/* * Copyright 2017-2020, Andrew Lindesay . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ServerSettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Logger.h" #define BASEURL_DEFAULT "https://depot.haiku-os.org" #define USERAGENT_FALLBACK_VERSION "0.0.0" BUrl ServerSettings::sBaseUrl = BUrl(BASEURL_DEFAULT); BString ServerSettings::sUserAgent = BString(); pthread_once_t ServerSettings::sUserAgentInitOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; bool ServerSettings::sPreferCache = false; bool ServerSettings::sDropCache = false; bool ServerSettings::sForceNoNetwork = false; bool ServerSettings::sClientTooOld = false; BLocker ServerSettings::sLock; status_t ServerSettings::SetBaseUrl(const BUrl& value) { if (!value.IsValid()) { HDERROR("the url is not valid") return B_BAD_VALUE; } if (value.Protocol() != "http" && value.Protocol() != "https") { HDERROR("the url protocol must be 'http' or 'https'") return B_BAD_VALUE; } sBaseUrl = value; return B_OK; } BUrl ServerSettings::CreateFullUrl(const BString urlPathComponents) { return BUrl(sBaseUrl, urlPathComponents); } const BString ServerSettings::GetUserAgent() { if (sUserAgent.IsEmpty()) pthread_once(&sUserAgentInitOnce, &ServerSettings::_InitUserAgent); return sUserAgent; } void ServerSettings::_InitUserAgent() { sUserAgent.SetTo("HaikuDepot/"); sUserAgent.Append(_GetUserAgentVersionString()); } const BString ServerSettings::_GetUserAgentVersionString() { app_info info; if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info) != B_OK) { HDERROR("Unable to get the application info") be_app->Quit(); return BString(USERAGENT_FALLBACK_VERSION); } BFile file(&info.ref, B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK) { HDERROR("Unable to access the application info file") be_app->Quit(); return BString(USERAGENT_FALLBACK_VERSION); } BAppFileInfo appFileInfo(&file); version_info versionInfo; if (appFileInfo.GetVersionInfo( &versionInfo, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) != B_OK) { HDERROR("Unable to establish the application version") be_app->Quit(); return BString(USERAGENT_FALLBACK_VERSION); } BString result; result.SetToFormat("%" B_PRId32 ".%" B_PRId32 ".%" B_PRId32, versionInfo.major, versionInfo.middle, versionInfo.minor); return result; } void ServerSettings::AugmentHeaders(BHttpHeaders& headers) { headers.AddHeader("User-Agent", GetUserAgent()); } bool ServerSettings::PreferCache() { return sPreferCache; } void ServerSettings::SetPreferCache(bool value) { sPreferCache = value; } bool ServerSettings::DropCache() { return sDropCache; } void ServerSettings::SetDropCache(bool value) { sDropCache = value; } bool ServerSettings::ForceNoNetwork() { return sForceNoNetwork; } void ServerSettings::SetForceNoNetwork(bool value) { sForceNoNetwork = value; } bool ServerSettings::IsClientTooOld() { BAutolock locker(&sLock); return sClientTooOld; } void ServerSettings::SetClientTooOld() { BAutolock locker(&sLock); sClientTooOld = true; }