// Copyright (c) 1998-99, Be Incorporated, All Rights Reserved. // SMS // VideoConsumer.cpp #include "FileUploadClient.h" #include "FtpClient.h" #include "SftpClient.h" #include "VideoConsumer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define M1 ((double)1000000.0) #define JITTER 20000 #define FUNCTION printf #define ERROR printf #define PROGRESS printf #define LOOP printf static status_t SetFileType(BFile* file, int32 translator, uint32 type); const media_raw_video_format vid_format = {29.97, 1, 0, 239, B_VIDEO_TOP_LEFT_RIGHT, 1, 1, {B_RGB16, 320, 240, 320 * 4, 0, 0}}; VideoConsumer::VideoConsumer(const char* name, BView* view, BStringView* statusLine, BMediaAddOn* addon, const uint32 internalId) : BMediaNode(name), BMediaEventLooper(), BBufferConsumer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), fStatusLine(statusLine), fInternalID(internalId), fAddOn(addon), fConnectionActive(false), fMyLatency(20000), fWindow(NULL), fView(view), fOurBuffers(false), fBuffers(NULL), fTimeToFtp(false), fFtpComplete(true), fRate(1000000), fImageFormat(0), fTranslator(0), fUploadClient(0), fPassiveFtp(true) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::VideoConsumer\n"); AddNodeKind(B_PHYSICAL_OUTPUT); SetEventLatency(0); fWindow = fView->Window(); for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { fBitmap[j] = NULL; fBufferMap[j] = 0; } strcpy(fFileNameText, ""); strcpy(fServerText, ""); strcpy(fLoginText, ""); strcpy(fPasswordText, ""); strcpy(fDirectoryText, ""); SetPriority(B_DISPLAY_PRIORITY); } VideoConsumer::~VideoConsumer() { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::~VideoConsumer\n"); Quit(); if (fWindow) { printf("Locking the window\n"); if (fWindow->Lock()) { printf("Closing the window\n"); fWindow->Close(); fWindow = 0; } } // clean up ftp thread // wait up to 30 seconds if ftp is in progress int32 count = 0; while (!fFtpComplete && count < 30) { snooze(1000000); count++; } if (count == 30) kill_thread(fFtpThread); DeleteBuffers(); } /******************************** From BMediaNode ********************************/ BMediaAddOn* VideoConsumer::AddOn(long* cookie) const { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::AddOn\n"); // do the right thing if we're ever used with an add-on *cookie = fInternalID; return fAddOn; } // This implementation is required to get around a bug in // the ppc compiler. void VideoConsumer::Start(bigtime_t performanceTime) { BMediaEventLooper::Start(performanceTime); } void VideoConsumer::Stop(bigtime_t performanceTime, bool immediate) { BMediaEventLooper::Stop(performanceTime, immediate); } void VideoConsumer::Seek(bigtime_t mediaTime, bigtime_t performanceTime) { BMediaEventLooper::Seek(mediaTime, performanceTime); } void VideoConsumer::TimeWarp(bigtime_t atRealTime, bigtime_t toPerformanceTime) { BMediaEventLooper::TimeWarp(atRealTime, toPerformanceTime); } status_t VideoConsumer::DeleteHook(BMediaNode* node) { return BMediaEventLooper::DeleteHook(node); } void VideoConsumer::NodeRegistered() { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::NodeRegistered\n"); fIn.destination.port = ControlPort(); fIn.destination.id = 0; fIn.source = media_source::null; fIn.format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; fIn.format.u.raw_video = vid_format; Run(); } status_t VideoConsumer::RequestCompleted(const media_request_info& info) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::RequestCompleted\n"); switch (info.what) { case media_request_info::B_SET_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_FOR: if (info.status != B_OK) ERROR("VideoConsumer::RequestCompleted: Not using our buffers!\n"); break; default: ERROR("VideoConsumer::RequestCompleted: Invalid argument\n"); break; } return B_OK; } status_t VideoConsumer::HandleMessage(int32 message, const void* data, size_t size) { //FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::HandleMessage\n"); ftp_msg_info* info = (ftp_msg_info*)data; status_t status = B_OK; switch (message) { case FTP_INFO: PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::HandleMessage - FTP_INFO message\n"); fRate = info->rate; fImageFormat = info->imageFormat; fTranslator = info->translator; fPassiveFtp = info->passiveFtp; fUploadClient = info->uploadClient; strcpy(fFileNameText, info->fileNameText); strcpy(fServerText, info->serverText); strcpy(fLoginText, info->loginText); strcpy(fPasswordText, info->passwordText); strcpy(fDirectoryText, info->directoryText); // remove old user events EventQueue()->FlushEvents(TimeSource()->Now(), BTimedEventQueue::B_ALWAYS, true, BTimedEventQueue::B_USER_EVENT); if (fRate != B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT) { // if rate is not "Never," push an event // to restart captures 5 seconds from now media_timed_event event(TimeSource()->Now() + 5000000, BTimedEventQueue::B_USER_EVENT); EventQueue()->AddEvent(event); } break; } return status; } void VideoConsumer::BufferReceived(BBuffer* buffer) { LOOP("VideoConsumer::Buffer #%ld received, start_time %Ld\n", buffer->ID(), buffer->Header()->start_time); if (RunState() == B_STOPPED) { buffer->Recycle(); return; } media_timed_event event(buffer->Header()->start_time, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER, buffer, BTimedEventQueue::B_RECYCLE_BUFFER); EventQueue()->AddEvent(event); } void VideoConsumer::ProducerDataStatus(const media_destination& forWhom, int32 status, bigtime_t atMediaTime) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::ProducerDataStatus\n"); if (forWhom != fIn.destination) return; } status_t VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers(const media_format& withFormat) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers\n"); DeleteBuffers(); // delete any old buffers status_t status = B_OK; // create a buffer group uint32 xSize = withFormat.u.raw_video.display.line_width; uint32 ySize = withFormat.u.raw_video.display.line_count; color_space colorspace = withFormat.u.raw_video.display.format; PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - Colorspace = %d\n", colorspace); fBuffers = new BBufferGroup(); status = fBuffers->InitCheck(); if (status != B_OK) { ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - ERROR CREATING BUFFER GROUP\n"); return status; } // and attach the bitmaps to the buffer group for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { fBitmap[j] = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, (xSize - 1), (ySize - 1)), colorspace, false, true); if (fBitmap[j]->IsValid()) { buffer_clone_info info; if ((info.area = area_for(fBitmap[j]->Bits())) == B_ERROR) ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - ERROR IN AREA_FOR\n"); info.offset = 0; info.size = (size_t)fBitmap[j]->BitsLength(); info.flags = j; info.buffer = 0; if ((status = fBuffers->AddBuffer(info)) != B_OK) { ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - ERROR ADDING BUFFER TO GROUP\n"); return status; } else PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - SUCCESSFUL ADD BUFFER TO GROUP\n"); } else { ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - ERROR CREATING VIDEO RING BUFFER: %08lx\n", status); return B_ERROR; } } BBuffer** buffList = new BBuffer * [3]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) buffList[j] = 0; if ((status = fBuffers->GetBufferList(3, buffList)) == B_OK) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (buffList[j] != NULL) { fBufferMap[j] = (uint32)buffList[j]; PROGRESS(" j = %d buffer = %08lx\n", j, fBufferMap[j]); } else { ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers ERROR MAPPING RING BUFFER\n"); return B_ERROR; } else ERROR("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers ERROR IN GET BUFFER LIST\n"); fFtpBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, xSize - 1, ySize - 1), B_RGB32, false, false); FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - EXIT\n"); return status; } void VideoConsumer::DeleteBuffers() { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::DeleteBuffers\n"); if (fBuffers) { delete fBuffers; fBuffers = NULL; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (fBitmap[j]->IsValid()) { delete fBitmap[j]; fBitmap[j] = NULL; } } FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::DeleteBuffers - EXIT\n"); } status_t VideoConsumer::Connected(const media_source& producer, const media_destination& where, const media_format& withFormat, media_input* outInput) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::Connected\n"); fIn.source = producer; fIn.format = withFormat; fIn.node = Node(); sprintf(fIn.name, "Video Consumer"); *outInput = fIn; uint32 userData = 0; int32 changeTag = 1; if (CreateBuffers(withFormat) == B_OK) BBufferConsumer::SetOutputBuffersFor(producer, fDestination, fBuffers, (void *)&userData, &changeTag, true); else { ERROR("VideoConsumer::Connected - COULDN'T CREATE BUFFERS\n"); return B_ERROR; } fConnectionActive = true; FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::Connected - EXIT\n"); return B_OK; } void VideoConsumer::Disconnected(const media_source& producer, const media_destination& where) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::Disconnected\n"); if (where == fIn.destination && producer == fIn.source) { // disconnect the connection fIn.source = media_source::null; delete fFtpBitmap; fConnectionActive = false; } } status_t VideoConsumer::AcceptFormat(const media_destination& dest, media_format* format) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::AcceptFormat\n"); if (dest != fIn.destination) { ERROR("VideoConsumer::AcceptFormat - BAD DESTINATION\n"); return B_MEDIA_BAD_DESTINATION; } if (format->type == B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE) format->type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; if (format->type != B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO) { ERROR("VideoConsumer::AcceptFormat - BAD FORMAT\n"); return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; } if (format->u.raw_video.display.format != B_RGB32 && format->u.raw_video.display.format != B_RGB16 && format->u.raw_video.display.format != B_RGB15 && format->u.raw_video.display.format != B_GRAY8 && format->u.raw_video.display.format != media_raw_video_format::wildcard.display.format) { ERROR("AcceptFormat - not a format we know about!\n"); return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; } if (format->u.raw_video.display.format == media_raw_video_format::wildcard.display.format) { format->u.raw_video.display.format = B_RGB16; } char formatString[256]; string_for_format(*format, formatString, 256); FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::AcceptFormat: %s\n", formatString); return B_OK; } status_t VideoConsumer::GetNextInput(int32* cookie, media_input* outInput) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::GetNextInput\n"); // custom build a destination for this connection // put connection number in id if (*cookie < 1) { fIn.node = Node(); fIn.destination.id = *cookie; sprintf(fIn.name, "Video Consumer"); *outInput = fIn; (*cookie)++; return B_OK; } else { ERROR("VideoConsumer::GetNextInput - - BAD INDEX\n"); return B_MEDIA_BAD_DESTINATION; } } void VideoConsumer::DisposeInputCookie(int32 /*cookie*/) { } status_t VideoConsumer::GetLatencyFor(const media_destination& forWhom, bigtime_t* outLatency, media_node_id* out_timesource) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::GetLatencyFor\n"); if (forWhom != fIn.destination) return B_MEDIA_BAD_DESTINATION; *outLatency = fMyLatency; *out_timesource = TimeSource()->ID(); return B_OK; } status_t VideoConsumer::FormatChanged(const media_source& producer, const media_destination& consumer, int32 fromChangeCount, const media_format& format) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::FormatChanged\n"); if (consumer != fIn.destination) return B_MEDIA_BAD_DESTINATION; if (producer != fIn.source) return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE; fIn.format = format; return CreateBuffers(format); } void VideoConsumer::HandleEvent(const media_timed_event* event, bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent) { LOOP("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent\n"); BBuffer* buffer; switch (event->type) { case BTimedEventQueue::B_START: PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent - START\n"); break; case BTimedEventQueue::B_STOP: PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent - STOP\n"); EventQueue()->FlushEvents(event->event_time, BTimedEventQueue::B_ALWAYS, true, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER); break; case BTimedEventQueue::B_USER_EVENT: PROGRESS("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent - USER EVENT\n"); if (RunState() == B_STARTED) { fTimeToFtp = true; PROGRESS("Pushing user event for %.4f, time now %.4f\n", (event->event_time + fRate) / M1, event->event_time/M1); media_timed_event newEvent(event->event_time + fRate, BTimedEventQueue::B_USER_EVENT); EventQueue()->AddEvent(newEvent); } break; case BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER: { LOOP("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent - HANDLE BUFFER\n"); buffer = (BBuffer *)event->pointer; if (RunState() == B_STARTED && fConnectionActive) { // see if this is one of our buffers uint32 index = 0; fOurBuffers = true; while (index < 3) if ((uint32)buffer == fBufferMap[index]) break; else index++; if (index == 3) { // no, buffers belong to consumer fOurBuffers = false; index = 0; } if (fFtpComplete && fTimeToFtp) { PROGRESS("VidConsumer::HandleEvent - SPAWNING FTP THREAD\n"); fTimeToFtp = false; fFtpComplete = false; memcpy(fFtpBitmap->Bits(), buffer->Data(), fFtpBitmap->BitsLength()); fFtpThread = spawn_thread(FtpRun, "Video Window Ftp", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread(fFtpThread); } if ((RunMode() == B_OFFLINE) || ((TimeSource()->Now() > (buffer->Header()->start_time - JITTER)) && (TimeSource()->Now() < (buffer->Header()->start_time + JITTER)))) { if (!fOurBuffers) // not our buffers, so we need to copy memcpy(fBitmap[index]->Bits(), buffer->Data(), fBitmap[index]->BitsLength()); if (fWindow->Lock()) { uint32 flags; if ((fBitmap[index]->ColorSpace() == B_GRAY8) && !bitmaps_support_space(fBitmap[index]->ColorSpace(), &flags)) { // handle mapping of GRAY8 until app server knows how uint32* start = (uint32*)fBitmap[index]->Bits(); int32 size = fBitmap[index]->BitsLength(); uint32* end = start + size / 4; for (uint32* p = start; p < end; p++) *p = (*p >> 3) & 0x1f1f1f1f; } fView->DrawBitmap(fBitmap[index], fView->Bounds()); fWindow->Unlock(); } } else PROGRESS("VidConsumer::HandleEvent - DROPPED FRAME\n"); buffer->Recycle(); } else buffer->Recycle(); break; } default: ERROR("VideoConsumer::HandleEvent - BAD EVENT\n"); break; } } status_t VideoConsumer::FtpRun(void* data) { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::FtpRun\n"); ((VideoConsumer *)data)->FtpThread(); return 0; } void VideoConsumer::FtpThread() { FUNCTION("VideoConsumer::FtpThread\n"); if (LocalSave(fFileNameText, fFtpBitmap) == B_OK) FtpSave(fFileNameText); #if 0 // save a small version, too BBitmap* b = new BBitmap(BRect(0,0,159,119), B_RGB32, true, false); BView* v = new BView(BRect(0,0,159,119), "SmallView 1", 0, B_WILL_DRAW); b->AddChild(v); b->Lock(); v->DrawBitmap(fFtpBitmap, v->Frame()); v->Sync(); b->Unlock(); if (LocalSave("small.jpg", b) == B_OK) FtpSave("small.jpg"); delete b; #endif fFtpComplete = true; } void VideoConsumer::UpdateFtpStatus(const char* status) { printf("FTP STATUS: %s\n",status); if (fView->Window()->Lock()) { fStatusLine->SetText(status); fView->Window()->Unlock(); } } status_t VideoConsumer::LocalSave(char* filename, BBitmap* bitmap) { BFile* output; UpdateFtpStatus("Capturing Image" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); /* save a local copy of the image in the requested format */ output = new BFile(); if (output->SetTo(filename, B_READ_WRITE | B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE) == B_NO_ERROR) { BBitmapStream input(bitmap); status_t err = BTranslatorRoster::Default()->Translate(&input, NULL, NULL, output, fImageFormat); if (err == B_OK) { err = SetFileType(output, fTranslator, fImageFormat); if (err != B_OK) UpdateFtpStatus("Error setting type of output file"); } else UpdateFtpStatus("Error writing output file"); input.DetachBitmap(&bitmap); output->Unset(); delete output; return B_OK; } else { UpdateFtpStatus("Error creating output file"); return B_ERROR; } } status_t VideoConsumer::FtpSave(char* filename) { FileUploadClient *ftp; //XXX: make that cleaner switch (fUploadClient) { case 0: ftp = new FtpClient; break; case 1: ftp = new SftpClient; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "invalid upload client %ld\n", fUploadClient); return EINVAL; } ftp->SetPassive(fPassiveFtp); // ftp the local file to our web site UpdateFtpStatus("Logging in" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); if (ftp->Connect((string)fServerText, (string)fLoginText, (string)fPasswordText)) { // connect to server UpdateFtpStatus("Connected" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); if (ftp->ChangeDir((string)fDirectoryText)) { // cd to the desired directory UpdateFtpStatus("Transmitting" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); if (ftp->PutFile((string)filename, (string)"temp")) { // send the file to the server ftp->Chmod((string)"temp", (string)"644"); // make it world readable UpdateFtpStatus("Renaming" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); if (ftp->MoveFile((string)"temp", (string)filename)) { // change to the desired name uint32 time = real_time_clock(); char s[80]; strcpy(s, "Last Capture: "); strcat(s, ctime((const long*)&time)); s[strlen(s) - 1] = 0; UpdateFtpStatus(s); delete ftp; return B_OK; } else UpdateFtpStatus("Rename failed"); } else UpdateFtpStatus("File transmission failed"); } else UpdateFtpStatus("Couldn't find requested directory on server"); } else UpdateFtpStatus("Server login failed"); delete ftp; return B_ERROR; } status_t SetFileType(BFile* file, int32 translator, uint32 type) { translation_format* formats; int32 count; status_t err = BTranslatorRoster::Default()->GetOutputFormats(translator, (const translation_format **)&formats, &count); if (err < B_OK) return err; const char* mime = NULL; for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { if (formats[ix].type == type) { mime = formats[ix].MIME; break; } } if (mime == NULL) { /* this should not happen, but being defensive might be prudent */ return B_ERROR; } /* use BNodeInfo to set the file type */ BNodeInfo ninfo(file); return ninfo.SetType(mime); }