/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "chart/LegendChartAxis.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chart/ChartLegend.h" #include "chart/ChartAxisLegendSource.h" static const int32 kChartRulerDistance = 2; static const int32 kRulerSize = 3; static const int32 kRulerMarkSize = 3; static const int32 kRulerLegendDistance = 2; static const int32 kChartLegendDistance = kChartRulerDistance + kRulerSize + kRulerMarkSize + kRulerLegendDistance; struct LegendChartAxis::LegendInfo { ChartLegend* legend; double value; BSize size; LegendInfo(ChartLegend* legend, double value, BSize size) : legend(legend), value(value), size(size) { } ~LegendInfo() { delete legend; } }; float LegendChartAxis::_LegendPosition(double value, float legendSize, float totalSize, double scale) { float position = (value - fRange.min) * scale - legendSize / 2; if (position + legendSize > totalSize) position = totalSize - legendSize; if (position < 0) position = 0; return position; } void LegendChartAxis::_FilterLegends(int32 totalSize, int32 spacing, float BSize::* sizeField) { // compute the min/max legend levels int32 legendCount = fLegends.CountItems(); int32 minLevel = INT_MAX; int32 maxLevel = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < legendCount; i++) { LegendInfo* info = fLegends.ItemAt(i); int32 level = info->legend->Level(); if (level < minLevel) minLevel = level; if (level > maxLevel) maxLevel = level; } if (maxLevel <= 0) return; double rangeSize = fRange.max - fRange.min; if (rangeSize == 0) rangeSize = 1.0; double scale = (double)totalSize / rangeSize; // Filter out all higher level legends colliding with lower level or // preceeding same-level legends. We iterate backwards from the lower to // the higher levels for (int32 level = std::max(minLevel, 0L); level <= maxLevel;) { legendCount = fLegends.CountItems(); // get the first legend position/end LegendInfo* info = fLegends.ItemAt(0); float position = _LegendPosition(info->value, info->size.*sizeField, (float)totalSize, scale);; int32 previousEnd = (int32)ceilf(position + info->size.*sizeField); int32 previousLevel = info->legend->Level(); for (int32 i = 1; (info = fLegends.ItemAt(i)) != NULL; i++) { float position = _LegendPosition(info->value, info->size.*sizeField, (float)totalSize, scale);; if (position - spacing < previousEnd && (previousLevel <= level || info->legend->Level() <= level) && std::max(previousLevel, info->legend->Level()) > 0) { // The item intersects with the previous one -- remove the // one at the higher level. if (info->legend->Level() >= previousLevel) { // This item is at the higher level -- remove it. delete fLegends.RemoveItemAt(i); i--; continue; } // The previous item is at the higher level -- remove it. delete fLegends.RemoveItemAt(i - 1); i--; } if (i == 0 && position < 0) position = 0; previousEnd = (int32)ceilf(position + info->size.*sizeField); previousLevel = info->legend->Level(); } // repeat with the level as long as we've removed something if (legendCount == fLegends.CountItems()) level++; } } LegendChartAxis::LegendChartAxis(ChartAxisLegendSource* legendSource, ChartLegendRenderer* legendRenderer) : fLegendSource(legendSource), fLegendRenderer(legendRenderer), fLocation(CHART_AXIS_BOTTOM), fRange(), fFrame(), fLegends(20, true), fHorizontalSpacing(20), fVerticalSpacing(10), fLayoutValid(false) { } LegendChartAxis::~LegendChartAxis() { } void LegendChartAxis::SetLocation(ChartAxisLocation location) { if (location != fLocation) { fLocation = location; _InvalidateLayout(); } } void LegendChartAxis::SetRange(const ChartDataRange& range) { if (range != fRange) { fRange = range; _InvalidateLayout(); } } void LegendChartAxis::SetFrame(BRect frame) { if (frame != fFrame) { fFrame = frame; _InvalidateLayout(); } } BSize LegendChartAxis::PreferredSize(BView* view, BSize maxSize) { // estimate the maximum legend count we might need float hSpacing, vSpacing; int32 maxLegends = _EstimateMaxLegendCount(view, maxSize, &hSpacing, &vSpacing); BSize spacing(hSpacing, vSpacing); if (maxLegends < 4) maxLegends = 4; // get the legends ChartLegend* legends[maxLegends]; double values[maxLegends]; int32 legendCount = fLegendSource->GetAxisLegends(fRange, legends, values, maxLegends); // get the sizes, delete the legends, and compute the preferred size float BSize::* sizeField; float BSize::* otherSizeField; if (fLocation == CHART_AXIS_LEFT || fLocation == CHART_AXIS_RIGHT) { sizeField = &BSize::height; otherSizeField = &BSize::width; } else { sizeField = &BSize::width; otherSizeField = &BSize::height; } BSize preferredSize; for (int32 i = 0; i < legendCount; i++) { ChartLegend* legend = legends[i]; BSize size = fLegendRenderer->LegendSize(legend, view); delete legend; if (size.*sizeField > preferredSize.*sizeField) preferredSize.*sizeField = size.*sizeField; if (size.*otherSizeField > preferredSize.*otherSizeField) preferredSize.*otherSizeField = size.*otherSizeField; } // Suppose we want to have at least 2 legends. preferredSize.*sizeField = ceilf(preferredSize.*sizeField * 2 + spacing.*sizeField); preferredSize.*otherSizeField += kChartLegendDistance; return preferredSize; } void LegendChartAxis::Render(BView* view, BRect updateRect) { if (!_ValidateLayout(view)) return; float valueDirection; float rulerDirection; float BSize::* sizeField; float BSize::* otherSizeField; float BPoint::* pointField; float BPoint::* otherPointField; switch (fLocation) { case CHART_AXIS_LEFT: case CHART_AXIS_RIGHT: valueDirection = -1; rulerDirection = fLocation == CHART_AXIS_LEFT ? -1 : 1; sizeField = &BSize::height; otherSizeField = &BSize::width; pointField = &BPoint::y; otherPointField = &BPoint::x; break; case CHART_AXIS_TOP: case CHART_AXIS_BOTTOM: valueDirection = 1; rulerDirection = fLocation == CHART_AXIS_TOP ? -1 : 1; sizeField = &BSize::width; otherSizeField = &BSize::height; pointField = &BPoint::x; otherPointField = &BPoint::y; break; default: return; } float totalSize = floorf(fFrame.Size().*sizeField) + 1; double rangeSize = fRange.max - fRange.min; if (rangeSize == 0) rangeSize = 1.0; double scale = (double)totalSize / rangeSize; // draw the ruler float rulerStart = fFrame.LeftBottom().*pointField; float rulerChartClosest = rulerDirection == 1 ? fFrame.LeftTop().*otherPointField + kChartRulerDistance : fFrame.RightBottom().*otherPointField - kChartRulerDistance; float rulerEnd = fFrame.RightTop().*pointField; float rulerChartDistant = rulerChartClosest + rulerDirection * kRulerSize; rgb_color black = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; view->BeginLineArray(3 + fLegends.CountItems()); BPoint first; first.*pointField = rulerStart; first.*otherPointField = rulerChartClosest; BPoint second = first; second.*otherPointField = rulerChartDistant; BPoint third = second; third.*pointField = rulerEnd; BPoint fourth = third; fourth.*otherPointField = rulerChartClosest; view->AddLine(first, second, black); view->AddLine(second, third, black); view->AddLine(third, fourth, black); // marks for (int32 i = 0; LegendInfo* info = fLegends.ItemAt(i); i++) { float position = (info->value - fRange.min) * scale; position = rulerStart + valueDirection * position; first.*pointField = position; first.*otherPointField = rulerChartDistant; second.*pointField = position; second.*otherPointField = rulerChartDistant + rulerDirection * kRulerMarkSize; view->AddLine(first, second, black); } view->EndLineArray(); // draw the legends float legendRulerClosest = rulerChartDistant + rulerDirection * (kRulerMarkSize + kRulerLegendDistance); for (int32 i = 0; LegendInfo* info = fLegends.ItemAt(i); i++) { float position = _LegendPosition(info->value, info->size.*sizeField, (float)totalSize, scale);; first.*pointField = rulerStart + (valueDirection == 1 ? position : -position - info->size.*sizeField); first.*otherPointField = rulerDirection == 1 ? legendRulerClosest : legendRulerClosest - info->size.*otherSizeField; fLegendRenderer->RenderLegend(info->legend, view, first); } } void LegendChartAxis::_InvalidateLayout() { fLayoutValid = false; } bool LegendChartAxis::_ValidateLayout(BView* view) { if (fLayoutValid) return true; fLegends.MakeEmpty(); int32 width = fFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1; int32 height = fFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1; // estimate the maximum legend count we might need int32 maxLegends = _EstimateMaxLegendCount(view, fFrame.Size(), &fHorizontalSpacing, &fVerticalSpacing); if (maxLegends == 0) return false; // get the legends ChartLegend* legends[maxLegends]; double values[maxLegends]; int32 legendCount = fLegendSource->GetAxisLegends(fRange, legends, values, maxLegends); if (legendCount == 0) return false; // create legend infos for (int32 i = 0; i < legendCount; i++) { ChartLegend* legend = legends[i]; BSize size = fLegendRenderer->LegendSize(legend, view); LegendInfo* info = new(std::nothrow) LegendInfo(legend, values[i], size); if (info == NULL || !fLegends.AddItem(info)) { // TODO: Report error! delete info; for (int32 k = i; k < legendCount; k++) delete legends[k]; return false; } } if (fLocation == CHART_AXIS_LEFT || fLocation == CHART_AXIS_RIGHT) _FilterLegends(height, fVerticalSpacing, &BSize::height); else _FilterLegends(width, fHorizontalSpacing, &BSize::width); fLayoutValid = true; return true; } int32 LegendChartAxis::_EstimateMaxLegendCount(BView* view, BSize size, float* _hSpacing, float* _vSpacing) { // get the legend spacing fLegendRenderer->GetMinimumLegendSpacing(view, _hSpacing, _vSpacing); // estimate the maximum legend count we might need if (fLocation == CHART_AXIS_LEFT || fLocation == CHART_AXIS_RIGHT) return (int32)((size.IntegerHeight() + 1) / (10 + *_vSpacing)); return (int32)((size.IntegerWidth() + 1) / (20 + *_hSpacing)); }