/* * Copyright 2004-2006, Jérôme DUVAL. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ExpanderApp.h" #include "ExpanderWindow.h" #include #include #include #include ExpanderApp::ExpanderApp() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.Haiku-Expander") { BPoint windowPosition = fSettings.Message().FindPoint("window_position"); BRect windowFrame(0, 0, 450, 120); windowFrame.OffsetBy(windowPosition); BMessage settings(fSettings.Message()); fWindow = new ExpanderWindow(windowFrame, NULL, &settings); } #undef B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT "About" void ExpanderApp::AboutRequested() { BString appName = B_TRANSLATE("Expander"); int nameLength = appName.CountChars(); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("about", appName.Append(B_TRANSLATE("\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval\n" "\tCopyright 2004-2006, Haiku Inc.\n\noriginal Be version by \n" "Dominic, Hiroshi, Peter, Pavel and Robert\n")), B_TRANSLATE("OK")); BTextView* view = alert->TextView(); BFont font; view->SetStylable(true); view->GetFont(&font); font.SetSize(18); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE); view->SetFontAndColor(0, nameLength, &font); alert->Go(); } void ExpanderApp::ReadyToRun() { } void ExpanderApp::ArgvReceived(int32 argc, char **argv) { BMessage* msg = NULL; for (int32 i = 1; i < argc; i++) { entry_ref ref; status_t err = get_ref_for_path(argv[i], &ref); if (err == B_OK) { if (!msg) { msg = new BMessage; msg->what = B_REFS_RECEIVED; } msg->AddRef("refs", &ref); } } if (msg) RefsReceived(msg); } void ExpanderApp::RefsReceived(BMessage* msg) { BMessenger messenger(fWindow); msg->AddBool("fromApp", true); messenger.SendMessage(msg); } void ExpanderApp::UpdateSettingsFrom(BMessage* message) { fSettings.UpdateFrom(message); } // #pragma mark - int main(int, char **) { ExpanderApp theApp; theApp.Run(); return 0; }