/* * Copyright 2014, Stephan Aßmus . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef TEXT_EDITOR_H #define TEXT_EDITOR_H #include #include #include "CharacterStyle.h" #include "TextDocument.h" #include "TextDocumentLayout.h" #include "TextSelection.h" class KeyEvent { public: const char* bytes; int32 length; int32 key; int32 modifiers; }; class TextEditor : public BReferenceable { public: TextEditor(); TextEditor(const TextEditor& other); virtual ~TextEditor(); TextEditor& operator=(const TextEditor& other); bool operator==(const TextEditor& other) const; bool operator!=(const TextEditor& other) const; void SetDocument(const TextDocumentRef& ref); TextDocumentRef Document() const { return fDocument; } void SetLayout( const TextDocumentLayoutRef& ref); TextDocumentLayoutRef Layout() const { return fLayout; } void SetEditingEnabled(bool enabled); inline bool IsEditingEnabled() const { return fEditingEnabled; } void SetCaret(BPoint location, bool extendSelection); void SetSelection(TextSelection selection); inline TextSelection Selection() const { return fSelection; } void SetCharacterStyle(::CharacterStyle style); ::CharacterStyle CharacterStyle() const { return fStyleAtCaret; } virtual void KeyDown(KeyEvent event); virtual status_t Insert(int32 offset, const BString& string); virtual status_t Remove(int32 offset, int32 length); void LineUp(bool select); void LineDown(bool select); void LineStart(bool select); void LineEnd(bool select); bool HasSelection() const; int32 SelectionStart() const; int32 SelectionEnd() const; int32 SelectionLength() const; inline int32 CaretOffset() const { return fSelection.Caret(); } private: void _MoveToLine(int32 lineIndex, bool select); void _SetCaretOffset(int32 offset, bool updateAnchor, bool lockSelectionAnchor, bool updateSelectionStyle); void _SetSelection(int32 caret, int32 anchor, bool updateAnchor, bool updateSelectionStyle); void _UpdateStyleAtCaret(); private: TextDocumentRef fDocument; TextDocumentLayoutRef fLayout; TextSelection fSelection; float fCaretAnchorX; ::CharacterStyle fStyleAtCaret; bool fEditingEnabled; }; typedef BReference TextEditorRef; #endif // TEXT_EDITOR_H