/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2001, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. BeMail(TM), Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include "Prefs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace BPrivate; #include "MailApp.h" #include "MailSupport.h" #include "MailWindow.h" #include "Messages.h" #define BUTTON_WIDTH 70 #define BUTTON_HEIGHT 20 #define ITEM_SPACE 6 #define FONT_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Font:", "フォント:") #define SIZE_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Size:", "サイズ:") #define LEVEL_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("User Level:", "ユーザーレベル:") #define WRAP_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Text Wrapping:", "テキスト・ラップ:") #define ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Attach Attributes:", "ファイル属性情報:") #define QUOTES_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Colored Quotes:", "引用部分の着色:") #define ACCOUNT_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Default Account:", "標準アカウント:") #define REPLYTO_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Reply Account:", "返信用アカウント:") #define REPLYTO_USE_DEFAULT_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Use Default Account", "標準アカウントを使う") #define REPLYTO_FROM_MAIL_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Account From Mail", "メールのアカウントを使う") #define REPLY_PREAMBLE_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Reply Preamble:", "返信へ追加:") #define SIGNATURE_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Auto Signature:", "自動署名:") #define ENCODING_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Encoding:", "エンコード形式:") #define WARN_UNENCODABLE_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Warn Unencodable:", "警告: エンコードできません") #define SPELL_CHECK_START_ON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Initial Spell Check Mode:", "編集時スペルチェック:") #define BUTTONBAR_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Button Bar:", "ボタンバー:") #define OK_BUTTON_X1 (PREF_WIDTH - BUTTON_WIDTH - 6) #define OK_BUTTON_X2 (OK_BUTTON_X1 + BUTTON_WIDTH) #define OK_BUTTON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("OK", "設定") #define CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Cancel", "中止") #define REVERT_BUTTON_X1 8 #define REVERT_BUTTON_X2 (REVERT_BUTTON_X1 + BUTTON_WIDTH) #define REVERT_BUTTON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Revert", "復元") enum P_MESSAGES {P_OK = 128, P_CANCEL, P_REVERT, P_FONT, P_SIZE, P_LEVEL, P_WRAP, P_ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES, P_SIG, P_ENC, P_WARN_UNENCODABLE, P_SPELL_CHECK_START_ON, P_BUTTON_BAR, P_ACCOUNT, P_REPLYTO, P_REPLY_PREAMBLE, P_COLORED_QUOTES}; #define ICON_LABEL_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Show Icons & Labels", "アイコンとラベル") #define ICON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Show Icons Only", "アイコンのみ") #define HIDE_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Hide", "隠す") extern BPoint prefs_window; #define ATTRIBUTE_ON_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Include BeOS Attributes in Attachments", "BeOSの属性を付ける") #define ATTRIBUTE_OFF_TEXT MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("No BeOS Attributes, just Plain Data", "BeOSの属性を付けない(データのみ)") //==================================================================== TPrefsWindow::TPrefsWindow(BRect rect, BFont *font, int32 *level, bool *wrap, bool *attachAttributes, bool *cquotes, uint32 *account, int32 *replyTo, char **preamble, char **sig, uint32 *encoding, bool *warnUnencodable, bool *spellCheckStartOn, uint8 *buttonBar) : BWindow(rect, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Mail Preferences","Mailの設定"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE) { BMenuField *menu; fNewFont = font; fFont = *fNewFont; fNewWrap = wrap; fWrap = *fNewWrap; fNewAttachAttributes = attachAttributes; fAttachAttributes = *fNewAttachAttributes; fNewColoredQuotes = cquotes; fColoredQuotes = *fNewColoredQuotes; fNewAccount = account; fAccount = *fNewAccount; fNewReplyTo = replyTo; fReplyTo = *fNewReplyTo; fNewEncoding = encoding; fEncoding = *fNewEncoding; fNewWarnUnencodable = warnUnencodable; fWarnUnencodable = *fNewWarnUnencodable; fNewSpellCheckStartOn = spellCheckStartOn; fSpellCheckStartOn = *fNewSpellCheckStartOn; fNewButtonBar = buttonBar; fButtonBar = *fNewButtonBar; fNewPreamble = preamble; fNewSignature = sig; fSignature = (char *)malloc(strlen(*fNewSignature) + 1); strcpy(fSignature, *fNewSignature); BRect r = Bounds(); BView *view = new BView(r, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_FRAME_EVENTS); view->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(view); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; view->GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); int32 height = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 6; int32 labelWidth = (int32)view->StringWidth(SPELL_CHECK_START_ON_TEXT) + SEPARATOR_MARGIN; // group boxes r.Set(8,4,Bounds().right - 8,4 + 6 * (height + ITEM_SPACE)); BBox *interfaceBox = new BBox(r,NULL,B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); interfaceBox->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("User Interface","ユーザーインターフェース")); view->AddChild(interfaceBox); r.top = r.bottom + 8; r.bottom = r.top + 9 * (height + ITEM_SPACE); BBox *mailBox = new BBox(r,NULL,B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); mailBox->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Mailing","メール関係")); view->AddChild(mailBox); // revert, ok & cancel r.top = r.bottom + 10; r.bottom = r.top + height; r.left = OK_BUTTON_X1; r.right = OK_BUTTON_X2; BButton *button = new BButton(r, "ok", OK_BUTTON_TEXT, new BMessage(P_OK)); button->MakeDefault(true); view->AddChild(button); r.OffsetBy(-(OK_BUTTON_X2 - OK_BUTTON_X1 + 10), 0); button = new BButton(r, "cancel", CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT, new BMessage(P_CANCEL)); view->AddChild(button); r.left = REVERT_BUTTON_X1; r.right = REVERT_BUTTON_X2; fRevert = new BButton(r, "revert", REVERT_BUTTON_TEXT, new BMessage(P_REVERT)); fRevert->SetEnabled(false); view->AddChild(fRevert); // User Interface r = interfaceBox->Bounds(); r.left += 8; r.right -= 8; r.top = height; r.bottom = r.top + height - 3; fButtonBarMenu = BuildButtonBarMenu(*buttonBar); menu = new BMenuField(r, "bar", BUTTONBAR_TEXT, fButtonBarMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); interfaceBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fFontMenu = BuildFontMenu(font); menu = new BMenuField(r, "font", FONT_TEXT, fFontMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); interfaceBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fSizeMenu = BuildSizeMenu(font); menu = new BMenuField(r, "size", SIZE_TEXT, fSizeMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); interfaceBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fColoredQuotesMenu = BuildColoredQuotesMenu(fColoredQuotes); menu = new BMenuField(r, "cquotes", QUOTES_TEXT, fColoredQuotesMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); interfaceBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fSpellCheckStartOnMenu = BuildSpellCheckStartOnMenu(fSpellCheckStartOn); menu = new BMenuField(r, "spellCheckStartOn", SPELL_CHECK_START_ON_TEXT, fSpellCheckStartOnMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); interfaceBox->AddChild(menu); // Mail Accounts r = mailBox->Bounds(); r.left += 8; r.right -= 8; r.top = height; r.bottom = r.top + height - 3; fAccountMenu = BuildAccountMenu(fAccount); menu = new BMenuField(r, "account", ACCOUNT_TEXT, fAccountMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fReplyToMenu = BuildReplyToMenu(fReplyTo); menu = new BMenuField(r, "replyTo", REPLYTO_TEXT, fReplyToMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); // Mail Contents r.OffsetBy(0, height + ITEM_SPACE); r.right -= 25; fReplyPreamble = new BTextControl(r, "replytext", REPLY_PREAMBLE_TEXT, *preamble, new BMessage(P_REPLY_PREAMBLE), B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE); fReplyPreamble->SetDivider(labelWidth); fReplyPreamble->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); mailBox->AddChild(fReplyPreamble); BRect popRect = r; popRect.left = r.right + 6; r.right += 25; popRect.right = r.right; fReplyPreambleMenu = BuildReplyPreambleMenu(); menu = new BMenuField(popRect, "replyPreamble", B_EMPTY_STRING, fReplyPreambleMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(0); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0, height + ITEM_SPACE); fSignatureMenu = BuildSignatureMenu(*sig); menu = new BMenuField(r, "sig", SIGNATURE_TEXT, fSignatureMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fEncodingMenu = BuildEncodingMenu(fEncoding); menu = new BMenuField(r, "enc", ENCODING_TEXT, fEncodingMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fWarnUnencodableMenu = BuildWarnUnencodableMenu(fWarnUnencodable); menu = new BMenuField(r, "warnUnencodable", WARN_UNENCODABLE_TEXT, fWarnUnencodableMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fWrapMenu = BuildWrapMenu(*wrap); menu = new BMenuField(r, "wrap", WRAP_TEXT, fWrapMenu,B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); r.OffsetBy(0,height + ITEM_SPACE); fAttachAttributesMenu = BuildAttachAttributesMenu(*attachAttributes); menu = new BMenuField(r, "attachAttributes", ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES_TEXT, fAttachAttributesMenu, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); menu->SetDivider(labelWidth); menu->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); mailBox->AddChild(menu); ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), fRevert->Frame().bottom + 8); Show(); } TPrefsWindow::~TPrefsWindow() { BMessage msg(WINDOW_CLOSED); msg.AddInt32("kind", PREFS_WINDOW); msg.AddPoint("window pos", Frame().LeftTop()); be_app->PostMessage(&msg); } void TPrefsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { bool changed; bool revert = true; const char *family; const char *signature; const char *style; char label[256]; int32 new_size; int32 old_size; font_family new_family; font_family old_family; font_style new_style; font_style old_style; BMenuItem *item; BMessage message; switch (msg->what) { case P_OK: if (strcmp(fReplyPreamble->Text(), *fNewPreamble)) { free(*fNewPreamble); *fNewPreamble = (char *)malloc(strlen(fReplyPreamble->Text()) + 1); strcpy(*fNewPreamble, fReplyPreamble->Text()); } be_app->PostMessage(PREFS_CHANGED); Quit(); break; case P_CANCEL: revert = false; // supposed to fall through case P_REVERT: fFont.GetFamilyAndStyle(&old_family, &old_style); fNewFont->GetFamilyAndStyle(&new_family, &new_style); old_size = (int32) fFont.Size(); new_size = (int32) fNewFont->Size(); if (strcmp(old_family, new_family) || strcmp(old_style, new_style) || old_size != new_size) { fNewFont->SetFamilyAndStyle(old_family, old_style); if (revert) { sprintf(label, "%s %s", old_family, old_style); item = fFontMenu->FindItem(label); if (item != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } fNewFont->SetSize(old_size); if (revert) { sprintf(label, "%ld", old_size); item = fSizeMenu->FindItem(label); if (item != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } message.what = M_FONT; be_app->PostMessage(&message); } *fNewWrap = fWrap; *fNewAttachAttributes = fAttachAttributes; if (strcmp(fSignature, *fNewSignature)) { free(*fNewSignature); *fNewSignature = (char *)malloc(strlen(fSignature) + 1); strcpy(*fNewSignature, fSignature); } *fNewEncoding = fEncoding; *fNewWarnUnencodable = fWarnUnencodable; *fNewSpellCheckStartOn = fSpellCheckStartOn; *fNewButtonBar = fButtonBar; be_app->PostMessage(PREFS_CHANGED); if (revert) { for (int i = fAccountMenu->CountItems();i-- > 0;) { if (BMenuItem *item = fAccountMenu->ItemAt(i)) if (item->Message()->FindInt32("id") == *(int32 *)&fAccount) item->SetMarked(true); } strcpy(label,fReplyTo == ACCOUNT_USE_DEFAULT ? REPLYTO_USE_DEFAULT_TEXT : REPLYTO_FROM_MAIL_TEXT); if ((item = fReplyToMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); strcpy(label, fWrap ? "On" : "Off"); if ((item = fWrapMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); strcpy(label, fAttachAttributes ? ATTRIBUTE_ON_TEXT : ATTRIBUTE_OFF_TEXT); if ((item = fAttachAttributesMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); strcpy(label, fColoredQuotes ? "On" : "Off"); if ((item = fColoredQuotesMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); if (strcmp(fReplyPreamble->Text(), *fNewPreamble)) fReplyPreamble->SetText(*fNewPreamble); item = fSignatureMenu->FindItem(fSignature); if (item) item->SetMarked(true); uint32 index = 0; while ((item = fEncodingMenu->ItemAt(index++)) != NULL) { BMessage * message = item->Message(); if (message == NULL) continue; int32 encoding; if (message->FindInt32("encoding", &encoding) == B_OK && (uint32)encoding == *fNewEncoding) { item->SetMarked(true); break; } } strcpy(label, fWarnUnencodable ? "On" : "Off"); if ((item = fWarnUnencodableMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); strcpy(label, fSpellCheckStartOn ? "On" : "Off"); if ((item = fSpellCheckStartOnMenu->FindItem(label)) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else Quit(); break; case P_FONT: family = NULL; style = NULL; int32 family_menu_index; if (msg->FindString("font", &family) == B_OK) { msg->FindString("style", &style); fNewFont->SetFamilyAndStyle(family, style); message.what = M_FONT; be_app->PostMessage(&message); } /* grab this little tidbit so we can set the correct Family */ if(msg->FindInt32("parent_index", &family_menu_index) == B_OK) fFontMenu->ItemAt(family_menu_index)->SetMarked(true); break; case P_SIZE: old_size = (int32) fNewFont->Size(); msg->FindInt32("size", &new_size); if (old_size != new_size) { fNewFont->SetSize(new_size); message.what = M_FONT; be_app->PostMessage(&message); } break; case P_WRAP: msg->FindBool("wrap", fNewWrap); break; case P_ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES: msg->FindBool("attachAttributes", fNewAttachAttributes); break; case P_COLORED_QUOTES: msg->FindBool("cquotes", fNewColoredQuotes); break; case P_ACCOUNT: msg->FindInt32("id",(int32 *)fNewAccount); break; case P_REPLYTO: msg->FindInt32("replyTo", fNewReplyTo); break; case P_REPLY_PREAMBLE: { int32 index = -1; if (msg->FindInt32("index", &index) < B_OK) break; BMenuItem *item = fReplyPreambleMenu->ItemAt(index); if (item == NULL) { msg->PrintToStream(); break; } BTextView *text = fReplyPreamble->TextView(); // To do: insert at selection point rather than at the end. text->Insert(text->TextLength(), item->Label(), 2); } case P_SIG: free(*fNewSignature); if (msg->FindString("signature", &signature) == B_NO_ERROR) { *fNewSignature = (char *)malloc(strlen(signature) + 1); strcpy(*fNewSignature, signature); } else { *fNewSignature = (char *)malloc(strlen(SIG_NONE) + 1); strcpy(*fNewSignature, SIG_NONE); } break; case P_ENC: msg->FindInt32("encoding", (int32 *)fNewEncoding); break; case P_WARN_UNENCODABLE: msg->FindBool("warnUnencodable", fNewWarnUnencodable); break; case P_SPELL_CHECK_START_ON: msg->FindBool("spellCheckStartOn", fNewSpellCheckStartOn); break; case P_BUTTON_BAR: msg->FindInt8("bar", (int8 *)fNewButtonBar); be_app->PostMessage(PREFS_CHANGED); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } fFont.GetFamilyAndStyle(&old_family, &old_style); fNewFont->GetFamilyAndStyle(&new_family, &new_style); old_size = (int32) fFont.Size(); new_size = (int32) fNewFont->Size(); changed = old_size != new_size || fWrap != *fNewWrap || fAttachAttributes != *fNewAttachAttributes || fColoredQuotes != *fNewColoredQuotes || fAccount != *fNewAccount || fReplyTo != *fNewReplyTo || strcmp(old_family, new_family) || strcmp(old_style, new_style) || strcmp(fReplyPreamble->Text(), *fNewPreamble) || strcmp(fSignature, *fNewSignature) || fEncoding != *fNewEncoding || fWarnUnencodable != *fNewWarnUnencodable || fSpellCheckStartOn != *fNewSpellCheckStartOn || fButtonBar != *fNewButtonBar; fRevert->SetEnabled(changed); } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildFontMenu(BFont *font) { font_family def_family; font_style def_style; font_family f_family; font_style f_style; BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); font->GetFamilyAndStyle(&def_family, &def_style); int32 family_menu_index = 0; int family_count = count_font_families(); for (int family_loop = 0; family_loop < family_count; family_loop++) { get_font_family(family_loop, &f_family); BMenu *family_menu = new BMenu(f_family); int style_count = count_font_styles(f_family); for (int style_loop = 0; style_loop < style_count; style_loop++) { get_font_style(f_family, style_loop, &f_style); BMessage *msg = new BMessage(P_FONT); msg->AddString("font", f_family); msg->AddString("style", f_style); /* we send this to make setting the Family easier when things change */ msg->AddInt32("parent_index", family_menu_index); BMenuItem *item = new BMenuItem(f_style, msg); family_menu->AddItem(item); if ((strcmp(def_family, f_family) == 0) && (strcmp(def_style, f_style) == 0)) item->SetMarked(true); item->SetTarget(this); } menu->AddItem(family_menu); BMenuItem *item = menu->ItemAt(family_menu_index); BMessage *msg = new BMessage(P_FONT); msg->AddString("font", f_family); item->SetMessage(msg); item->SetTarget(this); if (strcmp(def_family, f_family) == 0) item->SetMarked(true); family_menu_index++; } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildLevelMenu(int32 level) { BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); msg = new BMessage(P_LEVEL); msg->AddInt32("level", L_BEGINNER); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Beginner","初心者"),msg)); if (level == L_BEGINNER) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(P_LEVEL); msg->AddInt32("level", L_EXPERT); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Expert","上級者"),msg)); if (level == L_EXPERT) item->SetMarked(true); return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildAccountMenu(uint32 account) { BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); BMenuItem *item; //menu->SetRadioMode(true); BList chains; if (GetOutboundMailChains(&chains) < B_OK) { menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("", NULL)); item->SetEnabled(false); return menu; } BMessage *msg; for (int32 i = 0; i < chains.CountItems(); i++) { BMailChain *chain = (BMailChain *)chains.ItemAt(i); item = new BMenuItem(chain->Name(), msg = new BMessage(P_ACCOUNT)); msg->AddInt32("id",chain->ID()); if (account == chain->ID()) item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddItem(item); delete chain; } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildReplyToMenu(int32 account) { BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(REPLYTO_USE_DEFAULT_TEXT, msg = new BMessage(P_REPLYTO))); msg->AddInt32("replyTo", ACCOUNT_USE_DEFAULT); if (account == ACCOUNT_USE_DEFAULT) item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(REPLYTO_FROM_MAIL_TEXT, msg = new BMessage(P_REPLYTO))); msg->AddInt32("replyTo", ACCOUNT_FROM_MAIL); if (account == ACCOUNT_FROM_MAIL) item->SetMarked(true); return menu; } BMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildReplyPreambleMenu() { const char *substitutes[] = { /* To do: Not yet working, leave out for 2.0.0 beta 4: "%f - First name", "%l - Last name", */ MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("%n - Full name", "%n - フルネーム"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("%e - E-mail address", "%e - E-mailアドレス"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("%d - Date", "%d - 日付"), "", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("\\n - Newline", "\\n - 空行"), NULL }; BMenu *menu = new BMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); for (int32 i = 0; substitutes[i]; i++) { if (*substitutes[i] == '\0') menu->AddSeparatorItem(); else menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(substitutes[i], new BMessage(P_REPLY_PREAMBLE))); } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildSignatureMenu(char *sig) { char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; BEntry entry; BFile file; BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; BQuery query; BVolume vol; BVolumeRoster volume; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); msg = new BMessage(P_SIG); msg->AddString("signature", SIG_NONE); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(SIG_NONE, msg)); if (!strcmp(sig, SIG_NONE)) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(P_SIG); msg->AddString("signature", SIG_RANDOM); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(SIG_RANDOM, msg)); if (!strcmp(sig, SIG_RANDOM)) item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); volume.GetBootVolume(&vol); query.SetVolume(&vol); query.SetPredicate("_signature = *"); query.Fetch(); while (query.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_NO_ERROR) { file.SetTo(&entry, O_RDONLY); if (file.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { msg = new BMessage(P_SIG); file.ReadAttr("_signature", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, name, sizeof(name)); msg->AddString("signature", name); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(name, msg)); if (!strcmp(sig, name)) item->SetMarked(true); } } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildSizeMenu(BFont *font) { char label[16]; uint32 loop; int32 sizes[] = {9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24}; float size; BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); size = font->Size(); for (loop = 0; loop < sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(int32); loop++) { msg = new BMessage(P_SIZE); msg->AddInt32("size", sizes[loop]); sprintf(label, "%ld", sizes[loop]); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(label, msg)); if (sizes[loop] == (int32)size) item->SetMarked(true); } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildBoolMenu(uint32 what,const char *boolItem,bool isTrue) { BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); msg = new BMessage(what); msg->AddBool(boolItem, true); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("On", msg)); if (isTrue) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(what); msg->AddInt32(boolItem, false); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("Off", msg)); if (!isTrue) item->SetMarked(true); return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildWrapMenu(bool wrap) { return BuildBoolMenu(P_WRAP,"wrap",wrap); } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildAttachAttributesMenu(bool attachAttributes) { BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); msg = new BMessage(P_ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES); msg->AddBool("attachAttributes", true); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(ATTRIBUTE_ON_TEXT, msg)); if (attachAttributes) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(P_ATTACH_ATTRIBUTES); msg->AddInt32("attachAttributes", false); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(ATTRIBUTE_OFF_TEXT, msg)); if (!attachAttributes) item->SetMarked(true); return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildColoredQuotesMenu(bool quote) { return BuildBoolMenu(P_COLORED_QUOTES,"cquotes",quote); } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildEncodingMenu(uint32 encoding) { BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); BCharacterSetRoster roster; BCharacterSet charset; while (roster.GetNextCharacterSet(&charset) == B_NO_ERROR) { BString name(charset.GetPrintName()); const char * mime = charset.GetMIMEName(); if (mime) { name << " (" << mime << ")"; } msg = new BMessage(P_ENC); uint32 convert_id; if ((mime == 0) || (strcasecmp(mime, "UTF-8") != 0)) { convert_id = charset.GetConversionID(); } else { convert_id = B_MAIL_UTF8_CONVERSION; } msg->AddInt32("encoding", convert_id); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(name.String(), msg)); if (convert_id == encoding) { item->SetMarked(true); } } msg = new BMessage(P_ENC); msg->AddInt32("encoding", B_MAIL_US_ASCII_CONVERSION); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("US-ASCII", msg)); if (encoding == B_MAIL_US_ASCII_CONVERSION) { item->SetMarked(true); } return menu; } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildWarnUnencodableMenu(bool warnUnencodable) { return BuildBoolMenu(P_WARN_UNENCODABLE,"warnUnencodable",warnUnencodable); } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildSpellCheckStartOnMenu(bool spellCheckStartOn) { return BuildBoolMenu(P_SPELL_CHECK_START_ON, "spellCheckStartOn", spellCheckStartOn); } BPopUpMenu * TPrefsWindow::BuildButtonBarMenu(uint8 show) { BMenuItem *item; BMessage *msg; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); msg = new BMessage(P_BUTTON_BAR); msg->AddInt8("bar", 1); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(ICON_LABEL_TEXT, msg)); if (show & 1) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(P_BUTTON_BAR); msg->AddInt8("bar", 2); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(ICON_TEXT, msg)); if (show & 2) item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(P_BUTTON_BAR); msg->AddInt8("bar", 0); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(HIDE_TEXT, msg)); if (!show) item->SetMarked(true); return menu; }