/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Eric Moon. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // MediaRoutingView.cpp #include "MediaRoutingView.h" // RouteApp #include "RouteApp.h" #include "RouteAppNodeManager.h" #include "RouteWindow.h" #include "NodeSetIOContext.h" // DormantNodeView #include "DormantNodeView.h" // InfoWindow #include "InfoWindowManager.h" // TransportWindow #include "TransportWindow.h" // MediaRoutingView #include "MediaNodePanel.h" #include "MediaWire.h" // NodeManager #include "NodeGroup.h" #include "NodeRef.h" #include "Connection.h" // ParameterWindow #include "ParameterWindowManager.h" // Application Kit #include // Interface Kit #include #include #include #include #include // Media Kit #include // Storage Kit #include #include #include // Translation Kit #include #include __USE_CORTEX_NAMESPACE #include #define D_METHOD(x) //PRINT (x) #define D_MESSAGE(x) //PRINT (x) #define D_MOUSE(x) //PRINT (x) #define D_KEY(x) //PRINT (x) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // float MediaRoutingView::M_CLEANUP_H_GAP = 25.0; float MediaRoutingView::M_CLEANUP_V_GAP = 10.0; float MediaRoutingView::M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN = 15.0; float MediaRoutingView::M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN = 10.0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // m_inactiveNodeState content // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // struct _inactive_node_state_entry { _inactive_node_state_entry( const char* _name, int32 _kind, const BMessage& _state) : name(_name), kind(_kind), state(_state) {} BString name; uint32 kind; BMessage state; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // ctor/dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // MediaRoutingView::MediaRoutingView( RouteAppNodeManager *nodeManager, BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizeMode) : DiagramView(frame, "MediaRoutingView", true, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES), manager(nodeManager), m_layout(M_ICON_VIEW), m_nextGroupNumber(1), m_lastDroppedNode(0), m_draggedWire(0) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::MediaRoutingView()\n")); ASSERT(manager); setBackgroundColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_2_TINT)); SetItemAlignment(5.0, 5.0); _initLayout(); } MediaRoutingView::~MediaRoutingView() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::~MediaRoutingView()\n")); _emptyInactiveNodeState(); // quit ParameterWindowManager if necessary ParameterWindowManager::shutDown(); // quit InfoWindowManager if necessary InfoWindowManager::shutDown(); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // // *** derived from DiagramView // -------------------------------------------------------- // void MediaRoutingView::connectionAborted( DiagramEndPoint *fromWhich) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::connectionAborted()\n")); be_app->SetCursor(B_HAND_CURSOR); } void MediaRoutingView::connectionEstablished( DiagramEndPoint *fromWhich, DiagramEndPoint *toWhich) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::connectionEstablished()\n")); be_app->SetCursor(B_HAND_CURSOR); } DiagramWire *MediaRoutingView::createWire( DiagramEndPoint *fromWhich, DiagramEndPoint *toWhich) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::createWire()\n")); MediaJack *outputJack, *inputJack; MediaJack *jack = dynamic_cast(fromWhich); if (jack == NULL) return 0; if (jack->isOutput()) { outputJack = jack; inputJack = dynamic_cast(toWhich); if (!inputJack || !inputJack->isInput()) { return 0; } } else { inputJack = jack; outputJack = dynamic_cast(toWhich); if (!outputJack || !outputJack->isOutput()) { return 0; } } if (!outputJack->isConnected() && !inputJack->isConnected()) { media_output output; media_input input; if ((outputJack->getOutput(&output) == B_OK) && (inputJack->getInput(&input) == B_OK)) { status_t error; Connection connection; error = manager->connect(output, input, &connection); if (error) { showErrorMessage("Could not connect", error); } } } return 0; } DiagramWire *MediaRoutingView::createWire( DiagramEndPoint *fromWhich) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::createWire(temp)\n")); MediaJack *jack = dynamic_cast(fromWhich); if (jack) { if (jack->isOutput()) // this is the start point { return new MediaWire(jack, true); } else { return new MediaWire(jack, false); } } return 0; } void MediaRoutingView::BackgroundMouseDown(BPoint point, uint32 buttons, uint32 clicks) { D_MOUSE(("MediaRoutingView::BackgroundMouseDown()\n")); if ((buttons == B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) || (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY)) { EndRectTracking(); showContextMenu(point); } } void MediaRoutingView::MessageDropped(BPoint point, BMessage *message) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::MessageDropped()\n")); switch (message->what) { case DormantNodeView::M_INSTANTIATE_NODE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageDropped(DormantNodeView::M_INSTANTIATE_NODE)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("which", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { dormant_node_info info; const void *data; ssize_t dataSize; if (message->FindData("which", B_RAW_TYPE, &data, &dataSize) == B_OK) { memcpy(reinterpret_cast(&info), data, dataSize); NodeRef* droppedNode; status_t error; error = manager->instantiate(info, &droppedNode); if (!error) { m_lastDroppedNode = droppedNode->id(); BPoint dropPoint, dropOffset; dropPoint = message->DropPoint(&dropOffset); m_lastDropPoint = Align(ConvertFromScreen(dropPoint - dropOffset)); } else { BString s; s << "Could not instantiate '" << info.name << "'"; showErrorMessage(s, error); } } } } break; } case B_SIMPLE_DATA: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageDropped(B_SIMPLE_DATA)\n")); entry_ref fileRef; if (message->FindRef("refs", &fileRef) == B_OK) _checkDroppedFile(&fileRef, ConvertFromScreen(message->DropPoint())); break; } case B_PASTE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageDropped(B_PASTE)\n")); ssize_t size; const rgb_color *color; // [e.moon 21nov99] fixed const error if (message->FindData("RGBColor", B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE, reinterpret_cast(&color), &size) == B_OK) _changeBackground(*color); break; } default: DiagramView::MessageDropped(point, message); } } void MediaRoutingView::SelectionChanged() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::selectionChanged()\n")); _broadcastSelection(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** BView impl. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // void MediaRoutingView::AttachedToWindow() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::AttachedToWindow()\n")); _inherited::AttachedToWindow(); // attach to manager ASSERT(manager); add_observer(this, manager); // add the context-menu shortcuts to the window _addShortcuts(); // populate with existing nodes & connections _initContent(); // [e.moon 29nov99] moved from AllAttached() cleanUp(); } void MediaRoutingView::AllAttached() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::AllAttached()\n")); _inherited::AllAttached(); _adjustScrollBars(); // grab keyboard events MakeFocus(); } void MediaRoutingView::DetachedFromWindow() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::DetachedFromWindow()\n")); _inherited::DetachedFromWindow(); // detach from manager if (manager) { Autolock lock(manager); void *cookie = 0; NodeRef *ref; while (manager->getNextRef(&ref, &cookie) == B_OK) { remove_observer(this, ref); } remove_observer(this, manager); const_cast(manager) = 0; } } void MediaRoutingView::KeyDown( const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::KeyDown()\n")); switch (bytes[0]) { case B_ENTER: { D_KEY(("MediaRoutingView::KeyDown(B_ENTER)\n")); _openParameterWindowsForSelection(); break; } case B_DELETE: { D_KEY(("MediaRoutingView::KeyDown(B_DELETE)\n")); _deleteSelection(); break; } case B_SPACE: { // [e.moon 1dec99] BWindow* w = Window(); ASSERT(w); BMessenger(w).SendMessage(RouteWindow::M_TOGGLE_GROUP_ROLLING); break; } default: { DiagramView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); break; } } } void MediaRoutingView::Pulse() { // do the animation } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // BHandler impl // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // void MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived( BMessage* message) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived()\n")); switch (message->what) { case B_MEDIA_NODE_CREATED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(B_MEDIA_NODE_CREATED)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("media_node_id", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for(int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { int32 id; if (message->FindInt32("media_node_id", n, &id) == B_OK) { // [e.moon 8dec99] allow for existing panel MediaNodePanel* panel; if(_findPanelFor(id, &panel) < B_OK) _addPanelFor(id, BPoint(5.0, 5.0)); } } } break; } case B_MEDIA_NODE_DELETED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(B_MEDIA_NODE_DELETED)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("media_node_id", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { int32 id; if (message->FindInt32("media_node_id", n, &id) == B_OK) { _removePanelFor(id); } } } break; } case B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_MADE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_MADE)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("output", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { media_output output; const void *data; ssize_t dataSize; if (message->FindData("output", B_RAW_TYPE, n, &data, &dataSize) == B_OK) { output = *reinterpret_cast(data); Connection connection; if (manager->findConnection(output.node.node, output.source, &connection) == B_OK) { _addWireFor(connection); } } } } break; } case B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_BROKEN: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_BROKEN)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("__connection_id", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { int32 id; if (message->FindInt32("__connection_id", n, &id) == B_OK) { _removeWireFor(id); } } } break; } case B_MEDIA_FORMAT_CHANGED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(B_MEDIA_FORMAT_CHANGED)\n")); media_node_id nodeID; if(message->FindInt32("__source_node_id", &nodeID) < B_OK) break; uint32 connectionID; if(message->FindInt32("__connection_id", (int32*)&connectionID) < B_OK) break; media_source* source; ssize_t dataSize; if(message->FindData("be:source", B_RAW_TYPE, (const void**)&source, &dataSize) < B_OK) break; MediaWire* wire; if(_findWireFor(connectionID, &wire) == B_OK) { // copy new connection data manager->findConnection(nodeID, *source, &wire->connection); } break; } case M_CLEANUP_REQUESTED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_M_CLEANUP_REQUESTED)\n")); cleanUp(); break; } case M_SELECT_ALL: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_SELECT_ALL)\n")); SelectAll(DiagramItem::M_BOX); break; } case M_DELETE_SELECTION: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_DELETE_SELECTION)\n")); _deleteSelection(); break; } case M_NODE_CHANGE_CYCLING: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_NODE_CYCLING_CHANGED)\n")); bool cycle; if (message->FindBool("cycle", &cycle) == B_OK) { _changeCyclingForSelection(cycle); } break; } case M_NODE_CHANGE_RUN_MODE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_NODE_RUNMODE_CHANGED)\n")); int32 mode; if (message->FindInt32("run_mode", &mode) == B_OK) { _changeRunModeForSelection(static_cast(mode)); } break; } case M_LAYOUT_CHANGED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_LAYOUT_CHANGED)\n")); layout_t layout; if (message->FindInt32("layout", (int32*)&layout) == B_OK) { if (layout != m_layout) { layoutChanged(layout); updateDataRect(); Invalidate(); } } break; } case M_NODE_START_TIME_SOURCE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_NODE_START_TIME_SOURCE)\n")); int32 id; if(message->FindInt32("nodeID", &id) < B_OK) break; NodeRef* ref; if(manager->getNodeRef(id, &ref) < B_OK) break; bigtime_t when = system_time(); status_t err = manager->roster->StartTimeSource(ref->node(), when); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "! StartTimeSource(%" B_PRId32 "): '%s'\n", ref->id(), strerror(err))); } break; } case M_NODE_STOP_TIME_SOURCE: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_NODE_STOP_TIME_SOURCE)\n")); int32 id; if(message->FindInt32("nodeID", &id) < B_OK) break; NodeRef* ref; if(manager->getNodeRef(id, &ref) < B_OK) break; bigtime_t when = system_time(); status_t err = manager->roster->StopTimeSource(ref->node(), when); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "! StopTimeSource(%" B_PRId32 "): '%s'\n", ref->id(), strerror(err))); } break; } case M_NODE_TWEAK_PARAMETERS: { D_MESSAGE((" -> M_NODE_TWEAK_PARAMETERS\n")); _openParameterWindowsForSelection(); break; } case M_NODE_START_CONTROL_PANEL: { D_MESSAGE((" -> M_NODE_START_CONTROL_PANEL\n")); _startControlPanelsForSelection(); break; } case M_GROUP_SET_LOCKED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(M_GROUP_SET_LOCKED)\n")); int32 groupID; if(message->FindInt32("groupID", &groupID) < B_OK) break; bool locked; if(message->FindBool("locked", &locked) < B_OK) break; NodeGroup* group; if(manager->findGroup(groupID, &group) < B_OK) break; uint32 f = locked ? group->groupFlags() | NodeGroup::GROUP_LOCKED : group->groupFlags() & ~NodeGroup::GROUP_LOCKED; group->setGroupFlags(f); break; } case M_BROADCAST_SELECTION: { D_MESSAGE((" -> M_BROADCAST_SELECTION\n")); _broadcastSelection(); break; } case InfoWindowManager::M_INFO_WINDOW_REQUESTED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(InfoView::M_INFO_WINDOW_REQUESTED)\n")); type_code type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("input", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { media_input input; const void *data; ssize_t dataSize; if (message->FindData("input", B_RAW_TYPE, i, &data, &dataSize) == B_OK) { input = *reinterpret_cast(data); InfoWindowManager *manager = InfoWindowManager::Instance(); if (manager && manager->Lock()) { manager->openWindowFor(input); manager->Unlock(); } } } } else if (message->GetInfo("output", &type, &count) == B_OK) { for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { media_output output; const void *data; ssize_t dataSize; if (message->FindData("output", B_RAW_TYPE, i, &data, &dataSize) == B_OK) { output = *reinterpret_cast(data); InfoWindowManager *manager = InfoWindowManager::Instance(); if (manager && manager->Lock()) { manager->openWindowFor(output); manager->Unlock(); } } } } else { _openInfoWindowsForSelection(); } break; } case NodeManager::M_RELEASED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(NodeManager::M_RELEASED)\n")); remove_observer(this, manager); const_cast(manager) = 0; // +++++ disable view! break; } case NodeRef::M_RELEASED: { D_MESSAGE(("MediaRoutingView::MessageReceived(NodeRef::M_RELEASED)\n")); // only relevant on shutdown; do nothing break; } default: { DiagramView::MessageReceived(message); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** operations (public) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // BPoint MediaRoutingView::findFreePositionFor( const MediaNodePanel* panel) const { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_findFreeSpotFor()\n")); BPoint p(M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN, M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN); if (panel) { switch (m_layout) { case M_ICON_VIEW: { // find the target column by node_kind p.x += M_CLEANUP_H_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; if (panel->ref->kind() & B_BUFFER_PRODUCER) { p.x -= M_CLEANUP_H_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; } if (panel->ref->kind() & B_BUFFER_CONSUMER) { p.x += M_CLEANUP_H_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; } // find the bottom item in the column float bottom = 0.0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { BRect r = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)->Frame(); if ((r.left >= p.x) && (r.left <= p.x + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH)) { bottom = (r.bottom > bottom) ? r.bottom : bottom; } } if (bottom >= p.y) { p.y = bottom + M_CLEANUP_V_GAP; } break; } case M_MINI_ICON_VIEW: { // find the target row by node_kind p.y += M_CLEANUP_V_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; if (panel->ref->kind() & B_BUFFER_PRODUCER) { p.y -= M_CLEANUP_V_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } if (panel->ref->kind() & B_BUFFER_CONSUMER) { p.y += M_CLEANUP_V_GAP + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } // find the right-most item in the row float right = 0.0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { BRect r = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)->Frame(); if ((r.top >= p.y) && (r.top <= p.y + MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)) { right = (r.right > right) ? r.right : right; } } if (right >= p.x) { p.x = right + M_CLEANUP_H_GAP; } break; } } } return p; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** operations (protected) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // void MediaRoutingView::layoutChanged( layout_t layout) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::layoutChanged()\n")); switch (layout) { case M_ICON_VIEW: { float temp; // swap the cleanup defaults temp = M_CLEANUP_H_GAP; M_CLEANUP_H_GAP = M_CLEANUP_V_GAP; M_CLEANUP_V_GAP = temp; temp = M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN; M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN = M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN; M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN = temp; // swap the default dimensions for MediaJacks temp = MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = temp; // Add space for the 3-letter i/o-abbreviation BFont font(be_plain_font); font.SetSize(font.Size() - 2.0); for (int i = 0; i < MediaJack::M_MAX_ABBR_LENGTH; i++) { MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH += font.StringWidth("M"); } MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH += 2.0; // add some padding // Adjust the default size for MediaNodePanels float labelWidth, bodyWidth; float labelHeight, bodyHeight; font_height fh; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&fh); labelWidth = 4 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_H_MARGIN + be_plain_font->StringWidth(" Be Audio Mixer "); bodyWidth = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_H_MARGIN + B_LARGE_ICON + 2 * MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; labelHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_V_MARGIN + fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 1.0; bodyHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_V_MARGIN + B_LARGE_ICON; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = labelWidth > bodyWidth ? labelWidth : bodyWidth; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = labelHeight + bodyHeight; Align(&MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); break; } case M_MINI_ICON_VIEW: { float temp; // Swap the cleanup defaults temp = M_CLEANUP_H_GAP; M_CLEANUP_H_GAP = M_CLEANUP_V_GAP; M_CLEANUP_V_GAP = temp; temp = M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN; M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN = M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN; M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN = temp; // Subtract space for the 3-letter i/o-abbreviation BFont font(be_plain_font); font.SetSize(font.Size() - 2.0); for (int i = 0; i < MediaJack::M_MAX_ABBR_LENGTH; i++) { MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH -= font.StringWidth("M"); } MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH -= 2.0; // substract the padding // Swap the default dimensions for MediaJacks temp = MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = temp; // Adjust the default size for MediaNodePanels float labelWidth, bodyWidth; float labelHeight, bodyHeight; font_height fh; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&fh); labelWidth = 4 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_H_MARGIN + be_plain_font->StringWidth(" Be Audio Mixer "); bodyWidth = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_H_MARGIN + B_MINI_ICON; labelHeight = 3 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_V_MARGIN + fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 2 * MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; bodyHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_V_MARGIN + B_MINI_ICON; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = labelWidth + bodyWidth; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = labelHeight > bodyHeight ? labelHeight : bodyHeight; Align(&MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); break; } } m_layout = layout; for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)); if (panel) { panel->layoutChanged(layout); } } _adjustScrollBars(); } void MediaRoutingView::cleanUp() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::cleanUp()\n")); SortItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX, compareID); // move all the panels offscreen for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)->moveTo(BPoint(-200.0, -200.0)); } // move all panels to their 'ideal' position for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel; panel = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)); BPoint p = findFreePositionFor(panel); panel->moveTo(p); } SortItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX, compareSelectionTime); Invalidate(); updateDataRect(); } void MediaRoutingView::showContextMenu( BPoint point) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::showContextMenu()\n")); BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu("MediaRoutingView PopUp", false, false, B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN); menu->SetFont(be_plain_font); // add layout options BMenuItem *item; BMessage *message = new BMessage(M_LAYOUT_CHANGED); message->AddInt32("layout", M_ICON_VIEW); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("Icon view", message)); if (m_layout == M_ICON_VIEW) { item->SetMarked(true); } message = new BMessage(M_LAYOUT_CHANGED); message->AddInt32("layout", M_MINI_ICON_VIEW); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("Mini icon view", message)); if (m_layout == M_MINI_ICON_VIEW) { item->SetMarked(true); } menu->AddSeparatorItem(); // add 'CleanUp' command menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Clean up", new BMessage(M_CLEANUP_REQUESTED), 'K')); // add 'Select All' command menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Select all", new BMessage(M_SELECT_ALL), 'A')); menu->SetTargetForItems(this); ConvertToScreen(&point); point -= BPoint(1.0, 1.0); menu->Go(point, true, true, true); } void MediaRoutingView::showErrorMessage( BString text, status_t error) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::showErrorMessage()\n")); if (error) { text << " (" << strerror(error) << ")"; } BMessage message(M_SHOW_ERROR_MESSAGE); message.AddString("text", text.String()); if (error) { message.AddBool("error", true); } BMessenger messenger(0, Window()); if (!messenger.IsValid() || (messenger.SendMessage(&message) != B_OK)) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("Error", text.String(), "OK", 0, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------- // // *** IStateArchivable // -------------------------------------------------------- // status_t MediaRoutingView::importState( const BMessage* archive) { status_t err; _emptyInactiveNodeState(); layout_t layout; err = archive->FindInt32("layout", (int32*)&layout); if(err == B_OK && layout != m_layout) { layoutChanged(layout); } const char* path; err = archive->FindString("bgBitmap", &path); if(err == B_OK) { BEntry entry(path); entry_ref ref; err = entry.GetRef(&ref); if(err == B_OK) _changeBackground(&ref); } else { rgb_color color; color.alpha = 255; if( archive->FindInt8("bgRed", (int8*)&color.red) == B_OK && archive->FindInt8("bgGreen", (int8*)&color.green) == B_OK && archive->FindInt8("bgBlue", (int8*)&color.blue) == B_OK) _changeBackground(color); } for(int32 n = 0; ; ++n) { // find panel state info; stop when exhausted BMessage m; err = archive->FindMessage("panel", n, &m); if(err < B_OK) break; const char* nodeName; err = archive->FindString("nodeName", n, &nodeName); if(err < B_OK) break; uint32 nodeKind; err = archive->FindInt32("nodeKind", n, (int32*)&nodeKind); if(err < B_OK) break; // look up matching panel +++++ SLOW +++++ uint32 panelIndex; uint32 items = CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); for( panelIndex = 0; panelIndex < items; ++panelIndex) { MediaNodePanel* panel = dynamic_cast( ItemAt(panelIndex, DiagramItem::M_BOX)); if(panel && !strcmp(panel->ref->name(), nodeName) && panel->ref->kind() == nodeKind) { // found match; hand message to panel panel->importState(&m); break; } } if(panelIndex == items) { // no panel found // if a "system node" hang onto (and re-export) state info bool sysOwned; if(m.FindBool("sysOwned", &sysOwned) == B_OK && sysOwned) { m_inactiveNodeState.AddItem( new _inactive_node_state_entry( nodeName, nodeKind, m)); } } } updateDataRect(); return B_OK; } // +++++ export state info for currently inactive system nodes +++++ status_t MediaRoutingView::exportState( BMessage* archive) const { // store layout mode archive->AddInt32("layout", m_layout); // store background settings if(m_backgroundBitmapEntry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BPath path; m_backgroundBitmapEntry.GetPath(&path); archive->AddString("bgBitmap", path.Path()); } else { rgb_color c = backgroundColor(); archive->AddInt8("bgRed", c.red); archive->AddInt8("bgGreen", c.green); archive->AddInt8("bgBlue", c.blue); } // store panel positions w/ node names & signatures for(uint32 n = 0; n < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); ++n) { MediaNodePanel* panel = dynamic_cast( ItemAt(n, DiagramItem::M_BOX)); if(!panel) continue; if(panel->ref->isInternal()) // skip internal nodes continue; BMessage m; panel->exportState(&m); archive->AddString("nodeName", panel->ref->name()); archive->AddInt32("nodeKind", panel->ref->kind()); archive->AddMessage("panel", &m); } // copy inactive node state info for(int32 n = 0; n < m_inactiveNodeState.CountItems(); ++n) { _inactive_node_state_entry* e = reinterpret_cast<_inactive_node_state_entry*>( m_inactiveNodeState.ItemAt(n)); archive->AddString("nodeName", e->name.String()); archive->AddInt32("nodeKind", e->kind); archive->AddMessage("panel", &e->state); } return B_OK; } // [e.moon 8dec99] subset support status_t MediaRoutingView::importStateFor( const NodeSetIOContext* context, const BMessage* archive) { status_t err; for(int32 archiveIndex = 0;; ++archiveIndex) { // fetch archived key & panel data const char* key; err = archive->FindString("nodeKey", archiveIndex, &key); if(err < B_OK) break; BMessage m; err = archive->FindMessage("panel", archiveIndex, &m); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "!!! MediaRoutingView::importStateFor(): missing panel %" B_PRId32 "\n", archiveIndex)); continue; } // find corresponding node media_node_id id; err = context->getNodeFor(key, &id); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "!!! MediaRoutingView::importStateFor(): missing node '%s'\n", key)); continue; } // look for panel, create it if necessary MediaNodePanel* panel; err = _findPanelFor(id, &panel); if(err < B_OK) { // create it err = _addPanelFor( id, BPoint(5.0, 5.0)); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "!!! MediaRoutingView::importStateFor(): _addPanelFor():\n" " %s\n", strerror(err))); continue; } err = _findPanelFor(id, &panel); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "!!! MediaRoutingView::importStateFor(): _findPanelFor():\n" " %s\n", strerror(err))); continue; } } // pass state data along panel->importState(&m); // select the panel SelectItem(panel, false); } return B_OK; } status_t MediaRoutingView::exportStateFor( const NodeSetIOContext* context, BMessage* archive) const { status_t err; for(uint32 n = 0; n < context->countNodes(); ++n) { MediaNodePanel* panel; err = _findPanelFor( context->nodeAt(n), &panel); if(err < B_OK) { PRINT(( "!!! MediaRoutingView::exportStateFor():\n" " no panel for node %" B_PRId32 "\n", context->nodeAt(n))); return B_BAD_VALUE; } const char* key = context->keyAt(n); archive->AddString("nodeKey", key); BMessage m; panel->exportState(&m); archive->AddMessage("panel", &m); } return B_OK; } // -------------------------------------------------------- // // *** children management // -------------------------------------------------------- // status_t MediaRoutingView::_addPanelFor( media_node_id id, BPoint atPoint) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_addPanelFor()\n")); manager->lock(); NodeRef *ref; status_t error = manager->getNodeRef(id, &ref); manager->unlock(); if (!error) { add_observer(this, ref); MediaNodePanel *panel = 0; if (id == m_lastDroppedNode) // this was instantiated thru drag & drop { AddItem(panel = new MediaNodePanel(m_lastDropPoint, ref)); SelectItem(panel, true); m_lastDroppedNode = 0; } else // this was an externally created node, must find a nice position first { panel = new MediaNodePanel(BPoint(0.0, 0.0), ref); AddItem(panel); BMessage state; if(_fetchInactiveNodeState(panel, &state) == B_OK) panel->importState(&state); else { BPoint p = findFreePositionFor(panel); panel->moveTo(p); } Invalidate(panel->Frame()); } } updateDataRect(); return error; } status_t MediaRoutingView::_findPanelFor( media_node_id id, MediaNodePanel **outPanel) const { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_findPanelFor()\n")); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX)); if (panel) { if (panel->ref->id() == id) { *outPanel = panel; return B_OK; } } } return B_ERROR; } status_t MediaRoutingView::_removePanelFor( media_node_id id) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_removePanelFor()\n")); MediaNodePanel *panel; if (_findPanelFor(id, &panel) == B_OK) { if (RemoveItem(panel)) { remove_observer(this, panel->ref); Invalidate(panel->Frame()); delete panel; return B_OK; } } return B_ERROR; } status_t MediaRoutingView::_addWireFor( Connection& connection) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_addWireFor()\n")); MediaNodePanel *source, *destination; if ((_findPanelFor(connection.sourceNode(), &source) == B_OK) && (_findPanelFor(connection.destinationNode(), &destination) == B_OK)) { status_t error; media_output output; error = connection.getOutput(&output); if (error) { return error; } MediaJack *outputJack = new MediaJack(output); source->AddItem(outputJack); media_input input; error = connection.getInput(&input); if (error) { return error; } MediaJack *inputJack = new MediaJack(input); destination->AddItem(inputJack); MediaWire *wire = new MediaWire(connection, outputJack, inputJack); AddItem(wire); source->updateIOJacks(); source->arrangeIOJacks(); destination->updateIOJacks(); destination->arrangeIOJacks(); updateDataRect(); // [e.moon 21nov99] group creation/merging now performed by // RouteAppNodeManager Invalidate(source->Frame()); Invalidate(destination->Frame()); Invalidate(wire->Frame()); return B_OK; } else { return B_ERROR; } } status_t MediaRoutingView::_findWireFor( uint32 connectionID, MediaWire **outWire) const { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_findWireFor()\n")); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_WIRE); i++) { MediaWire *wire = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_WIRE)); if (wire && wire->connection.id() == connectionID) { *outWire = wire; return B_OK; } } return B_ERROR; } status_t MediaRoutingView::_removeWireFor( uint32 connectionID) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_removeWireFor()\n")); MediaWire *wire; if (_findWireFor(connectionID, &wire) == B_OK) { MediaNodePanel *source, *destination; _findPanelFor(wire->connection.sourceNode(), &source); _findPanelFor(wire->connection.destinationNode(), &destination); RemoveItem(wire); Invalidate(wire->Frame()); delete wire; if (source) { source->updateIOJacks(); source->arrangeIOJacks(); Invalidate(source->Frame()); } if (destination) { destination->updateIOJacks(); destination->arrangeIOJacks(); Invalidate(destination->Frame()); } // [e.moon 21nov99] group split/remove now performed by // RouteAppNodeManager updateDataRect(); return B_OK; } return B_ERROR; } // -------------------------------------------------------- // // *** internal methods // -------------------------------------------------------- // void MediaRoutingView::_addShortcuts() { Window()->AddShortcut('A', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(M_SELECT_ALL), this); Window()->AddShortcut('K', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(M_CLEANUP_REQUESTED), this); Window()->AddShortcut('T', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(M_DELETE_SELECTION), this); Window()->AddShortcut('P', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(M_NODE_TWEAK_PARAMETERS), this); Window()->AddShortcut('P', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(M_NODE_START_CONTROL_PANEL), this); Window()->AddShortcut('I', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(InfoWindowManager::M_INFO_WINDOW_REQUESTED), this); } void MediaRoutingView::_initLayout() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_initLayout()\n")); switch (m_layout) { case M_ICON_VIEW: { // Adjust the jack width for displaying the abbreviated // input/output name BFont font(be_plain_font); font.SetSize(font.Size() - 2.0); for (int i = 0; i < MediaJack::M_MAX_ABBR_LENGTH; i++) { MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH += font.StringWidth("M"); } MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH += 2.0; // add some padding // Adjust the default size for MediaNodePanels to fit the // size of be_plain_font float labelWidth, bodyWidth; float labelHeight, bodyHeight; font_height fh; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&fh); labelWidth = 4 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_H_MARGIN + be_plain_font->StringWidth(" Be Audio Mixer "); bodyWidth = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_H_MARGIN + B_LARGE_ICON + 2 * MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; labelHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_V_MARGIN + fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 1.0; bodyHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_V_MARGIN + B_LARGE_ICON; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = labelWidth > bodyWidth ? labelWidth : bodyWidth; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = labelHeight + bodyHeight; Align(&MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); // Adjust the cleanup settings M_CLEANUP_H_GAP += MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH; break; } case M_MINI_ICON_VIEW: { // Adjust the default size for MediaNodePanels to fit the // size of be_plain_font float labelWidth, bodyWidth; float labelHeight, bodyHeight; font_height fh; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&fh); labelWidth = 4 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_H_MARGIN + be_plain_font->StringWidth(" Be Audio Mixer "); bodyWidth = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_H_MARGIN + B_MINI_ICON; labelHeight = 3 * MediaNodePanel::M_LABEL_V_MARGIN + fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 2 * MediaJack::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; bodyHeight = 2 * MediaNodePanel::M_BODY_V_MARGIN + B_MINI_ICON; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH = labelWidth + bodyWidth; MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = labelHeight > bodyHeight ? labelHeight : bodyHeight; Align(&MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); // Adjust the cleanup settings M_CLEANUP_V_GAP += MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; break; } } } void MediaRoutingView::_initContent() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_initContent()\n")); Autolock lock(manager); void *cookie = 0; NodeRef *ref; while (manager->getNextRef(&ref, &cookie) == B_OK) { // add self as observer add_observer(this, ref); // create & place node view (+++++ defer until observer status confirmed!) _addPanelFor(ref->id(), BPoint(M_CLEANUP_H_MARGIN, M_CLEANUP_V_MARGIN)); } cookie = 0; Connection connection; while (manager->getNextConnection(&connection, &cookie) == B_OK) { _addWireFor(connection); } // create default groups NodeGroup* group; NodeRef* videoIn = manager->videoInputNode(); if (videoIn) { group = manager->createGroup("Video input"); group->setRunMode(BMediaNode::B_RECORDING); group->addNode(videoIn); } NodeRef* audioIn = manager->audioInputNode(); if (audioIn) { group = manager->createGroup("Audio input"); group->setRunMode(BMediaNode::B_RECORDING); group->addNode(audioIn); } NodeRef* videoOut = manager->videoOutputNode(); if (videoOut) { group = manager->createGroup("Video output"); group->addNode(videoOut); } } void MediaRoutingView::_changeCyclingForSelection( bool cycle) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_changeCyclingForSelection()\n")); if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { manager->lock(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && (panel->ref->isCycling() != cycle)) { panel->ref->setCycling(cycle); } } manager->unlock(); } } void MediaRoutingView::_changeRunModeForSelection( uint32 mode) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_changeRunModeForSelection()\n")); if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { manager->lock(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && (panel->ref->runMode() != mode)) { panel->ref->setRunMode(mode); } } manager->unlock(); } } void MediaRoutingView::_openInfoWindowsForSelection() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_openInfoWindowsForSelection()\n")); InfoWindowManager *manager = InfoWindowManager::Instance(); if (!manager) { return; } if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && manager->Lock()) { manager->openWindowFor(panel->ref); manager->Unlock(); } } } else if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaWire *wire = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (wire && manager->Lock()) { manager->openWindowFor(wire->connection); manager->Unlock(); } } } } void MediaRoutingView::_openParameterWindowsForSelection() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_openParameterWindowsForSelection()\n")); if (SelectedType() != DiagramItem::M_BOX) { // can only open parameter window for nodes return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && (panel->ref->kind() & B_CONTROLLABLE)) { ParameterWindowManager *paramMgr= ParameterWindowManager::Instance(); if (paramMgr && paramMgr->Lock()) { paramMgr->openWindowFor(panel->ref); paramMgr->Unlock(); } } } } void MediaRoutingView::_startControlPanelsForSelection() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_startControlPanelsForSelection()\n")); if (SelectedType() != DiagramItem::M_BOX) { // can only start control panel for nodes return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && (panel->ref->kind() & B_CONTROLLABLE)) { ParameterWindowManager *paramMgr= ParameterWindowManager::Instance(); if (paramMgr && paramMgr->Lock()) { paramMgr->startControlPanelFor(panel->ref); paramMgr->Unlock(); } } } } void MediaRoutingView::_deleteSelection() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_deleteSelection()\n")); if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && panel->ref->isInternal()) { status_t error = panel->ref->releaseNode(); if (error) { BString s; s << "Could not release '" << panel->ref->name() << "'"; showErrorMessage(s, error); } } } } else if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaWire *wire = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (wire && !(wire->connection.flags() & Connection::LOCKED)) { status_t error = manager->disconnect(wire->connection); if (error) { showErrorMessage("Could not disconnect", error); } } } } // make sure none of the deleted items is still displaying its mouse cursor ! be_app->SetCursor(B_HAND_CURSOR); } void MediaRoutingView::_checkDroppedFile( entry_ref *ref, BPoint dropPoint) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_checkDroppedFile()\n")); // [cell 26apr00] traverse links BEntry entry(ref, true); entry.GetRef(ref); BNode node(ref); if (node.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BNodeInfo nodeInfo(&node); if (nodeInfo.InitCheck() == B_OK) { char mimeString[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; if (nodeInfo.GetType(mimeString) == B_OK) { BMimeType mimeType(mimeString); BMimeType superType; // [e.moon 22dec99] handle dropped node-set files if(mimeType == RouteApp::s_nodeSetType) { BMessage m(B_REFS_RECEIVED); m.AddRef("refs", ref); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&m); } else if (mimeType.GetSupertype(&superType) == B_OK) { if (superType == "image") { _changeBackground(ref); } else if ((superType == "audio") || (superType == "video")) { NodeRef* droppedNode; status_t error; error = manager->instantiate(*ref, B_BUFFER_PRODUCER, &droppedNode); if (!error) { media_output encVideoOutput; if (droppedNode->findFreeOutput(&encVideoOutput, B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO) == B_OK) { droppedNode->setFlags(droppedNode->flags() | NodeRef::NO_POSITION_REPORTING); } m_lastDroppedNode = droppedNode->id(); m_lastDropPoint = Align(dropPoint); } else { char fileName[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; BEntry entry(ref); entry.GetName(fileName); BString s; s << "Could not load '" << fileName << "'"; showErrorMessage(s, error); } } } } } } } void MediaRoutingView::_changeBackground( entry_ref *ref) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_changeBackground()\n")); status_t error; BBitmap *background = 0; BFile file(ref, B_READ_ONLY); error = file.InitCheck(); if (!error) { BTranslatorRoster *roster = BTranslatorRoster::Default(); BBitmapStream stream; error = roster->Translate(&file, NULL, NULL, &stream, B_TRANSLATOR_BITMAP); if (!error) { stream.DetachBitmap(&background); setBackgroundBitmap(background); Invalidate(); // [e.moon 1dec99] persistence, yay m_backgroundBitmapEntry.SetTo(ref); } } delete background; } void MediaRoutingView::_changeBackground( rgb_color color) { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_changeBackground()\n")); setBackgroundColor(color); Invalidate(); // [e.moon 1dec99] persistence, yay m_backgroundBitmapEntry.Unset(); } void MediaRoutingView::_adjustScrollBars() { D_METHOD(("MediaRoutingView::_adjustScrollBars()\n")); BScrollBar *scrollBar; // adjust horizontal scroll bar scrollBar = ScrollBar(B_HORIZONTAL); if (scrollBar) { float bigStep = floor(MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_WIDTH + M_CLEANUP_H_GAP); scrollBar->SetSteps(floor(bigStep / 10.0), bigStep); } // adjust vertical scroll bar scrollBar = ScrollBar(B_VERTICAL); if (scrollBar) { float bigStep = floor(MediaNodePanel::M_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + M_CLEANUP_V_GAP); scrollBar->SetSteps(floor(bigStep / 10.0), bigStep); } } void MediaRoutingView::_broadcastSelection() const { int32 selectedGroup = 0; if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { // iterate thru the list of selected node panels and make the // first group we find the selected group for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) { MediaNodePanel *panel = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (panel && panel->ref->group()) { selectedGroup = panel->ref->group()->id(); BMessenger messenger(Window()); BMessage groupMsg(M_GROUP_SELECTED); groupMsg.AddInt32("groupID", selectedGroup); messenger.SendMessage(&groupMsg); return; } } } // currently no group is selected BMessenger messenger(Window()); BMessage groupMsg(M_GROUP_SELECTED); groupMsg.AddInt32("groupID", selectedGroup); messenger.SendMessage(&groupMsg); } status_t MediaRoutingView::_fetchInactiveNodeState(MediaNodePanel *forPanel, BMessage *outMessage) { // copy inactive node state info int32 c = m_inactiveNodeState.CountItems(); for(int32 n = 0; n < c; n++) { _inactive_node_state_entry* e = reinterpret_cast<_inactive_node_state_entry*>( m_inactiveNodeState.ItemAt(n)); ASSERT(e); if(e->name != forPanel->ref->name()) continue; if(e->kind != forPanel->ref->kind()) continue; // found match; extract message & remove entry *outMessage = e->state; m_inactiveNodeState.RemoveItem(n); return B_OK; } return B_BAD_VALUE; } void MediaRoutingView::_emptyInactiveNodeState() { int32 c = m_inactiveNodeState.CountItems(); for(int32 n = 0; n < c; n++) { _inactive_node_state_entry* e = reinterpret_cast<_inactive_node_state_entry*>( m_inactiveNodeState.ItemAt(n)); ASSERT(e); delete e; } m_inactiveNodeState.MakeEmpty(); } // END -- MediaRoutingView.cpp --