/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include "ExpandoMenuBar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "icons.h" #include "BarApp.h" #include "BarMenuTitle.h" #include "BarView.h" #include "BarWindow.h" #include "DeskbarMenu.h" #include "DeskbarUtils.h" #include "InlineScrollView.h" #include "ResourceSet.h" #include "ShowHideMenuItem.h" #include "StatusView.h" #include "TeamMenu.h" #include "TeamMenuItem.h" #include "WindowMenu.h" #include "WindowMenuItem.h" const float kMinMenuItemWidth = 50.0f; const float kSepItemWidth = 5.0f; const float kIconPadding = 8.0f; const uint32 kMinimizeTeam = 'mntm'; const uint32 kBringTeamToFront = 'bftm'; bool TExpandoMenuBar::sDoMonitor = false; thread_id TExpandoMenuBar::sMonThread = B_ERROR; BLocker TExpandoMenuBar::sMonLocker("expando monitor"); typedef std::map TeamMenuItemMap; // #pragma mark - TExpandoMenuBar TExpandoMenuBar::TExpandoMenuBar(TBarView* barView, bool vertical) : BMenuBar(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0), "ExpandoMenuBar", B_FOLLOW_NONE, vertical ? B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN : B_ITEMS_IN_ROW), fBarView(barView), fVertical(vertical), fOverflow(false), fFirstBuild(true), fDeskbarMenuWidth(kMinMenuItemWidth), fPreviousDragTargetItem(NULL), fLastMousedOverItem(NULL), fLastClickedItem(NULL) { SetItemMargins(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); SetFont(be_plain_font); SetMaxItemWidth(); // top or bottom mode, add deskbar menu and sep for menubar tracking // consistency // TODO: this is broken code fDeskbarMenuWidth = 63 + 16; // const BBitmap* logoBitmap = AppResSet()->FindBitmap(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, // R_LeafLogoBitmap); // if (logoBitmap != NULL) // fDeskbarMenuWidth = logoBitmap->Bounds().Width() + 16; } void TExpandoMenuBar::AllAttached() { BMenuBar::AllAttached(); SizeWindow(0); } void TExpandoMenuBar::AttachedToWindow() { BMenuBar::AttachedToWindow(); fTeamList.MakeEmpty(); if (fVertical) StartMonitoringWindows(); } void TExpandoMenuBar::DetachedFromWindow() { BMenuBar::DetachedFromWindow(); StopMonitoringWindows(); BMessenger self(this); BMessage message(kUnsubscribe); message.AddMessenger("messenger", self); be_app->PostMessage(&message); RemoveItems(0, CountItems(), true); } void TExpandoMenuBar::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { int32 index; TTeamMenuItem* item; switch (message->what) { case B_SOME_APP_LAUNCHED: { BList* teams = NULL; message->FindPointer("teams", (void**)&teams); BBitmap* icon = NULL; message->FindPointer("icon", (void**)&icon); const char* signature = NULL; message->FindString("sig", &signature); uint32 flags = 0; message->FindInt32("flags", ((int32*) &flags)); const char* name = NULL; message->FindString("name", &name); AddTeam(teams, icon, strdup(name), strdup(signature)); break; } case B_MOUSE_WHEEL_CHANGED: { float deltaY = 0; message->FindFloat("be:wheel_delta_y", &deltaY); if (deltaY == 0) return; TInlineScrollView* scrollView = dynamic_cast(Parent()); if (scrollView == NULL) return; float largeStep; float smallStep; scrollView->GetSteps(&smallStep, &largeStep); // pressing the option/command/control key scrolls faster if (modifiers() & (B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY)) deltaY *= largeStep; else deltaY *= smallStep; scrollView->ScrollBy(deltaY); break; } case kAddTeam: AddTeam(message->FindInt32("team"), message->FindString("sig")); break; case kRemoveTeam: { team_id team = -1; message->FindInt32("team", &team); RemoveTeam(team, true); break; } case B_SOME_APP_QUIT: { team_id team = -1; message->FindInt32("team", &team); RemoveTeam(team, false); break; } case kMinimizeTeam: { index = message->FindInt32("itemIndex"); item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(index)); if (item == NULL) break; TShowHideMenuItem::TeamShowHideCommon(B_MINIMIZE_WINDOW, item->Teams(), item->Menu()->ConvertToScreen(item->Frame()), true); break; } case kBringTeamToFront: { index = message->FindInt32("itemIndex"); item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(index)); if (item == NULL) break; TShowHideMenuItem::TeamShowHideCommon(B_BRING_TO_FRONT, item->Teams(), item->Menu()->ConvertToScreen(item->Frame()), true); break; } default: BMenuBar::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void TExpandoMenuBar::MouseDown(BPoint where) { BMessage* message = Window()->CurrentMessage(); BMenuItem* menuItem; TTeamMenuItem* item = TeamItemAtPoint(where, &menuItem); if (message == NULL || item == NULL || fBarView->Dragging()) { BMenuBar::MouseDown(where); return; } int32 modifiers = 0; message->FindInt32("modifiers", &modifiers); // check for three finger salute, a.k.a. Vulcan Death Grip if ((modifiers & B_COMMAND_KEY) != 0 && (modifiers & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0 && (modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0) { const BList* teams = item->Teams(); int32 teamCount = teams->CountItems(); team_id teamID; for (int32 team = 0; team < teamCount; team++) { teamID = (addr_t)teams->ItemAt(team); kill_team(teamID); RemoveTeam(teamID, false); // remove the team from display immediately } return; // absorb the message } // control click - show all/hide all shortcut if ((modifiers & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0) { // show/hide item's teams BMessage showMessage((modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0 ? kMinimizeTeam : kBringTeamToFront); showMessage.AddInt32("itemIndex", IndexOf(item)); Window()->PostMessage(&showMessage, this); return; // absorb the message } // check if within expander bounds to expand window items if (fVertical && static_cast(be_app)->Settings()->superExpando && item->ExpanderBounds().Contains(where)) { // start the animation here, finish on mouse up fLastClickedItem = item; MouseDownThread::TrackMouse(this, &TExpandoMenuBar::_DoneTracking, &TExpandoMenuBar::_Track); Invalidate(item->ExpanderBounds()); return; // absorb the message } // double-click on an item brings the team to front int32 clicks; if (message->FindInt32("clicks", &clicks) == B_OK && clicks > 1 && item == menuItem && item == fLastClickedItem) { be_roster->ActivateApp((addr_t)item->Teams()->ItemAt(0)); // activate this team return; // absorb the message } fLastClickedItem = item; BMenuBar::MouseDown(where); } void TExpandoMenuBar::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* message) { int32 buttons; BMessage* currentMessage = Window()->CurrentMessage(); if (currentMessage == NULL || currentMessage->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) != B_OK) { buttons = 0; } if (message == NULL) { // force a cleanup _FinishedDrag(); switch (code) { case B_INSIDE_VIEW: { BMenuItem* menuItem; TTeamMenuItem* item = TeamItemAtPoint(where, &menuItem); TWindowMenuItem* windowMenuItem = dynamic_cast(menuItem); if (item == NULL || menuItem == NULL) { // item is NULL, remove the tooltip and break out fLastMousedOverItem = NULL; SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } if (menuItem == fLastMousedOverItem) { // already set the tooltip for this item, break out break; } if (windowMenuItem != NULL && fBarView->Vertical() && fBarView->ExpandoState() && item->IsExpanded()) { // expando mode window menu item fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; if (strcasecmp(windowMenuItem->TruncatedLabel(), windowMenuItem->Label()) > 0) { // label is truncated, set tooltip SetToolTip(windowMenuItem->Label()); } else SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } if (!dynamic_cast(be_app)->Settings()->hideLabels) { // item has a visible label, set tool tip if truncated fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; if (strcasecmp(item->TruncatedLabel(), item->Label()) > 0) { // label is truncated, set tooltip SetToolTip(item->Label()); } else SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } SetToolTip(item->Label()); // new item, set the tooltip to the item label fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; // save the current menuitem for the next MouseMoved() call break; } } BMenuBar::MouseMoved(where, code, message); return; } if (buttons == 0) return; switch (code) { case B_ENTERED_VIEW: // fPreviousDragTargetItem should always be NULL here anyways. if (fPreviousDragTargetItem != NULL) _FinishedDrag(); fBarView->CacheDragData(message); fPreviousDragTargetItem = NULL; break; case B_OUTSIDE_VIEW: // NOTE: Should not be here, but for the sake of defensive // programming... fall-through case B_EXITED_VIEW: _FinishedDrag(); break; case B_INSIDE_VIEW: if (fBarView->Dragging()) { TTeamMenuItem* item = NULL; int32 itemCount = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BMenuItem* _item = ItemAt(i); if (_item->Frame().Contains(where)) { item = dynamic_cast(_item); break; } } if (item == fPreviousDragTargetItem) break; if (fPreviousDragTargetItem != NULL) fPreviousDragTargetItem->SetOverrideSelected(false); if (item != NULL) item->SetOverrideSelected(true); fPreviousDragTargetItem = item; } break; } } void TExpandoMenuBar::MouseUp(BPoint where) { if (fBarView->Dragging()) { _FinishedDrag(true); return; // absorb the message } BMenuBar::MouseUp(where); } void TExpandoMenuBar::BuildItems() { BMessenger self(this); TBarApp::Subscribe(self, &fTeamList); int32 iconSize = static_cast(be_app)->IconSize(); desk_settings* settings = static_cast(be_app)->Settings(); float itemWidth = -1.0f; if (fVertical) { itemWidth = Frame().Width(); SetMaxContentWidth(itemWidth); } else { itemWidth = iconSize; if (!settings->hideLabels) itemWidth += gMinimumWindowWidth - kMinimumIconSize; else itemWidth += kIconPadding * 2; } float itemHeight = -1.0f; TeamMenuItemMap items; int32 itemCount = CountItems(); BList itemList(itemCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BMenuItem* menuItem = RemoveItem((int32)0); itemList.AddItem(menuItem); TTeamMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast(menuItem); if (item != NULL) items[BString(item->Signature()).ToLower()] = item; } if (settings->sortRunningApps) fTeamList.SortItems(TTeamMenu::CompareByName); int32 teamCount = fTeamList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) { BarTeamInfo* barInfo = (BarTeamInfo*)fTeamList.ItemAt(i); TeamMenuItemMap::const_iterator iter = items.find(BString(barInfo->sig).ToLower()); if (iter == items.end()) { // new team TTeamMenuItem* item = new TTeamMenuItem(barInfo->teams, barInfo->icon, barInfo->name, barInfo->sig, itemWidth, itemHeight); if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && strcasecmp(barInfo->sig, kTrackerSignature) == 0) { AddItem(item, 0); } else AddItem(item); if (fFirstBuild && fVertical && settings->expandNewTeams) item->ToggleExpandState(true); } else { // existing team, update info and add it TTeamMenuItem* item = iter->second; item->SetIcon(barInfo->icon); item->SetOverrideWidth(itemWidth); item->SetOverrideHeight(itemHeight); if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && strcasecmp(barInfo->sig, kTrackerSignature) == 0) { AddItem(item, 0); } else AddItem(item); // add window items back int32 index = itemList.IndexOf(item); TWindowMenuItem* windowItem; TWindowMenu* submenu = dynamic_cast(item->Submenu()); bool hasWindowItems = false; while ((windowItem = dynamic_cast( (BMenuItem*)(itemList.ItemAt(++index)))) != NULL) { if (fVertical) AddItem(windowItem); else { delete windowItem; hasWindowItems = submenu != NULL; } } // unexpand if turn off show team expander if (fVertical && !settings->superExpando && item->IsExpanded()) item->ToggleExpandState(false); if (hasWindowItems) { // add (new) window items in submenu submenu->SetExpanded(false, 0); submenu->AttachedToWindow(); } } } if (CountItems() == 0) { // If we're empty, BMenuBar::AttachedToWindow() resizes us to some // weird value - we just override it again ResizeTo(itemWidth, 0); } fFirstBuild = false; } bool TExpandoMenuBar::InDeskbarMenu(BPoint loc) const { TBarWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (window != NULL) { if (TDeskbarMenu* bemenu = window->DeskbarMenu()) { bool inDeskbarMenu = false; if (bemenu->LockLooper()) { inDeskbarMenu = bemenu->Frame().Contains(loc); bemenu->UnlockLooper(); } return inDeskbarMenu; } } return false; } /*! Returns the team menu item that belongs to the item under the specified \a point. If \a _item is given, it will return the exact menu item under that point (which might be a window item when the expander is on). */ TTeamMenuItem* TExpandoMenuBar::TeamItemAtPoint(BPoint point, BMenuItem** _item) { TTeamMenuItem* lastApp = NULL; int32 count = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BMenuItem* item = ItemAt(i); if (dynamic_cast(item) != NULL) lastApp = (TTeamMenuItem*)item; if (item && item->Frame().Contains(point)) { if (_item != NULL) *_item = item; return lastApp; } } // no item found if (_item != NULL) *_item = NULL; return NULL; } void TExpandoMenuBar::AddTeam(BList* team, BBitmap* icon, char* name, char* signature) { int32 iconSize = static_cast(be_app)->IconSize(); desk_settings* settings = static_cast(be_app)->Settings(); float itemWidth = -1.0f; if (fVertical) itemWidth = fBarView->Bounds().Width(); else { itemWidth = iconSize; if (!settings->hideLabels) itemWidth += gMinimumWindowWidth - kMinimumIconSize; else itemWidth += kIconPadding * 2; } float itemHeight = -1.0f; TTeamMenuItem* item = new TTeamMenuItem(team, icon, name, signature, itemWidth, itemHeight); if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && strcasecmp(signature, kTrackerSignature) == 0) { AddItem(item, 0); } else if (settings->sortRunningApps) { TTeamMenuItem* teamItem = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(0)); int32 firstApp = 0; // if Tracker should always be the first item, we need to skip it // when sorting in the current item if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && teamItem != NULL && strcasecmp(teamItem->Signature(), kTrackerSignature) == 0) { firstApp++; } BCollator collator; BLocale::Default()->GetCollator(&collator); int32 i = firstApp; int32 itemCount = CountItems(); while (i < itemCount) { teamItem = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i)); if (teamItem != NULL && collator.Compare(teamItem->Label(), name) > 0) { AddItem(item, i); break; } i++; } // was the item added to the list yet? if (i == itemCount) AddItem(item); } else AddItem(item); if (fVertical && settings->superExpando && settings->expandNewTeams) item->ToggleExpandState(false); SizeWindow(1); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); } void TExpandoMenuBar::AddTeam(team_id team, const char* signature) { int32 itemCount = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { // Only add to team menu items TTeamMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i)); if (item != NULL && strcasecmp(item->Signature(), signature) == 0 && !(item->Teams()->HasItem((void*)(addr_t)team))) { item->Teams()->AddItem((void*)(addr_t)team); break; } } } void TExpandoMenuBar::RemoveTeam(team_id team, bool partial) { TWindowMenuItem* windowItem = NULL; for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TTeamMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i)); if (item != NULL && item->Teams()->HasItem((void*)(addr_t)team)) { item->Teams()->RemoveItem(team); if (partial) return; BAutolock locker(sMonLocker); // make the update thread wait RemoveItem(i); if (item == fPreviousDragTargetItem) fPreviousDragTargetItem = NULL; if (item == fLastMousedOverItem) fLastMousedOverItem = NULL; if (item == fLastClickedItem) fLastClickedItem = NULL; delete item; while ((windowItem = dynamic_cast( ItemAt(i))) != NULL) { // Also remove window items (if there are any) RemoveItem(i); if (windowItem == fLastMousedOverItem) fLastMousedOverItem = NULL; if (windowItem == fLastClickedItem) fLastClickedItem = NULL; delete windowItem; } SizeWindow(-1); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); return; } } } void TExpandoMenuBar::CheckItemSizes(int32 delta) { if (fBarView->Vertical()) return; bool drawLabels = !static_cast(be_app)->Settings()->hideLabels; float maxWidth = fBarView->DragRegion()->Frame().left - fDeskbarMenuWidth - kSepItemWidth; int32 iconSize = static_cast(be_app)->IconSize(); float iconOnlyWidth = kIconPadding + iconSize + kIconPadding; float minItemWidth = drawLabels ? iconOnlyWidth + kMinMenuItemWidth : iconOnlyWidth - kIconPadding; float maxItemWidth = drawLabels ? gMinimumWindowWidth + iconSize - kMinimumIconSize : iconOnlyWidth; float menuWidth = maxItemWidth * CountItems() + fDeskbarMenuWidth + kSepItemWidth; bool reset = false; float newWidth = -1.0f; if (delta >= 0 && menuWidth > maxWidth) { fOverflow = true; reset = true; newWidth = floorf(maxWidth / CountItems()); } else if (delta < 0 && fOverflow) { reset = true; if (menuWidth > maxWidth) newWidth = floorf(maxWidth / CountItems()); else newWidth = maxItemWidth; } if (reset) { if (newWidth > maxItemWidth) newWidth = maxItemWidth; else if (newWidth < minItemWidth) newWidth = minItemWidth; SetMaxContentWidth(newWidth); if (newWidth == maxItemWidth) fOverflow = false; InvalidateLayout(); for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { TTeamMenuItem* item = (TTeamMenuItem*)ItemAt(index); if (item == NULL) break; item->SetOverrideWidth(newWidth); } Invalidate(); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); fBarView->CheckForScrolling(); } } menu_layout TExpandoMenuBar::MenuLayout() const { return Layout(); } void TExpandoMenuBar::SetMenuLayout(menu_layout layout) { fVertical = layout == B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN; BPrivate::MenuPrivate(this).SetLayout(layout); SetMaxItemWidth(); // when the menu layout changes, make sure to set the max width } void TExpandoMenuBar::Draw(BRect updateRect) { BMenu::Draw(updateRect); } void TExpandoMenuBar::DrawBackground(BRect updateRect) { if (fVertical) return; BRect bounds(Bounds()); rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color hilite = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color vlight = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); int32 count = CountItems() - 1; if (count >= 0) bounds.left = ItemAt(count)->Frame().right + 1; else bounds.left = 0; if (be_control_look != NULL) { SetHighColor(tint_color(menuColor, 1.22)); StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.LeftBottom()); bounds.left++; uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER | BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER; be_control_look->DrawButtonBackground(this, bounds, bounds, menuColor, 0, borders); } else { SetHighColor(vlight); StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.RightTop()); StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left, bounds.top + 1), bounds.LeftBottom()); SetHighColor(hilite); StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left + 1, bounds.bottom), bounds.RightBottom()); } } /*! Something to help determine if we are showing too many apps need to add in scrolling functionality. */ bool TExpandoMenuBar::CheckForSizeOverrun() { if (fVertical) { if (Window() == NULL) return false; BRect screenFrame = (BScreen(Window())).Frame(); return Window()->Frame().bottom > screenFrame.bottom; } // horizontal int32 count = CountItems() - 1; if (count < 0) return false; int32 iconSize = static_cast(be_app)->IconSize(); float iconOnlyWidth = kIconPadding + iconSize + kIconPadding; float minItemWidth = !static_cast(be_app)->Settings()->hideLabels ? iconOnlyWidth + kMinMenuItemWidth : iconOnlyWidth - kIconPadding; float menuWidth = minItemWidth * CountItems() + fDeskbarMenuWidth + kSepItemWidth; float maxWidth = fBarView->DragRegion()->Frame().left - fDeskbarMenuWidth - kSepItemWidth; return menuWidth > maxWidth; } void TExpandoMenuBar::SetMaxItemWidth() { if (fVertical) SetMaxContentWidth(static_cast(be_app)->Settings()->width); else { // Make more room for the icon in horizontal mode int32 iconSize = static_cast(be_app)->IconSize(); SetMaxContentWidth(gMinimumWindowWidth + iconSize - kMinimumIconSize); } } void TExpandoMenuBar::SizeWindow(int32 delta) { // instead of resizing the window here and there in the // code the resize method will be centered in one place // thus, the same behavior (good or bad) will be used // wherever window sizing is done if (fVertical) { BRect screenFrame = (BScreen(Window())).Frame(); fBarView->SizeWindow(screenFrame); fBarView->PositionWindow(screenFrame); fBarView->CheckForScrolling(); } else CheckItemSizes(delta); } void TExpandoMenuBar::StartMonitoringWindows() { if (sMonThread != B_ERROR) return; sDoMonitor = true; sMonThread = spawn_thread(monitor_team_windows, "Expando Window Watcher", B_LOW_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread(sMonThread); } void TExpandoMenuBar::StopMonitoringWindows() { if (sMonThread == B_ERROR) return; sDoMonitor = false; status_t returnCode; wait_for_thread(sMonThread, &returnCode); sMonThread = B_ERROR; } int32 TExpandoMenuBar::monitor_team_windows(void* arg) { TExpandoMenuBar* teamMenu = (TExpandoMenuBar*)arg; while (teamMenu->sDoMonitor) { sMonLocker.Lock(); if (teamMenu->Window()->LockWithTimeout(50000) == B_OK) { int32 totalItems = teamMenu->CountItems(); // Set all WindowMenuItems to require an update. TWindowMenuItem* item = NULL; for (int32 i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) { if (!teamMenu->SubmenuAt(i)) { item = static_cast(teamMenu->ItemAt(i)); item->SetRequireUpdate(true); } } // Perform SetTo() on all the items that still exist as well as add // new items. bool itemModified = false; bool resize = false; TTeamMenuItem* teamItem = NULL; for (int32 i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) { if (teamMenu->SubmenuAt(i) == NULL) continue; teamItem = static_cast(teamMenu->ItemAt(i)); if (teamItem->IsExpanded()) { int32 teamCount = teamItem->Teams()->CountItems(); for (int32 j = 0; j < teamCount; j++) { // The following code is almost a copy/paste from // WindowMenu.cpp team_id theTeam = (addr_t)teamItem->Teams()->ItemAt(j); int32 count = 0; int32* tokens = get_token_list(theTeam, &count); for (int32 k = 0; k < count; k++) { client_window_info* wInfo = get_window_info(tokens[k]); if (wInfo == NULL) continue; BString windowName(wInfo->name); BString teamPrefix(teamItem->Label()); teamPrefix.Append(": "); BString teamSuffix(" - "); teamSuffix.Append(teamItem->Label()); if (windowName.StartsWith(teamPrefix)) windowName.RemoveFirst(teamPrefix); if (windowName.EndsWith(teamSuffix)) windowName.RemoveLast(teamSuffix); if (TWindowMenu::WindowShouldBeListed(wInfo)) { // Check if we have a matching window item... item = teamItem->ExpandedWindowItem( wInfo->server_token); if (item != NULL) { item->SetTo(windowName, wInfo->server_token, wInfo->is_mini, ((1 << current_workspace()) & wInfo->workspaces) != 0); if (strcasecmp(item->Label(), windowName) > 0) item->SetLabel(windowName); if (item->Modified()) itemModified = true; } else if (teamItem->IsExpanded()) { // Add the item item = new TWindowMenuItem(windowName, wInfo->server_token, wInfo->is_mini, ((1 << current_workspace()) & wInfo->workspaces) != 0, false); item->SetExpanded(true); teamMenu->AddItem(item, TWindowMenuItem::InsertIndexFor( teamMenu, i + 1, item)); resize = true; } } free(wInfo); } free(tokens); } } } // Remove any remaining items which require an update. for (int32 i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) { if (!teamMenu->SubmenuAt(i)) { item = static_cast(teamMenu->ItemAt(i)); if (item && item->RequiresUpdate()) { item = static_cast (teamMenu->RemoveItem(i)); delete item; totalItems--; resize = true; } } } // If any of the WindowMenuItems changed state, we need to force a // repaint. if (itemModified || resize) { teamMenu->Invalidate(); if (resize) teamMenu->SizeWindow(1); } teamMenu->Window()->Unlock(); } sMonLocker.Unlock(); // sleep for a bit... snooze(150000); } return B_OK; } void TExpandoMenuBar::_FinishedDrag(bool invoke) { if (fPreviousDragTargetItem != NULL) { if (invoke) fPreviousDragTargetItem->Invoke(); fPreviousDragTargetItem->SetOverrideSelected(false); fPreviousDragTargetItem = NULL; } if (!invoke && fBarView->Dragging()) fBarView->DragStop(true); } void TExpandoMenuBar::_DoneTracking(BPoint where) { TTeamMenuItem* lastItem = dynamic_cast(fLastClickedItem); if (lastItem == NULL) return; if (!lastItem->ExpanderBounds().Contains(where)) return; lastItem->ToggleExpandState(true); lastItem->SetArrowDirection(lastItem->IsExpanded() ? BControlLook::B_DOWN_ARROW : BControlLook::B_RIGHT_ARROW); Invalidate(lastItem->ExpanderBounds()); } void TExpandoMenuBar::_Track(BPoint where, uint32) { TTeamMenuItem* lastItem = dynamic_cast(fLastClickedItem); if (lastItem == NULL) return; if (lastItem->ExpanderBounds().Contains(where)) lastItem->SetArrowDirection(BControlLook::B_RIGHT_DOWN_ARROW); else { lastItem->SetArrowDirection(lastItem->IsExpanded() ? BControlLook::B_DOWN_ARROW : BControlLook::B_RIGHT_ARROW); } Invalidate(lastItem->ExpanderBounds()); }