/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DeskBarUtils.h" #include "StatusView.h" #include "StatusViewShelf.h" #include "TimeView.h" #include "BarApp.h" using std::max; #ifdef DB_ADDONS // Add-on support // // Item - internal item list (node, eref, etc) // Icon - physical replicant handed to the DeskbarClass class // AddOn - attribute based add-on const char *const kInstantiateItemCFunctionName = "instantiate_deskbar_item"; const char *const kInstantiateEntryCFunctionName = "instantiate_deskbar_entry"; const char *const kDeskbarSecurityCodeFile = "Deskbar_security_code"; const char *const kDeskbarSecurityCodeAttr = "be:deskbar_security_code"; const char *const kStatusPredicate = "be:deskbar_item_status"; const char *const kEnabledPredicate = "be:deskbar_item_status=enabled"; const char *const kDisabledPredicate = "be:deskbar_item_status=disabled"; static void DumpItem(DeskbarItemInfo *item) { printf("is addon: %i, id: %li\n", item->isAddOn, item->id); printf("entry_ref: %ld, %Ld, %s\n", item->entryRef.device, item->entryRef.directory, item->entryRef.name); printf("node_ref: %ld, %Ld\n", item->nodeRef.device, item->nodeRef.node); } static void DumpList(BList *itemlist) { int32 count = itemlist->CountItems() - 1; if (count < 0) { printf("no items in list\n"); return; } for (int32 i = count ; i >= 0 ; i--) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = (DeskbarItemInfo*)itemlist->ItemAt(i); if (!item) continue; DumpItem(item); } } #endif /* DB_ADDONS */ // don't change the name of this view to anything other than // Status TReplicantTray::TReplicantTray(TBarView *parent, bool vertical) : BView(BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), "Status", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fClock(NULL), fBarView(parent), fShelf(new TReplicantShelf(this)), fMultiRowMode(vertical), fAlignmentSupport(false) { } TReplicantTray::~TReplicantTray() { delete fShelf; } void TReplicantTray::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_1_TINT)); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); Window()->SetPulseRate(1000000); DealWithClock(fBarView->ShowingClock()); #ifdef DB_ADDONS // load addons and rehydrate archives #if !__HAIKU__ InitAddOnSupport(); #endif #endif ResizeToPreferred(); } void TReplicantTray::DetachedFromWindow() { #ifdef DB_ADDONS // clean up add-on support DeleteAddOnSupport(); #endif BView::DetachedFromWindow(); } void TReplicantTray::RememberClockSettings() { if (fClock) { desk_settings *settings = ((TBarApp *)be_app)->Settings(); settings->timeShowSeconds = fClock->ShowingSeconds(); settings->timeShowMil = fClock->ShowingMilTime(); settings->timeShowEuro = fClock->ShowingEuroDate(); settings->timeFullDate = fClock->ShowingFullDate(); } } bool TReplicantTray::ShowingSeconds() { if (fClock) return fClock->ShowingSeconds(); return false; } bool TReplicantTray::ShowingMiltime() { if (fClock) return fClock->ShowingMilTime(); return false; } bool TReplicantTray::ShowingEuroDate() { if (fClock) return fClock->ShowingEuroDate(); return false; } bool TReplicantTray::ShowingFullDate() { if (fClock && CanShowFullDate()) return fClock->ShowingFullDate(); return false; } bool TReplicantTray::CanShowFullDate() { if (fClock) return fClock->CanShowFullDate(); return false; } void TReplicantTray::DealWithClock(bool showClock) { fBarView->ShowClock(showClock); if (showClock) { if (!fClock) { desk_settings *settings = ((TBarApp *)be_app)->Settings(); fClock = new TTimeView(settings->timeShowSeconds, settings->timeShowMil, settings->timeFullDate, settings->timeShowEuro, false); AddChild(fClock); fClock->MoveTo(Bounds().right - fClock->Bounds().Width() - 1, 2); fClock->AllowFullDate(!IsMultiRow()); } } else { if (fClock) { RememberClockSettings(); fClock->RemoveSelf(); delete fClock; fClock = NULL; } } } /** width is set to a minimum of kMinimumReplicantCount by kMaxReplicantWidth * if not in multirowmode and greater than kMinimumReplicantCount * the width should be calculated based on the actual * replicant widths */ void TReplicantTray::GetPreferredSize(float *preferredWidth, float *preferredHeight) { float width = 0, height = kMinimumTrayHeight; uint32 id; BView *view; fShelf->ReplicantAt(IconCount() - 1, &view, &id); if (fMultiRowMode) { if (view) height = view->Frame().bottom; // the height will be uniform for the number of rows // necessary to show all the reps + any gutters // necessary for spacing int32 rowCount = (int32)(height / kMaxReplicantHeight); height = kGutter + (rowCount * kMaxReplicantHeight) + ((rowCount - 1) * kIconGap) + kGutter; // if new replicant budges into clock's area on clock row, add a row if (view && fBarView->ShowingClock() && view->Frame().right >= fClock->Frame().left && view->Frame().top == fClock->Frame().top) height += kMaxReplicantHeight; height = max (kMinimumTrayHeight, height); width = kMinimumTrayWidth; } else { // if last replicant overruns clock then // resize to accomodate if (view) { BRect viewFrame(view->Frame()); if (fBarView->ShowingClock() && viewFrame.right + 6 >= fClock->Frame().left) { width = viewFrame.right + 6 + fClock->Frame().Width(); } else width = viewFrame.right + 3; } // this view has a fixed minimum width width = max(kMinimumTrayWidth, width); } *preferredWidth = width; // add 2 for the border *preferredHeight = height + 1; } void TReplicantTray::AdjustPlacement() { // called when an add-on has been added or removed // need to resize the parent of this accordingly // // call to Parent will call ResizeToPreferred BRect bounds = Bounds(); float width, height; GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); if (width == bounds.Width() && height == bounds.Height()) { // no need to change anything return; } Parent()->ResizeToPreferred(); fBarView->UpdatePlacement(); Parent()->Invalidate(); Invalidate(); } void TReplicantTray::Draw(BRect) { rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color vdark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_3_TINT); rgb_color light = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); BRect frame(Bounds()); SetHighColor(light); StrokeLine(frame.LeftBottom(), frame.RightBottom()); StrokeLine(frame.RightBottom(), frame.RightTop()); SetHighColor(vdark); StrokeLine(frame.RightTop(), frame.LeftTop()); StrokeLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.LeftBottom()); } void TReplicantTray::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch (message->what) { case 'time': // from context menu in clock and in this view DealWithClock(!fBarView->ShowingClock()); RealignReplicants(); AdjustPlacement(); break; case 'trfm': // time string reformat -> realign DealWithClock(fBarView->ShowingClock()); RealignReplicants(); AdjustPlacement(); break; case kMsgShowSeconds: case kMsgMilTime: case kMsgEuroDate: case kMsgFullDate: if (fClock != NULL) Window()->PostMessage(message, fClock); break; #ifdef DB_ADDONS case B_NODE_MONITOR: case B_QUERY_UPDATE: HandleEntryUpdate(message); break; #endif default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void TReplicantTray::ShowReplicantMenu(BPoint point) { BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu("", false, false); menu->SetFont(be_plain_font); // If the clock is visible, show the extended menu // otheriwse, show "Show Time". if (fBarView->ShowingClock()) fClock->ShowClockOptions(ConvertToScreen(point)); else { BMenuItem *item = new BMenuItem("Show Time", new BMessage('time')); menu->AddItem(item); menu->SetTargetForItems(this); BPoint where = ConvertToScreen(point); menu->Go(where, true, true, BRect(where - BPoint(4, 4), where + BPoint(4, 4)), true); } } void TReplicantTray::MouseDown(BPoint where) { #ifdef DB_ADDONS if (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) DumpList(fItemList); #endif uint32 buttons; Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", (int32 *)&buttons); if (buttons == B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) { ShowReplicantMenu(where); } else { BPoint save = where; bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; bigtime_t start = system_time(); uint32 buttons; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); do { if (fabs(where.x - save.x) > 4 || fabs(where.y - save.y) > 4) // user moved out of bounds of click area break; if ((system_time() - start) > (2 * doubleClickSpeed)) { ShowReplicantMenu(where); break; } snooze(50000); GetMouse(&where, &buttons); } while (buttons); } BView::MouseDown(where); } #ifdef DB_ADDONS void TReplicantTray::InitAddOnSupport() { // list to maintain refs to each rep added/deleted fItemList = new BList(); bool haveKey = false; BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path, true) == B_OK) { path.Append(kDeskbarSecurityCodeFile); BFile file(path.Path(),B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() == B_OK && file.Read(&fDeskbarSecurityCode, sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode)) == sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode)) haveKey = true; } if (!haveKey) { // create the security code bigtime_t real = real_time_clock_usecs(); bigtime_t boot = system_time(); // two computers would have to have exactly matching clocks, and launch // Deskbar at the exact same time into the bootsequence in order for their // security-ID to be identical fDeskbarSecurityCode = ((real&0xffffffffULL)<<32)|(boot&0xffffffffULL); if (find_directory (B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path, true) == B_OK) { path.Append(kDeskbarSecurityCodeFile); BFile file(path.Path(), B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE); if (file.InitCheck() == B_OK) file.Write(&fDeskbarSecurityCode, sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode)); } } // for each volume currently mounted // index the volume with our indices BVolumeRoster roster; BVolume volume; while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { fs_create_index(volume.Device(), kStatusPredicate, B_STRING_TYPE, 0); RunAddOnQuery(&volume, kEnabledPredicate); } // we also watch for volumes mounted and unmounted watch_node(NULL, B_WATCH_MOUNT | B_WATCH_ATTR, this, Window()); } void TReplicantTray::DeleteAddOnSupport() { for (int32 i = fItemList->CountItems(); i-- > 0 ;) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = (DeskbarItemInfo *)fItemList->RemoveItem(i); if (item) { if (item->isAddOn) watch_node(&(item->nodeRef), B_STOP_WATCHING, this, Window()); delete item; } } delete fItemList; // stop the volume mount/unmount watch stop_watching(this, Window()); } void TReplicantTray::RunAddOnQuery(BVolume *volume, const char *predicate) { // Since the new BFS supports querying for attributes without // an index, we only run the query if the index exists (for // newly mounted devices only - the Deskbar will automatically // create an index for every device mounted at startup). index_info info; if (!volume->KnowsQuery() || fs_stat_index(volume->Device(),kStatusPredicate,&info) != 0) return; // run a new query on a specific volume // make it live BQuery query; query.SetVolume(volume); query.SetPredicate(predicate); query.Fetch(); int32 id; BEntry entry; while (query.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) // scan any entries returned // attempt to load them as add-ons // collisions are handled in LoadAddOn LoadAddOn(&entry, &id); } bool TReplicantTray::IsAddOn(entry_ref &ref) { BFile file(&ref, B_READ_ONLY); char status[64]; ssize_t size = file.ReadAttr(kStatusPredicate, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, &status, 64); return size > 0; } DeskbarItemInfo * TReplicantTray::DeskbarItemFor(node_ref &nodeRef) { for (int32 i = fItemList->CountItems(); i-- > 0 ;) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = static_cast(fItemList->ItemAt(i)); if (item == NULL) continue; if (item->nodeRef == nodeRef) return item; } return NULL; } DeskbarItemInfo * TReplicantTray::DeskbarItemFor(int32 id) { for (int32 i = fItemList->CountItems(); i-- > 0 ;) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = static_cast(fItemList->ItemAt(i)); if (item == NULL) continue; if (item->id == id) return item; } return NULL; } bool TReplicantTray::NodeExists(node_ref &nodeRef) { return DeskbarItemFor(nodeRef) != NULL; } /** This handles B_NODE_MONITOR & B_QUERY_UPDATE messages received * for the registered add-ons. */ void TReplicantTray::HandleEntryUpdate(BMessage *message) { int32 opcode; if (message->FindInt32("opcode", &opcode) != B_OK) return; BPath path; switch (opcode) { case B_ENTRY_CREATED: // entry was just listed, matches live query { const char *name; ino_t directory; dev_t device; // received when an app adds a ref to the // Deskbar add-ons folder if (message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("directory", &directory) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("device", &device) == B_OK) { entry_ref ref(device, directory, name); // see if this item has the attribute // that we expect if (IsAddOn(ref)) { int32 id; BEntry entry(&ref); LoadAddOn(&entry, &id); } } } break; case B_ATTR_CHANGED: // from node watch on individual items // (node_watch added in LoadAddOn) { node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("device", &(nodeRef.device)) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("node", &(nodeRef.node)) == B_OK) { // get the add-on this is for DeskbarItemInfo *item = DeskbarItemFor(nodeRef); if (item == NULL) break; BFile file(&item->entryRef, B_READ_ONLY); char status[255]; ssize_t size = file.ReadAttr(kStatusPredicate, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, status, sizeof(status) - 1); status[sizeof(status) - 1] = '\0'; // attribute was removed if (size == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { // cleans up and removes node_watch UnloadAddOn(&nodeRef, NULL, true, false); } else if (!strcmp(status, "enable")) { int32 id; BEntry entry(&item->entryRef, true); LoadAddOn(&entry, &id); } } } break; case B_ENTRY_MOVED: { entry_ref ref; ino_t todirectory; ino_t node; const char *name; if (message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("from directory", &(ref.directory)) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("to directory", &todirectory) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("device", &(ref.device)) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("node", &node) == B_OK ) { if (!name) break; ref.set_name(name); // change the directory reference to // the new directory MoveItem(&ref, todirectory); } } break; case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: { // entry was rm'd from the device node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("device", &(nodeRef.device)) == B_OK && message->FindInt64("node", &(nodeRef.node)) == B_OK) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = DeskbarItemFor(nodeRef); if (item == NULL) break; // If there is a team running where the add-on comes from, // we don't want to remove the icon yet. if (be_roster->IsRunning(&item->entryRef)) break; UnloadAddOn(&nodeRef, NULL, true, false); } } break; case B_DEVICE_MOUNTED: { // run a new query on the new device dev_t device; if (message->FindInt32("new device", &device) != B_OK) break; RunAddOnQuery(new BVolume(device), kEnabledPredicate); } break; case B_DEVICE_UNMOUNTED: { // remove all items associated with the device // unmounted // contrary to what the BeBook says, the item is called "device", // not "new device" like it is for B_DEVICE_MOUNTED dev_t device; if (message->FindInt32("device", &device) != B_OK) break; UnloadAddOn(NULL, &device, false, true); } break; } } // the add-ons must support the exported C function API // if they do, they will be loaded and added to deskbar // primary function is the Instantiate function status_t TReplicantTray::LoadAddOn(BEntry *entry, int32 *id, bool force) { if (!entry) return B_ERROR; node_ref nodeRef; entry->GetNodeRef(&nodeRef); // no duplicates if (NodeExists(nodeRef)) return B_ERROR; BNode node(entry); if (!force) { status_t error = node.InitCheck(); if (error != B_OK) return error; uint64 deskbarID; ssize_t size = node.ReadAttr(kDeskbarSecurityCodeAttr, B_UINT64_TYPE, 0, &deskbarID, sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode)); if (size != sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode) || deskbarID != fDeskbarSecurityCode) { // no code or code doesn't match return B_ERROR; } } BPath path; entry->GetPath(&path); // load the add-on image_id image = load_add_on(path.Path()); if (image < 0) return (status_t)image; // get the view loading function symbol // we first look for a symbol that takes an image_id // and entry_ref pointer, if not found, go with normal // instantiate function BView *(*entryFunction)(image_id, const entry_ref *); BView *(*itemFunction)(void); BView *view = NULL; entry_ref ref; entry->GetRef(&ref); if (get_image_symbol(image, kInstantiateEntryCFunctionName, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void **)&entryFunction) >= 0) { view = (*entryFunction)(image, &ref); } else if (get_image_symbol(image, kInstantiateItemCFunctionName, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void **)&itemFunction) >= 0) { view = (*itemFunction)(); } else { unload_add_on(image); return B_ERROR; } if (!view || IconExists(view->Name())) { delete view; unload_add_on(image); return B_ERROR; } BMessage *data = new BMessage; view->Archive(data); delete view; AddIcon(data, id, &ref); // add the rep; adds info to list node.WriteAttr(kDeskbarSecurityCodeAttr, B_UINT64_TYPE, 0, &fDeskbarSecurityCode, sizeof(fDeskbarSecurityCode)); return B_OK; } status_t TReplicantTray::AddItem(int32 id, node_ref nodeRef, BEntry &entry, bool isAddOn) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = new DeskbarItemInfo; if (item == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; item->id = id; item->isAddOn = isAddOn; if (entry.GetRef(&item->entryRef) < B_OK) { item->entryRef.device = -1; item->entryRef.directory = -1; item->entryRef.name = NULL; } item->nodeRef = nodeRef; fItemList->AddItem(item); if (isAddOn) watch_node(&nodeRef, B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_ATTR, this, Window()); return B_OK; } /** from entry_removed message, when attribute removed * or when a device is unmounted (use removeall, by device) */ void TReplicantTray::UnloadAddOn(node_ref *nodeRef, dev_t *device, bool which, bool removeAll) { for (int32 i = fItemList->CountItems(); i-- > 0 ;) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = (DeskbarItemInfo*)fItemList->ItemAt(i); if (!item) continue; if ((which && nodeRef && item->nodeRef == *nodeRef) || (device && item->nodeRef.device == *device)) { if (device && be_roster->IsRunning(&item->entryRef)) continue; RemoveIcon(item->id); if (!removeAll) break; } } } void TReplicantTray::RemoveItem(int32 id) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = DeskbarItemFor(id); if (item == NULL) return; // attribute was added via Deskbar API (AddItem(entry_ref *, int32 *) if (item->isAddOn) { BNode node(&item->entryRef); node.RemoveAttr(kStatusPredicate); watch_node(&item->nodeRef, B_STOP_WATCHING, this, Window()); } fItemList->RemoveItem(item); delete item; } /** ENTRY_MOVED message, moving only occurs on a device * copying will occur (ENTRY_CREATED) between devices */ void TReplicantTray::MoveItem(entry_ref *ref, ino_t toDirectory) { if (!ref) return; // scan for a matching entry_ref and update it // // don't need to change node info as it does not change for (int32 i = fItemList->CountItems(); i-- > 0 ;) { DeskbarItemInfo *item = (DeskbarItemInfo *)fItemList->ItemAt(i); if (!item) continue; if (!strcmp(item->entryRef.name, ref->name) && item->entryRef.device == ref->device && item->entryRef.directory == ref->directory) { item->entryRef.directory = toDirectory; break; } } } #endif // add-on support // external add-on API routines // called using the new BDeskbar class // existence of icon/replicant by name or ID // returns opposite // note: name and id are semi-private limiting // the ability of non-host apps to remove // icons without a little bit of work /** for a specific id * return the name of the replicant (name of view) */ status_t TReplicantTray::ItemInfo(int32 id, const char **name) { if (id < 0) return B_ERROR; int32 index, temp; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &temp, id, false); if (view) { *name = view->Name(); return B_OK; } return B_ERROR; } // for a specific name // return the id (internal to Deskbar) status_t TReplicantTray::ItemInfo(const char *name, int32 *id) { if (!name || strlen(name) <= 0) return B_ERROR; int32 index; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, id, name); if (view) return B_OK; return B_ERROR; } // at a specific index // return both the name and the id of the replicant status_t TReplicantTray::ItemInfo(int32 index, const char **name, int32 *id) { if (index < 0) return B_ERROR; BView *view; fShelf->ReplicantAt(index, &view, (uint32 *)id, NULL); if (view) { *name = view->Name(); return B_OK; } return B_ERROR; } // replicant exists, by id/index bool TReplicantTray::IconExists(int32 target, bool byIndex) { int32 index, id; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, target, byIndex); return view && index >= 0; } // replicant exists, by name bool TReplicantTray::IconExists(const char *name) { if (!name || strlen(name) == 0) return false; int32 index, id; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, name); return view && index >= 0; } int32 TReplicantTray::IconCount() const { return fShelf->CountReplicants(); } // message must contain an archivable view // in the Archives folder for later rehydration // returns the current boot id status_t TReplicantTray::AddIcon(BMessage *icon, int32 *id, const entry_ref *addOn) { if (!icon || !id) return B_ERROR; *id = 999; if (icon->what == B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT) icon->what = 0; // !! check for name collisions? status_t err = fShelf->AddReplicant(icon, BPoint(1, 1)); if (err != B_OK) return err; float oldWidth = Bounds().Width(); float oldHeight = Bounds().Height(); float width, height; GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); if (oldWidth != width || oldHeight != height) AdjustPlacement(); int32 count = fShelf->CountReplicants(); BView *view; fShelf->ReplicantAt(count-1, &view, (uint32 *)id, NULL); // add the item to the add-on list entry_ref ref; if (addOn) // Use it if we got it ref = *addOn; else { const char *appsig; icon->FindString("add_on", &appsig); BRoster roster; roster.FindApp(appsig, &ref); } BFile file(&ref, B_READ_ONLY); node_ref nodeRef; file.GetNodeRef(&nodeRef); BEntry entry(&ref, true); // ToDo: this resolves an eventual link for the item // being added - this is okay for now, but in multi-user // environments, one might want to have links that // carry the be:deskbar_item_status attribute AddItem(*id, nodeRef, entry, addOn != NULL); return B_OK; } void TReplicantTray::RemoveIcon(int32 target, bool byIndex) { if (target < 0) return; int32 index, id; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, target, byIndex); if (view && index >= 0) { // remove the reference from the item list RemoveItem(id); // remove the replicant from the shelf fShelf->DeleteReplicant(index); // force a placement update, !! need to fix BShelf RealReplicantAdjustment(index); } } void TReplicantTray::RemoveIcon(const char *name) { if (!name || strlen(name) <= 0) return; int32 id, index; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, name); if (view && index >= 0) { // remove the reference from the item list RemoveItem(id); // remove the replicant from the shelf fShelf->DeleteReplicant(index); // force a placement update, !! need to fix BShelf RealReplicantAdjustment(index); } } void TReplicantTray::RealReplicantAdjustment(int32 startindex) { if (startindex < 0) return; // reset the locations of all replicants after the one deleted RealignReplicants(startindex); float oldWidth = Bounds().Width(); float oldHeight = Bounds().Height(); float width, height; GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); if (oldWidth != width || oldHeight != height) { // resize view to accomodate the replicants // redraw as necessary AdjustPlacement(); } } // looking for a replicant by id/index // return the view and index BView * TReplicantTray::ViewAt(int32 *index, int32 *id, int32 target, bool byIndex) { *index = -1; BView *view; if (byIndex){ if (fShelf->ReplicantAt(target, &view, (uint32 *)id)) { if (view) { *index = target; return view; } } } else { int32 count = fShelf->CountReplicants()-1; int32 localid; for (int32 repIndex = count ; repIndex >= 0 ; repIndex--) { fShelf->ReplicantAt(repIndex, &view, (uint32 *)&localid); if (localid == target && view) { *index = repIndex; *id = localid; return view; } } } return NULL; } // looking for a replicant with a view by name // return the view, index and the id of the replicant BView * TReplicantTray::ViewAt(int32 *index, int32 *id, const char *name) { *index = -1; *id = -1; BView *view; int32 count = fShelf->CountReplicants()-1; for (int32 repIndex = count ; repIndex >= 0 ; repIndex--) { fShelf->ReplicantAt(repIndex, &view, (uint32 *)id); if (view && view->Name() && strcmp(name, view->Name()) == 0) { *index = repIndex; return view; } } return NULL; } // Shelf will call to determine where and if // the replicant is to be added bool TReplicantTray::AcceptAddon(BRect replicantFrame, BMessage *message) { if (!message) return false; if (replicantFrame.Height() > kMaxReplicantHeight) return false; alignment align = B_ALIGN_LEFT; if (fAlignmentSupport && message->HasBool("deskbar:dynamic_align")) { if (!fBarView->Vertical()) align = B_ALIGN_RIGHT; else align = fBarView->Left() ? B_ALIGN_LEFT : B_ALIGN_RIGHT; } else if (message->HasInt32("deskbar:align")) message->FindInt32("deskbar:align", (int32 *)&align); if (message->HasInt32("deskbar:private_align")) message->FindInt32("deskbar:private_align", (int32 *)&align); else align = B_ALIGN_LEFT; int32 count = fShelf->CountReplicants(); BPoint loc = LocForReplicant(count+1, count, replicantFrame.Width()); message->AddPoint("_pjp_loc", loc); return true; } /** based on the previous (index - 1) replicant in the list * calculate where the left point should be for this * replicant. replicant will flow to the right on its own */ BPoint TReplicantTray::LocForReplicant(int32, int32 index, float width) { BPoint loc(kIconGap + 1, kGutter + 1); if (index > 0) { // get the last replicant added for placement reference BView *view = NULL; fShelf->ReplicantAt((index-1), &view); if (view) { // push this rep placement past the last one loc.x = view->Frame().right + kIconGap+1; loc.y = view->Frame().top; } } if (fMultiRowMode) { // if on first row, don't cover the clock // if on any other row, don't go past right edge if ((loc.x + width + 2 >= kMinimumTrayWidth) || (fBarView->ShowingClock() && (loc.x + width + 6 >= kMinimumTrayWidth - fClock->Frame().Width()) && (loc.y == kGutter + 1))) { // make the vertical placement uniform // based on the maximum height provided for each // replicant loc.y += kMaxReplicantHeight + kIconGap; loc.x = kIconGap + 1; } } return loc; } BRect TReplicantTray::IconFrame(int32 target, bool byIndex) { int32 index, id; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, target, byIndex); if (view) return view->Frame(); return BRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } BRect TReplicantTray::IconFrame(const char *name) { if (!name) return BRect(0, 0, 0, 0); int32 id, index; BView *view = ViewAt(&index, &id, name); if (view) return view->Frame(); return BRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } /** scan from the startIndex and reset the location * as defined in LocForReplicant */ void TReplicantTray::RealignReplicants(int32 startIndex) { if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; int32 count = fShelf->CountReplicants(); if (count <= 0) return; BView *view = NULL; for (int32 i = startIndex ; i < count ; i++){ fShelf->ReplicantAt(i, &view); BPoint loc = LocForReplicant(count, i, view->Frame().Width()); if (view && (view->Frame().LeftTop() != loc)) { view->MoveTo(loc); } } } void TReplicantTray::SetMultiRow(bool state) { fMultiRowMode = state; // in multi-row state, we only want the short date if (fClock != NULL) fClock->AllowFullDate(!state); } // #pragma mark - // draggable region that is asynchronous so that // dragging does not block other activities TDragRegion::TDragRegion(TBarView *parent, BView *child) : BControl(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0), "", "", NULL, B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fBarView(parent), fChild(child), fDragLocation(kAutoPlaceDragRegion) { } void TDragRegion::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); ResizeToPreferred(); } void TDragRegion::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height) { fChild->ResizeToPreferred(); *width = fChild->Bounds().Width(); *height = fChild->Bounds().Height(); if (fDragLocation != kNoDragRegion) *width += 7; else *width += 6; *height += 3; } void TDragRegion::FrameMoved(BPoint) { if (fBarView->Left() && fBarView->Vertical() && fDragLocation != kNoDragRegion) fChild->MoveTo(5,2); else fChild->MoveTo(2,2); } void TDragRegion::Draw(BRect) { rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color hilite = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color vdark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_3_TINT); rgb_color vvdark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_4_TINT); rgb_color light = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); BRect frame(Bounds()); BeginLineArray(4); if (fBarView->Vertical()) { AddLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.RightTop(), light); AddLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.LeftBottom(), light); AddLine(frame.RightBottom(), frame.RightTop(), hilite); } else if (fBarView->AcrossTop()) { AddLine(frame.LeftTop()+BPoint(0, 1), frame.RightTop()+BPoint(-1, 1), light); AddLine(frame.RightTop(), frame.RightBottom(), vvdark); AddLine(frame.RightTop()+BPoint(-1, 2),frame.RightBottom()+BPoint(-1, -1), hilite); AddLine(frame.LeftBottom(), frame.RightBottom()+BPoint(-1, 0), hilite); } else if (fBarView->AcrossBottom()) { AddLine(frame.LeftTop()+BPoint(0, 1), frame.RightTop()+BPoint(-1, 1), light); AddLine(frame.LeftBottom(), frame.RightBottom(), hilite); AddLine(frame.RightTop(), frame.RightBottom(), vvdark); AddLine(frame.RightTop()+BPoint(-1, 1),frame.RightBottom()+BPoint(-1, -1), hilite); } EndLineArray(); if (fDragLocation != kDontDrawDragRegion || fDragLocation != kNoDragRegion) DrawDragRegion(); } void TDragRegion::DrawDragRegion() { rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color menuHilite = tint_color(menuColor, B_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_TINT); rgb_color vdark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_3_TINT); rgb_color light = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); BRect dragRegion(DragRegion()); BeginLineArray(dragRegion.IntegerHeight()); BPoint pt = dragRegion.LeftTop() + BPoint(1,1); // Draw drag region highlighted if tracking mouse if (IsTracking()) { SetHighColor(menuHilite); FillRect(dragRegion); while (pt.y + 1 <= dragRegion.bottom) { AddLine(pt, pt, light); AddLine(pt+BPoint(1,1), pt+BPoint(1,1), vdark); pt.y += 3; } } else { while (pt.y + 1 <= dragRegion.bottom) { AddLine(pt, pt, vdark); AddLine(pt+BPoint(1,1), pt+BPoint(1,1), light); pt.y += 3; } } EndLineArray(); } BRect TDragRegion::DragRegion() const { BRect dragRegion(Bounds()); dragRegion.top += 2; dragRegion.bottom -= 2; bool placeOnLeft=false; if (fDragLocation == kAutoPlaceDragRegion) { if (fBarView->Vertical() && fBarView->Left()) placeOnLeft = true; else placeOnLeft = false; } else if (fDragLocation == kDragRegionLeft) placeOnLeft = true; else if (fDragLocation == kDragRegionRight) placeOnLeft = false; if (placeOnLeft) { dragRegion.left += 1; dragRegion.right = dragRegion.left + 3; } else { dragRegion.right -= 1; dragRegion.left = dragRegion.right - 3; } return dragRegion; } void TDragRegion::MouseDown(BPoint thePoint) { ulong buttons; BPoint where; BRect dragRegion(DragRegion()); dragRegion.InsetBy(-2.0f, -2.0f); // DragRegion() is designed for drawing, not clicking if (!dragRegion.Contains(thePoint)) return; while(true) { GetMouse(&where, &buttons); if (!buttons) break; if ((Window()->Flags() & B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS) != 0) { fPreviousPosition = thePoint; SetTracking(true); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY | B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); Invalidate(DragRegion()); break; } snooze(25000); } } void TDragRegion::MouseUp(BPoint pt) { if (IsTracking()) { SetTracking(false); Invalidate(DragRegion()); } else BControl::MouseUp(pt); } bool TDragRegion::SwitchModeForRect(BPoint mouse, BRect rect, bool newVertical, bool newLeft, bool newTop, int32 newState) { if (!rect.Contains(mouse)) // not our rect return false; if (newVertical == fBarView->Vertical() && newLeft == fBarView->Left() && newTop == fBarView->Top() && newState == fBarView->State()) // already in the correct mode return true; fBarView->ChangeState(newState, newVertical, newLeft, newTop); return true; } void TDragRegion::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage *message) { if (IsTracking()) { BScreen screen; BRect frame = screen.Frame(); float hDivider = frame.Width() / 6; hDivider = (hDivider < kMinimumWindowWidth + 10.0f) ? kMinimumWindowWidth + 10.0f : hDivider; float miniDivider = frame.top + kMiniHeight + 10.0f; float vDivider = frame.Height() / 2; #ifdef FULL_MODE float thirdScreen = frame.Height() / 3; #endif BRect topLeft(frame.left, frame.top, frame.left + hDivider, miniDivider); BRect topMiddle(frame.left + hDivider, frame.top, frame.right - hDivider, vDivider); BRect topRight(frame.right - hDivider, frame.top, frame.right, miniDivider); #ifdef FULL_MODE vDivider = miniDivider + thirdScreen; #endif BRect middleLeft(frame.left, miniDivider, frame.left + hDivider, vDivider); BRect middleRight(frame.right - hDivider, miniDivider, frame.right, vDivider); #ifdef FULL_MODE BRect leftSide(frame.left, vDivider, frame.left + hDivider, frame.bottom - thirdScreen); BRect rightSide(frame.right - hDivider, vDivider, frame.right, frame.bottom - thirdScreen); vDivider = frame.bottom - thirdScreen; #endif BRect bottomLeft(frame.left, vDivider, frame.left + hDivider, frame.bottom); BRect bottomMiddle(frame.left + hDivider, vDivider, frame.right - hDivider, frame.bottom); BRect bottomRight(frame.right - hDivider, vDivider, frame.right, frame.bottom); if (where != fPreviousPosition) { fPreviousPosition = where; ConvertToScreen(&where); // use short circuit evaluation for convenience if (SwitchModeForRect(where, topLeft, true, true, true, kMiniState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, topMiddle, false, true, true, kExpandoState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, topRight, true, false, true, kMiniState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, middleLeft, true, true, true, kExpandoState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, middleRight, true, false, true, kExpandoState) #ifdef FULL_MODE || SwitchModeForRect(where, leftSide, true, true, true, kFullState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, rightSide, true, false, true, kFullState) #endif || SwitchModeForRect(where, bottomLeft, true, true, false, kMiniState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, bottomMiddle, false, true, false, kExpandoState) || SwitchModeForRect(where, bottomRight, true, false, false, kMiniState) ) ; } } else BControl::MouseMoved(where, code, message); } int32 TDragRegion::DragRegionLocation() const { return fDragLocation; } void TDragRegion::SetDragRegionLocation(int32 location) { if (location == fDragLocation) return; fDragLocation = location; Invalidate(); }