/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2001, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. BeMail(TM), Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef _MAIL_WINDOW_H #define _MAIL_WINDOW_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TContentView; class TEnclosuresView; class THeaderView; class TMailApp; class TMenu; class TPrefsWindow; class TSignatureWindow; class BEmailMessage; class BFile; class BFilePanel; class BMailMessage; class BMenu; class BMenuBar; class BMenuItem; class Words; class TMailWindow : public BWindow { public: TMailWindow(BRect frame, const char* title, TMailApp* app, const entry_ref* ref, const char* to, const BFont *font, bool resending, BMessenger* trackerMessenger); virtual ~TMailWindow(); virtual void FrameResized(float width, float height); virtual void MenusBeginning(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage*); virtual bool QuitRequested(); virtual void Show(); virtual void Zoom(BPoint, float, float); virtual void WindowActivated(bool state); void SetTo(const char* mailTo, const char* subject, const char* ccTo = NULL, const char* bccTo = NULL, const BString* body = NULL, BMessage* enclosures = NULL); void AddSignature(BMailMessage*); void Forward(entry_ref*, TMailWindow*, bool includeAttachments); void Print(); void PrintSetup(); void Reply(entry_ref*, TMailWindow*, uint32); void CopyMessage(entry_ref* ref, TMailWindow* src); status_t Send(bool now); status_t SaveAsDraft(); status_t OpenMessage(const entry_ref* ref, uint32 characterSetForDecoding = B_MAIL_NULL_CONVERSION); status_t GetMailNodeRef(node_ref &nodeRef) const; BEmailMessage* Mail() const { return fMail; } bool GetTrackerWindowFile(entry_ref*, bool dir) const; void SaveTrackerPosition(entry_ref*); void SetOriginatingWindow(BWindow* window); void PreserveReadingPos(bool save); void MarkMessageRead(entry_ref* message, read_flags flag); void SetTrackerSelectionToCurrent(); TMailWindow* FrontmostWindow(); void UpdateViews(); void UpdatePreferences(); protected: void SetTitleForMessage(); void AddEnclosure(BMessage* msg); void BuildToolBar(); status_t TrainMessageAs(const char* commandWord); private: status_t _GetQueryPath(BPath* path) const; void _RebuildQueryMenu(bool firstTime = false); char* _BuildQueryString(BEntry* entry) const; void _LaunchQuery(const char* title, const char* attribute, BString text); void _CreateNewPerson(BString address, BString name); void _AddReadButton(); void _UpdateReadButton(); void _UpdateLabel(uint32 command, const char* label, bool show); void _SetDownloading(bool downloading); uint32 _CurrentCharacterSet() const; static BBitmap* _RetrieveVectorIcon(int32 id); private: TMailApp* fApp; BEmailMessage* fMail; entry_ref* fRef; // Reference to currently displayed file int32 fFieldState; BFilePanel* fPanel; BMenuBar* fMenuBar; BMenuItem* fAdd; BMenuItem* fCut; BMenuItem* fCopy; BMenuItem* fHeader; BMenuItem* fPaste; BMenuItem* fPrint; BMenuItem* fPrintSetup; BMenuItem* fQuote; BMenuItem* fRaw; BMenuItem* fRemove; BMenuItem* fRemoveQuote; BMenuItem* fSendNow; BMenuItem* fSendLater; BMenuItem* fUndo; BMenuItem* fRedo; BMenuItem* fNextMsg; BMenuItem* fPrevMsg; BMenuItem* fDeleteNext; BMenuItem* fSpelling; BMenu* fSaveAddrMenu; BMenu* fQueryMenu; BMenu* fLeaveStatusMenu; BMenu* fEncodingMenu; struct BitmapItem { BBitmap* bm; int32 id; }; static BObjectList sBitmapCache; static BLocker sBitmapCacheLock; BToolBar* fToolBar; BRect fZoom; TContentView* fContentView; THeaderView* fHeaderView; TEnclosuresView* fEnclosuresView; TMenu* fSignature; BMessenger fTrackerMessenger; // Talks to tracker window that this was launched from. BMessenger fMessengerToSpamServer; entry_ref fPrevRef; entry_ref fNextRef; bool fPrevTrackerPositionSaved : 1; bool fNextTrackerPositionSaved : 1; entry_ref fOpenFolder; bool fSigAdded : 1; bool fIncoming : 1; bool fReplying : 1; bool fResending : 1; bool fSent : 1; bool fDraft : 1; bool fChanged : 1; static BList sWindowList; static BLocker sWindowListLock; entry_ref fRepliedMail; BMessenger* fOriginatingWindow; bool fAutoMarkRead : 1; bool fKeepStatusOnQuit; bool fDownloading; }; #endif // _MAIL_WINDOW_H