/* * Copyright 2006-2009, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Stephan Aßmus */ #include "TransformBoxStates.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "cursors.h" #include "support.h" #include "TransformBox.h" // constructor DragState::DragState(TransformBox* parent) : fOrigin(0.0, 0.0), fParent(parent) { } // SetOrigin void DragState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { fOrigin = origin; } // ActionName const char* DragState::ActionName() const { return "Transformation"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 DragState::ActionNameIndex() const { return TRANSFORMATION; } // _SetViewCursor void DragState::_SetViewCursor(BView* view, const uchar* cursorData) const { BCursor cursor(cursorData); view->SetViewCursor(&cursor); } // #pragma mark - DragCornerState // constructor DragCornerState::DragCornerState(TransformBox* parent, uint32 corner) : DragState(parent), fCorner(corner) { } // SetOrigin void DragCornerState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { fOldXScale = fParent->LocalXScale(); fOldYScale = fParent->LocalYScale(); fOldOffset = fParent->Translation(); // copy the matrix at the start of the drag procedure fMatrix.reset(); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_scaling(fOldXScale, fOldYScale)); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_rotation(fParent->LocalRotation() * M_PI / 180.0)); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_translation(fParent->Translation().x, fParent->Translation().y)); double x = origin.x; double y = origin.y; fMatrix.inverse_transform(&x, &y); origin.x = x; origin.y = y; BRect box = fParent->Box(); switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: fXOffsetFromCorner = origin.x - box.left; fYOffsetFromCorner = origin.y - box.top; fOldWidth = box.left - box.right; fOldHeight = box.top - box.bottom; origin.x = box.right; origin.y = box.bottom; break; case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: fXOffsetFromCorner = origin.x - box.right; fYOffsetFromCorner = origin.y - box.top; fOldWidth = box.right - box.left; fOldHeight = box.top - box.bottom; origin.x = box.left; origin.y = box.bottom; break; case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: fXOffsetFromCorner = origin.x - box.left; fYOffsetFromCorner = origin.y - box.bottom; fOldWidth = box.left - box.right; fOldHeight = box.bottom - box.top; origin.x = box.right; origin.y = box.top; break; case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: fXOffsetFromCorner = origin.x - box.right; fYOffsetFromCorner = origin.y - box.bottom; fOldWidth = box.right - box.left; fOldHeight = box.bottom - box.top; origin.x = box.left; origin.y = box.top; break; } DragState::SetOrigin(origin); } // DragTo void DragCornerState::DragTo(BPoint current, uint32 modifiers) { double x = current.x; double y = current.y; fMatrix.inverse_transform(&x, &y); double xScale = 1.0; double yScale = 1.0; BPoint translation(0.0, 0.0); switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: x -= fOrigin.x; y -= fOrigin.y; if (fOldWidth != 0.0) xScale = (x - fXOffsetFromCorner) / (fOldWidth); if (fOldHeight != 0.0) yScale = (y - fYOffsetFromCorner) / (fOldHeight); // constrain aspect ratio if shift is pressed if (modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) { if (fabs(xScale) > fabs(yScale)) yScale = yScale > 0.0 ? fabs(xScale) : -fabs(xScale); else xScale = xScale > 0.0 ? fabs(yScale) : -fabs(yScale); } translation.x = fOrigin.x - fOrigin.x * xScale; translation.y = fOrigin.y - fOrigin.y * yScale; break; } x = translation.x; y = translation.y; fMatrix.transform(&x, &y); translation.x = x; translation.y = y; fParent->SetTranslationAndScale(translation, xScale * fOldXScale, yScale * fOldYScale); } // UpdateViewCursor void DragCornerState::UpdateViewCursor(BView* view, BPoint current) const { float rotation = fmod(360.0 - fParent->ViewSpaceRotation() + 22.5, 180.0); bool flipX = fParent->LocalXScale() < 0.0; bool flipY = fParent->LocalYScale() < 0.0; if (rotation < 45.0) { switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftTopRightBottomCursor : kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftBottomRightTopCursor : kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); } break; case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftBottomRightTopCursor : kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftTopRightBottomCursor : kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); } break; } } else if (rotation < 90.0) { switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftRightCursor : kUpDownCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kUpDownCursor : kLeftRightCursor); } break; case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kUpDownCursor : kLeftRightCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftRightCursor : kUpDownCursor); } break; } } else if (rotation < 135.0) { switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftBottomRightTopCursor : kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftTopRightBottomCursor : kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); } break; case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftTopRightBottomCursor : kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftBottomRightTopCursor : kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); } break; } } else { switch (fCorner) { case LEFT_TOP_CORNER: case RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kUpDownCursor : kLeftRightCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftRightCursor : kUpDownCursor); } break; case RIGHT_TOP_CORNER: case LEFT_BOTTOM_CORNER: if (flipX) { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kLeftRightCursor : kUpDownCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, flipY ? kUpDownCursor : kLeftRightCursor); } break; } } } // ActionName const char* DragCornerState::ActionName() const { return "Scale"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 DragCornerState::ActionNameIndex() const { return SCALE; } // #pragma mark - DragSideState DragSideState::DragSideState(TransformBox* parent, uint32 side) : DragState(parent), fSide(side) { } // SetOrigin void DragSideState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { fOldXScale = fParent->LocalXScale(); fOldYScale = fParent->LocalYScale(); fOldOffset = fParent->Translation(); // copy the matrix at the start of the drag procedure fMatrix.reset(); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_scaling(fOldXScale, fOldYScale)); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_rotation(fParent->LocalRotation() * M_PI / 180.0)); fMatrix.multiply(agg::trans_affine_translation(fParent->Translation().x, fParent->Translation().y)); double x = origin.x; double y = origin.y; fMatrix.inverse_transform(&x, &y); origin.x = x; origin.y = y; BRect box = fParent->Box(); switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: fOffsetFromSide = origin.x - box.left; fOldSideDist = box.left - box.right; origin.x = box.right; break; case RIGHT_SIDE: fOffsetFromSide = origin.x - box.right; fOldSideDist = box.right - box.left; origin.x = box.left; break; case TOP_SIDE: fOffsetFromSide = origin.y - box.top; fOldSideDist = box.top - box.bottom; origin.y = box.bottom; break; case BOTTOM_SIDE: fOffsetFromSide = origin.y - box.bottom; fOldSideDist = box.bottom - box.top; origin.y = box.top; break; } DragState::SetOrigin(origin); } // DragTo void DragSideState::DragTo(BPoint current, uint32 modifiers) { double x = current.x; double y = current.y; fMatrix.inverse_transform(&x, &y); double xScale = 1.0; double yScale = 1.0; BPoint translation(0.0, 0.0); switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: case RIGHT_SIDE: x -= fOrigin.x; if (fOldSideDist != 0.0) xScale = (x - fOffsetFromSide) / (fOldSideDist); translation.x = fOrigin.x - fOrigin.x * xScale; break; case TOP_SIDE: case BOTTOM_SIDE: y -= fOrigin.y; if (fOldSideDist != 0.0) yScale = (y - fOffsetFromSide) / (fOldSideDist); translation.y = fOrigin.y - fOrigin.y * yScale; break; } x = translation.x; y = translation.y; fMatrix.transform(&x, &y); translation.x = x; translation.y = y; fParent->SetTranslationAndScale(translation, xScale * fOldXScale, yScale * fOldYScale); } // UpdateViewCursor void DragSideState::UpdateViewCursor(BView* view, BPoint current) const { float rotation = fmod(360.0 - fParent->ViewSpaceRotation() + 22.5, 180.0); if (rotation < 45.0) { switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: case RIGHT_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftRightCursor); break; case TOP_SIDE: case BOTTOM_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kUpDownCursor); break; } } else if (rotation < 90.0) { switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: case RIGHT_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); break; case TOP_SIDE: case BOTTOM_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); break; } } else if (rotation < 135.0) { switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: case RIGHT_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kUpDownCursor); break; case TOP_SIDE: case BOTTOM_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftRightCursor); break; } } else { switch (fSide) { case LEFT_SIDE: case RIGHT_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftTopRightBottomCursor); break; case TOP_SIDE: case BOTTOM_SIDE: _SetViewCursor(view, kLeftBottomRightTopCursor); break; } } } // ActionName const char* DragSideState::ActionName() const { return "Scale"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 DragSideState::ActionNameIndex() const { return SCALE; } // #pragma mark - DragBoxState // SetOrigin void DragBoxState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { fOldTranslation = fParent->Translation(); DragState::SetOrigin(origin); } // DragTo void DragBoxState::DragTo(BPoint current, uint32 modifiers) { BPoint offset = current - fOrigin; BPoint newTranslation = fOldTranslation + offset; if (modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) { if (fabs(offset.x) > fabs(offset.y)) newTranslation.y = fOldTranslation.y; else newTranslation.x = fOldTranslation.x; } fParent->TranslateBy(newTranslation - fParent->Translation()); } // UpdateViewCursor void DragBoxState::UpdateViewCursor(BView* view, BPoint current) const { _SetViewCursor(view, kMoveCursor); } // ActionName const char* DragBoxState::ActionName() const { return "Move"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 DragBoxState::ActionNameIndex() const { return MOVE; } // #pragma mark - RotateBoxState // constructor RotateBoxState::RotateBoxState(TransformBox* parent) : DragState(parent), fOldAngle(0.0) { } // SetOrigin void RotateBoxState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { DragState::SetOrigin(origin); fOldAngle = fParent->LocalRotation(); } // DragTo void RotateBoxState::DragTo(BPoint current, uint32 modifiers) { double angle = calc_angle(fParent->Center(), fOrigin, current); if (modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) { if (angle < 0.0) angle -= 22.5; else angle += 22.5; angle = 45.0 * ((int32)angle / 45); } double newAngle = fOldAngle + angle; fParent->RotateBy(fParent->Center(), newAngle - fParent->LocalRotation()); } // UpdateViewCursor void RotateBoxState::UpdateViewCursor(BView* view, BPoint current) const { BPoint origin(fParent->Center()); fParent->TransformToCanvas(origin); fParent->TransformToCanvas(current); BPoint from = origin + BPoint(sinf(22.5 * 180.0 / M_PI) * 50.0, -cosf(22.5 * 180.0 / M_PI) * 50.0); float rotation = calc_angle(origin, from, current) + 180.0; if (rotation < 45.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateLCursor); } else if (rotation < 90.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateLTCursor); } else if (rotation < 135.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateTCursor); } else if (rotation < 180.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateRTCursor); } else if (rotation < 225.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateRCursor); } else if (rotation < 270.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateRBCursor); } else if (rotation < 315.0) { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateBCursor); } else { _SetViewCursor(view, kRotateLBCursor); } } // ActionName const char* RotateBoxState::ActionName() const { return "Rotate"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 RotateBoxState::ActionNameIndex() const { return ROTATE; } // #pragma mark - OffsetCenterState // SetOrigin void OffsetCenterState::SetOrigin(BPoint origin) { fParent->InverseTransform(&origin); DragState::SetOrigin(origin); } // DragTo void OffsetCenterState::DragTo(BPoint current, uint32 modifiers) { fParent->InverseTransform(¤t); fParent->OffsetCenter(current - fOrigin); fOrigin = current; } // UpdateViewCursor void OffsetCenterState::UpdateViewCursor(BView* view, BPoint current) const { _SetViewCursor(view, kPathMoveCursor); } // ActionName const char* OffsetCenterState::ActionName() const { return "Move Pivot"; } // ActionNameIndex uint32 OffsetCenterState::ActionNameIndex() const { return MOVE_PIVOT; }