/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include "BarView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "icons.h" #include "BarApp.h" #include "BarMenuBar.h" #include "BarWindow.h" #include "BeMenu.h" #include "DeskBarUtils.h" #include "ExpandoMenuBar.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "ResourceSet.h" #include "StatusView.h" #include "TeamMenuItem.h" const int32 kDefaultRecentDocCount = 10; const int32 kDefaultRecentFolderCount = 10; const int32 kDefaultRecentAppCount = 10; const int32 kMenuTrackMargin = 20; TBarView::TBarView(BRect frame, bool vertical, bool left, bool top, bool showInterval, uint32 state, float, bool showTime) : BView(frame, "BarView", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW), fBarMenuBar(NULL), fExpando(NULL), fTrayLocation(1), fShowInterval(showInterval), fShowClock(showTime), fVertical(vertical), fTop(top), fLeft(left), fState(static_cast(state)), fRefsRcvdOnly(true), fDragMessage(NULL), fCachedTypesList(NULL), fMaxRecentDocs(kDefaultRecentDocCount), fMaxRecentApps(kDefaultRecentAppCount), fLastDragItem(NULL) { fReplicantTray = new TReplicantTray(this, fVertical); fDragRegion = new TDragRegion(this, fReplicantTray); fDragRegion->AddChild(fReplicantTray); if (fTrayLocation != 0) AddChild(fDragRegion); } TBarView::~TBarView() { delete fDragMessage; delete fCachedTypesList; RemoveExpandedItems(); } void TBarView::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetFont(be_plain_font); UpdateEventMask(); UpdatePlacement(); fTrackingHookData.fTrackingHook = MenuTrackingHook; fTrackingHookData.fTarget = BMessenger(this); fTrackingHookData.fDragMessage = new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED); } void TBarView::DetachedFromWindow() { delete fTrackingHookData.fDragMessage; fTrackingHookData.fDragMessage = NULL; } void TBarView::Draw(BRect) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); rgb_color hilite = tint_color(ViewColor(), B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color light = tint_color(ViewColor(), B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); SetHighColor(hilite); if (AcrossTop()) StrokeLine(bounds.LeftBottom(), bounds.RightBottom()); else if (AcrossBottom()) StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.RightTop()); if (Vertical() && Expando()) { SetHighColor(hilite); BRect frame(fExpando->Frame()); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left, frame.top - 1), BPoint(frame.right, frame.top -1)); } } void TBarView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_REFS_RECEIVED: // received when an item is selected during DnD // message is targeted here from Be menu HandleBeMenu(message); break; case B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT: { // this message has been retargeted to here // instead of directly to the replicant tray // so that I can follow the common pathway // for adding icons to the tray int32 id; AddItem(new BMessage(*message), B_DESKBAR_TRAY, &id); break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); } } void TBarView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage) { if (Window() == NULL || EventMask() == 0) return; desk_settings* settings = ((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings(); bool alwaysOnTop = settings->alwaysOnTop; bool autoRaise = settings->autoRaise; bool autoHide = settings->autoHide; if (!autoRaise && !autoHide) return; if (DragRegion()->IsDragging()) return; bool isTopMost = Window()->Feel() == B_FLOATING_ALL_WINDOW_FEEL; // Auto-Raise where = ConvertToScreen(where); BScreen screen(Window()); BRect screenFrame = screen.Frame(); if ((where.x == screenFrame.left || where.x == screenFrame.right || where.y == screenFrame.top || where.y == screenFrame.bottom) && Window()->Frame().Contains(where)) { // cursor is on a screen edge within the window frame if (!alwaysOnTop && autoRaise && !isTopMost) RaiseDeskbar(true); if (autoHide && IsHidden()) HideDeskbar(false); } else { // cursor is not on screen edge BRect preventHideArea = Window()->Frame().InsetByCopy( -kMaxPreventHidingDist, -kMaxPreventHidingDist); if (preventHideArea.Contains(where)) return; // cursor to bar distance above threshold if (!alwaysOnTop && autoRaise && isTopMost) RaiseDeskbar(false); if (autoHide && !IsHidden()) HideDeskbar(true); } } void TBarView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { where = ConvertToScreen(where); if (Window()->Frame().Contains(where)) { Window()->Activate(); if ((modifiers() & (B_CONTROL_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY)) == (B_CONTROL_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY)) { // The window key was pressed - enter dragging code DragRegion()->MouseDown( DragRegion()->DragRegion().LeftTop()); return; } } else { // hide deskbar if required desk_settings* settings = ((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings(); bool alwaysOnTop = settings->alwaysOnTop; bool autoRaise = settings->autoRaise; bool autoHide = settings->autoHide; bool isTopMost = Window()->Feel() == B_FLOATING_ALL_WINDOW_FEEL; if (!alwaysOnTop && autoRaise && isTopMost) RaiseDeskbar(false); if (autoHide && !IsHidden()) HideDeskbar(true); } } void TBarView::PlaceBeMenu() { // top or bottom, full if (!fVertical && fBarMenuBar) { fBarMenuBar->RemoveSelf(); delete fBarMenuBar; fBarMenuBar = NULL; } // top or bottom expando mode has Be menu built in for tracking // only for vertical mini or expanded // mini mode will have team menu added as part of BarMenuBar if (fVertical && !fBarMenuBar) { // create the Be menu BRect mbarFrame(Bounds()); mbarFrame.bottom = mbarFrame.top + kMenuBarHeight; fBarMenuBar = new TBarMenuBar(this, mbarFrame, "BarMenuBar"); AddChild(fBarMenuBar); } // if there isn't a bemenu at this point, // DB should be in top/bottom mode, else error if (!fBarMenuBar) return; float width = sMinimumWindowWidth; BPoint loc(B_ORIGIN); BRect menuFrame(fBarMenuBar->Frame()); if (fState == kFullState) { fBarMenuBar->RemoveTeamMenu(); width = 8 + 16 + 8; loc = Bounds().LeftTop(); } else if (fState == kExpandoState) { // shows apps below tray fBarMenuBar->RemoveTeamMenu(); if (fVertical) width += 1; else width = floorf(width) / 2; loc = Bounds().LeftTop(); } else { // mini mode, BeMenu next to team menu fBarMenuBar->AddTeamMenu(); } fBarMenuBar->SmartResize(width, menuFrame.Height()); fBarMenuBar->MoveTo(loc); } void TBarView::PlaceTray(bool, bool, BRect screenFrame) { BPoint statusLoc; if (fState == kFullState) { fDragRegion->ResizeTo(fBarMenuBar->Frame().Width(), kMenuBarHeight); statusLoc.y = fBarMenuBar->Frame().bottom + 1; statusLoc.x = 0; fDragRegion->MoveTo(statusLoc); if (!fReplicantTray->IsHidden()) fReplicantTray->Hide(); return; } if (fReplicantTray->IsHidden()) fReplicantTray->Show(); if (fTrayLocation != 0) { fReplicantTray->SetMultiRow(fVertical); fReplicantTray->RealignReplicants(); fDragRegion->ResizeToPreferred(); if (fVertical) { statusLoc.y = fBarMenuBar->Frame().bottom + 1; statusLoc.x = 0; if (Left() && Vertical()) fReplicantTray->MoveTo(5, 2); else fReplicantTray->MoveTo(2, 2); } else { statusLoc.x = screenFrame.right - fDragRegion->Bounds().Width(); statusLoc.y = -1; } fDragRegion->MoveTo(statusLoc); } } void TBarView::PlaceApplicationBar(BRect screenFrame) { if (fExpando != NULL) { fExpando->RemoveSelf(); delete fExpando; fExpando = NULL; } if (fState == kMiniState) return; BRect expandoFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); if (fVertical) { // top left/right if (fTrayLocation != 0) expandoFrame.top = fDragRegion->Frame().bottom + 1; else expandoFrame.top = fBarMenuBar->Frame().bottom + 1; expandoFrame.bottom = expandoFrame.top + 1; if (fState == kFullState) expandoFrame.right = fBarMenuBar->Frame().Width(); else expandoFrame.right = sMinimumWindowWidth; } else { // top or bottom expandoFrame.top = 0; expandoFrame.bottom = kHModeHeight; if (fTrayLocation != 0) expandoFrame.right = fDragRegion->Frame().left - 1; else expandoFrame.right = screenFrame.Width(); } fExpando = new TExpandoMenuBar(this, expandoFrame, "ExpandoMenuBar", fVertical, fState != kFullState); AddChild(fExpando); } void TBarView::GetPreferredWindowSize(BRect screenFrame, float* width, float* height) { float windowHeight = 0; float windowWidth = sMinimumWindowWidth; bool calcHiddenSize = ((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings()->autoHide && IsHidden() && !DragRegion()->IsDragging(); if (!calcHiddenSize) { if (fState == kFullState) { windowHeight = screenFrame.bottom; windowWidth = fBarMenuBar->Frame().Width(); } else if (fState == kExpandoState) { if (fVertical) { // top left or right windowHeight = fExpando->Frame().bottom; } else { // top or bottom, full fExpando->CheckItemSizes(0); windowHeight = kHModeHeight; windowWidth = screenFrame.Width(); } } else { // four corners if (fTrayLocation != 0) windowHeight = fDragRegion->Frame().bottom; else windowHeight = fBarMenuBar->Frame().bottom; } } else { windowHeight = kHModeHiddenHeight; if (fState == kExpandoState && !fVertical) { // top or bottom, full fExpando->CheckItemSizes(0); windowWidth = screenFrame.Width(); } else windowWidth = kHModeHiddenHeight; } *width = windowWidth; *height = windowHeight; } void TBarView::SizeWindow(BRect screenFrame) { float windowWidth, windowHeight; GetPreferredWindowSize(screenFrame, &windowWidth, &windowHeight); Window()->ResizeTo(windowWidth, windowHeight); if (fExpando) fExpando->CheckForSizeOverrun(); } void TBarView::PositionWindow(BRect screenFrame) { float windowWidth, windowHeight; GetPreferredWindowSize(screenFrame, &windowWidth, &windowHeight); BPoint moveLoc(0, 0); // right, expanded if (!fLeft && fVertical) { if (fState == kFullState) moveLoc.x = screenFrame.right - fBarMenuBar->Frame().Width(); else moveLoc.x = screenFrame.right - windowWidth; } // bottom, full or corners if (!fTop) moveLoc.y = screenFrame.bottom - windowHeight; Window()->MoveTo(moveLoc); } void TBarView::SaveSettings() { desk_settings* settings = ((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings(); settings->vertical = Vertical(); settings->left = Left(); settings->top = Top(); settings->ampmMode = MilTime(); settings->state = (uint32)State(); settings->width = 0; settings->showTime = ShowingClock(); fReplicantTray->RememberClockSettings(); } void TBarView::UpdateEventMask() { if (((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings()->autoRaise || ((TBarApp*)be_app)->Settings()->autoHide) SetEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY); else SetEventMask(0); } void TBarView::UpdatePlacement() { ChangeState(fState, fVertical, fLeft, fTop); } void TBarView::ChangeState(int32 state, bool vertical, bool left, bool top) { bool vertSwap = (fVertical != vertical); bool leftSwap = (fLeft != left); bool stateChanged = (fState != state); fState = state; fVertical = vertical; fLeft = left; fTop = top; // Send a message to the preferences window to let it know to enable // or disable preference items if (stateChanged || vertSwap) be_app->PostMessage(kStateChanged); BRect screenFrame = (BScreen(Window())).Frame(); PlaceBeMenu(); PlaceTray(vertSwap, leftSwap, screenFrame); // Keep track of which apps are expanded SaveExpandedItems(); PlaceApplicationBar(screenFrame); SizeWindow(screenFrame); PositionWindow(screenFrame); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); // Re-expand apps ExpandItems(); Invalidate(); } void TBarView::SaveExpandedItems() { if (fExpando == NULL || fExpando->CountItems() <= 0) return; // Get a list of the signatures of expanded apps. Can't use // team_id because there can be more than one team per application for (int32 i = 0; i < fExpando->CountItems(); i++) { TTeamMenuItem* teamItem = dynamic_cast(fExpando->ItemAt(i)); if (teamItem != NULL && teamItem->IsExpanded()) AddExpandedItem(teamItem->Signature()); } } void TBarView::RemoveExpandedItems() { while (!fExpandedItems.IsEmpty()) delete static_cast(fExpandedItems.RemoveItem((int32)0)); fExpandedItems.MakeEmpty(); } void TBarView::ExpandItems() { if (fExpando == NULL || !fVertical || !Expando() || !static_cast(be_app)->Settings()->superExpando || fExpandedItems.CountItems() <= 0) return; // Start at the 'bottom' of the list working up. // Prevents being thrown off by expanding items. for (int32 i = fExpando->CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TTeamMenuItem* teamItem = dynamic_cast(fExpando->ItemAt(i)); if (teamItem != NULL) { // Start at the 'bottom' of the fExpandedItems list working up // matching the order of the fExpando list in the outer loop. for (int32 j = fExpandedItems.CountItems() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { BString* itemSig = static_cast(fExpandedItems.ItemAt(j)); if (itemSig->Compare(teamItem->Signature()) == 0) { // Found it, expand the item and delete signature from // the list so that we don't consider it for later items. teamItem->ToggleExpandState(false); fExpandedItems.RemoveItem(j); delete itemSig; break; } } } } // Clean up the expanded items list RemoveExpandedItems(); fExpando->SizeWindow(); } void TBarView::AddExpandedItem(const char* signature) { bool shouldAdd = true; for (int32 i = 0; i < fExpandedItems.CountItems(); i++) { BString *itemSig = static_cast(fExpandedItems.ItemAt(i)); if (itemSig->Compare(signature) == 0) { // already in the list, don't add the signature shouldAdd = false; break; } } if (shouldAdd) fExpandedItems.AddItem(static_cast(new BString(signature))); } void TBarView::RaiseDeskbar(bool raise) { if (raise) Window()->SetFeel(B_FLOATING_ALL_WINDOW_FEEL); else Window()->SetFeel(B_NORMAL_WINDOW_FEEL); } void TBarView::HideDeskbar(bool hide) { BScreen screen(Window()); BRect screenFrame = screen.Frame(); if (hide) { Hide(); PositionWindow(screenFrame); SizeWindow(screenFrame); } else { Show(); SizeWindow(screenFrame); PositionWindow(screenFrame); } } // window placement functions bool TBarView::Vertical() const { return fVertical; } bool TBarView::Left() const { return fLeft; } bool TBarView::AcrossTop() const { return fTop && !fVertical; } bool TBarView::AcrossBottom() const { return !fTop && !fVertical; } bool TBarView::Expando() const { return fState == kExpandoState; } bool TBarView::Top() const { return fTop; } int32 TBarView::State() const { return fState; } // optional functionality functions bool TBarView::MilTime() const { return fShowInterval; } void TBarView::ShowClock(bool on) { fShowClock = on; } bool TBarView::ShowingClock() const { return fShowClock; } // #pragma mark - Drag and Drop void TBarView::CacheDragData(const BMessage* incoming) { if (!incoming) return; if (Dragging() && SpringLoadedFolderCompareMessages(incoming, fDragMessage)) return; // disposes then fills cached drag message and // mimetypes list SpringLoadedFolderCacheDragData(incoming, &fDragMessage, &fCachedTypesList); } static void init_tracking_hook(BMenuItem* item, bool (*hookFunction)(BMenu*, void*), void* state) { if (!item) return; BMenu* windowMenu = item->Submenu(); if (windowMenu) { // have a menu, set the tracking hook windowMenu->SetTrackingHook(hookFunction, state); } } status_t TBarView::DragStart() { if (!Dragging()) return B_OK; BPoint loc; uint32 buttons; GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); if (fExpando && fExpando->Frame().Contains(loc)) { ConvertToScreen(&loc); BPoint expandoLocation = fExpando->ConvertFromScreen(loc); TTeamMenuItem* item = fExpando->TeamItemAtPoint(expandoLocation); if (fLastDragItem) init_tracking_hook(fLastDragItem, NULL, NULL); if (item) { if (item == fLastDragItem) return B_OK; fLastDragItem = item; } } return B_OK; } bool TBarView::MenuTrackingHook(BMenu* menu, void* castToThis) { // return true if the menu should go away TrackingHookData* data = static_cast(castToThis); if (!data) return false; TBarView* barview = dynamic_cast(data->fTarget.Target(NULL)); if (!barview || !menu->LockLooper()) return false; uint32 buttons; BPoint location; menu->GetMouse(&location, &buttons); bool endMenu = true; BRect frame(menu->Bounds()); frame.InsetBy(-kMenuTrackMargin, -kMenuTrackMargin); if (frame.Contains(location)) { // if current loc is still in the menu // keep tracking endMenu = false; } else { // see if the mouse is in the team/be menu item menu->ConvertToScreen(&location); if (barview->LockLooper()) { TExpandoMenuBar* expando = barview->ExpandoMenuBar(); TBeMenu* bemenu = (dynamic_cast(barview->Window()))->BeMenu(); if (bemenu && bemenu->LockLooper()) { bemenu->ConvertFromScreen(&location); if (bemenu->Frame().Contains(location)) endMenu = false; bemenu->UnlockLooper(); } if (endMenu && expando) { expando->ConvertFromScreen(&location); BMenuItem* item = expando->TeamItemAtPoint(location); if (item) endMenu = false; } barview->UnlockLooper(); } } menu->UnlockLooper(); return endMenu; } // used by WindowMenu and TeamMenu to // set the tracking hook for dragging TrackingHookData* TBarView::GetTrackingHookData() { // all tracking hook data is // preset in AttachedToWindow // data should never change return &fTrackingHookData; } void TBarView::DragStop(bool full) { if (!Dragging()) return; if (fExpando) { if (fLastDragItem) { init_tracking_hook(fLastDragItem, NULL, NULL); fLastDragItem = NULL; } } if (full) { delete fDragMessage; fDragMessage = NULL; delete fCachedTypesList; fCachedTypesList = NULL; } } bool TBarView::AppCanHandleTypes(const char* signature) { // used for filtering apps/teams in the ExpandoMenuBar and TeamMenu if (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) { // control key forces acceptance, just like drag&drop on icons return true; } if (!signature || strlen(signature) == 0 || !fCachedTypesList || fCachedTypesList->CountItems() == 0) return false; if (strcmp(signature, kTrackerSignature) == 0) { // tracker should support all types // and should pass them on to the appropriate application return true; } entry_ref hintref; BMimeType appmime(signature); if (appmime.GetAppHint(&hintref) != B_OK) return false; // an app was found, now see if it supports any of // the refs in the message BFile file(&hintref, O_RDONLY); BAppFileInfo fileinfo(&file); // scan the cached mimetype list and see if this app // supports anything in the list // only one item needs to match in the list of refs int32 count = fCachedTypesList->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if (fileinfo.IsSupportedType(fCachedTypesList->ItemAt(i)->String())) return true; } return false; } void TBarView::SetDragOverride(bool on) { fRefsRcvdOnly = on; } bool TBarView::DragOverride() { return fRefsRcvdOnly; } status_t TBarView::SendDragMessage(const char* signature, entry_ref* ref) { status_t err = B_ERROR; if (fDragMessage) { if (fRefsRcvdOnly) { // current message sent to apps is only B_REFS_RECEIVED fDragMessage->what = B_REFS_RECEIVED; } BRoster roster; if (signature && strlen(signature) > 0 && roster.IsRunning(signature)) { BMessenger mess(signature); // drag message is still owned by DB, copy is sent // can toss it after send err = mess.SendMessage(fDragMessage); } else if (ref) { FSLaunchItem((const entry_ref*)ref, (const BMessage*)fDragMessage, true, true); } else if (signature && strlen(signature) > 0) { roster.Launch(signature, fDragMessage); } } return err; } bool TBarView::InvokeItem(const char* signature) { // sent from TeamMenuItem if (Dragging() && AppCanHandleTypes(signature)) { SendDragMessage(signature); // invoking okay to toss memory DragStop(true); return true; } return false; } void TBarView::HandleBeMenu(BMessage* messagewithdestination) { if (!Dragging()) return; // in mini-mode if (Vertical() && !Expando()) { // if drop is in the team menu, bail if (fBarMenuBar->CountItems() >= 2) { uint32 buttons; BPoint location; GetMouse(&location, &buttons); if (fBarMenuBar->ItemAt(1)->Frame().Contains(location)) return; } } if (messagewithdestination) { entry_ref ref; if (messagewithdestination->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); if (entry.IsDirectory()) { // if the ref received (should only be 1) is a directory // then add the drag refs to the directory AddRefsToBeMenu(DragMessage(), &ref); } else SendDragMessage(NULL, &ref); } } else { // adds drag refs to top level in be menu AddRefsToBeMenu(DragMessage(), NULL); } // clean up drag message and types list DragStop(true); } // #pragma mark - Add-ons // shelf is ignored for now, // it exists in anticipation of having other 'shelves' for // storing items status_t TBarView::ItemInfo(int32 id, const char** name, DeskbarShelf* shelf) { *shelf = B_DESKBAR_TRAY; return fReplicantTray->ItemInfo(id, name); } status_t TBarView::ItemInfo(const char* name, int32* id, DeskbarShelf* shelf) { *shelf = B_DESKBAR_TRAY; return fReplicantTray->ItemInfo(name, id); } bool TBarView::ItemExists(int32 id, DeskbarShelf) { return fReplicantTray->IconExists(id); } bool TBarView::ItemExists(const char* name, DeskbarShelf) { return fReplicantTray->IconExists(name); } int32 TBarView::CountItems(DeskbarShelf) { return fReplicantTray->IconCount(); } status_t TBarView::AddItem(BMessage* item, DeskbarShelf, int32* id) { return fReplicantTray->AddIcon(item, id); } status_t TBarView::AddItem(BEntry* entry, DeskbarShelf, int32* id) { return fReplicantTray->LoadAddOn(entry, id); } void TBarView::RemoveItem(int32 id) { fReplicantTray->RemoveIcon(id); } void TBarView::RemoveItem(const char* name, DeskbarShelf) { fReplicantTray->RemoveIcon(name); } BRect TBarView::OffsetIconFrame(BRect rect) const { BRect frame(Frame()); frame.left += fDragRegion->Frame().left + fReplicantTray->Frame().left + rect.left; frame.top += fDragRegion->Frame().top + fReplicantTray->Frame().top + rect.top; frame.right = frame.left + rect.Width(); frame.bottom = frame.top + rect.Height(); return frame; } BRect TBarView::IconFrame(int32 id) const { return OffsetIconFrame(fReplicantTray->IconFrame(id)); } BRect TBarView::IconFrame(const char* name) const { return OffsetIconFrame(fReplicantTray->IconFrame(name)); }