; fRenderBuffer = new uint8[fRenderBufferLen]; memset(fRenderBuffer, 0, fRenderBufferLen); BMessage message(MSG_BUFFER_CREATED); fMessenger.SendMessage(&message); fStopRender = false; break; } case MSG_RENDER: { TRACE("Got MSG_RENDER.\n"); StopRender(); fStopRender = false; Render(msg->GetDouble("locationX", 0), msg->GetDouble("locationY", 0), msg->GetDouble("size", 0.005)); break; } case MSG_THREAD_RENDER_COMPLETE: { TRACE("Got MSG_THREAD_RENDER_COMPLETE for thread %d\n", msg->GetUInt8("thread", 0)); int32 threadsStopped; get_sem_count(fRenderStoppedSem, &threadsStopped); if (threadsStopped == fThreadCount) { TRACE("Done rendering!\n"); BMessage message(MSG_RENDER_COMPLETE); fMessenger.SendMessage(&message); } break; } default: BLooper::MessageReceived(msg); break; } } void FractalEngine::WriteToBitmap(BBitmap* bitmap) { bitmap->ImportBits(fRenderBuffer, fRenderBufferLen, fWidth * 3, 0, B_RGB24); } void FractalEngine::StopRender() { if (fRenderStopped) return; fRenderStopped = true; // true if another call to StopRender() won't work properly because // the fRenderStoppedSem semaphores have already been acquired. TRACE("Stopping render...\n"); fStopRender = true; for (uint i = 0; i < fThreadCount; i++) acquire_sem(fRenderStoppedSem); TRACE("Render stopped.\n"); // note that fStopRender is NOT set to false at the end here. // This is to allow the message handlers to use this variable to // block duplication of stuff. } void FractalEngine::Render(double locationX, double locationY, double size) { fRenderStopped = false; // This means that future Render calls will need to call stop render if (fStopRender) debugger("Error: Render shouldn't be called while fStopRender = true\n"); fLocationX = locationX; fLocationY = locationY; fSize = size; TRACE("Location: %g;%g;%g\n", fLocationX, fLocationY, fSize); for (uint8 i = 0; i < fThreadCount; i++) { release_sem(fRenderSem); } } status_t FractalEngine::RenderThread(void* data) { FractalEngine* engine = static_cast(data); thread_id self = find_thread(NULL); uint8 threadNum = 0; for (uint8 i = 0; i < engine->fThreadCount; i++) { if (engine->fRenderThreads[i] == self) { threadNum = i; break; } } while (true) { release_sem(engine->fRenderStoppedSem); TRACE("Thread %d awaiting semaphore...\n", threadNum); acquire_sem(engine->fRenderSem); TRACE("Thread %d got semaphore!\n", threadNum); uint16 width = engine->fWidth; uint16 height = engine->fHeight; uint16 halfHeight = height / 2; uint16 threadWidth = width / engine->fThreadCount; uint16 startX = threadWidth * threadNum; uint16 endX = threadWidth * (threadNum + 1); for (uint16 y = 0; yRenderPixel(x, halfHeight + y); // max y to RenderPixel will be // floor(height/2)*2 = height-height%2. // Thus there will be a line of blank pixels if height // is not even. Is this a problem? engine->RenderPixel(x, halfHeight - y - 1); // min y to RenderPixel will be // halfHeight-(halfHeight-1)-1 = 0 } if (engine->fStopRender) { TRACE("Thread %d stopping\n", threadNum); break; // Restart the loop to update width, height, etc. } } if (!engine->fStopRender) { BMessage message(FractalEngine::MSG_THREAD_RENDER_COMPLETE); message.AddUInt8("thread", threadNum); engine->PostMessage(&message); } } return B_OK; } void FractalEngine::RenderPixel(uint32 x, uint32 y) { double real = (x * fSize + fLocationX) - (fWidth / 2 * fSize); double imaginary = (y * -(fSize) + fLocationY) - (fHeight / 2 * -(fSize)); double subsampleDelta = fSize / fSubsampling; uint16 nSamples = fSubsampling * fSubsampling; int16 totalR = 0; int16 totalG = 0; int16 totalB = 0; for (uint8 subX = 0; subX < fSubsampling; subX++) { for (uint8 subY = 0; subY < fSubsampling; subY++) { double sampleReal = real + subX * subsampleDelta; double sampleImaginary = imaginary + subY * subsampleDelta; int32 sampleIterToEscape = (this->*fDoSet)(sampleReal, sampleImaginary); uint16 sampleLoc = 0; if (sampleIterToEscape == -1) // Didn't escape. sampleLoc = 999; else sampleLoc = 998 - (sampleIterToEscape % 999); sampleLoc *= 3; totalR += fColorset[sampleLoc + 0]; totalG += fColorset[sampleLoc + 1]; totalB += fColorset[sampleLoc + 2]; } } uint32 offsetBase = fWidth * y * 3 + x * 3; fRenderBuffer[offsetBase + 2] = totalR / nSamples; // fRenderBuffer is BGR fRenderBuffer[offsetBase + 1] = totalG / nSamples; fRenderBuffer[offsetBase + 0] = totalB / nSamples; } // Magic numbers & other general constants const double gJuliaA = 0; const double gJuliaB = 1; const uint8 gEscapeHorizon = 4; int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_Mandelbrot(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = 0; double zImaginary = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq + (-1 * zImaginarySq)); zImaginary = 2 * (zReal * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += real; zImaginary += imaginary; // If it is outside the 2 unit circle... if ((zRealSq + zImaginarySq) > gEscapeHorizon) return i; // stop it from running longer } return -1; } int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_BurningShip(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = 0; double zImaginary = 0; // It looks "upside down" otherwise. imaginary = -imaginary; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { zReal = fabs(zReal); zImaginary = fabs(zImaginary); double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq + (-1 * zImaginarySq)); zImaginary = 2 * (zReal * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += real; zImaginary += imaginary; // If it is outside the 2 unit circle... if ((zRealSq + zImaginarySq) > gEscapeHorizon) return i; // stop it from running longer } return -1; } int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_Tricorn(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = 0; double zImaginary = 0; real = -real; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { double znRe = zImaginary * -1; zImaginary = zReal * -1; zReal = znRe; // Swap the real and complex parts each time. double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq + (-1 * zImaginarySq)); zImaginary = 2 * (zReal * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += real; zImaginary += imaginary; // If it is outside the 2 unit circle... if ((zRealSq + zImaginarySq) > gEscapeHorizon) return i; // stop it from running longer } return -1; } int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_Julia(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = real; double zImaginary = imaginary; double muRe = gJuliaA; double muIm = gJuliaB; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq + (-1 * (zImaginarySq))); zImaginary = 2 * (zReal * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += muRe; zImaginary += muIm; // If it is outside the 2 unit circle... if ((zRealSq + zImaginarySq) > gEscapeHorizon) return i; // stop it from running longer } return -1; } int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_OrbitTrap(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = 0; double zImaginary = 0; double closest = 10000000; double distance = 0; double lineDist = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq + (-1 * zImaginarySq)); zImaginary = 2 * (zReal * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += real; zImaginary += imaginary; distance = sqrt(zRealSq + zImaginarySq); lineDist = fabs(zReal + zImaginary); // If it is closer than ever before... if (lineDist < closest) closest = lineDist; if (distance > gEscapeHorizon) return static_cast(floor(4 * log(4 / closest))); } return static_cast(floor(4 * log(4 / closest))); } int32 FractalEngine::DoSet_Multibrot(double real, double imaginary) { double zReal = 0; double zImaginary = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < fIterations; i++) { double zRealSq = zReal * zReal; double zImaginarySq = zImaginary * zImaginary; double nzReal = (zRealSq * zReal - 3 * zReal * zImaginarySq); zImaginary = 3 * (zRealSq * zImaginary) - (zImaginarySq * zImaginary); zReal = nzReal; zReal += real; zImaginary += imaginary; // If it is outside the 2 unit circle... if ((zRealSq + zImaginarySq) > gEscapeHorizon) return i; // stop it from running longer } return -1; }