/* * Copyright 2017-2018, Andrew Lindesay . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ServerIconExportUpdateProcess.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HaikuDepotConstants.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "ServerHelper.h" #include "ServerSettings.h" #include "StorageUtils.h" #include "TarArchiveService.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ServerIconExportUpdateProcess" /*! This constructor will locate the cached data in a standardized location */ ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::ServerIconExportUpdateProcess( Model* model, uint32 serverProcessOptions) : AbstractServerProcess(serverProcessOptions), fModel(model), fCountIconsSet(0) { AutoLocker locker(fModel->Lock()); if (fModel->IconStoragePath(fLocalIconStoragePath) != B_OK) { printf("[%s] unable to obtain the path for storing icons\n", Name()); fLocalIconStoragePath.Unset(); fLocalIconStore = NULL; } else { fLocalIconStore = new LocalIconStore(fLocalIconStoragePath); } } ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::~ServerIconExportUpdateProcess() { delete fLocalIconStore; } const char* ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::Name() const { return "ServerIconExportUpdateProcess"; } const char* ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::Description() const { return B_TRANSLATE("Synchronizing icons"); } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::RunInternal() { status_t result = B_OK; if (NULL == fLocalIconStore || fLocalIconStoragePath.Path() == NULL) result = B_ERROR; if (IsSuccess(result) && HasOption(SERVER_PROCESS_DROP_CACHE)) { result = StorageUtils::RemoveDirectoryContents(fLocalIconStoragePath); } if (result == B_OK) { bool hasData; result = HasLocalData(&hasData); if (result == B_OK && ShouldAttemptNetworkDownload(hasData)) result = _DownloadAndUnpack(); if (IsSuccess(result)) { status_t hasDataResult = HasLocalData(&hasData); if (hasDataResult == B_OK && !hasData) result = HD_ERR_NO_DATA; } } if (IsSuccess(result) && !WasStopped()) result = Populate(); return result; } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::Populate() { BStopWatch watch("ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::Populate", true); DepotList depots = fModel->Depots(); status_t result = B_OK; { AutoLocker locker(fModel->Lock()); depots = fModel->Depots(); } if (Logger::IsDebugEnabled()) { printf("[%s] will populate icons for %" B_PRId32 " depots\n", Name(), depots.CountItems()); } for (int32 i = 0; (i < depots.CountItems()) && !WasStopped() && (result == B_OK); i++) { AutoLocker locker(fModel->Lock()); DepotInfo depotInfo = depots.ItemAtFast(i); result = PopulateForDepot(depotInfo); } if (Logger::IsInfoEnabled()) { double secs = watch.ElapsedTime() / 1000000.0; printf("[%s] did populate %" B_PRId32 " packages' icons (%6.3g secs)\n", Name(), fCountIconsSet, secs); } return result; } /*! This method assumes that the model lock has been acquired */ status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::PopulateForDepot(const DepotInfo& depot) { printf("[%s] will populate icons for depot [%s]\n", Name(), depot.Name().String()); status_t result = B_OK; PackageList packages = depot.Packages(); for(int32 j = 0; (j < packages.CountItems()) && !WasStopped() && (result == B_OK); j++) { const PackageInfoRef& packageInfoRef = packages.ItemAtFast(j); result = PopulateForPkg(packageInfoRef); if (result == B_FILE_NOT_FOUND) result = B_OK; } return result; } /*! This method assumes that the model lock has been acquired */ status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::PopulateForPkg(const PackageInfoRef& package) { BPath bestIconPath; if ( fLocalIconStore->TryFindIconPath( package->Name(), bestIconPath) == B_OK) { BFile bestIconFile(bestIconPath.Path(), O_RDONLY); BitmapRef bitmapRef(new(std::nothrow)SharedBitmap(bestIconFile), true); package->SetIcon(bitmapRef); if (Logger::IsDebugEnabled()) { printf("[%s] have set the package icon for [%s] from [%s]\n", Name(), package->Name().String(), bestIconPath.Path()); } fCountIconsSet++; return B_OK; } if (Logger::IsDebugEnabled()) { printf("[%s] did not set the package icon for [%s]; no data\n", Name(), package->Name().String()); } return B_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::_DownloadAndUnpack() { BPath tarGzFilePath(tmpnam(NULL)); status_t result = B_OK; printf("[%s] will start fetching icons\n", Name()); result = _Download(tarGzFilePath); switch (result) { case HD_ERR_NOT_MODIFIED: printf("[%s] icons not modified - will use existing\n", Name()); return result; break; case B_OK: return _Unpack(tarGzFilePath); default: return (_HandleDownloadFailure() != B_OK) ? result : B_OK; } } /*! if the download failed, but there are existing icons in place to use then use those icons. To detect the existing files, look for the icons' meta-info file. */ status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::_HandleDownloadFailure() { bool hasData; status_t result = HasLocalData(&hasData); if (result == B_OK) { if (hasData) { printf("[%s] failed to update data, but have old data anyway " "so will carry on with that\n", Name()); } else { printf("[%s] failed to obtain data\n", Name()); result = HD_ERR_NO_DATA; } } else { printf("[%s] unable to detect if there is local data\n", Name()); } return result; } /*! The tar-ball data of icons has arrived and so old data needs to be purged to make way for the new data and the new data needs to be unpacked. */ status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::_Unpack(BPath& tarGzFilePath) { status_t result; printf("[%s] delete any existing stored data\n", Name()); StorageUtils::RemoveDirectoryContents(fLocalIconStoragePath); BFile *tarGzFile = new BFile(tarGzFilePath.Path(), O_RDONLY); BDataIO* tarIn; BZlibDecompressionParameters* zlibDecompressionParameters = new BZlibDecompressionParameters(); result = BZlibCompressionAlgorithm() .CreateDecompressingInputStream(tarGzFile, zlibDecompressionParameters, tarIn); if (result == B_OK) { BStopWatch watch( "ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::DownloadAndUnpack_Unpack", true); result = TarArchiveService::Unpack(*tarIn, fLocalIconStoragePath, NULL); if (result == B_OK) { double secs = watch.ElapsedTime() / 1000000.0; printf("[%s] did unpack icon tgz in (%6.3g secs)\n", Name(), secs); if (0 != remove(tarGzFilePath.Path())) { printf("unable to delete the temporary tgz path; %s\n", tarGzFilePath.Path()); } } } delete tarGzFile; printf("[%s] did complete unpacking icons\n", Name()); return result; } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::HasLocalData(bool* result) const { BPath path; status_t status = GetStandardMetaDataPath(path); if (status != B_OK) return status; off_t size; status = StorageUtils::ExistsObject(path, result, NULL, &size); if (status == B_OK && size == 0) *result = false; return status; } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::GetStandardMetaDataPath(BPath& path) const { status_t result = fModel->IconStoragePath(path); if (result != B_OK) return result; path.Append("hicn/info.json"); return B_OK; } void ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::GetStandardMetaDataJsonPath( BString& jsonPath) const { // the "$" here indicates that the data is at the top level. jsonPath.SetTo("$"); } status_t ServerIconExportUpdateProcess::_Download(BPath& tarGzFilePath) { return DownloadToLocalFileAtomically(tarGzFilePath, ServerSettings::CreateFullUrl("/__pkgicon/all.tar.gz")); }