/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2013, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef SOURCE_VIEW_H #define SOURCE_VIEW_H #include #include #include "Types.h" class Breakpoint; class FunctionInstance; class SourceCode; class StackFrame; class StackTrace; class Statement; class Team; class Thread; class UserBreakpoint; class SourceView : public BView { public: class Listener; public: SourceView(Team* team, Listener* listener); ~SourceView(); static SourceView* Create(Team* team, Listener* listener); // throws virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); void UnsetListener(); void SetStackTrace(StackTrace* stackTrace, Thread* thread); void SetStackFrame(StackFrame* stackFrame); void SetSourceCode(SourceCode* sourceCode); void UserBreakpointChanged( UserBreakpoint* breakpoint); bool ScrollToAddress(target_addr_t address); bool ScrollToLine(uint32 line); void HighlightBorder(bool state); virtual void TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView* scrollView); virtual BSize MinSize(); virtual BSize MaxSize(); virtual BSize PreferredSize(); virtual void DoLayout(); private: class BaseView; class MarkerManager; class MarkerView; class TextView; // for gcc2 friend class TextView; friend class MarkerView; struct FontInfo { BFont font; font_height fontHeight; float lineHeight; }; protected: bool GetStatementForLine(int32 line, Statement*& _statement); private: void _Init(); void _UpdateScrollBars(); BSize _DataRectSize() const; private: Team* fTeam; Thread* fActiveThread; StackTrace* fStackTrace; StackFrame* fStackFrame; SourceCode* fSourceCode; MarkerManager* fMarkerManager; MarkerView* fMarkerView; TextView* fTextView; FontInfo fFontInfo; Listener* fListener; }; class SourceView::Listener { public: virtual ~Listener(); virtual void SetBreakpointRequested( target_addr_t address, bool enabled) = 0; virtual void ClearBreakpointRequested( target_addr_t address) = 0; virtual void ThreadActionRequested(Thread* thread, uint32 action, target_addr_t address) = 0; virtual void FunctionSourceCodeRequested( FunctionInstance* function, bool forceDisassembly) = 0; }; #endif // SOURCE_VIEW_H