/* Copyright 1999, Be Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. This file may be used under the terms of the Be Sample Code License. */ #ifndef UTIL_H #define UTIL_H #include #include "error.h" template struct LispNode { contents* car; LispNode* cdr; /* Create a node with no next */ inline LispNode(contents* value) : car(value), cdr(0) { } /* Create a node with specified next */ inline LispNode(contents* value, LispNode* next) : car (value), cdr(next) { } /* Create a node and insert it in a list right after `prev' */ inline LispNode(LispNode* prev, contents* value) : car(value), cdr(prev->cdr) { prev->cdr = this; } }; template struct LispList { LispNode *first; /* -------- List creation --------------- */ /* Create an empty list */ inline LispList() { first = 0; } /* Create a list pointing to the specified node */ inline LispList(LispNode* _first) { first = _first; } /* ?? */ inline LispList(LispList &init) { first = init.first; } /* ---------- List queries ------------- */ inline int is_empty() { return first == 0; } /* Determines if a thing is on the list */ inline int is_present(contents* element) { for (LispNode* node = first; node; node = node->cdr) if (node->car == element) return 1; return 0; } /* Returns the length of the list */ inline int count() { int n = 0; for (LispNode* node = first; node; node = node->cdr) n++; return n; } /* ----------- Adding "nodes" to the list ------------ */ /* Add a specified node to the head of the list. */ inline void add_head(LispNode* new_element) { new_element->cdr = first; first = new_element; } /* Add a specified node anywhere on the list */ inline void add(LispNode* new_element) { add_head (new_element); } inline void add_tail(LispNode* new_element) { LispNode** pred = &first; while(*pred) pred = &(*pred)->cdr; *pred = new_element; new_element->cdr = 0; } /* ----------- Adding "contents" to the list ------------ */ /* ----- (Which in my opinion is far more useful) ------ */ /* Create new node pointing to thing, & add to head of list. */ inline void add_head_new(contents* new_element) { first = new LispNode(new_element, first); } inline void add_head(contents* new_element) { add_head_new(new_element); } /* Create new node pointing to thing, & add to end of list. */ inline void add_tail_new(contents* new_element) { LispNode< contents >** pred = &first; while (*pred) pred = &(*pred)->cdr; *pred = new LispNode< contents >(new_element); } inline void add_tail(contents* new_element) { add_tail_new(new_element); } /* Create new node pointing to thing, & add anywhere on list */ inline void add_new(contents* new_element) { add_head_new(new_element); } inline void add(contents* new_element) { add_new(new_element); } /* Create and add a new node for a specified element, but only if it's not already on the list. */ inline void add_new_once(contents* new_element) { if (!is_present(new_element)) add_head_new(new_element); } inline void add_tail_once(contents *new_element) { if (!is_present(new_element)) add_tail_new(new_element); } /* ------- Removing things from the list ------------ */ /* Remove and return the first node on the list j.h. */ inline LispNode* rem_head () { LispNode* n = first; if (n) { first = first->cdr; } return n; } /* Remove and return any node on the list. */ inline LispNode* remove () { return( rem_head() ); } /* Remove a specified node from the list. */ inline void remove (LispNode* node) { for (LispNode **pp = &first; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->cdr) if (*pp == node) { *pp = (*pp)->cdr; return; } } /* Remove & delete all nodes pointing to a particular element. */ inline void rem_del (contents* element) { LispNode** pp = &first; while (*pp) { if ((*pp)->car == element) { LispNode *o = *pp; *pp = o->cdr; delete o; } else pp = &(*pp)->cdr; } } /* Remove and delete all nodes on the list. */ inline void rem_del_all() { while (first) { LispNode* old = first; first = first->cdr; delete old; } } /* -------- Simple list storage (by j.h.) ------------ */ /* When you just want to hold a bunch of stuff on a list and then pull them off later. Note that these calls do NOT check for to see if a thing is already on the list. Use is_present() before adding. */ /* Put something anywhere on the list */ inline void put( contents* c ) { add_tail( c ); } /* Put something at beginning of list */ inline void put_head( contents* c ) { add_head( c ); } /* Put something at end of the list */ inline void put_tail( contents* c ) { add_tail( c ); } #if 0 /* leaks memory */ /* Take a specific thing off the list */ inline contents *get(contents *element) { contents *c = 0; for (LispNode *node = first; node; node = node->cdr) { if (node->car == element) { c = node->car; remove(node); break; } } return c; } #endif /* Take the first thing off the list */ inline contents* get_head() { contents *c = 0; if(first) { c = first->car; delete rem_head(); } return c; } /* Take something off the list */ inline contents* get() { return(get_head()); } /* XXX inline contents *get_tail() { } */ /* -------- Stack simulation (by j.h.) ------------ */ /* Put a thing onto the head of the list */ inline void push(contents* c) { put_head(c); } /* Remove a thing from the head of the list */ inline contents* pop() { return(get_head()); } /* Pop everything off the stack. Empty the stack/list. */ inline void pop_all() { rem_del_all(); } /* ----------- list/list manipulations ------------ */ /* Add all elements present on another list to this list also. */ inline void add_new(LispList other) { for (LispNode* n = other.first; n; n = n->cdr) add_new(n->car); } inline void add_new_once(LispList other) { for (LispNode* n = other.first; n; n = n->cdr) add_new_once(n->car); } /* Remove and delete all nodes whose contents are also present in a different list (set disjunction). */ inline void rem_del(LispList other) { for (LispNode* n = other.first; n; n = n->cdr) rem_del(n->car); } }; template struct DoubleLinkedNode { thetype* next; thetype* prev; DoubleLinkedNode() { next = prev = NULL; } void insert_after(thetype* n) { if (next != NULL) next->prev = n; n->next = next; n->prev = (thetype*)this; next = n; } void insert_before(thetype* n) { prev->next = n; n->next = (thetype*)this; n->prev = prev; prev = n; } void remove() { assert(prev != NULL); prev->next = next; if (next != NULL) next->prev = prev; } }; template struct DoubleLinkedList : public DoubleLinkedNode { DoubleLinkedList() : DoubleLinkedNode() {}; void insert(thetype* n) { insert_after(n); } void add(thetype* n) { insert_after(n); } }; template struct BufferArray { T * items; int num_items; int num_slots; int slot_inc; void resize(int i) { items = (T*)realloc(items,sizeof(T)*i); num_slots = i; } T & operator [](int index) { assert(index < num_items); return items[index]; } T & get(int index) { assert(index < num_items); return items[index]; } void add(T &item) { if (num_items == num_slots) resize(num_slots+slot_inc); memcpy(items+num_items,&item,sizeof(item)); num_items++; } BufferArray(int start_slots, int _slot_inc) { num_slots = start_slots; slot_inc = _slot_inc; assert(slot_inc > 0); num_items = 0; items = (T*)malloc(sizeof(T)*num_slots); } ~BufferArray() { free(items); } }; #endif // UTIL_H