// DiagramItemGroup.cpp /*! \class DiagramItemGroup. \brief Basic class for managing and accessing DiagramItem objects. Objects of this class can manage one or more of the DiagramItem type M_BOX, M_WIRE and M_ENDPOINT. Many methods let you specify which type of item you want to deal with. */ #include "DiagramItemGroup.h" #include "DiagramItem.h" #include __USE_CORTEX_NAMESPACE #include #define D_METHOD(x) //PRINT (x) DiagramItemGroup::DiagramItemGroup(uint32 acceptedTypes, bool multiSelection) :fBoxes(0), fWires(0), fEndPoints(0), fSelection(0), fTypes(acceptedTypes), fItemAlignment(1.0, 1.0), fMultiSelection(multiSelection), fLastItemUnder(0) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::DiagramItemGroup()\n")); fSelection = new BList(1); } DiagramItemGroup::~DiagramItemGroup() { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::~DiagramItemGroup()\n")); int32 count = 0; if (fWires && (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_WIRE)) { count = fWires->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) delete static_cast(fWires->ItemAt(i)); delete fWires; } if (fBoxes && (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_BOX)) { count = fBoxes->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) delete static_cast(fBoxes->ItemAt(i)); delete fBoxes; } if (fEndPoints && (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT)) { count = fEndPoints->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) delete static_cast(fEndPoints->ItemAt(i)); delete fEndPoints; } if (fSelection) delete fSelection; } // #pragma mark - item accessors /*! Returns the number of items in the group (optionally only those of the given type \param whichType) */ uint32 DiagramItemGroup::CountItems(uint32 whichType) const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::CountItems()\n")); uint32 count = 0; if (whichType & fTypes) { if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_BOX) { if (fBoxes) count += fBoxes->CountItems(); } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { if (fWires) count += fWires->CountItems(); } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT) { if (fEndPoints) count += fEndPoints->CountItems(); } } return count; } /*! Returns a pointer to the item in the lists which is at the given index; if none is found, this function returns 0 */ DiagramItem* DiagramItemGroup::ItemAt(uint32 index, uint32 whichType) const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::ItemAt()\n")); if (fTypes & whichType) { if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_BOX) { if (fBoxes && (index < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX))) return static_cast(fBoxes->ItemAt(index)); else index -= CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { if (fWires && (index < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_WIRE))) return static_cast(fWires->ItemAt(index)); else index -= CountItems(DiagramItem::M_WIRE); } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT) { if (fEndPoints && (index < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT))) return static_cast(fEndPoints->ItemAt(index)); } } return 0; } /*! This function returns the first box or endpoint found that contains the given \param point. For connections it looks at all wires that 'might' contain the point and calls their method howCloseTo() to find the one closest to the point. The lists should be sorted by selection time for proper results! */ DiagramItem* DiagramItemGroup::ItemUnder(BPoint point) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::ItemUnder()\n")); if (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_BOX) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX); if (item->Frame().Contains(point) && (item->howCloseTo(point) == 1.0)) { // DiagramItemGroup *group = dynamic_cast(item); return (fLastItemUnder = item); } } } if (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { float closest = 0.0; DiagramItem *closestItem = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_WIRE); i++) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_WIRE); if (item->Frame().Contains(point)) { float howClose = item->howCloseTo(point); if (howClose > closest) { closestItem = item; if (howClose == 1.0) return (fLastItemUnder = item); closest = howClose; } } } if (closest > 0.5) return (fLastItemUnder = closestItem); } if (fTypes & DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT); i++) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT); if (item->Frame().Contains(point) && (item->howCloseTo(point) == 1.0)) return (fLastItemUnder = item); } } return (fLastItemUnder = 0); // no item was found! } // #pragma mark - item operations //! Adds an \param item to the group; returns true on success. bool DiagramItemGroup::AddItem(DiagramItem *item) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::AddItem()\n")); if (item && (fTypes & item->type())) { if (item->m_group) item->m_group->RemoveItem(item); switch (item->type()) { case DiagramItem::M_BOX: if (!fBoxes) fBoxes = new BList(); item->m_group = this; return fBoxes->AddItem(static_cast(item)); case DiagramItem::M_WIRE: if (!fWires) fWires = new BList(); item->m_group = this; return fWires->AddItem(static_cast(item)); case DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT: if (!fEndPoints) fEndPoints = new BList(); item->m_group = this; return fEndPoints->AddItem(static_cast(item)); } } return false; } //! Removes an \param item from the group; returns true on success. bool DiagramItemGroup::RemoveItem(DiagramItem* item) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::RemoveItem()\n")); if (item && (fTypes & item->type())) { // reset the lastItemUnder-pointer if it pointed to this item if (fLastItemUnder == item) fLastItemUnder = 0; // remove it from the selection list if it was selected if (item->isSelected()) fSelection->RemoveItem(static_cast(item)); // try to remove the item from its list switch (item->type()) { case DiagramItem::M_BOX: if (fBoxes) { item->m_group = 0; return fBoxes->RemoveItem(static_cast(item)); } break; case DiagramItem::M_WIRE: if (fWires) { item->m_group = 0; return fWires->RemoveItem(static_cast(item)); } break; case DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT: if (fEndPoints) { item->m_group = 0; return fEndPoints->RemoveItem(static_cast(item)); } } } return false; } /*! Performs a quicksort on a list of items with the provided compare function (one is already defined in the DiagramItem implementation); can't handle more than one item type at a time! */ void DiagramItemGroup::SortItems(uint32 whichType, int (*compareFunc)(const void *, const void *)) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SortItems()\n")); if ((whichType != DiagramItem::M_ANY) && (fTypes & whichType)) { switch (whichType) { case DiagramItem::M_BOX: if (fBoxes) fBoxes->SortItems(compareFunc); break; case DiagramItem::M_WIRE: if (fWires) fWires->SortItems(compareFunc); break; case DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT: if (fEndPoints) fEndPoints->SortItems(compareFunc); break; } } } /*! Fires a Draw() command at all items of a specific type that intersect with the \param updateRect; items are drawn in reverse order; they should be sorted by selection time before this function gets called, so that the more recently selected item are drawn above others. */ void DiagramItemGroup::DrawItems(BRect updateRect, uint32 whichType, BRegion* updateRegion) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::DrawItems()\n")); if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_WIRE) { for (int32 i = CountItems(DiagramItem::M_WIRE) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_WIRE); if (item->Frame().Intersects(updateRect)) item->Draw(updateRect); } } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_BOX) { for (int32 i = CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX); if (item && item->Frame().Intersects(updateRect)) { item->Draw(updateRect); if (updateRegion) updateRegion->Exclude(item->Frame()); } } } if (whichType & DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT) { for (int32 i = CountItems(DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_ENDPOINT); if (item && item->Frame().Intersects(updateRect)) item->Draw(updateRect); } } } /*! Returns in outRegion the \param region of items that lay "over" the given DiagramItem in \param which; returns false if no items are above or the item doesn't exist. */ bool DiagramItemGroup::GetClippingAbove(DiagramItem *which, BRegion *region) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::GetClippingAbove()\n")); bool found = false; if (which && region) { switch (which->type()) { case DiagramItem::M_BOX: { int32 index = fBoxes->IndexOf(which); if (index >= 0) { // the item was found BRect r = which->Frame(); for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX); if (item && item->Frame().Intersects(r)) { region->Include(item->Frame() & r); found = true; } } } break; } case DiagramItem::M_WIRE: { BRect r = which->Frame(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(DiagramItem::M_BOX); i++) { DiagramItem *item = ItemAt(i, DiagramItem::M_BOX); if (item && item->Frame().Intersects(r)) { region->Include(item->Frame() & r); found = true; } } break; } } } return found; } // #pragma mark - selection accessors /*! Returns the type of DiagramItems in the current selection (currently only one type at a time is supported!) */ uint32 DiagramItemGroup::SelectedType() const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SelectedType()\n")); if (CountSelectedItems() > 0) return SelectedItemAt(0)->type(); return 0; } //! Returns the number of items in the current selection uint32 DiagramItemGroup::CountSelectedItems() const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::CountSelectedItems()\n")); if (fSelection) return fSelection->CountItems(); return 0; } /*! Returns a pointer to the item in the list which is at the given \param index; if none is found, this function returns 0 */ DiagramItem* DiagramItemGroup::SelectedItemAt(uint32 index) const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SelectedItemAt()\n")); if (fSelection) return static_cast(fSelection->ItemAt(index)); return 0; } // #pragma mark - selection related operations /*! Selects an item, optionally replacing the complete former selection. If the type of the item to be selected differs from the type of items currently selected, this methods automatically replaces the former selection */ bool DiagramItemGroup::SelectItem(DiagramItem* which, bool deselectOthers) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SelectItem()\n")); bool selectionChanged = false; if (which && !which->isSelected() && which->isSelectable()) { // check if the item's type is the same as of the other // selected items if (fMultiSelection) { if (which->type() != SelectedType()) deselectOthers = true; } // check if the former selection has to be deselected if (deselectOthers || !fMultiSelection) { while (CountSelectedItems() > 0) DeselectItem(SelectedItemAt(0)); } // select the item if (deselectOthers || CountSelectedItems() == 0) which->select(); else which->selectAdding(); fSelection->AddItem(which); selectionChanged = true; } // resort the lists if necessary if (selectionChanged) { SortItems(which->type(), compareSelectionTime); SortSelectedItems(compareSelectionTime); return true; } return false; } //! Simply deselects one item bool DiagramItemGroup::DeselectItem(DiagramItem* which) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::DeselectItem()\n")); if (which && which->isSelected()) { fSelection->RemoveItem(which); which->deselect(); SortItems(which->type(), compareSelectionTime); SortSelectedItems(compareSelectionTime); return true; } return false; } //! Selects all items of the given \param itemType bool DiagramItemGroup::SelectAll(uint32 itemType) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SelectAll()\n")); bool selectionChanged = false; if (fTypes & itemType) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(itemType); i++) { if (SelectItem(ItemAt(i, itemType), false)) selectionChanged = true; } } return selectionChanged; } //! Deselects all items of the given \param itemType bool DiagramItemGroup::DeselectAll(uint32 itemType) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::DeselectAll()\n")); bool selectionChanged = false; if (fTypes & itemType) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountItems(itemType); i++) { if (DeselectItem(ItemAt(i, itemType))) selectionChanged = true; } } return selectionChanged; } /*! Performs a quicksort on the list of selected items with the provided compare function (one is already defined in the DiagramItem implementation) */ void DiagramItemGroup::SortSelectedItems(int (*compareFunc)(const void *, const void *)) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::SortSelectedItems()\n")); fSelection->SortItems(compareFunc); } /*! Moves all selected items by a given amount, taking item alignment into account; in updateRegion the areas that still require updating by the caller are returned */ void DiagramItemGroup::DragSelectionBy(float x, float y, BRegion* updateRegion) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::DragSelectionBy()\n")); if (SelectedType() == DiagramItem::M_BOX) { Align(&x, &y); if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) { for (int32 i = CountSelectedItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DiagramItem *item = dynamic_cast(SelectedItemAt(i)); if (item->isDraggable()) item->MoveBy(x, y, updateRegion); } } } } //! Removes all selected items from the group void DiagramItemGroup::RemoveSelection() { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::RemoveSelection()\n")); for (uint32 i = 0; i < CountSelectedItems(); i++) RemoveItem(SelectedItemAt(i)); } // #pragma mark - alignment related accessors & operations void DiagramItemGroup::GetItemAlignment(float *horizontal, float *vertical) { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::GetItemAlignment()\n")); if (horizontal) *horizontal = fItemAlignment.x; if (vertical) *vertical = fItemAlignment.y; } //! Align a given point(\param x, \param y) to the current grid void DiagramItemGroup::Align(float *x, float *y) const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::Align()\n")); *x = ((int)*x / (int)fItemAlignment.x) * fItemAlignment.x; *y = ((int)*y / (int)fItemAlignment.y) * fItemAlignment.y; } //! Align a given \param point to the current grid BPoint DiagramItemGroup::Align(BPoint point) const { D_METHOD(("DiagramItemGroup::Align()\n")); float x = point.x, y = point.y; Align(&x, &y); return BPoint(x, y); }