/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if __HAIKU__ # include #endif #include "FavoritesConfig.h" #include "icons.h" #include "tracker_private.h" #include "BarApp.h" #include "BarView.h" #include "BarWindow.h" #include "DeskBarUtils.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "PublicCommands.h" #include "ResourceSet.h" #include "Switcher.h" #include "TeamMenu.h" #include "WindowMenuItem.h" // private Be API extern void __set_window_decor(int32 theme); BLocker TBarApp::sSubscriberLock; BList TBarApp::sBarTeamInfoList; BList TBarApp::sSubscribers; const uint32 kShowBeMenu = 'BeMn'; const uint32 kShowTeamMenu = 'TmMn'; const BRect kIconSize(0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f); #if __HAIKU__ static const color_space kIconFormat = B_RGBA32; #else static const color_space kIconFormat = B_CMAP8; #endif int main() { TBarApp app; app.Run(); return B_OK; } TBarApp::TBarApp() : BApplication(kDeskbarSignature), fSettingsFile(NULL), fConfigWindow(NULL) { InitSettings(); InitIconPreloader(); #ifdef __HAIKU__ be_roster->StartWatching(this); #endif sBarTeamInfoList.MakeEmpty(); BList teamList; int32 numTeams; be_roster->GetAppList(&teamList); numTeams = teamList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTeams; i++) { app_info appInfo; team_id tID = (team_id)teamList.ItemAt(i); if (be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(tID, &appInfo) == B_OK) { AddTeam(appInfo.team, appInfo.flags, appInfo.signature, &appInfo.ref); } } sSubscribers.MakeEmpty(); fSwitcherMessenger = BMessenger(new TSwitchManager(fSettings.switcherLoc)); fBarWindow = new TBarWindow(); fBarWindow->Show(); // this messenger now targets the barview instead of the // statusview so that all additions to the tray // follow the same path fStatusViewMessenger = BMessenger(fBarWindow->FindView("BarView")); } TBarApp::~TBarApp() { #ifdef __HAIKU__ be_roster->StopWatching(this); #endif int32 teamCount = sBarTeamInfoList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) { BarTeamInfo *barInfo = (BarTeamInfo *)sBarTeamInfoList.ItemAt(i); delete barInfo; } int32 subsCount = sSubscribers.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < subsCount; i++) { BMessenger *messenger = static_cast(sSubscribers.ItemAt(i)); delete messenger; } SaveSettings(); delete fSettingsFile; } bool TBarApp::QuitRequested() { if (CurrentMessage() && CurrentMessage()->FindBool("shortcut")) // don't allow user quitting return false; // system quitting, call inherited to notify all loopers fBarWindow->SaveSettings(); BApplication::QuitRequested(); return true; } void TBarApp::SaveSettings() { if (fSettingsFile->InitCheck() == B_OK) { fSettingsFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.vertical, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.left, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.top, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.ampmMode, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.state, sizeof(uint32)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.width, sizeof(float)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.showTime, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.switcherLoc, sizeof(BPoint)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.recentAppsCount, sizeof(int32)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.recentDocsCount, sizeof(int32)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.timeShowSeconds, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.timeShowMil, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.recentFoldersCount, sizeof(int32)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.timeShowEuro, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.alwaysOnTop, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.timeFullDate, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.trackerAlwaysFirst, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.sortRunningApps, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.superExpando, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.expandNewTeams, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Write(&fSettings.autoRaise, sizeof(bool)); } } void TBarApp::InitSettings() { desk_settings settings; settings.vertical = true; settings.left = false; settings.top = true; settings.ampmMode = true; settings.showTime = true; settings.state = kExpandoState; settings.width = 0; settings.switcherLoc = BPoint(5000, 5000); settings.recentAppsCount = 10; settings.recentDocsCount = 10; settings.timeShowSeconds = false; settings.timeShowMil = false; settings.recentFoldersCount = 0; // default is hidden settings.timeShowEuro = false; settings.alwaysOnTop = false; settings.timeFullDate = false; settings.trackerAlwaysFirst = false; settings.sortRunningApps = false; settings.superExpando = false; settings.expandNewTeams = false; settings.autoRaise = true; BPath dirPath; const char *settingsFileName = "Deskbar_settings"; find_directory(B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY, &dirPath, true); // just make it if (find_directory (B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &dirPath, true) == B_OK) { BPath filePath = dirPath; filePath.Append(settingsFileName); fSettingsFile = new BFile(filePath.Path(), O_RDWR); if (fSettingsFile->InitCheck() != B_OK) { BDirectory theDir(dirPath.Path()); if (theDir.InitCheck() == B_OK) theDir.CreateFile(settingsFileName, fSettingsFile); } if (fSettingsFile->InitCheck() == B_OK) { off_t size = 0; fSettingsFile->GetSize(&size); if (size >= kValidSettingsSize1) { fSettingsFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.vertical, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.left, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.top, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.ampmMode, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.state, sizeof(uint32)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.width, sizeof(float)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.showTime, sizeof(bool)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize2) fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.switcherLoc, sizeof(BPoint)); if (size >= kValidSettingsSize3) { fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.recentAppsCount, sizeof(int32)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.recentDocsCount, sizeof(int32)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize4) { fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.timeShowSeconds, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.timeShowMil, sizeof(bool)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize5) fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.recentFoldersCount, sizeof(int32)); if (size >= kValidSettingsSize6) { fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.timeShowEuro, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.alwaysOnTop, sizeof(bool)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize7) fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.timeFullDate, sizeof(bool)); if (size >= kValidSettingsSize8) { fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.trackerAlwaysFirst, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.sortRunningApps, sizeof(bool)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize9) { fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.superExpando, sizeof(bool)); fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.expandNewTeams, sizeof(bool)); } if (size >= kValidSettingsSize10) fSettingsFile->Read(&settings.autoRaise, sizeof(bool)); } } fSettings = settings; } void TBarApp::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { int32 count; switch (message->what) { case 'gloc': case 'sloc': case 'gexp': case 'sexp': case 'info': case 'exst': case 'cwnt': case 'icon': case 'remv': case 'adon': // pass any BDeskbar originating messages on to the window fBarWindow->PostMessage(message); break; case kConfigShow: if (message->FindInt32("count", &count) == B_OK) fSettings.recentDocsCount = count; break; case kUpdateAppsCount: if (message->FindInt32("count", &count) == B_OK) fSettings.recentAppsCount = count; break; case kShowBeMenu: if (fBarWindow->Lock()) { fBarWindow->ShowBeMenu(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); } break; case kShowTeamMenu: if (fBarWindow->Lock()) { fBarWindow->ShowTeamMenu(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); } break; case msg_config_db: ShowConfigWindow(); break; case kConfigClose: if (message->FindInt32("applications", &count) == B_OK) fSettings.recentAppsCount = count; if (message->FindInt32("folders", &count) == B_OK) fSettings.recentFoldersCount = count; if (message->FindInt32("documents", &count) == B_OK) fSettings.recentDocsCount = count; fConfigWindow = NULL; break; case B_SOME_APP_LAUNCHED: { team_id team = -1; message->FindInt32("be:team", &team); uint32 flags = 0; message->FindInt32("be:flags", (long *)&flags); const char *sig = NULL; message->FindString("be:signature", &sig); entry_ref ref; message->FindRef("be:ref", &ref); AddTeam(team, flags, sig, &ref); break; } case B_SOME_APP_QUIT: { team_id team = -1; message->FindInt32("be:team", &team); RemoveTeam(team); break; } case B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT: // TODO: what's this??? message->AddString("special", "Alex Osadzinski"); fStatusViewMessenger.SendMessage(message); break; case msg_Be: __set_window_decor(0); break; case msg_Win95: __set_window_decor(2); break; case msg_Amiga: __set_window_decor(1); break; case msg_Mac: __set_window_decor(3); break; case msg_ToggleDraggers: if (BDragger::AreDraggersDrawn()) BDragger::HideAllDraggers(); else BDragger::ShowAllDraggers(); break; case msg_AlwaysTop: fSettings.alwaysOnTop = !fSettings.alwaysOnTop; fBarWindow->SetFeel(fSettings.alwaysOnTop ? B_FLOATING_ALL_WINDOW_FEEL : B_NORMAL_WINDOW_FEEL); break; case msg_AutoRaise: { fSettings.autoRaise = !fSettings.autoRaise; TBarView *barView = static_cast(be_app)->BarView(); fBarWindow->Lock(); barView->UpdateAutoRaise(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); break; } case msg_trackerFirst: { fSettings.trackerAlwaysFirst = !fSettings.trackerAlwaysFirst; TBarView *barView = static_cast(be_app)->BarView(); fBarWindow->Lock(); barView->UpdatePlacement(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); break; } case msg_sortRunningApps: { fSettings.sortRunningApps = !fSettings.sortRunningApps; TBarView *barView = static_cast(be_app)->BarView(); fBarWindow->Lock(); barView->UpdatePlacement(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); break; } case msg_Unsubscribe: { BMessenger messenger; if (message->FindMessenger("messenger", &messenger) == B_OK) Unsubscribe(messenger); break; } case msg_superExpando: { fSettings.superExpando = !fSettings.superExpando; TBarView *barView = static_cast(be_app)->BarView(); fBarWindow->Lock(); barView->UpdatePlacement(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); break; } case msg_expandNewTeams: { fSettings.expandNewTeams = !fSettings.expandNewTeams; TBarView *barView = static_cast(be_app)->BarView(); fBarWindow->Lock(); barView->UpdatePlacement(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); break; } case 'TASK': fSwitcherMessenger.SendMessage(message); break; #if __HAIKU__ case CMD_SUSPEND_SYSTEM: break; case CMD_REBOOT_SYSTEM: case CMD_SHUTDOWN_SYSTEM: { bool reboot = (message->what == CMD_REBOOT_SYSTEM); BRoster roster; BRoster::Private rosterPrivate(roster); status_t error = rosterPrivate.ShutDown(reboot, true, false); if (error != B_OK) fprintf(stderr, "Shutdown failed: %s\n", strerror(error)); break; } #endif // __HAIKU__ // in case Tracker is not running case kShowSplash: #ifdef B_BEOS_VERSION_5 run_be_about(); #endif break; default: BApplication::MessageReceived(message); break; } } /** In case Tracker is not running, the TBeMenu will use us as a target. * We'll make sure the user won't be completely confused and take over * Tracker's duties until it's back. */ void TBarApp::RefsReceived(BMessage *refs) { entry_ref ref; for (int32 i = 0; refs->FindRef("refs", i, &ref) == B_OK; i++) { BMessage refsReceived(B_REFS_RECEIVED); refsReceived.AddRef("refs", &ref); BEntry entry(&ref); if (!entry.IsDirectory()) TrackerLaunch(&refsReceived, true); } } void TBarApp::Subscribe(const BMessenger &subscriber, BList *list) { // called when ExpandoMenuBar, TeamMenu or Switcher are built/rebuilt list->MakeEmpty(); BAutolock autolock(sSubscriberLock); if (!autolock.IsLocked()) return; int32 numTeams = sBarTeamInfoList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTeams; i++) { BarTeamInfo *barInfo = (BarTeamInfo *)sBarTeamInfoList.ItemAt(i); BarTeamInfo *newBarInfo = new (std::nothrow) BarTeamInfo(*barInfo); if (newBarInfo != NULL) list->AddItem(newBarInfo); } int32 subsCount = sSubscribers.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < subsCount; i++) { BMessenger *messenger = (BMessenger *)sSubscribers.ItemAt(i); if (*messenger == subscriber) return; } sSubscribers.AddItem(new BMessenger(subscriber)); } void TBarApp::Unsubscribe(const BMessenger &subscriber) { BAutolock autolock(sSubscriberLock); if (!autolock.IsLocked()) return; int32 count = sSubscribers.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BMessenger *messenger = (BMessenger *)sSubscribers.ItemAt(i); if (*messenger == subscriber) { sSubscribers.RemoveItem(i); delete messenger; break; } } } void TBarApp::AddTeam(team_id team, uint32 flags, const char *sig, entry_ref *ref) { BAutolock autolock(sSubscriberLock); if (!autolock.IsLocked()) return; // have we already seen this team, is this another instance of // a known app? BarTeamInfo *multiLaunchTeam = NULL; int32 teamCount = sBarTeamInfoList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) { BarTeamInfo *barInfo = (BarTeamInfo *)sBarTeamInfoList.ItemAt(i); if (barInfo->teams->HasItem((void *)team)) return; if (strcasecmp(barInfo->sig, sig) == 0) multiLaunchTeam = barInfo; } if (multiLaunchTeam != NULL) { multiLaunchTeam->teams->AddItem((void *)team); int32 subsCount = sSubscribers.CountItems(); if (subsCount > 0) { BMessage message(msg_AddTeam); message.AddInt32("team", team); message.AddString("sig", multiLaunchTeam->sig); for (int32 i = 0; i < subsCount; i++) ((BMessenger *)sSubscribers.ItemAt(i))->SendMessage(&message); } return; } BFile file(ref, B_READ_ONLY); BAppFileInfo appMime(&file); BarTeamInfo *barInfo = new BarTeamInfo(new BList(), flags, strdup(sig), new BBitmap(kIconSize, kIconFormat), strdup(ref->name)); barInfo->teams->AddItem((void *)team); if (appMime.GetIcon(barInfo->icon, B_MINI_ICON) != B_OK) appMime.GetTrackerIcon(barInfo->icon, B_MINI_ICON); sBarTeamInfoList.AddItem(barInfo); int32 subsCount = sSubscribers.CountItems(); if (subsCount > 0) { for (int32 i = 0; i < subsCount; i++) { BMessenger *messenger = (BMessenger *)sSubscribers.ItemAt(i); BMessage message(B_SOME_APP_LAUNCHED); BList *tList = new BList(*(barInfo->teams)); message.AddPointer("teams", tList); BBitmap *icon = new BBitmap(barInfo->icon); ASSERT(icon); message.AddPointer("icon", icon); message.AddInt32("flags", static_cast(barInfo->flags)); message.AddString("name", barInfo->name); message.AddString("sig", barInfo->sig); messenger->SendMessage(&message); } } } void TBarApp::RemoveTeam(team_id team) { BAutolock autolock(sSubscriberLock); if (!autolock.IsLocked()) return; int32 teamCount = sBarTeamInfoList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) { BarTeamInfo *barInfo = (BarTeamInfo *)sBarTeamInfoList.ItemAt(i); if (barInfo->teams->HasItem((void *)team)) { int32 subsCount = sSubscribers.CountItems(); if (subsCount > 0) { BMessage message((barInfo->teams->CountItems() == 1) ? B_SOME_APP_QUIT : msg_RemoveTeam); message.AddInt32("team", team); for (int32 i = 0; i < subsCount; i++) { BMessenger *messenger = (BMessenger *)sSubscribers.ItemAt(i); messenger->SendMessage(&message); } } barInfo->teams->RemoveItem((void *)team); if (barInfo->teams->CountItems() < 1) { delete (BarTeamInfo *)sBarTeamInfoList.RemoveItem(i); return; } } } } void TBarApp::ShowConfigWindow() { if (fConfigWindow) fConfigWindow->Activate(); else { // always start at top, could be cached and we could start // where we left off. BPath path; find_directory (B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY, &path); entry_ref startref; get_ref_for_path(path.Path(), &startref); fConfigWindow = new TFavoritesConfigWindow(BRect(0, 0, 320, 240), #ifdef __HAIKU__ "Configure Leaf Menu", false, B_ANY_NODE, #else "Configure Be Menu", false, B_ANY_NODE, #endif BMessenger(this), &startref, fSettings.recentAppsCount, fSettings.recentDocsCount, fSettings.recentFoldersCount); } } // #pragma mark - BarTeamInfo::BarTeamInfo(BList *teams, uint32 flags, char *sig, BBitmap *icon, char *name) : teams(teams), flags(flags), sig(sig), icon(icon), name(name) { } BarTeamInfo::BarTeamInfo(const BarTeamInfo &info) : teams(new BList(*info.teams)), flags(info.flags), sig(strdup(info.sig)), icon(new BBitmap(*info.icon)), name(strdup(info.name)) { } BarTeamInfo::~BarTeamInfo() { delete teams; free(sig); delete icon; free(name); }