/* * Copyright 2012, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2014-2016, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef CLI_CONTEXT_H #define CLI_CONTEXT_H #include // Needed in histedit.h. #include #include #include "ExpressionInfo.h" #include "Team.h" #include "TeamMemoryBlock.h" #include "ValueNodeContainer.h" class SourceLanguage; class StackFrame; class StackTrace; class Team; class TeamMemoryBlock; class UserInterfaceListener; class ValueNodeManager; class CliContext : private Team::Listener, public TeamMemoryBlock::Listener, public ExpressionInfo::Listener, private ValueNodeContainer::Listener { public: enum { EVENT_QUIT = 0x01, EVENT_USER_INTERRUPT = 0x02, EVENT_THREAD_ADDED = 0x04, EVENT_THREAD_REMOVED = 0x08, EVENT_THREAD_STOPPED = 0x10, EVENT_THREAD_STACK_TRACE_CHANGED = 0x20, EVENT_VALUE_NODE_CHANGED = 0x40, EVENT_TEAM_MEMORY_BLOCK_RETRIEVED = 0x80, EVENT_EXPRESSION_EVALUATED = 0x100, EVENT_DEBUG_REPORT_CHANGED = 0x200, EVENT_CORE_FILE_CHANGED = 0x400 }; public: CliContext(); ~CliContext(); status_t Init(Team* team, UserInterfaceListener* listener); void Cleanup(); void Terminating(); bool IsTerminating() const { return fTerminating; } // service methods for the input loop thread follow Team* GetTeam() const { return fTeam; } UserInterfaceListener* GetUserInterfaceListener() const { return fListener; } ValueNodeManager* GetValueNodeManager() const { return fNodeManager; } StackTrace* GetStackTrace() const { return fCurrentStackTrace; } Thread* CurrentThread() const { return fCurrentThread; } thread_id CurrentThreadID() const; void SetCurrentThread(Thread* thread); void PrintCurrentThread(); int32 CurrentStackFrameIndex() const { return fCurrentStackFrameIndex; } void SetCurrentStackFrameIndex(int32 index); status_t EvaluateExpression(const char * expression, SourceLanguage* language, target_addr_t& address); status_t GetMemoryBlock(target_addr_t address, TeamMemoryBlock*& block); const char* PromptUser(const char* prompt); void AddLineToInputHistory(const char* line); void QuitSession(bool killTeam); void WaitForThreadOrUser(); void WaitForEvents(int32 eventMask); void ProcessPendingEvents(); private: struct Event; typedef DoublyLinkedList EventList; private: // Team::Listener virtual void ThreadAdded(const Team::ThreadEvent& event); virtual void ThreadRemoved(const Team::ThreadEvent& event); virtual void ThreadStateChanged( const Team::ThreadEvent& event); virtual void ThreadStackTraceChanged( const Team::ThreadEvent& event); virtual void DebugReportChanged( const Team::DebugReportEvent& event); virtual void CoreFileChanged( const Team::CoreFileChangedEvent& event); // TeamMemoryBlock::Listener virtual void MemoryBlockRetrieved(TeamMemoryBlock* block); // ExpressionInfo::Listener virtual void ExpressionEvaluated(ExpressionInfo* info, status_t result, ExpressionResult* value); // ValueNodeContainer::Listener virtual void ValueNodeChanged(ValueNodeChild* nodeChild, ValueNode* oldNode, ValueNode* newNode); virtual void ValueNodeChildrenCreated(ValueNode* node); virtual void ValueNodeChildrenDeleted(ValueNode* node); virtual void ValueNodeValueChanged(ValueNode* node); private: void _QueueEvent(Event* event); void _PrepareToWaitForEvents(uint32 eventMask); uint32 _WaitForEvents(); void _SignalInputLoop(uint32 events); static const char* _GetPrompt(EditLine* editLine); private: BLocker fLock; Team* fTeam; UserInterfaceListener* fListener; ValueNodeManager* fNodeManager; EditLine* fEditLine; History* fHistory; const char* fPrompt; sem_id fBlockingSemaphore; uint32 fInputLoopWaitingForEvents; uint32 fEventsOccurred; bool fInputLoopWaiting; volatile bool fTerminating; Thread* fCurrentThread; StackTrace* fCurrentStackTrace; int32 fCurrentStackFrameIndex; TeamMemoryBlock* fCurrentBlock; ExpressionInfo* fExpressionInfo; status_t fExpressionResult; ExpressionResult* fExpressionValue; EventList fPendingEvents; }; #endif // CLI_CONTEXT_H