/* * Copyright 2013-2015, Stephan Aßmus . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "TextDocumentView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* kMimeTypePlainText = "text/plain"; enum { MSG_BLINK_CARET = 'blnk', }; TextDocumentView::TextDocumentView(const char* name) : BView(name, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fTextDocument(NULL), fTextEditor(NULL), fInsetLeft(0.0f), fInsetTop(0.0f), fInsetRight(0.0f), fInsetBottom(0.0f), fCaretBounds(), fCaretBlinker(NULL), fCaretBlinkToken(0), fSelectionEnabled(true), fShowCaret(false) { fTextDocumentLayout.SetWidth(_TextLayoutWidth(Bounds().Width())); // Set default TextEditor SetTextEditor(TextEditorRef(new(std::nothrow) TextEditor(), true)); SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetLowUIColor(ViewUIColor()); } TextDocumentView::~TextDocumentView() { // Don't forget to remove listeners SetTextEditor(TextEditorRef()); delete fCaretBlinker; } void TextDocumentView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_COPY: Copy(be_clipboard); break; case B_PASTE: Paste(be_clipboard); break; case B_SELECT_ALL: SelectAll(); break; case MSG_BLINK_CARET: { int32 token; if (message->FindInt32("token", &token) == B_OK && token == fCaretBlinkToken) { _BlinkCaret(); } break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); } } void TextDocumentView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { FillRect(updateRect, B_SOLID_LOW); fTextDocumentLayout.SetWidth(_TextLayoutWidth(Bounds().Width())); fTextDocumentLayout.Draw(this, BPoint(fInsetLeft, fInsetTop), updateRect); if (!fSelectionEnabled || !fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; bool isCaret = fTextEditor->SelectionLength() == 0; if (isCaret) { if (fShowCaret && fTextEditor->IsEditingEnabled()) _DrawCaret(fTextEditor->CaretOffset()); } else { _DrawSelection(); } } void TextDocumentView::AttachedToWindow() { _UpdateScrollBars(); } void TextDocumentView::FrameResized(float width, float height) { fTextDocumentLayout.SetWidth(width); _UpdateScrollBars(); } void TextDocumentView::WindowActivated(bool active) { Invalidate(); } void TextDocumentView::MakeFocus(bool focus) { if (focus != IsFocus()) Invalidate(); BView::MakeFocus(focus); } void TextDocumentView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { if (!fTextEditor.IsSet() || !fTextDocument.IsSet()) return BView::MouseDown(where); BMessage* currentMessage = NULL; if (Window() != NULL) currentMessage = Window()->CurrentMessage(); // First of all, check for links and other clickable things bool unused; int32 offset = fTextDocumentLayout.TextOffsetAt(where.x, where.y, unused); const BMessage* message = fTextDocument->ClickMessageAt(offset); if (message != NULL) { BMessage clickMessage(*message); clickMessage.Append(*currentMessage); Invoke(&clickMessage); } if (!fSelectionEnabled) return; MakeFocus(); int32 modifiers = 0; if (currentMessage != NULL) currentMessage->FindInt32("modifiers", &modifiers); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); bool extendSelection = (modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0; SetCaret(where, extendSelection); BView::MouseDown(where); } void TextDocumentView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage) { if (!fTextEditor.IsSet() || !fTextDocument.IsSet()) return BView::MouseMoved(where, transit, dragMessage); BCursor cursor(B_CURSOR_ID_I_BEAM); if (transit != B_EXITED_VIEW) { bool unused; int32 offset = fTextDocumentLayout.TextOffsetAt(where.x, where.y, unused); const BCursor& newCursor = fTextDocument->CursorAt(offset); if (newCursor.InitCheck() == B_OK) { cursor = newCursor; SetViewCursor(&cursor); } } if (!fSelectionEnabled) return; SetViewCursor(&cursor); uint32 buttons = 0; if (Window() != NULL) Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", (int32*)&buttons); if (buttons > 0) SetCaret(where, true); BView::MouseMoved(where, transit, dragMessage); } void TextDocumentView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (!fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; KeyEvent event; event.bytes = bytes; event.length = numBytes; event.key = 0; event.modifiers = modifiers(); if (Window() != NULL && Window()->CurrentMessage() != NULL) { BMessage* message = Window()->CurrentMessage(); message->FindInt32("raw_char", &event.key); message->FindInt32("modifiers", &event.modifiers); } float viewHeightPrior = fTextEditor->Layout()->Height(); fTextEditor->KeyDown(event); _ShowCaret(true); // TODO: It is necessary to invalidate all, since neither the caret bounds // are updated in a way that would work here, nor is the text updated // correctly which has been edited. Invalidate(); if (fTextEditor->Layout()->Height() != viewHeightPrior) _UpdateScrollBars(); } void TextDocumentView::KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { } BSize TextDocumentView::MinSize() { return BSize(fInsetLeft + fInsetRight + 50.0f, fInsetTop + fInsetBottom); } BSize TextDocumentView::MaxSize() { return BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNLIMITED); } BSize TextDocumentView::PreferredSize() { return BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNLIMITED); } bool TextDocumentView::HasHeightForWidth() { return true; } void TextDocumentView::GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min, float* max, float* preferred) { TextDocumentLayout layout(fTextDocumentLayout); layout.SetWidth(_TextLayoutWidth(width)); float height = layout.Height() + 1 + fInsetTop + fInsetBottom; if (min != NULL) *min = height; if (max != NULL) *max = height; if (preferred != NULL) *preferred = height; } // #pragma mark - void TextDocumentView::SetTextDocument(const TextDocumentRef& document) { fTextDocument = document; fTextDocumentLayout.SetTextDocument(fTextDocument); if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) fTextEditor->SetDocument(document); InvalidateLayout(); Invalidate(); _UpdateScrollBars(); } void TextDocumentView::SetEditingEnabled(bool enabled) { if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) fTextEditor->SetEditingEnabled(enabled); } void TextDocumentView::SetTextEditor(const TextEditorRef& editor) { if (fTextEditor == editor) return; if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) { fTextEditor->SetDocument(TextDocumentRef()); fTextEditor->SetLayout(TextDocumentLayoutRef()); // TODO: Probably has to remove listeners } fTextEditor = editor; if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) { fTextEditor->SetDocument(fTextDocument); fTextEditor->SetLayout(TextDocumentLayoutRef( &fTextDocumentLayout)); // TODO: Probably has to add listeners } } void TextDocumentView::SetInsets(float inset) { SetInsets(inset, inset, inset, inset); } void TextDocumentView::SetInsets(float horizontal, float vertical) { SetInsets(horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical); } void TextDocumentView::SetInsets(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { if (fInsetLeft == left && fInsetTop == top && fInsetRight == right && fInsetBottom == bottom) { return; } fInsetLeft = left; fInsetTop = top; fInsetRight = right; fInsetBottom = bottom; InvalidateLayout(); Invalidate(); } void TextDocumentView::SetSelectionEnabled(bool enabled) { if (fSelectionEnabled == enabled) return; fSelectionEnabled = enabled; Invalidate(); // TODO: Deselect } void TextDocumentView::SetCaret(BPoint location, bool extendSelection) { if (!fSelectionEnabled || !fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; location.x -= fInsetLeft; location.y -= fInsetTop; fTextEditor->SetCaret(location, extendSelection); _ShowCaret(!extendSelection); Invalidate(); } void TextDocumentView::SelectAll() { if (!fSelectionEnabled || !fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; fTextEditor->SelectAll(); _ShowCaret(false); Invalidate(); } bool TextDocumentView::HasSelection() const { return fTextEditor.IsSet() && fTextEditor->HasSelection(); } void TextDocumentView::GetSelection(int32& start, int32& end) const { if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) { start = fTextEditor->SelectionStart(); end = fTextEditor->SelectionEnd(); } } void TextDocumentView::Paste(BClipboard* clipboard) { if (!fTextDocument.IsSet() || !fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; if (!clipboard->Lock()) return; BMessage* clip = clipboard->Data(); if (clip != NULL) { const void* plainTextData; ssize_t plainTextDataSize; if (clip->FindData(kMimeTypePlainText, B_MIME_TYPE, &plainTextData, &plainTextDataSize) == B_OK) { if (plainTextDataSize > 0) { if (_PastePossiblyDisallowedChars(static_cast(plainTextData), static_cast(plainTextDataSize)) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to paste text owing to internal error"); // don't use HaikuDepot logging system as this is in the text engine } } } } clipboard->Unlock(); } /*! This method will check that all of the characters in the provided string are allowed in the text document. Returns true if this is the case. */ /*static*/ bool TextDocumentView::_AreCharsAllowed(const char* str, int32 maxLength) { for (int32 i = 0; str[i] != 0 && i < maxLength; i++) { if (!TextDocumentView::_IsAllowedChar(i)) return false; } return true; } /*static*/ bool TextDocumentView::_IsAllowedChar(char c) { return c >= ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == 127 // delete ; } void TextDocumentView::Copy(BClipboard* clipboard) { if (!HasSelection() || !fTextDocument.IsSet()) { // Nothing to copy, don't clear clipboard contents for now reason. return; } if (clipboard == NULL || !clipboard->Lock()) return; clipboard->Clear(); BMessage* clip = clipboard->Data(); if (clip != NULL) { int32 start; int32 end; GetSelection(start, end); BString text = fTextDocument->Text(start, end - start); clip->AddData(kMimeTypePlainText, B_MIME_TYPE, text.String(), text.Length()); // TODO: Support for "application/x-vnd.Be-text_run_array" clipboard->Commit(); } clipboard->Unlock(); } void TextDocumentView::Relayout() { fTextDocumentLayout.Invalidate(); _UpdateScrollBars(); } // #pragma mark - private float TextDocumentView::_TextLayoutWidth(float viewWidth) const { return viewWidth - (fInsetLeft + fInsetRight); } static const float kHorizontalScrollBarStep = 10.0f; static const float kVerticalScrollBarStep = 12.0f; void TextDocumentView::_UpdateScrollBars() { BRect bounds(Bounds()); BScrollBar* horizontalScrollBar = ScrollBar(B_HORIZONTAL); if (horizontalScrollBar != NULL) { long viewWidth = bounds.IntegerWidth(); long dataWidth = (long)ceilf( fTextDocumentLayout.Width() + fInsetLeft + fInsetRight); long maxRange = dataWidth - viewWidth; maxRange = std::max(maxRange, 0L); horizontalScrollBar->SetRange(0, (float)maxRange); horizontalScrollBar->SetProportion((float)viewWidth / dataWidth); horizontalScrollBar->SetSteps(kHorizontalScrollBarStep, dataWidth / 10); } BScrollBar* verticalScrollBar = ScrollBar(B_VERTICAL); if (verticalScrollBar != NULL) { long viewHeight = bounds.IntegerHeight(); long dataHeight = (long)ceilf( fTextDocumentLayout.Height() + fInsetTop + fInsetBottom); long maxRange = dataHeight - viewHeight; maxRange = std::max(maxRange, 0L); verticalScrollBar->SetRange(0, maxRange); verticalScrollBar->SetProportion((float)viewHeight / dataHeight); verticalScrollBar->SetSteps(kVerticalScrollBarStep, viewHeight); } } void TextDocumentView::_ShowCaret(bool show) { fShowCaret = show; if (fCaretBounds.IsValid()) Invalidate(fCaretBounds); else Invalidate(); // Cancel previous blinker, increment blink token so we only accept // the message from the blinker we just created fCaretBlinkToken++; BMessage message(MSG_BLINK_CARET); message.AddInt32("token", fCaretBlinkToken); delete fCaretBlinker; fCaretBlinker = new BMessageRunner(BMessenger(this), &message, 500000, 1); } void TextDocumentView::_BlinkCaret() { if (!fSelectionEnabled || !fTextEditor.IsSet()) return; _ShowCaret(!fShowCaret); } void TextDocumentView::_DrawCaret(int32 textOffset) { if (!IsFocus() || Window() == NULL || !Window()->IsActive()) return; float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; fTextDocumentLayout.GetTextBounds(textOffset, x1, y1, x2, y2); x2 = x1 + 1; fCaretBounds = BRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); fCaretBounds.OffsetBy(fInsetLeft, fInsetTop); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); FillRect(fCaretBounds); } void TextDocumentView::_DrawSelection() { int32 start; int32 end; GetSelection(start, end); BShape shape; _GetSelectionShape(shape, start, end); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_SUBTRACT); SetLineMode(B_ROUND_CAP, B_ROUND_JOIN); MovePenTo(fInsetLeft - 0.5f, fInsetTop - 0.5f); if (IsFocus() && Window() != NULL && Window()->IsActive()) { SetHighColor(30, 30, 30); FillShape(&shape); } SetHighColor(40, 40, 40); StrokeShape(&shape); } void TextDocumentView::_GetSelectionShape(BShape& shape, int32 start, int32 end) { float startX1; float startY1; float startX2; float startY2; fTextDocumentLayout.GetTextBounds(start, startX1, startY1, startX2, startY2); startX1 = floorf(startX1); startY1 = floorf(startY1); startX2 = ceilf(startX2); startY2 = ceilf(startY2); float endX1; float endY1; float endX2; float endY2; fTextDocumentLayout.GetTextBounds(end, endX1, endY1, endX2, endY2); endX1 = floorf(endX1); endY1 = floorf(endY1); endX2 = ceilf(endX2); endY2 = ceilf(endY2); int32 startLineIndex = fTextDocumentLayout.LineIndexForOffset(start); int32 endLineIndex = fTextDocumentLayout.LineIndexForOffset(end); if (startLineIndex == endLineIndex) { // Selection on one line BPoint lt(startX1, startY1); BPoint rt(endX1, endY1); BPoint rb(endX1, endY2); BPoint lb(startX1, startY2); shape.MoveTo(lt); shape.LineTo(rt); shape.LineTo(rb); shape.LineTo(lb); shape.Close(); } else if (startLineIndex == endLineIndex - 1 && endX1 <= startX1) { // Selection on two lines, with gap: // --------- // ------### // ##------- // --------- float width = ceilf(fTextDocumentLayout.Width()); BPoint lt(startX1, startY1); BPoint rt(width, startY1); BPoint rb(width, startY2); BPoint lb(startX1, startY2); shape.MoveTo(lt); shape.LineTo(rt); shape.LineTo(rb); shape.LineTo(lb); shape.Close(); lt = BPoint(0, endY1); rt = BPoint(endX1, endY1); rb = BPoint(endX1, endY2); lb = BPoint(0, endY2); shape.MoveTo(lt); shape.LineTo(rt); shape.LineTo(rb); shape.LineTo(lb); shape.Close(); } else { // Selection over multiple lines float width = ceilf(fTextDocumentLayout.Width()); shape.MoveTo(BPoint(startX1, startY1)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(width, startY1)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(width, endY1)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(endX1, endY1)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(endX1, endY2)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(0, endY2)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(0, startY2)); shape.LineTo(BPoint(startX1, startY2)); shape.Close(); } } /*! The data provided in the `str` parameter may contain characters that are not allowed. This method should filter those out and then apply them to the text body. */ status_t TextDocumentView::_PastePossiblyDisallowedChars(const char* str, int32 maxLength) { if (maxLength <= 0) return B_OK; if (TextDocumentView::_AreCharsAllowed(str, maxLength)) { _PasteAllowedChars(str, maxLength); } else { char* strFiltered = new(std::nothrow) char[maxLength]; if (strFiltered == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; int32 strFilteredLength = 0; for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0' && i < maxLength; i++) { if (_IsAllowedChar(str[i])) { strFiltered[strFilteredLength] = str[i]; strFilteredLength++; } } strFiltered[strFilteredLength] = '\0'; _PasteAllowedChars(strFiltered, strFilteredLength); delete[] strFiltered; } return B_OK; } /*! Here the data in `str` should be clean of control characters. */ void TextDocumentView::_PasteAllowedChars(const char* str, int32 maxLength) { BString plainText(str, maxLength); if (plainText.IsEmpty()) return; if (fTextEditor.IsSet()) { if (fTextEditor->HasSelection()) { int32 start = fTextEditor->SelectionStart(); int32 end = fTextEditor->SelectionEnd(); fTextEditor->Replace(start, end - start, plainText); Invalidate(); _UpdateScrollBars(); } else { int32 caretOffset = fTextEditor->CaretOffset(); if (caretOffset >= 0) { fTextEditor->Insert(caretOffset, plainText); Invalidate(); _UpdateScrollBars(); } } } }