/* * Copyright 2024, Andrew Lindesay . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ScreenshotCoordinate.h" static const char* kCodeKey = "code"; static const char* kWidthKey = "width"; static const char* kHeightKey = "height"; ScreenshotCoordinate::ScreenshotCoordinate() : fCode(""), fWidth(0), fHeight(0) { } ScreenshotCoordinate::ScreenshotCoordinate(const BMessage* from) { from->FindString(kCodeKey, &fCode); from->FindUInt32(kWidthKey, &fWidth); from->FindUInt32(kHeightKey, &fHeight); } ScreenshotCoordinate::ScreenshotCoordinate(BString code, uint32 width, uint32 height) : fCode(code), fWidth(width), fHeight(height) { } ScreenshotCoordinate::~ScreenshotCoordinate() { } const BString ScreenshotCoordinate::Code() const { return fCode; } uint32 ScreenshotCoordinate::Width() const { return fWidth; } uint32 ScreenshotCoordinate::Height() const { return fHeight; } bool ScreenshotCoordinate::IsValid() const { return !fCode.IsEmpty() && fWidth > 0 && fHeight > 0; } bool ScreenshotCoordinate::operator==(const ScreenshotCoordinate& other) const { return fCode == other.fCode && fHeight == other.fHeight && fWidth == other.fWidth; } const BString ScreenshotCoordinate::Key() const { BString result; result.SetToFormat("%s_%" B_PRIu32 "x%" B_PRIu32, fCode.String(), fWidth, fHeight); return result; } const BString ScreenshotCoordinate::CacheFilename() const { return BString() << Key() << ".png"; } status_t ScreenshotCoordinate::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const { status_t result = B_OK; if (result == B_OK) result = into->AddString(kCodeKey, fCode); if (result == B_OK) result = into->AddUInt32(kWidthKey, fWidth); if (result == B_OK) result = into->AddUInt32(kHeightKey, fHeight); return result; }