/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef TABLE_H #define TABLE_H #include #include #include #include #include "table/AbstractTable.h" #include "table/TableColumn.h" class Table; class TableModel; class TableModelListener { public: virtual ~TableModelListener(); virtual void TableRowsAdded(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableRowsRemoved(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableRowsChanged(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableModelReset(TableModel* model); }; class TableModel : public AbstractTableModelBase { public: virtual ~TableModel(); virtual int32 CountRows() const = 0; virtual bool GetValueAt(int32 rowIndex, int32 columnIndex, BVariant& value) = 0; virtual bool AddListener(TableModelListener* listener); virtual void RemoveListener(TableModelListener* listener); protected: typedef BObjectList ListenerList; protected: void NotifyRowsAdded(int32 rowIndex, int32 count); void NotifyRowsRemoved(int32 rowIndex, int32 count); void NotifyRowsChanged(int32 rowIndex, int32 count); void NotifyTableModelReset(); protected: ListenerList fListeners; }; class TableSelectionModel { public: TableSelectionModel(Table* table); ~TableSelectionModel(); int32 CountRows(); int32 RowAt(int32 index); private: friend class Table; private: void _SelectionChanged(); void _Update(); private: Table* fTable; int32* fRows; int32 fRowCount; }; class TableToolTipProvider { public: virtual ~TableToolTipProvider(); virtual bool GetToolTipForTableCell(int32 rowIndex, int32 columnIndex, BToolTip** _tip) = 0; // columnIndex can be -1, if not in a column }; class TableListener { public: virtual ~TableListener(); virtual void TableSelectionChanged(Table* table); virtual void TableRowInvoked(Table* table, int32 rowIndex); virtual void TableCellMouseDown(Table* table, int32 rowIndex, int32 columnIndex, BPoint screenWhere, uint32 buttons); virtual void TableCellMouseUp(Table* table, int32 rowIndex, int32 columnIndex, BPoint screenWhere, uint32 buttons); }; class Table : public AbstractTable, private TableModelListener { public: Table(const char* name, uint32 flags, border_style borderStyle = B_NO_BORDER, bool showHorizontalScrollbar = true); Table(TableModel* model, const char* name, uint32 flags, border_style borderStyle = B_NO_BORDER, bool showHorizontalScrollbar = true); virtual ~Table(); void SetTableModel(TableModel* model); TableModel* GetTableModel() const { return fModel; } void SetToolTipProvider( TableToolTipProvider* toolTipProvider); TableToolTipProvider* ToolTipProvider() const { return fToolTipProvider; } TableSelectionModel* SelectionModel(); void SelectRow(int32 rowIndex, bool extendSelection); void DeselectRow(int32 rowIndex); void DeselectAllRows(); bool AddTableListener(TableListener* listener); void RemoveTableListener(TableListener* listener); protected: virtual bool GetToolTipAt(BPoint point, BToolTip** _tip); virtual void SelectionChanged(); virtual AbstractColumn* CreateColumn(TableColumn* column); virtual void ColumnMouseDown(AbstractColumn* column, BRow* row, BField* field, BPoint screenWhere, uint32 buttons); virtual void ColumnMouseUp(AbstractColumn* column, BRow* row, BField* field, BPoint screenWhere, uint32 buttons); private: virtual void TableRowsAdded(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableRowsRemoved(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableRowsChanged(TableModel* model, int32 rowIndex, int32 count); virtual void TableModelReset(TableModel* model); private: class Column; friend class TableSelectionModel; typedef BObjectList ListenerList; typedef BObjectList RowList; private: virtual void ItemInvoked(); void _UpdateRowIndices(int32 fromIndex); int32 _ModelIndexOfRow(BRow* row); private: TableModel* fModel; TableToolTipProvider* fToolTipProvider; RowList fRows; TableSelectionModel fSelectionModel; ListenerList fListeners; int32 fIgnoreSelectionChange; }; #endif // TABLE_H