/* * Copyright 2014, Stephan Aßmus . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "TextEditor.h" #include #include TextEditor::TextEditor() : fDocument(), fLayout(), fSelection(), fCaretAnchorX(0.0f), fStyleAtCaret(), fEditingEnabled(true) { } TextEditor::TextEditor(const TextEditor& other) : fDocument(other.fDocument), fLayout(other.fLayout), fSelection(other.fSelection), fCaretAnchorX(other.fCaretAnchorX), fStyleAtCaret(other.fStyleAtCaret), fEditingEnabled(other.fEditingEnabled) { } TextEditor::~TextEditor() { } TextEditor& TextEditor::operator=(const TextEditor& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; fDocument = other.fDocument; fLayout = other.fLayout; fSelection = other.fSelection; fCaretAnchorX = other.fCaretAnchorX; fStyleAtCaret = other.fStyleAtCaret; fEditingEnabled = other.fEditingEnabled; return *this; } bool TextEditor::operator==(const TextEditor& other) const { if (this == &other) return true; return fDocument == other.fDocument && fLayout == other.fLayout && fSelection == other.fSelection && fCaretAnchorX == other.fCaretAnchorX && fStyleAtCaret == other.fStyleAtCaret && fEditingEnabled == other.fEditingEnabled; } bool TextEditor::operator!=(const TextEditor& other) const { return !(*this == other); } // #pragma mark - void TextEditor::SetDocument(const TextDocumentRef& ref) { fDocument = ref; SetSelection(TextSelection()); } void TextEditor::SetLayout(const TextDocumentLayoutRef& ref) { fLayout = ref; SetSelection(TextSelection()); } void TextEditor::SetEditingEnabled(bool enabled) { fEditingEnabled = enabled; } void TextEditor::SetCaret(BPoint location, bool extendSelection) { if (fDocument.Get() == NULL || fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; bool rightOfChar = false; int32 caretOffset = fLayout->TextOffsetAt(location.x, location.y, rightOfChar); if (rightOfChar) caretOffset++; _SetCaretOffset(caretOffset, true, extendSelection, true); } void TextEditor::SelectAll() { if (fDocument.Get() == NULL) return; SetSelection(TextSelection(0, fDocument->Length())); } void TextEditor::SetSelection(TextSelection selection) { _SetSelection(selection.Caret(), selection.Anchor(), true, true); } void TextEditor::SetCharacterStyle(::CharacterStyle style) { if (fStyleAtCaret == style) return; fStyleAtCaret = style; if (HasSelection()) { // TODO: Apply style to selection range } } void TextEditor::KeyDown(KeyEvent event) { if (fDocument.Get() == NULL) return; bool select = (event.modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0; switch (event.key) { case B_UP_ARROW: LineUp(select); break; case B_DOWN_ARROW: LineDown(select); break; case B_LEFT_ARROW: if (HasSelection() && !select) { _SetCaretOffset( std::min(fSelection.Caret(), fSelection.Anchor()), true, false, true); } else _SetCaretOffset(fSelection.Caret() - 1, true, select, true); break; case B_RIGHT_ARROW: if (HasSelection() && !select) { _SetCaretOffset( std::max(fSelection.Caret(), fSelection.Anchor()), true, false, true); } else _SetCaretOffset(fSelection.Caret() + 1, true, select, true); break; case B_HOME: LineStart(select); break; case B_END: LineEnd(select); break; case B_ENTER: Insert(fSelection.Caret(), "\n"); break; case B_TAB: // TODO: Tab support in TextLayout Insert(fSelection.Caret(), " "); break; case B_ESCAPE: break; case B_BACKSPACE: if (HasSelection()) { Remove(SelectionStart(), SelectionLength()); } else { if (fSelection.Caret() > 0) Remove(fSelection.Caret() - 1, 1); } break; case B_DELETE: if (HasSelection()) { Remove(SelectionStart(), SelectionLength()); } else { if (fSelection.Caret() < fDocument->Length()) Remove(fSelection.Caret(), 1); } break; case B_INSERT: // TODO: Toggle insert mode (or maybe just don't support it) break; case B_PAGE_UP: case B_PAGE_DOWN: case B_SUBSTITUTE: case B_FUNCTION_KEY: case B_KATAKANA_HIRAGANA: case B_HANKAKU_ZENKAKU: break; default: if (event.bytes != NULL && event.length > 0) { // Handle null-termintating the string BString text(event.bytes, event.length); Replace(SelectionStart(), SelectionLength(), text); } break; } } status_t TextEditor::Insert(int32 offset, const BString& string) { if (!fEditingEnabled || fDocument.Get() == NULL) return B_ERROR; status_t ret = fDocument->Insert(offset, string, fStyleAtCaret); if (ret == B_OK) { _SetCaretOffset(offset + string.CountChars(), true, false, true); fDocument->PrintToStream(); } return ret; } status_t TextEditor::Remove(int32 offset, int32 length) { if (!fEditingEnabled || fDocument.Get() == NULL) return B_ERROR; status_t ret = fDocument->Remove(offset, length); if (ret == B_OK) { _SetCaretOffset(offset, true, false, true); fDocument->PrintToStream(); } return ret; } status_t TextEditor::Replace(int32 offset, int32 length, const BString& string) { if (!fEditingEnabled || fDocument.Get() == NULL) return B_ERROR; status_t ret = fDocument->Replace(offset, length, string); if (ret == B_OK) { _SetCaretOffset(offset + string.CountChars(), true, false, true); fDocument->PrintToStream(); } return ret; } // #pragma mark - void TextEditor::LineUp(bool select) { if (fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; int32 lineIndex = fLayout->LineIndexForOffset(fSelection.Caret()); _MoveToLine(lineIndex - 1, select); } void TextEditor::LineDown(bool select) { if (fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; int32 lineIndex = fLayout->LineIndexForOffset(fSelection.Caret()); _MoveToLine(lineIndex + 1, select); } void TextEditor::LineStart(bool select) { if (fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; int32 lineIndex = fLayout->LineIndexForOffset(fSelection.Caret()); _SetCaretOffset(fLayout->FirstOffsetOnLine(lineIndex), true, select, true); } void TextEditor::LineEnd(bool select) { if (fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; int32 lineIndex = fLayout->LineIndexForOffset(fSelection.Caret()); _SetCaretOffset(fLayout->LastOffsetOnLine(lineIndex), true, select, true); } // #pragma mark - bool TextEditor::HasSelection() const { return SelectionLength() > 0; } int32 TextEditor::SelectionStart() const { return std::min(fSelection.Caret(), fSelection.Anchor()); } int32 TextEditor::SelectionEnd() const { return std::max(fSelection.Caret(), fSelection.Anchor()); } int32 TextEditor::SelectionLength() const { return SelectionEnd() - SelectionStart(); } // #pragma mark - private // _MoveToLine void TextEditor::_MoveToLine(int32 lineIndex, bool select) { if (lineIndex < 0) { // Move to beginning of line instead. Most editors do. Some only when // selecting. Note that we are not updating the horizontal anchor here, // even though the horizontal caret position changes. Most editors // return to the previous horizonal offset when moving back down from // the beginning of the line. _SetCaretOffset(0, false, select, true); return; } if (lineIndex >= fLayout->CountLines()) { // Move to end of line instead, see above for why we do not update the // horizontal anchor. _SetCaretOffset(fDocument->Length(), false, select, true); return; } float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; fLayout->GetLineBounds(lineIndex , x1, y1, x2, y2); bool rightOfCenter; int32 textOffset = fLayout->TextOffsetAt(fCaretAnchorX, (y1 + y2) / 2, rightOfCenter); if (rightOfCenter) textOffset++; _SetCaretOffset(textOffset, false, select, true); } void TextEditor::_SetCaretOffset(int32 offset, bool updateAnchor, bool lockSelectionAnchor, bool updateSelectionStyle) { if (fDocument.Get() == NULL) return; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; int32 textLength = fDocument->Length(); if (offset > textLength) offset = textLength; int32 caret = offset; int32 anchor = lockSelectionAnchor ? fSelection.Anchor() : offset; _SetSelection(caret, anchor, updateAnchor, updateSelectionStyle); } void TextEditor::_SetSelection(int32 caret, int32 anchor, bool updateAnchor, bool updateSelectionStyle) { if (fLayout.Get() == NULL) return; if (caret == fSelection.Caret() && anchor == fSelection.Anchor()) return; fSelection.SetCaret(caret); fSelection.SetAnchor(anchor); if (updateAnchor) { float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; fLayout->GetTextBounds(caret, x1, y1, x2, y2); fCaretAnchorX = x1; } if (updateSelectionStyle) _UpdateStyleAtCaret(); } void TextEditor::_UpdateStyleAtCaret() { if (fDocument.Get() == NULL) return; int32 offset = fSelection.Caret() - 1; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; SetCharacterStyle(fDocument->CharacterStyleAt(offset)); }