/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Author: * DarkWyrm */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SCROLL_CREDITS_VIEW 'mviv' #define READ_APP_QUERY_ENT 'raqe' static const char *UptimeToString(char string[], size_t size); static const char *MemUsageToString(char string[], size_t size); static const rgb_color kDarkGrey = { 100, 100, 100, 255 }; static const rgb_color kHaikuGreen = { 42, 131, 36, 255 }; static const rgb_color kHaikuOrange = { 255, 69, 0, 255 }; static const rgb_color kHaikuYellow = { 255, 176, 0, 255 }; static const rgb_color kLinkBlue = { 80, 80, 200, 255 }; class AboutApp : public BApplication { public: AboutApp(void); }; class AboutWindow : public BWindow { public: AboutWindow(void); bool QuitRequested(void); }; class AboutView : public BView { public: AboutView(const BRect &r); ~AboutView(void); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void Pulse(); virtual void FrameResized(float width, float height); virtual void Draw(BRect update); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *msg); virtual void MouseDown(BPoint pt); void AddCopyrightEntry(const char *name, const char *text, const char *url=NULL); void PickRandomHaiku(); private: BStringView *fMemView; BStringView *fUptimeView; BView *fInfoView; BTextView *fCreditsView; BBitmap *fLogo; BPoint fDrawPoint; bigtime_t fLastActionTime; BMessageRunner *fScrollRunner; BQuery fAppsQuery; }; // #pragma mark - AboutApp::AboutApp(void) : BApplication("application/x-vnd.Haiku-About") { AboutWindow *window = new AboutWindow(); window->Show(); } // #pragma mark - AboutWindow::AboutWindow() : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 500, 300), "About This System", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE) { AboutView *view = new AboutView(Bounds()); AddChild(view); // start reading from the app query BMessage msg(READ_APP_QUERY_ENT); BMessenger msgr(view); msgr.SendMessage(&msg); MoveTo((BScreen().Frame().Width() - Bounds().Width()) / 2, (BScreen().Frame().Height() - Bounds().Height()) / 2 ); } bool AboutWindow::QuitRequested() { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } AboutView::AboutView(const BRect &rect) : BView(rect, "aboutview", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED), fLastActionTime(system_time()), fScrollRunner(NULL) { fLogo = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(B_PNG_FORMAT, "haikulogo.png"); if (fLogo) { fDrawPoint.x = (225-fLogo->Bounds().Width()) / 2; fDrawPoint.y = 0; } // Begin Construction of System Information controls font_height height; float labelHeight, textHeight; system_info systemInfo; get_system_info(&systemInfo); be_plain_font->GetHeight(&height); textHeight = height.ascent + height.descent + height.leading; be_bold_font->GetHeight(&height); labelHeight = height.ascent + height.descent + height.leading; BRect r(0, 0, 225, Bounds().bottom); if (fLogo) r.OffsetBy(0, fLogo->Bounds().Height()); fInfoView = new BView(r, "infoview", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM, B_WILL_DRAW); fInfoView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fInfoView->SetLowColor(fInfoView->ViewColor()); fInfoView->SetHighColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR)); AddChild(fInfoView); // Add all the various labels for system infomation BStringView *stringView; // OS Version r.Set(5, 5, 224, labelHeight + 5); stringView = new BStringView(r, "oslabel", "Version:"); stringView->SetFont(be_bold_font); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); // we update "labelHeight" to the actual height of the string view labelHeight = stringView->Bounds().Height(); r.OffsetBy(0, labelHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; char string[256]; strcpy(string, "Unknown"); // the version is stored in the BEOS:APP_VERSION attribute of libbe.so BPath path; if (find_directory(B_BEOS_LIB_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) { path.Append("libbe.so"); BAppFileInfo appFileInfo; version_info versionInfo; BFile file; if (file.SetTo(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK && appFileInfo.SetTo(&file) == B_OK && appFileInfo.GetVersionInfo(&versionInfo, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) == B_OK && versionInfo.short_info[0] != '\0') strcpy(string, versionInfo.short_info); } // Add revision from uname() info utsname unameInfo; if (uname(&unameInfo) == 0) { long revision; if (sscanf(unameInfo.version, "r%ld", &revision) == 1) { char version[16]; snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%ld", revision); strlcat(string, " (Revision ", sizeof(string)); strlcat(string, version, sizeof(string)); strlcat(string, ")", sizeof(string)); } } stringView = new BStringView(r, "ostext", string); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); // CPU count, type and clock speed r.OffsetBy(0, textHeight * 1.5); r.bottom = r.top + labelHeight; if (systemInfo.cpu_count > 1) sprintf(string, "%ld Processors:", systemInfo.cpu_count); else strcpy(string, "Processor:"); stringView = new BStringView(r, "cpulabel", string); stringView->SetFont(be_bold_font); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); BString cpuType; cpuType << get_cpu_vendor_string(systemInfo.cpu_type) << " " << get_cpu_model_string(&systemInfo); r.OffsetBy(0, labelHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; stringView = new BStringView(r, "cputext", cpuType.String()); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); r.OffsetBy(0, textHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; int32 clockSpeed = get_rounded_cpu_speed(); if (clockSpeed < 1000) sprintf(string,"%ld MHz", clockSpeed); else sprintf(string,"%.2f GHz", clockSpeed / 1000.0f); stringView = new BStringView(r, "mhztext", string); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); // RAM r.OffsetBy(0, textHeight * 1.5); r.bottom = r.top + labelHeight; stringView = new BStringView(r, "ramlabel", "Memory:"); stringView->SetFont(be_bold_font); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); r.OffsetBy(0, labelHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; fMemView = new BStringView(r, "ramtext", ""); fInfoView->AddChild(fMemView); //fMemView->ResizeToPreferred(); fMemView->SetText(MemUsageToString(string, sizeof(string))); // Kernel build time/date r.OffsetBy(0, textHeight * 1.5); r.bottom = r.top + labelHeight; stringView = new BStringView(r, "kernellabel", "Kernel:"); stringView->SetFont(be_bold_font); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); r.OffsetBy(0, labelHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%s %s", systemInfo.kernel_build_date, systemInfo.kernel_build_time); stringView = new BStringView(r, "kerneltext", string); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); // Uptime r.OffsetBy(0, textHeight * 1.5); r.bottom = r.top + labelHeight; stringView = new BStringView(r, "uptimelabel", "Time Running:"); stringView->SetFont(be_bold_font); fInfoView->AddChild(stringView); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); r.OffsetBy(0, labelHeight); r.bottom = r.top + textHeight; fUptimeView = new BStringView(r, "uptimetext", ""); fInfoView->AddChild(fUptimeView); // string width changes, so we don't do ResizeToPreferred() fUptimeView->SetText(UptimeToString(string, sizeof(string))); // Begin construction of the credits view r = Bounds(); r.left += fInfoView->Bounds().right + 1; r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; fCreditsView = new BTextView(r, "credits", r.OffsetToCopy(0, 0).InsetByCopy(5, 5), B_FOLLOW_ALL); fCreditsView->SetFlags(fCreditsView->Flags() | B_FRAME_EVENTS ); fCreditsView->SetStylable(true); fCreditsView->MakeEditable(false); fCreditsView->MakeSelectable(false); fCreditsView->SetWordWrap(true); BScrollView *creditsScroller = new BScrollView("creditsScroller", fCreditsView, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS, false, true, B_PLAIN_BORDER); AddChild(creditsScroller); BFont font(be_bold_font); font.SetSize(font.Size() + 4); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuGreen); fCreditsView->Insert("Haiku\n"); font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); time_t time = ::time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&time); int32 year = tm->tm_year + 1900; if (year < 2007) year = 2007; snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT "2001-%ld Haiku, Inc.\n", year); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert(string); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kLinkBlue); fCreditsView->Insert("http://haiku-os.org\n\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuOrange); fCreditsView->Insert("Team Leads:\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert( "Axel Dörfler\n" "Phil Greenway\n" "Philippe Houdoin\n" "Marcus Overhagen\n" "Ingo Weinhold\n" "Jonathan Yoder\n" "\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuOrange); fCreditsView->Insert("Developers:\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert( "Ithamar R. Adema\n" "Bruno G. Albuquerque\n" "Stephan Aßmus\n" "Andrew Bachmann\n" "Salvatore Benedetto\n" "Stefano Ceccherini\n" "Rudolf Cornelissen\n" "Alexandre Deckner\n" "Oliver Ruiz Dorantes\n" "Jérôme Duval\n" "Andre Alves Garzia\n" "René Gollent\n" "Karsten Heimrich\n" "Euan Kirkhope\n" "Waldemar Kornewald\n" "Ryan Leavengood\n" "Michael Lotz\n" "David McPaul\n" "Michael Pfeiffer\n" "Niels Sascha Reedijk\n" "Jonas Sundström\n" "François Revol\n" "Hugo Santos\n" "Gerasim Troeglazov\n" "Bryan Varner\n" "Siarzhuk Zharski\n" "\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuOrange); fCreditsView->Insert("Contributors:\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert( "Andrea Anzani\n" "Andre Braga\n" "Bruce Cameron\n" "Greg Crain\n" "Tyler Dauwalder\n" "John Drinkwater\n" "Cian Duffy\n" "Marc Flerackers\n" "Daniel Furrer\n" "Matthijs Hollemans\n" "Morgan Howe\n" "Erik Jaesler\n" "Carwyn Jones\n" "Maurice Kalinowski\n" "Vasilis Kaoutsis\n" "James Kim\n" "Jan Klötzke\n" "Marcin Konicki\n" "Kurtis Kopf\n" "Waldemar Kornewald\n" "Tomáš Kučera\n" "Luboš Kulič\n" "Thomas Kurschel\n" "Elad Lahav\n" "Anthony Lee\n" "Santiago Lema\n" "Oscar Lesta\n" "Jerome Leveque\n" "Christof Lutteroth\n" "Graham MacDonald\n" "Jan Matějek\n" "Brian Matzon\n" "Christopher ML Zumwalt May\n" "Andrew McCall\n" "Michele (zuMi)\n" "Misza\n" "MrSiggler\n" "Alan Murta\n" "Frans Van Nispen\n" "Adi Oanca\n" "Pahtz\n" "Michael Paine\n" "Michael Phipps\n" "Jeremy Rand\n" "Hartmut Reh\n" "David Reid\n" "Daniel Reinhold\n" "Samuel Rodriguez Perez\n" "Thomas Roell\n" "Rafael Romo\n" "Reznikov Sergei\n" "Zousar Shaker\n" "Alexander G. M. Smith\n" "Daniel Switkin\n" "Atsushi Takamatsu\n" "Oliver Tappe\n" "James Urquhart\n" "Jason Vandermark\n" "Sandor Vroemisse\n" "Denis Washington\n" "Nathan Whitehorn\n" "Michael Wilber\n" "Ulrich Wimboeck\n" "Artur Wyszynski\n" "Gabe Yoder\n" "Gerald Zajac\n" "Łukasz Zemczak\n" "JiSheng Zhang\n" "\n" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS " and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)" "\n\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuOrange); fCreditsView->Insert("Special Thanks To:\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert("Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n"); fCreditsView->Insert("Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n"); // copyrights for various projects we use font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size() + 4); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuGreen); fCreditsView->Insert("\nCopyrights\n\n"); // GNU copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("The GNU Project", "Contains software from the GNU Project, " "released under the GPL and LGPL licences:\n" " - GNU C Library,\n" " - GNU coretools, diffutils, findutils, gawk, bison, m4, make,\n" " - Bourne Again Shell.\n" "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " The Free Software Foundation.", "www.gnu.org"); // FFMpeg copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("FFMpeg libavcodec", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.", "www.ffmpeg.org"); // AGG copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("AntiGrain Geometry", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem).", "www.antigrain.com"); // PDFLib copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("PDFLib", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1997-2006 PDFlib GmbH and Thomas Merz. " "All rights reserved.\n" "PDFlib and the PDFlib logo are registered trademarks of PDFlib GmbH.", "www.pdflib.com"); // FreeType copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("FreeType2", "Portions of this software are copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1996-2006 The FreeType" " Project. All rights reserved.", "www.freetype.org"); // Mesa3D (http://www.mesa3d.org) copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("Mesa", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1999-2006 Brian Paul. " "Mesa3D project. All rights reserved.", "www.mesa3d.org"); // SGI's GLU implementation copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("GLU", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. " "SGI's Software FreeB license. All rights reserved."); // GLUT implementation copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("GLUT", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. " "All rights reserved.\n" "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1997 Be Inc.\n" "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1999 Jake Hamby."); // OpenGroup & DEC (BRegion backend) copyright AddCopyrightEntry("BRegion backend (XFree86)", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1987, 1988, 1998 The Open Group.\n" "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1987, 1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\n" "All rights reserved."); // Konatu font AddCopyrightEntry("Konatu font", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2002- MASUDA mitiya.\n" "MIT license. All rights reserved."); // expat copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("expat", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper.\n" "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2001, 2002, 2003 Expat maintainers."); // zlib copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("zlib", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler."); // zip copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("Info-ZIP", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved."); // bzip2 copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("bzip2", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 1996-2005 Julian R Seward. All rights reserved."); // VIM copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("Vi IMproved", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " Bram Moolenaar et al."); // lp_solve copyrights // TODO: Fix! AddCopyrightEntry("lp_solve", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " ??? (http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/)."); // OpenEXR copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("OpenEXR", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2002-2005, Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC."); // Bullet copyrights AddCopyrightEntry("Bullet", "Copyright " B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT " 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans", "www.bulletphysics.com"); // Build a list of installed applications and show their // long version info. Well-behaved apps usually give // copyright info there. font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size() + 4); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuGreen); fCreditsView->Insert("\nInstalled applications\n\n"); BVolume bootVolume; BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&bootVolume); fAppsQuery.SetVolume(&bootVolume); if (fAppsQuery.SetPredicate("((BEOS:APP_SIG==\"**\")&&(name!=\"*.so\")&&(name!=\"*.rsrc\")&&" "(BEOS:TYPE==\"application/x-vnd.Be-elfexecutable\"))") >= B_OK) { fAppsQuery.Fetch(); } } AboutView::~AboutView(void) { delete fScrollRunner; } void AboutView::AttachedToWindow(void) { BView::AttachedToWindow(); Window()->SetPulseRate(500000); SetEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS); } void AboutView::MouseDown(BPoint pt) { BRect r(92, 26, 105, 31); if (r.Contains(pt)) { printf("Easter Egg\n"); PickRandomHaiku(); } if (Bounds().Contains(pt)) { fLastActionTime = system_time(); delete fScrollRunner; fScrollRunner = NULL; } } void AboutView::FrameResized(float width, float height) { BRect r = fCreditsView->Bounds(); r.OffsetTo(B_ORIGIN); r.InsetBy(3, 3); fCreditsView->SetTextRect(r); } void AboutView::Draw(BRect update) { if (fLogo) DrawBitmap(fLogo, fDrawPoint); } void AboutView::Pulse(void) { char string[255]; fUptimeView->SetText(UptimeToString(string, sizeof(string))); fMemView->SetText(MemUsageToString(string, sizeof(string))); if (fScrollRunner == NULL && (system_time() > fLastActionTime + 10000000)) { BMessage message(SCROLL_CREDITS_VIEW); //fScrollRunner = new BMessageRunner(this, &message, 300000, -1); } } void AboutView::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case SCROLL_CREDITS_VIEW: { BScrollBar *scrollBar = fCreditsView->ScrollBar(B_VERTICAL); if (scrollBar == NULL) break; float max, min; scrollBar->GetRange(&min, &max); if (scrollBar->Value() < max) fCreditsView->ScrollBy(0, 5); break; } case READ_APP_QUERY_ENT: { BEntry ent; if (fAppsQuery.GetNextEntry(&ent) < B_OK) { fAppsQuery.Clear(); fCreditsView->MakeSelectable(true); break; } BFile file; BPath path; if (ent.Exists() && ent.GetPath(&path) >= B_OK && file.SetTo(&ent, B_READ_ONLY) >= B_OK) { /* filter only apps */ if (strncmp(path.Path(), "/boot/apps", 10) == 0) { BAppFileInfo appFileInfo(&file); uint32 flags; version_info version; if (appFileInfo.InitCheck() >= B_OK && appFileInfo.GetAppFlags(&flags) >= B_OK && appFileInfo.GetVersionInfo(&version, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) >= B_OK) { //printf("AppFileInfo for %s :\n", path.Path()); //printf("flags: %08x\n", flags); BString name; BString info; name << path.Leaf(); if (strlen(version.short_info) && strcmp(version.short_info, path.Leaf())) name << " (" << version.short_info << ")"; /* info << "\tVersion: "; info << version.major << "."; info << version.middle << "."; info << version.minor; char varieties[] = "dabgmf"; if (version.variety > B_FINAL_VERSION) info << "?"; else info << varieties[version.variety]; info << version.internal; info << "\n"; */ info << version.long_info; AddCopyrightEntry(name.String(), info.String()); } } } // note for self: read next entry :) BMessage m(READ_APP_QUERY_ENT); BMessenger(this).SendMessage(&m); break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(msg); break; } } void AboutView::AddCopyrightEntry(const char *name, const char *text, const char *url) { BFont font(be_bold_font); //font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kHaikuYellow); fCreditsView->Insert(name); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert(text); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); if (url) { fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(be_plain_font, B_FONT_ALL, &kLinkBlue); fCreditsView->Insert(url); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); } void AboutView::PickRandomHaiku() { BFile fortunes( #ifdef __HAIKU__ "/etc/fortunes/Haiku", #else "data/etc/fortunes/Haiku", #endif B_READ_ONLY); struct stat st; if (fortunes.InitCheck() < B_OK) return; if (fortunes.GetStat(&st) < B_OK) return; char *buff = (char *)malloc((size_t)st.st_size + 1); if (!buff) return; buff[(size_t)st.st_size] = '\0'; BList haikuList; if (fortunes.Read(buff, (size_t)st.st_size) == (ssize_t)st.st_size) { char *p = buff; while (p && *p) { char *e = strchr(p, '%'); BString *s = new BString(p, e ? (e - p) : -1); haikuList.AddItem(s); p = e; if (p && (*p == '%')) p++; if (p && (*p == '\n')) p++; } } free(buff); if (haikuList.CountItems() < 1) return; BString *s = (BString *)haikuList.ItemAt(rand() % haikuList.CountItems()); BFont font(be_bold_font); font.SetSize(be_bold_font->Size()); font.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE | B_ITALIC_FACE); fCreditsView->SelectAll(); fCreditsView->Delete(); fCreditsView->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &kDarkGrey); fCreditsView->Insert(s->String()); fCreditsView->Insert("\n"); while ((s = (BString *)haikuList.RemoveItem((int32)0))) { delete s; } } // #pragma mark - static const char * MemUsageToString(char string[], size_t size) { system_info systemInfo; if (get_system_info(&systemInfo) < B_OK) return "Unknown"; snprintf(string, size, "%d MB total, %d MB used (%d%%)", int(systemInfo.max_pages / 256.0f + 0.5f), int(systemInfo.used_pages / 256.0f + 0.5f), int(100 * systemInfo.used_pages / systemInfo.max_pages)); return string; } static const char * UptimeToString(char string[], size_t size) { int64 days, hours, minutes, seconds, remainder; int64 systime = system_time(); days = systime / 86400000000LL; remainder = systime % 86400000000LL; hours = remainder / 3600000000LL; remainder = remainder % 3600000000LL; minutes = remainder / 60000000; remainder = remainder % 60000000; seconds = remainder / 1000000; char *str = string; if (days) { str += snprintf(str, size, "%lld day%s",days, days > 1 ? "s" : ""); } if (hours) { str += snprintf(str, size - strlen(string), "%s%lld hour%s", str != string ? ", " : "", hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : ""); } if (minutes) { str += snprintf(str, size - strlen(string), "%s%lld minute%s", str != string ? ", " : "", minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : ""); } if (seconds || str == string) { // Haiku would be well-known to boot very fast. // Let's be ready to handle below minute uptime, zero second included ;-) str += snprintf(str, size - strlen(string), "%s%lld second%s", str != string ? ", " : "", seconds, seconds > 1 ? "s" : ""); } return string; } int main() { AboutApp app; app.Run(); return 0; }