/* * Copyright 2005-2022 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Authors: * Augustin Cavalier * DarkWyrm * René Gollent * John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com * Wim van der Meer */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HyperTextActions.h" #include "HyperTextView.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "Credits.h" #ifndef LINE_MAX #define LINE_MAX 2048 #endif #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "AboutWindow" static const char* kSignature = "application/x-vnd.Haiku-About"; static const float kWindowWidth = 500.0f; static const float kWindowHeight = 300.0f; static const float kSysInfoMinWidth = 163.0f; static const float kSysInfoMinHeight = 193.0f; static const int32 kMsgScrollCreditsView = 'mviv'; static int ignored_pages(system_info*); static int max_pages(system_info*); static int max_and_ignored_pages(system_info*); static int used_pages(system_info*); static const rgb_color kIdealHaikuGreen = { 42, 131, 36, 255 }; static const rgb_color kIdealHaikuOrange = { 255, 69, 0, 255 }; static const rgb_color kIdealHaikuYellow = { 255, 176, 0, 255 }; static const rgb_color kIdealBeOSBlue = { 0, 0, 200, 255 }; static const rgb_color kIdealBeOSRed = { 200, 0, 0, 255 }; static const char* kBSDTwoClause = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("BSD (2-clause)"); static const char* kBSDThreeClause = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("BSD (3-clause)"); static const char* kBSDFourClause = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("BSD (4-clause)"); static const char* kGPLv2 = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("GNU GPL v2"); static const char* kGPLv3 = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("GNU GPL v3"); static const char* kLGPLv2 = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("GNU LGPL v2"); static const char* kLGPLv21 = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("GNU LGPL v2.1"); #if 0 static const char* kPublicDomain = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Public Domain"); #endif #ifdef __i386__ static const char* kIntel2xxxFirmware = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Intel (2xxx firmware)"); static const char* kIntelFirmware = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Intel WiFi Firmware"); static const char* kMarvellFirmware = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Marvell (firmware)"); static const char* kRalinkFirmware = B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Ralink WiFi Firmware"); #endif // #pragma mark - TranslationComparator function static int TranslationComparator(const void* left, const void* right) { const Translation* leftTranslation = *(const Translation**)left; const Translation* rightTranslation = *(const Translation**)right; BLanguage* language; BString leftName; if (BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetLanguage(leftTranslation->languageCode, &language) == B_OK) { language->GetName(leftName); delete language; } else leftName = leftTranslation->languageCode; BString rightName; if (BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetLanguage(rightTranslation->languageCode, &language) == B_OK) { language->GetName(rightName); delete language; } else rightName = rightTranslation->languageCode; BCollator collator; BLocale::Default()->GetCollator(&collator); return collator.Compare(leftName.String(), rightName.String()); } // #pragma mark - class definitions class AboutApp : public BApplication { public: AboutApp(); void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); }; class AboutView; class AboutWindow : public BWindow { public: AboutWindow(); virtual bool QuitRequested(); AboutView* fAboutView; }; class LogoView : public BView { public: LogoView(); virtual ~LogoView(); virtual BSize MinSize(); virtual BSize MaxSize(); virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect); private: BBitmap* fLogo; }; class CropView : public BView { public: CropView(BView* target, int32 left, int32 top, int32 right, int32 bottom); virtual ~CropView(); virtual BSize MinSize(); virtual BSize MaxSize(); virtual void DoLayout(); private: BView* fTarget; int32 fCropLeft; int32 fCropTop; int32 fCropRight; int32 fCropBottom; }; class SysInfoView : public BView { public: SysInfoView(); SysInfoView(BMessage* archive); virtual ~SysInfoView(); virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep = true) const; static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void AllAttached(); virtual void Draw(BRect); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); virtual void Pulse(); void CacheInitialSize(); float MinWidth() const { return fCachedMinWidth; }; float MinHeight() const { return fCachedMinHeight; }; private: void _AdjustColors(); void _AdjustTextColors() const; rgb_color _DesktopTextColor(int32 workspace = -1) const; bool _OnDesktop() const; BStringView* _CreateLabel(const char*, const char*); void _UpdateLabel(BStringView*); BStringView* _CreateSubtext(const char*, const char*); void _UpdateSubtext(BStringView*); void _UpdateText(BTextView*); void _CreateDragger(); float _BaseWidth(); float _BaseHeight(); const char* _GetOSVersion(); const char* _GetRamSize(system_info*); const char* _GetRamUsage(system_info*); const char* _GetUptime(); float _UptimeHeight(); private: BString fText; rgb_color fDesktopTextColor; BStringView* fOSVersionView; BStringView* fMemSizeView; BStringView* fMemUsageView; BTextView* fUptimeView; BDragger* fDragger; float fCachedBaseWidth; float fCachedMinWidth; float fCachedBaseHeight; float fCachedMinHeight; bool fIsReplicant : 1; static const uint8 kLabelCount = 5; static const uint8 kSubtextCount = 7; }; class AboutView : public BView { public: AboutView(); ~AboutView(); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void Pulse(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); virtual void MouseDown(BPoint where); void AddCopyrightEntry(const char* name, const char* text, const StringVector& licenses, const StringVector& sources, const char* url); void AddCopyrightEntry(const char* name, const char* text, const char* url = NULL); void PickRandomHaiku(); private: typedef std::map PackageCreditMap; void _CreateScrollRunner(); LogoView* _CreateLogoView(); SysInfoView* _CreateSysInfoView(); CropView* _CreateCreditsView(); status_t _GetLicensePath(const char* license, BPath& path); void _AddCopyrightsFromAttribute(); void _AddPackageCredit(const PackageCredit& package); void _AddPackageCreditEntries(); private: LogoView* fLogoView; SysInfoView* fSysInfoView; HyperTextView* fCreditsView; bigtime_t fLastActionTime; BMessageRunner* fScrollRunner; float fCachedMinWidth; float fCachedMinHeight; PackageCreditMap fPackageCredits; private: rgb_color fTextColor; rgb_color fLinkColor; rgb_color fHaikuOrangeColor; rgb_color fHaikuGreenColor; rgb_color fHaikuYellowColor; rgb_color fBeOSRedColor; rgb_color fBeOSBlueColor; }; // #pragma mark - AboutApp AboutApp::AboutApp() : BApplication(kSignature) { B_TRANSLATE_MARK_SYSTEM_NAME_VOID("AboutSystem"); AboutWindow* window = new(std::nothrow) AboutWindow(); if (window != NULL) window->Show(); } void AboutApp::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_SILENT_RELAUNCH: WindowAt(0)->Activate(); break; } BApplication::MessageReceived(message); } // #pragma mark - AboutWindow AboutWindow::AboutWindow() : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight), B_TRANSLATE("About this system"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE) { SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL, 0)); fAboutView = new AboutView(); AddChild(fAboutView); CenterOnScreen(); } bool AboutWindow::QuitRequested() { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "AboutView" // #pragma mark - LogoView LogoView::LogoView() : BView("logo", B_WILL_DRAW), fLogo(BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(B_PNG_FORMAT, "logo.png")) { // Set view color to panel background color when fLogo is NULL // to prevent a white pixel from being drawn. if (fLogo != NULL) SetViewColor(255, 255, 255); else SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); } LogoView::~LogoView() { delete fLogo; } BSize LogoView::MinSize() { if (fLogo == NULL) return BSize(0, 0); return BSize(fLogo->Bounds().Width(), fLogo->Bounds().Height()); } BSize LogoView::MaxSize() { if (fLogo == NULL) return BSize(0, 0); return BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, fLogo->Bounds().Height()); } void LogoView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (fLogo == NULL) return; DrawBitmap(fLogo, BPoint((Bounds().Width() - fLogo->Bounds().Width()) / 2, 0)); } // #pragma mark - CropView CropView::CropView(BView* target, int32 left, int32 top, int32 right, int32 bottom) : BView("crop view", 0), fTarget(target), fCropLeft(left), fCropTop(top), fCropRight(right), fCropBottom(bottom) { AddChild(target); } CropView::~CropView() { } BSize CropView::MinSize() { if (fTarget == NULL) return BSize(); BSize size = fTarget->MinSize(); if (size.width != B_SIZE_UNSET) size.width -= fCropLeft + fCropRight; if (size.height != B_SIZE_UNSET) size.height -= fCropTop + fCropBottom; return size; } BSize CropView::MaxSize() { if (fTarget == NULL) return BSize(); BSize size = fTarget->MaxSize(); if (size.width != B_SIZE_UNSET) size.width -= fCropLeft + fCropRight; if (size.height != B_SIZE_UNSET) size.height -= fCropTop + fCropBottom; return size; } void CropView::DoLayout() { BView::DoLayout(); if (fTarget == NULL) return; fTarget->MoveTo(-fCropLeft, -fCropTop); fTarget->ResizeTo(Bounds().Width() + fCropLeft + fCropRight, Bounds().Height() + fCropTop + fCropBottom); } // #pragma mark - SysInfoView SysInfoView::SysInfoView() : BView("AboutSystem", B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED), fOSVersionView(NULL), fMemSizeView(NULL), fMemUsageView(NULL), fUptimeView(NULL), fDragger(NULL), fCachedBaseWidth(kSysInfoMinWidth), fCachedMinWidth(kSysInfoMinWidth), fCachedBaseHeight(kSysInfoMinHeight), fCachedMinHeight(kSysInfoMinHeight), fIsReplicant(false) { // Begin construction of system information controls. system_info sysInfo; get_system_info(&sysInfo); // Create all the various labels for system infomation. /* labels */ // OS Version BStringView* osLabel = _CreateLabel("oslabel", B_TRANSLATE("Version:")); fOSVersionView = _CreateSubtext("ostext", _GetOSVersion()); // CPU count static BStringFormat format(B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT( "{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}}", "\"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\"")); BString processorLabel; format.Format(processorLabel, sysInfo.cpu_count); BStringView* cpuLabel = _CreateLabel("cpulabel", processorLabel.String()); // Memory BStringView* memoryLabel = _CreateLabel("memlabel", B_TRANSLATE("Memory:")); // Kernel BStringView* kernelLabel = _CreateLabel("kernellabel", B_TRANSLATE("Kernel:")); // Time running BStringView* uptimeLabel = _CreateLabel("uptimelabel", B_TRANSLATE("Time running:")); // x86_gcc2 or x86_64 BStringView* abiText = _CreateSubtext("abitext", B_HAIKU_ABI_NAME); // CPU count, type and clock speed uint32 topologyNodeCount = 0; cpu_topology_node_info* topology = NULL; get_cpu_topology_info(NULL, &topologyNodeCount); if (topologyNodeCount != 0) topology = new cpu_topology_node_info[topologyNodeCount]; get_cpu_topology_info(topology, &topologyNodeCount); enum cpu_platform platform = B_CPU_UNKNOWN; enum cpu_vendor cpuVendor = B_CPU_VENDOR_UNKNOWN; uint32 cpuModel = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < topologyNodeCount; i++) { switch (topology[i].type) { case B_TOPOLOGY_ROOT: platform = topology[i].data.root.platform; break; case B_TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE: cpuVendor = topology[i].data.package.vendor; break; case B_TOPOLOGY_CORE: cpuModel = topology[i].data.core.model; break; default: break; } } delete[] topology; BString cpuType; cpuType << get_cpu_vendor_string(cpuVendor) << " " << get_cpu_model_string(platform, cpuVendor, cpuModel); BStringView* cpuText = _CreateSubtext("cputext", cpuType.String()); BString clockSpeed; int32 frequency = get_rounded_cpu_speed(); if (frequency < 1000) clockSpeed.SetToFormat(B_TRANSLATE("%ld MHz"), frequency); else clockSpeed.SetToFormat(B_TRANSLATE("%.2f GHz"), frequency / 1000.0f); BStringView* frequencyText = _CreateSubtext("frequencytext", clockSpeed); // Memory size and usage fMemSizeView = _CreateSubtext("ramsizetext", _GetRamSize(&sysInfo)); fMemUsageView = _CreateSubtext("ramusagetext", _GetRamUsage(&sysInfo)); // Kernel build time/date BString kernelTimeDate; kernelTimeDate << sysInfo.kernel_build_date << " " << sysInfo.kernel_build_time; BString buildTimeDate; time_t buildTimeDateStamp = parsedate(kernelTimeDate, -1); if (buildTimeDateStamp > 0) { if (BDateTimeFormat().Format(buildTimeDate, buildTimeDateStamp, B_LONG_DATE_FORMAT, B_MEDIUM_TIME_FORMAT) != B_OK) buildTimeDate.SetTo(kernelTimeDate); } else buildTimeDate.SetTo(kernelTimeDate); BStringView* kernelText = _CreateSubtext("kerneltext", buildTimeDate.String()); // Uptime fUptimeView = new BTextView("uptimetext"); fUptimeView->SetText(_GetUptime()); _UpdateText(fUptimeView); /* layout */ const float offset = be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); const float inset = offset; SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL, 0)); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>((BGroupLayout*)GetLayout()) // Version: .Add(osLabel) .Add(fOSVersionView) .Add(abiText) .AddStrut(offset) // Processors: .Add(cpuLabel) .Add(cpuText) .Add(frequencyText) .AddStrut(offset) // Memory: .Add(memoryLabel) .Add(fMemSizeView) .Add(fMemUsageView) .AddStrut(offset) // Kernel: .Add(kernelLabel) .Add(kernelText) .AddStrut(offset) // Time running: .Add(uptimeLabel) .Add(fUptimeView) .AddGlue() .SetInsets(inset) .End(); _CreateDragger(); } SysInfoView::SysInfoView(BMessage* archive) : BView(archive), fOSVersionView(NULL), fMemSizeView(NULL), fMemUsageView(NULL), fUptimeView(NULL), fDragger(NULL), fCachedBaseWidth(kSysInfoMinWidth), fCachedMinWidth(kSysInfoMinWidth), fCachedBaseHeight(kSysInfoMinHeight), fCachedMinHeight(kSysInfoMinHeight), fIsReplicant(true) { BLayout* layout = GetLayout(); int32 itemCount = layout->CountItems() - 1; // leave out dragger for (int32 index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { BView* view = layout->ItemAt(index)->View(); if (view == NULL) continue; BString name(view->Name()); if (name == "uptimetext") { fUptimeView = dynamic_cast(view); _UpdateText(fUptimeView); } else if (name.IEndsWith("text")) { _UpdateSubtext(dynamic_cast(view)); if (name == "ostext") fOSVersionView = dynamic_cast(view); else if (name == "ramsizetext") fMemSizeView = dynamic_cast(view); else if (name == "ramusagetext") fMemUsageView = dynamic_cast(view); } else if (name.IEndsWith("label")) _UpdateLabel(dynamic_cast(view)); } // This might have changed after an update/reboot cycle; fOSVersionView->SetText(_GetOSVersion()); fDragger = dynamic_cast(ChildAt(0)); } SysInfoView::~SysInfoView() { } status_t SysInfoView::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const { // record inherited class members status_t result = BView::Archive(archive, deep); // record app signature for replicant add-on loading if (result == B_OK) result = archive->AddString("add_on", kSignature); // record class last if (result == B_OK) result = archive->AddString("class", "SysInfoView"); return result; } BArchivable* SysInfoView::Instantiate(BMessage* archive) { if (!validate_instantiation(archive, "SysInfoView")) return NULL; return new SysInfoView(archive); } void SysInfoView::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); Window()->SetPulseRate(500000); DoLayout(); } void SysInfoView::AllAttached() { BView::AllAttached(); if (fIsReplicant) { CacheInitialSize(); // if replicant the parent view doesn't do this for us fDesktopTextColor = _DesktopTextColor(); } // Update colors here to override system colors for replicant, // this works when the view is in AboutView too. _AdjustColors(); } void SysInfoView::CacheInitialSize() { fCachedBaseWidth = _BaseWidth(); // memory size is too wide in Greek, account for this here float insets = be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing() * 2; fCachedMinWidth = ceilf(std::max(fCachedBaseWidth, fMemSizeView->StringWidth(fMemSizeView->Text()) + insets)); // width is fixed, height can grow in Pulse() fCachedBaseHeight = _BaseHeight(); // determine initial line count using current font float lineCount = ceilf(be_plain_font->StringWidth(fUptimeView->Text()) / (fCachedMinWidth - insets)); float uptimeHeight = fUptimeView->LineHeight(0) * lineCount; fCachedMinHeight = fCachedBaseHeight + uptimeHeight; // set view size SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(fCachedMinWidth, B_SIZE_UNSET)); SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(fCachedMinWidth, fCachedMinHeight)); fUptimeView->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(fCachedMinWidth - insets, uptimeHeight)); } void SysInfoView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { BView::Draw(updateRect); if (_OnDesktop()) { // stroke a line around the view SetHighColor(fDesktopTextColor); StrokeRect(Bounds()); } } void SysInfoView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_COLORS_UPDATED: { if (_OnDesktop()) break; if (message->HasColor(ui_color_name(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR))) { _AdjustTextColors(); Invalidate(); } break; } case B_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATED: { if (!_OnDesktop()) break; bool active; int32 workspace; if (message->FindBool("active", &active) == B_OK && active && message->FindInt32("workspace", &workspace) == B_OK) { BLayout* layout = GetLayout(); int32 itemCount = layout->CountItems() - 2; // leave out dragger and uptime fDesktopTextColor = _DesktopTextColor(workspace); SetHighColor(fDesktopTextColor); for (int32 index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { BView* view = layout->ItemAt(index)->View(); if (view == NULL) continue; view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->SetHighColor(fDesktopTextColor); } fUptimeView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); fUptimeView->SetFontAndColor(NULL, 0, &fDesktopTextColor); Invalidate(); } break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void SysInfoView::Pulse() { system_info sysInfo; get_system_info(&sysInfo); fMemUsageView->SetText(_GetRamUsage(&sysInfo)); fUptimeView->SetText(_GetUptime()); float newHeight = fCachedBaseHeight + _UptimeHeight(); float difference = newHeight - fCachedMinHeight; if (difference != 0) { if (_OnDesktop()) { // move view to keep the bottom in place // so that the dragger is not pushed off screen ResizeBy(0, difference); MoveBy(0, -difference); Invalidate(); } fCachedMinHeight = newHeight; } SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(fCachedMinWidth, B_SIZE_UNSET)); SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(fCachedMinWidth, fCachedMinHeight)); } void SysInfoView::_AdjustColors() { if (_OnDesktop()) { // SetColor SetFlags(Flags() | B_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); SetLowColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); SetHighColor(fDesktopTextColor); } else { // SetUIColor SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetLowUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetHighUIColor(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); } _AdjustTextColors(); Invalidate(); } void SysInfoView::_AdjustTextColors() const { BLayout* layout = GetLayout(); int32 itemCount = layout->CountItems() - 2; // leave out dragger and uptime if (_OnDesktop()) { // SetColor for (int32 index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { BView* view = layout->ItemAt(index)->View(); if (view == NULL) continue; view->SetFlags(view->Flags() | B_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); view->SetLowColor(blend_color(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR, fDesktopTextColor, 192)); view->SetHighColor(fDesktopTextColor); } fUptimeView->SetFlags(fUptimeView->Flags() | B_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND); fUptimeView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); fUptimeView->SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); fUptimeView->SetLowColor(blend_color(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR, fDesktopTextColor, 192)); fUptimeView->SetFontAndColor(NULL, 0, &fDesktopTextColor); } else { // SetUIColor for (int32 index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { BView* view = layout->ItemAt(index)->View(); if (view == NULL) continue; view->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); view->SetLowUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); view->SetHighUIColor(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); } fUptimeView->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); fUptimeView->SetLowUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color textColor = ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); fUptimeView->SetFontAndColor(NULL, 0, &textColor); } } rgb_color SysInfoView::_DesktopTextColor(int32 workspace) const { // set text color to black or white depending on desktop background color rgb_color textColor; BScreen screen(Window()); if (workspace < 0) workspace = current_workspace(); rgb_color viewColor = screen.DesktopColor(workspace); int viewBrightness = BPrivate::perceptual_brightness(viewColor); textColor.blue = textColor.green = textColor.red = viewBrightness > 127 ? 0 : 255; textColor.alpha = 255; return textColor; } bool SysInfoView::_OnDesktop() const { return fIsReplicant && Window() != NULL && Window()->Look() == kDesktopWindowLook && Window()->Feel() == kDesktopWindowFeel; } BStringView* SysInfoView::_CreateLabel(const char* name, const char* text) { BStringView* label = new BStringView(name, text); _UpdateLabel(label); return label; } void SysInfoView::_UpdateLabel(BStringView* label) { label->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_UNSET)); label->SetFont(be_bold_font, B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE); } BStringView* SysInfoView::_CreateSubtext(const char* name, const char* text) { BStringView* subtext = new BStringView(name, text); _UpdateSubtext(subtext); return subtext; } void SysInfoView::_UpdateSubtext(BStringView* subtext) { subtext->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_UNSET)); subtext->SetFont(be_plain_font, B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE); } void SysInfoView::_UpdateText(BTextView* textView) { textView->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_TOP)); textView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE); textView->SetColorSpace(B_RGBA32); textView->MakeResizable(false); textView->MakeEditable(false); textView->MakeSelectable(false); textView->SetWordWrap(true); textView->SetDoesUndo(false); textView->SetInsets(0, 0, 0, 0); } void SysInfoView::_CreateDragger() { // create replicant dragger and add it as the new child 0 fDragger = new BDragger(BRect(0, 0, 7, 7), this, B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); BPopUpMenu* popUp = new BPopUpMenu("Shelf", false, false, B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN); popUp->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Remove replicant"), new BMessage(kDeleteReplicant))); fDragger->SetPopUp(popUp); AddChild(fDragger, ChildAt(0)); } float SysInfoView::_BaseWidth() { // based on font size return be_plain_font->StringWidth("M") * 24; } float SysInfoView::_BaseHeight() { // based on line heights font_height plainFH; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&plainFH); font_height boldFH; be_bold_font->GetHeight(&boldFH); return ceilf(((boldFH.ascent + boldFH.descent) * kLabelCount + (plainFH.ascent + plainFH.descent) * (kSubtextCount + 1) // extra for fUptimeView + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing() * kLabelCount)); } const char* SysInfoView::_GetOSVersion() { BString osVersion; // the version is stored in the BEOS:APP_VERSION attribute of libbe.so BPath path; if (find_directory(B_BEOS_LIB_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) { path.Append("libbe.so"); BAppFileInfo appFileInfo; version_info versionInfo; BFile file; if (file.SetTo(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK && appFileInfo.SetTo(&file) == B_OK && appFileInfo.GetVersionInfo(&versionInfo, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) == B_OK && versionInfo.short_info[0] != '\0') osVersion = versionInfo.short_info; } if (osVersion.IsEmpty()) osVersion = B_TRANSLATE("Unknown"); // add system revision to os version const char* hrev = __get_haiku_revision(); if (hrev != NULL) osVersion << " (" << B_TRANSLATE("Revision") << " " << hrev << ")"; return osVersion.String(); } const char* SysInfoView::_GetRamSize(system_info* sysInfo) { int inaccessibleMemory = ignored_pages(sysInfo); if (inaccessibleMemory <= 0) fText.SetToFormat(B_TRANSLATE("%d MiB total"), max_pages(sysInfo)); else { BString temp; fText = B_TRANSLATE("%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible"); temp << max_and_ignored_pages(sysInfo); fText.ReplaceFirst("%total", temp); temp.SetTo(""); temp << inaccessibleMemory; fText.ReplaceFirst("%inaccessible", temp); } return fText.String(); } const char* SysInfoView::_GetRamUsage(system_info* sysInfo) { fText.SetToFormat(B_TRANSLATE("%d MiB used (%d%%)"), used_pages(sysInfo), (int)(100 * sysInfo->used_pages / sysInfo->max_pages)); return fText.String(); } const char* SysInfoView::_GetUptime() { BDurationFormat formatter; BString uptimeText; bigtime_t uptime = system_time(); bigtime_t now = (bigtime_t)time(NULL) * 1000000; formatter.Format(uptimeText, now - uptime, now); return uptimeText.String(); } float SysInfoView::_UptimeHeight() { return fUptimeView->LineHeight(0) * fUptimeView->CountLines(); } // #pragma mark - AboutView AboutView::AboutView() : BView("aboutview", B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED), fLogoView(NULL), fSysInfoView(NULL), fCreditsView(NULL), fLastActionTime(system_time()), fScrollRunner(NULL), fCachedMinWidth(kSysInfoMinWidth), fCachedMinHeight(kSysInfoMinHeight) { SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); // Assign the colors, sadly this does not respect live color updates fTextColor = ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR); fLinkColor = ui_color(B_LINK_TEXT_COLOR); fHaikuOrangeColor = mix_color(fTextColor, kIdealHaikuOrange, 191); fHaikuGreenColor = mix_color(fTextColor, kIdealHaikuGreen, 191); fHaikuYellowColor = mix_color(fTextColor, kIdealHaikuYellow, 191); fBeOSRedColor = mix_color(fTextColor, kIdealBeOSRed, 191); fBeOSBlueColor = mix_color(fTextColor, kIdealBeOSBlue, 191); SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL, 0)); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>((BGroupLayout*)GetLayout()) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(_CreateLogoView()) .Add(_CreateSysInfoView()) .AddGlue() .End() .Add(_CreateCreditsView()) .End(); } AboutView::~AboutView() { for (PackageCreditMap::iterator it = fPackageCredits.begin(); it != fPackageCredits.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } delete fScrollRunner; delete fCreditsView; delete fSysInfoView; delete fLogoView; } void AboutView::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); fSysInfoView->CacheInitialSize(); float insets = be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing() * 2; float infoWidth = fSysInfoView->MinWidth() + insets; float creditsWidth = roundf(infoWidth * 1.25f); fCachedMinWidth = std::max(infoWidth + creditsWidth, fCachedMinWidth); // set once float logoViewHeight = fLogoView->Bounds().Height(); float sysInfoViewHeight = fSysInfoView->MinHeight() + insets; fCachedMinHeight = std::max(logoViewHeight + sysInfoViewHeight, fCachedMinHeight); // updated when height changes in pulse fCreditsView->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(creditsWidth, fCachedMinHeight)); // set credits min height to logo height + sys-info height SetEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS); DoLayout(); } void AboutView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { BRect rect(92, 26, 105, 31); if (rect.Contains(where)) BMessenger(this).SendMessage('eegg'); if (Bounds().Contains(where)) { fLastActionTime = system_time(); delete fScrollRunner; fScrollRunner = NULL; } } void AboutView::Pulse() { // sys-info handles height because it may be a replicant float insets = be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing() * 2; float logoViewHeight = fLogoView->Bounds().Height(); float sysInfoViewHeight = fSysInfoView->MinHeight() + insets; float newHeight = logoViewHeight + sysInfoViewHeight; if (newHeight != fCachedMinHeight) { fCreditsView->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize( fCachedMinWidth - (fSysInfoView->MinWidth() + insets), newHeight)); fCachedMinHeight = newHeight; } if (fScrollRunner == NULL && system_time() > fLastActionTime + 10000000) _CreateScrollRunner(); } void AboutView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgScrollCreditsView: { BScrollBar* scrollBar = fCreditsView->ScrollBar(B_VERTICAL); if (scrollBar == NULL) break; float min; float max; scrollBar->GetRange(&min, &max); if (scrollBar->Value() < max) fCreditsView->ScrollBy(0, 1); break; } case 'eegg': { printf("Easter egg\n"); PickRandomHaiku(); break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void AboutView::AddCopyrightEntry(const char* name, const char* text, const char* url) { AddCopyrightEntry(name, text, StringVector(), StringVector(), url); } void AboutView::AddCopyrightEntry(const char* name, const char* text, const StringVector& licenses, const StringVector& sources, const char* url) { BFont font(be_bold_font); //font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuYellowColor); fCreditsView->Insert(name); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(text); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); if (licenses.CountStrings() > 0) { if (licenses.CountStrings() > 1) fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Licenses: ")); else fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("License: ")); for (int32 i = 0; i < licenses.CountStrings(); i++) { const char* license = licenses.StringAt(i); if (i > 0) fCreditsView->Insert(", "); BString licenseName; BString licenseURL; parse_named_url(license, licenseName, licenseURL); BPath licensePath; if (_GetLicensePath(licenseURL, licensePath) == B_OK) { fCreditsView->InsertHyperText(B_TRANSLATE_NOCOLLECT(licenseName), new OpenFileAction(licensePath.Path())); } else fCreditsView->Insert(licenseName); } fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } if (sources.CountStrings() > 0) { fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Source Code: ")); for (int32 i = 0; i < sources.CountStrings(); i++) { const char* source = sources.StringAt(i); if (i > 0) fCreditsView->Insert(", "); BString urlName; BString urlAddress; parse_named_url(source, urlName, urlAddress); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fLinkColor); fCreditsView->InsertHyperText(urlName, new URLAction(urlAddress)); } fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } if (url) { BString urlName; BString urlAddress; parse_named_url(url, urlName, urlAddress); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fLinkColor); fCreditsView->InsertHyperText(urlName, new URLAction(urlAddress)); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } void AboutView::PickRandomHaiku() { BPath path; if (find_directory(B_SYSTEM_DATA_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK) path = "/system/data"; path.Append("fortunes"); path.Append("Haiku"); BFile fortunes(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY); struct stat st; if (fortunes.InitCheck() < B_OK) return; if (fortunes.GetStat(&st) < B_OK) return; char* buff = (char*)malloc((size_t)st.st_size + 1); if (buff == NULL) return; buff[(size_t)st.st_size] = '\0'; BList haikuList; if (fortunes.Read(buff, (size_t)st.st_size) == (ssize_t)st.st_size) { char* p = buff; while (p && *p) { char* e = strchr(p, '%'); BString* s = new BString(p, e ? (e - p) : -1); haikuList.AddItem(s); p = e; if (p && (*p == '%')) p++; if (p && (*p == '\n')) p++; } } free(buff); if (haikuList.CountItems() < 1) return; BString* s = (BString*)haikuList.ItemAt(rand() % haikuList.CountItems()); BFont font(be_bold_font); font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); fCreditsView->SelectAll(); fCreditsView->Delete(); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(s->String()); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); while ((s = (BString*)haikuList.RemoveItem((int32)0))) delete s; } void AboutView::_CreateScrollRunner() { #if 0 BMessage scroll(kMsgScrollCreditsView); fScrollRunner = new(std::nothrow) BMessageRunner(this, &scroll, 25000, -1); #endif } LogoView* AboutView::_CreateLogoView() { fLogoView = new(std::nothrow) LogoView(); return fLogoView; } SysInfoView* AboutView::_CreateSysInfoView() { fSysInfoView = new(std::nothrow) SysInfoView(); return fSysInfoView; } CropView* AboutView::_CreateCreditsView() { // Begin construction of the credits view fCreditsView = new HyperTextView("credits"); fCreditsView->SetFlags(fCreditsView->Flags() | B_FRAME_EVENTS); fCreditsView->SetStylable(true); fCreditsView->MakeEditable(false); fCreditsView->SetWordWrap(true); fCreditsView->SetInsets(5, 5, 5, 5); fCreditsView->SetViewUIColor(B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); BScrollView* creditsScroller = new BScrollView("creditsScroller", fCreditsView, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS, false, true, B_PLAIN_BORDER); // Haiku copyright BFont font(be_bold_font); font.SetSize(font.Size() + 4); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuGreenColor); fCreditsView->Insert("Haiku\n"); time_t time = ::time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&time); int32 year = tm->tm_year + 1900; if (year < 2008) year = 2008; BString text; text.SetToFormat( B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2001-%" B_PRId32 " The Haiku project. "), year); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(text.String()); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("The copyright to the Haiku code is " "property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly " "noted in the source. Haiku" B_UTF8_REGISTERED " and the HAIKU logo" B_UTF8_REGISTERED " are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc." "\n\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fLinkColor); fCreditsView->InsertHyperText("https://www.haiku-os.org", new URLAction("https://www.haiku-os.org")); fCreditsView->Insert("\n\n"); font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Current maintainers:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kCurrentMaintainers); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Past maintainers:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kPastMaintainers); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Website & marketing:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kWebsiteTeam); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Past website & marketing:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kPastWebsiteTeam); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Testing and bug triaging:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kTestingTeam); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Contributors:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(kContributors); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("\n" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS "and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)" "\n\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("Translations:\n")); BLanguage* lang; BString langName; BList sortedTranslations; for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumberOfTranslations; i ++) { const Translation* translation = &kTranslations[i]; sortedTranslations.AddItem((void*)translation); } sortedTranslations.SortItems(TranslationComparator); for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumberOfTranslations; i ++) { const Translation& translation = *(const Translation*)sortedTranslations.ItemAt(i); langName.Truncate(0); if (BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetLanguage(translation.languageCode, &lang) == B_OK) { lang->GetName(langName); delete lang; } else { // We failed to get the localized readable name, // go with what we have. langName.Append(translation.languageCode); } fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuGreenColor); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); fCreditsView->Insert(langName); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(translation.names); } fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuOrangeColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n")); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); BString beosCredits(B_TRANSLATE( "Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n")); int32 beosOffset = beosCredits.FindFirst("BeOS"); fCreditsView->Insert(beosCredits.String(), (beosOffset < 0) ? beosCredits.Length() : beosOffset); if (beosOffset > -1) { fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fBeOSBlueColor); fCreditsView->Insert("B"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fBeOSRedColor); fCreditsView->Insert("e"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); beosCredits.Remove(0, beosOffset + 2); fCreditsView->Insert(beosCredits.String(), beosCredits.Length()); } fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("The HaikuPorts team\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("The BeGeistert team\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("Google and their Google Summer of Code and Google Code In " "programs\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE("The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n")); fCreditsView->Insert( B_TRANSLATE(B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS "and the many people making donations!\n\n")); // copyrights for various projects we use BPath mitPath; _GetLicensePath("MIT", mitPath); BPath lgplPath; _GetLicensePath("GNU LGPL v2.1", lgplPath); font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size() + 4); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &fHaikuGreenColor); fCreditsView->Insert(B_TRANSLATE("\nCopyrights\n\n")); // Haiku license BString haikuLicense = B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("The code that is unique to " "Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link " "against, is distributed under the terms of the . " "Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the " ". You can find the copyrights to third party code below." "\n\n", " and aren't variables and can be " "translated. However, please, don't remove < and > as they're needed " "as placeholders for proper hypertext functionality."); int32 licensePart1 = haikuLicense.FindFirst("<"); int32 licensePart2 = haikuLicense.FindFirst(">"); int32 licensePart3 = haikuLicense.FindLast("<"); int32 licensePart4 = haikuLicense.FindLast(">"); BString part; haikuLicense.CopyInto(part, 0, licensePart1); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(part); part.Truncate(0); haikuLicense.CopyInto(part, licensePart1 + 1, licensePart2 - 1 - licensePart1); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fLinkColor); fCreditsView->InsertHyperText(part, new OpenFileAction(mitPath.Path())); part.Truncate(0); haikuLicense.CopyInto(part, licensePart2 + 1, licensePart3 - 1 - licensePart2); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(part); part.Truncate(0); haikuLicense.CopyInto(part, licensePart3 + 1, licensePart4 - 1 - licensePart3); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fLinkColor); fCreditsView->InsertHyperText(part, new OpenFileAction(lgplPath.Path())); part.Truncate(0); haikuLicense.CopyInto(part, licensePart4 + 1, haikuLicense.Length() - 1 - licensePart4); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &fTextColor); fCreditsView->Insert(part); // GNU copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("The GNU Project", B_TRANSLATE("Contains software from the GNU Project, " "released under the GPL and LGPL licenses:\n" "GNU C Library, " "GNU coretools, diffutils, findutils, " "sharutils, gawk, bison, m4, make, " "wget, ncurses, termcap, " "Bourne Again Shell.\n" COPYRIGHT_STRING "The Free Software Foundation."), StringVector(kLGPLv21, kGPLv2, kGPLv3, NULL), StringVector(), "https://www.gnu.org"); // FreeBSD copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("The FreeBSD Project", B_TRANSLATE("Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, " "released under the BSD license:\n" "ftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\n" COPYRIGHT_STRING "1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. " "All rights reserved."), StringVector(kBSDTwoClause, kBSDThreeClause, kBSDFourClause, NULL), StringVector(), "https://www.freebsd.org"); // FFmpeg copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("FFmpeg") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2000-2019 Fabrice " "Bellard, et al.")) .SetLicenses(kLGPLv21, kLGPLv2, NULL) .SetURL("https://www.ffmpeg.org")); // AGG copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("AntiGrain Geometry") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2002-2006 Maxim " "Shemanarev (McSeem).")) .SetLicenses("Anti-Grain Geometry", kBSDThreeClause, NULL) .SetURL("http://www.antigrain.com")); // FreeType copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("FreeType2") .SetCopyrights(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1996-2002, 2006 " "David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg."), COPYRIGHT_STRING "2014 The FreeType Project. " "All rights reserved.", NULL) .SetLicense("FreeType") .SetURL("http://www.freetype.org")); // Mesa3D (http://www.mesa3d.org) copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Mesa") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2006 Brian Paul. " "Mesa3D Project. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("MIT") .SetURL("http://www.mesa3d.org")); // SGI's GLU implementation copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("GLU") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1991-2000 " "Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("SGI Free B") .SetURL("http://www.sgi.com/products/software/opengl")); // GLUT implementation copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("GLUT") .SetCopyrights(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. " "All rights reserved."), COPYRIGHT_STRING "1997 Be Inc.", COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999 Jake Hamby.", NULL) .SetLicense("MIT") .SetURL("http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut")); // OpenGroup & DEC (BRegion backend) copyright _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("BRegion backend (XFree86)") .SetCopyrights(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1987-1988, 1998 The Open Group.", B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1987-1988 Digital Equipment " "Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\n" "All rights reserved."), NULL) .SetLicenses("OpenGroup", "DEC", NULL) .SetURL("https://xfree86.org")); // Bitstream Charter font _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Bitstream Charter font") .SetCopyrights(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1989-1992 Bitstream Inc.," "Cambridge, MA.", B_TRANSLATE("BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of " "Bitstream Inc."), NULL) .SetLicense("Bitstream Charter") .SetURL("http://www.bitstream.com/")); // Noto fonts copyright _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Noto fonts") .SetCopyrights(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2012-2016 Google Internationalization team."), NULL) .SetLicense("SIL Open Font Licence v1.1") .SetURL("http://www.google.com/get/noto/")); // expat copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("expat") .SetCopyrights(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1998-2000 Thai " "Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper."), B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2001-2003 Expat maintainers."), NULL) .SetLicense("Expat") .SetURL("http://expat.sourceforge.net")); // zlib copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("zlib") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1995-2004 Jean-loup " "Gailly and Mark Adler.")) .SetLicense("Zlib") .SetURL("http://www.zlib.net")); // zip copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Info-ZIP") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1990-2002 Info-ZIP. " "All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("Info-ZIP") .SetURL("http://www.info-zip.org")); // bzip2 copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("bzip2") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1996-2005 Julian R " "Seward. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kBSDFourClause) .SetURL("http://bzip.org")); // OpenEXR copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("OpenEXR") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2002-2014 Industrial " "Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC.")) .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("http://www.openexr.com")); // acpica copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA)") .SetCopyright(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2018 Intel Corp.") .SetLicense("Intel (ACPICA)") .SetURL("https://www.acpica.org")); // libpng copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libpng") .SetCopyright(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1995-2017 libpng authors") .SetLicense("LibPNG") .SetURL("http://www.libpng.org")); // libjpeg copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libjpeg") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1994-2009, Thomas G. " "Lane, Guido Vollbeding. This software is based in part on the " "work of the Independent JPEG Group.")) .SetLicense("LibJPEG") .SetURL("http://www.ijg.org")); // libprint copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libprint") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2000 Y.Takagi. " "All rights reserved."))); // TODO: License! // cortex copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Cortex") .SetCopyright(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2000 Eric Moon.") .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("http://cortex.sourceforge.net/documentation")); // FluidSynth copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("FluidSynth") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2003 Peter Hanappe " "and others.")) .SetLicense(kLGPLv2) .SetURL("http://www.fluidsynth.org")); // Xiph.org Foundation copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Xiph.org Foundation") .SetCopyrights("libvorbis, libogg, libtheora, libspeex", B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1994-2008 Xiph.Org. " "All rights reserved."), NULL) .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("http://www.xiph.org")); // Matroska _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libmatroska") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. " "All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kLGPLv21) .SetURL("http://www.matroska.org")); // BColorQuantizer (originally CQuantizer code) _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("CQuantizer") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. " "All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("CQuantizer") .SetURL("http://www.xdp.it")); // MAPM (Mike's Arbitrary Precision Math Library) used by DeskCalc _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("MAPM") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2007 Michael C. " "Ring. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("MAPM") .SetURL("http://tc.umn.edu/~ringx004")); // MkDepend 1.7 copyright (Makefile dependency generator) _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("MkDepend") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1995-2001 Lars Düning. " "All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense("MIT") .SetURL("http://bearnip.com/lars/be")); // libhttpd copyright (used as Poorman backend) _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libhttpd") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1995, 1998-2001 " "Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kBSDTwoClause) .SetURL("http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/")); #ifdef __i386__ // Udis86 copyrights _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Udis86") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2002-2004 " "Vivek Mohan. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kBSDTwoClause) .SetURL("http://udis86.sourceforge.net")); // Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 & 2200BG firmwares _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 & 2200BG firmwares") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2003-2006 " "Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kIntel2xxxFirmware) .SetURL("http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/")); // Intel wireless firmwares _AddPackageCredit( PackageCredit("Intel PRO/Wireless network adapter firmwares") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2006-2015 " "Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kIntelFirmware) .SetURL("http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/")); // Marvell 88w8363 _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Marvell 88w8363") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2007-2009 " "Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kMarvellFirmware) .SetURL("http://www.marvell.com/")); // Ralink Firmware RT2501/RT2561/RT2661 _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Ralink Firmware RT2501/RT2561/RT2661") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2007 " "Ralink Technology Corporation. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kRalinkFirmware) .SetURL("http://www.ralinktech.com/")); #endif // Gutenprint _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("Gutenprint") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kGPLv2) .SetURL("http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/")); // libwebp _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libwebp") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2010-2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("http://www.webmproject.org/code/#libwebp_webp_image_library")); // libavif _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libavif") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.")) .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/libavif")); // GTF _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("GTF") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE("2001 by Andy Ritger based on the " "Generalized Timing Formula")) .SetLicense(kBSDThreeClause) .SetURL("http://gtf.sourceforge.net/")); // libqrencode _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("libqrencode") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2006-2012 Kentaro Fukuchi")) .SetLicense(kLGPLv21) .SetURL("http://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/")); // scrypt _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit("scrypt") .SetCopyright(B_TRANSLATE(COPYRIGHT_STRING "2009 Colin Percival")) .SetLicense(kBSDTwoClause) .SetURL("https://tarsnap.com/scrypt.html")); _AddCopyrightsFromAttribute(); _AddPackageCreditEntries(); return new CropView(creditsScroller, 0, 1, 1, 1); } status_t AboutView::_GetLicensePath(const char* license, BPath& path) { BPathFinder pathFinder; BStringList paths; struct stat st; status_t error = pathFinder.FindPaths(B_FIND_PATH_DATA_DIRECTORY, "licenses", paths); for (int i = 0; i < paths.CountStrings(); ++i) { if (error == B_OK && path.SetTo(paths.StringAt(i)) == B_OK && path.Append(license) == B_OK && lstat(path.Path(), &st) == 0) { return B_OK; } } path.Unset(); return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } void AboutView::_AddCopyrightsFromAttribute() { #ifdef __HAIKU__ // open the app executable file char appPath[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; int appFD; if (BPrivate::get_app_path(appPath) != B_OK || (appFD = open(appPath, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { return; } // open the attribute int attrFD = fs_fopen_attr(appFD, "COPYRIGHTS", B_STRING_TYPE, O_RDONLY); close(appFD); if (attrFD < 0) return; // attach it to a FILE FileCloser attrFile(fdopen(attrFD, "r")); if (!attrFile.IsSet()) { close(attrFD); return; } // read and parse the copyrights BMessage package; BString fieldName; BString fieldValue; char lineBuffer[LINE_MAX]; while (char* line = fgets(lineBuffer, sizeof(lineBuffer), attrFile.Get())) { // chop off line break size_t lineLen = strlen(line); if (lineLen > 0 && line[lineLen - 1] == '\n') line[--lineLen] = '\0'; // flush previous field, if a new field begins, otherwise append if (lineLen == 0 || !isspace(line[0])) { // new field -- flush the previous one if (fieldName.Length() > 0) { fieldValue = trim_string(fieldValue.String(), fieldValue.Length()); package.AddString(fieldName.String(), fieldValue); fieldName = ""; } } else if (fieldName.Length() > 0) { // append to current field fieldValue += line; continue; } else { // bogus line -- ignore continue; } if (lineLen == 0) continue; // parse new field char* colon = strchr(line, ':'); if (colon == NULL) { // bogus line -- ignore continue; } fieldName.SetTo(line, colon - line); fieldName = trim_string(line, colon - line); if (fieldName.Length() == 0) { // invalid field name continue; } fieldValue = colon + 1; if (fieldName == "Package") { // flush the current package _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit(package)); package.MakeEmpty(); } } // flush current package _AddPackageCredit(PackageCredit(package)); #endif } void AboutView::_AddPackageCreditEntries() { // sort the packages case-insensitively PackageCredit* packages[fPackageCredits.size()]; int32 count = 0; for (PackageCreditMap::iterator it = fPackageCredits.begin(); it != fPackageCredits.end(); ++it) { packages[count++] = it->second; } if (count > 1) { std::sort(packages, packages + count, &PackageCredit::NameLessInsensitive); } // add the credits BString text; for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { PackageCredit* package = packages[i]; text.SetTo(package->CopyrightAt(0)); int32 count = package->CountCopyrights(); for (int32 i = 1; i < count; i++) text << "\n" << package->CopyrightAt(i); AddCopyrightEntry(package->PackageName(), text.String(), package->Licenses(), package->Sources(), package->URL()); } } void AboutView::_AddPackageCredit(const PackageCredit& package) { if (!package.IsValid()) return; PackageCreditMap::iterator it = fPackageCredits.find(package.PackageName()); if (it != fPackageCredits.end()) { // If the new package credit isn't "better" than the old one, ignore it. PackageCredit* oldPackage = it->second; if (!package.IsBetterThan(*oldPackage)) return; // replace the old credit fPackageCredits.erase(it); delete oldPackage; } fPackageCredits[package.PackageName()] = new PackageCredit(package); } // #pragma mark - static functions static int ignored_pages(system_info* sysInfo) { return (int)round(sysInfo->ignored_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1048576.0); } static int max_pages(system_info* sysInfo) { return (int)round(sysInfo->max_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1048576.0); } static int max_and_ignored_pages(system_info* sysInfo) { return (int)round((sysInfo->max_pages + sysInfo->ignored_pages) * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1048576.0); } static int used_pages(system_info* sysInfo) { return (int)round(sysInfo->used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1048576.0); } // #pragma mark - main int main() { AboutApp app; app.Run(); return 0; }