/* * Copyright 2021-2023, Andrew Lindesay . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "IncrementViewCounterProcess.h" #include #include "Logger.h" #include "ServerHelper.h" #include "WebAppInterface.h" #define ATTEMPTS 3 #define SPIN_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS_DELAY_MI 5 * 1000 * 1000 // 5 seconds #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "IncrementViewCounterProcess" IncrementViewCounterProcess::IncrementViewCounterProcess( Model* model, const PackageInfoRef& package) : fPackage(package), fModel(model) { fDescription = BString(B_TRANSLATE("Recording view of \"%PackageName%\"")) .ReplaceAll("%PackageName%", fPackage->Name()); } IncrementViewCounterProcess::~IncrementViewCounterProcess() { } const char* IncrementViewCounterProcess::Name() const { return "IncrementViewCounterProcess"; } const char* IncrementViewCounterProcess::Description() const { return fDescription.String(); } status_t IncrementViewCounterProcess::RunInternal() { if (!ServerHelper::IsNetworkAvailable()) { HDINFO("no network so will not increment view counter"); return B_OK; } if (!fPackage.IsSet()) { HDERROR("the package is not present to increment the view counter"); return B_ERROR; } DepotInfoRef depot = fModel->DepotForName(fPackage->DepotName()); if (!depot.IsSet()) { HDERROR("the package's depot is not present to increment the view " "counter"); return B_ERROR; } if (depot->WebAppRepositorySourceCode().IsEmpty()) { HDERROR("cannot increment view counter because depot has no web app " "repository source code"); return B_BAD_DATA; } int32 attempts = ATTEMPTS; status_t result; while (attempts > 0 && !WasStopped()) { BMessage resultEnvelope; WebAppInterface* webAppInterface = fModel->GetWebAppInterface(); result = webAppInterface->IncrementViewCounter(fPackage, depot, resultEnvelope); if (result == B_OK) { int32 errorCode = WebAppInterface::ErrorCodeFromResponse(resultEnvelope); switch (errorCode) { case ERROR_CODE_NONE: HDINFO("did increment the view counter for [%s]", fPackage->Name().String()); return result; case ERROR_CODE_OBJECTNOTFOUND: HDINFO("server was not able to find the package [%s]", fPackage->Name().String()); return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND; default: HDERROR("a problem has arisen incrementing the view " "counter for pkg [%s] w/ error code %" B_PRId32, fPackage->Name().String(), errorCode); result = B_ERROR; break; } } else HDERROR("an error has arisen incrementing the view counter"); attempts--; _SpinBetweenAttempts(); } return result; } void IncrementViewCounterProcess::_SpinBetweenAttempts() { useconds_t miniSpinDelays = SPIN_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS_DELAY_MI / 10; for (int32 i = 0; i < 10 && !WasStopped(); i++) usleep(miniSpinDelays); }