/* * Copyright 2013-2014, Stephan Aßmus . * Copyright 2013, Rene Gollent . * Copyright 2016-2023, Andrew Lindesay . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "DepotInfo.h" #include #include "Logger.h" #include "PackageUtils.h" // #pragma mark - Sorting Functions static bool _IsPackageBeforeByName(const PackageInfoRef& p1, const BString& packageName) { return p1->Name().Compare(packageName) < 0; } /*! This function is used in order to provide an ordering on the packages that are stored on a Depot. */ static bool _IsPackageBefore(const PackageInfoRef& p1, const PackageInfoRef& p2) { return _IsPackageBeforeByName(p1, p2->Name()); } // #pragma mark - Class implementation DepotInfo::DepotInfo() : fName(), fIdentifier(), fWebAppRepositoryCode() { } DepotInfo::DepotInfo(const BString& name) : fName(name), fIdentifier(), fWebAppRepositoryCode(), fWebAppRepositorySourceCode() { } DepotInfo::DepotInfo(const DepotInfo& other) : fName(other.fName), fIdentifier(other.fIdentifier), fPackages(other.fPackages), fWebAppRepositoryCode(other.fWebAppRepositoryCode), fWebAppRepositorySourceCode(other.fWebAppRepositorySourceCode) { } DepotInfo& DepotInfo::operator=(const DepotInfo& other) { fName = other.fName; fIdentifier = other.fIdentifier; fPackages = other.fPackages; fWebAppRepositoryCode = other.fWebAppRepositoryCode; fWebAppRepositorySourceCode = other.fWebAppRepositorySourceCode; return *this; } bool DepotInfo::operator==(const DepotInfo& other) const { return fName == other.fName && fIdentifier == fIdentifier && fPackages == other.fPackages; } bool DepotInfo::operator!=(const DepotInfo& other) const { return !(*this == other); } int32 DepotInfo::CountPackages() const { return fPackages.size(); } PackageInfoRef DepotInfo::PackageAtIndex(int32 index) { return fPackages[index]; } /*! This method will insert the package into the list of packages in order so that the list of packages remains in order. */ void DepotInfo::AddPackage(PackageInfoRef& package) { std::vector::iterator itInsertionPt = std::lower_bound( fPackages.begin(), fPackages.end(), package, &_IsPackageBefore); if (fPackages.end() != itInsertionPt && (*itInsertionPt)->Name() == package->Name()) *itInsertionPt = package; else fPackages.insert(itInsertionPt, package); } bool DepotInfo::HasPackage(const BString& packageName) { std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound( fPackages.begin(), fPackages.end(), packageName, &_IsPackageBeforeByName); if (it != fPackages.end()) { PackageInfoRef candidate = *it; return (candidate.Get() != NULL && candidate.Get()->Name() == packageName); } return false; } PackageInfoRef DepotInfo::PackageByName(const BString& packageName) { std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound( fPackages.begin(), fPackages.end(), packageName, &_IsPackageBeforeByName); if (it != fPackages.end()) { PackageInfoRef candidate = *it; if (candidate.Get() != NULL && candidate.Get()->Name() == packageName) return candidate; } return PackageInfoRef(); } void DepotInfo::SyncPackagesFromDepot(const DepotInfoRef& other) { for (int32 i = other->CountPackages() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PackageInfoRef otherPackage = other->PackageAtIndex(i); PackageInfoRef myPackage = PackageByName(otherPackage->Name()); if (myPackage.IsSet()) { PackageLocalInfoRef localInfo = PackageUtils::NewLocalInfo(myPackage); PackageLocalInfoRef otherLocalInfo = otherPackage->LocalInfo(); if (otherLocalInfo.IsSet()) { localInfo->SetState(otherLocalInfo->State()); localInfo->SetLocalFilePath(otherLocalInfo->LocalFilePath()); localInfo->SetSystemDependency(otherLocalInfo->IsSystemDependency()); } myPackage->SetLocalInfo(localInfo); } else { HDINFO("%s: new package: '%s'", fName.String(), otherPackage->Name().String()); AddPackage(otherPackage); } } for (int32 i = CountPackages() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PackageInfoRef myPackage = PackageAtIndex(i); if (!other->HasPackage(myPackage->Name())) { HDINFO("%s: removing package: '%s'", fName.String(), myPackage->Name().String()); fPackages.erase(fPackages.begin() + i); } } } bool DepotInfo::HasAnyProminentPackages() const { std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it = fPackages.begin(); it != fPackages.end(); it++) { const PackageInfoRef& package = *it; const PackageClassificationInfoRef& classification = package->PackageClassificationInfo(); if (classification.IsSet()) { if (classification->IsProminent()) return true; } } return false; } void DepotInfo::SetIdentifier(const BString& value) { fIdentifier = value; } void DepotInfo::SetWebAppRepositoryCode(const BString& code) { fWebAppRepositoryCode = code; } void DepotInfo::SetWebAppRepositorySourceCode(const BString& code) { fWebAppRepositorySourceCode = code; }