/* * Copyright 2013, Gerasim Troeglazov, 3dEyes@gmail.com. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "PSDLoader.h" #include "BaseTranslator.h" PSDLoader::PSDLoader(BPositionIO *src) { fLoaded = false; fStream = src; fStream->Seek(0, SEEK_END); fStreamSize = fStream->Position(); fStream->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); if (fStreamSize <= 0) return; fStream->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fSignature = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); if (fSignature != 0x38425053) // 8BPS return; fVersion = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); // Skip reserved data _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, 6); fChannels = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); fHeight = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); fWidth = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); fDepth = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); fColorFormat = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); fColorModeDataSize = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); fColorModeDataPos = fStream->Position(); _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, fColorModeDataSize); fImageResourceSectionSize = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); fImageResourceSectionPos = fStream->Position(); _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, fImageResourceSectionSize); // Skip [layer and mask] block if (fVersion == PSD_FILE) _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, _GetInt32FromStream(fStream)); else if (fVersion == PSB_FILE) _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, _GetInt64FromStream(fStream)); else return; fCompression = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); fStreamPos = fStream->Position(); fLoaded = true; } PSDLoader::~PSDLoader() { } bool PSDLoader::IsLoaded(void) { return fLoaded; } bool PSDLoader::IsSupported(void) { if (!fLoaded) return false; if (fVersion != PSD_FILE && fVersion != PSB_FILE) { return false; } if (fChannels < 0 || fChannels > PSD_MAX_CHANNELS) return false; if (fDepth > 16) return false; if (_ColorFormat() == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED) return false; if (fCompression != PSD_COMPRESSED_RAW && fCompression != PSD_COMPRESSED_RLE) { return false; } return true; } BString PSDLoader::ColorFormatName(void) { switch (fColorFormat) { case PSD_COLOR_MODE_BITS: return "Bitmap"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_GRAYSCALE: return "Grayscale"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_INDEXED: return "Indexed"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_RGB: return fChannels > 3 ? "RGBA" : "RGB"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_CMYK: return "CMYK"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_MULTICHANNEL: return "Multichannel"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_LAB: return "Lab"; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_DUOTONE: return "Duotone"; } return ""; } psd_color_format PSDLoader::_ColorFormat(void) { psd_color_format format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED; if (!fLoaded) return format; switch (fColorFormat) { case PSD_COLOR_MODE_BITS: format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_BITMAP; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_RGB: if (fChannels == 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB; else if (fChannels >= 4) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_A; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_GRAYSCALE: if (fChannels == 1) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_GRAY; else if (fChannels == 2) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_GRAY_A; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_MULTICHANNEL: if (fChannels == 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_MULTICHANNEL; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_CMYK: if (fChannels == 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_MULTICHANNEL; else if (fChannels == 4) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_CMYK; else if (fChannels > 4) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_CMYK_A; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_LAB: if (fChannels == 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_LAB; else if (fChannels > 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_LAB_A; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_DUOTONE: if (fChannels >= 1) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_DUOTONE; break; case PSD_COLOR_MODE_INDEXED: if (fChannels >= 1 && fColorModeDataSize >= 3) format = PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_INDEXED; break; default: break; }; return format; } status_t PSDLoader::Decode(BPositionIO *target) { if (!IsSupported()) return B_NO_TRANSLATOR; fStreamBuffer = new uint8[fStreamSize]; fStream->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fStream->Read(fStreamBuffer, fStreamSize); int32 depthBytes = fDepth / 8; int32 rowBytes = (fWidth * fDepth) / 8; int32 channelBytes = rowBytes * fHeight; uint8 *imageData[PSD_MAX_CHANNELS]; for (int i = 0; i < fChannels; i++) imageData[i] = new uint8[channelBytes]; switch (fCompression) { case PSD_COMPRESSED_RAW: { for (int channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < fChannels; channelIdx++) { uint8 *ptr = imageData[channelIdx]; for (int i = 0; i < channelBytes; i++, ptr++) *ptr = (uint8)fStreamBuffer[fStreamPos++]; } break; } case PSD_COMPRESSED_RLE: { if (fVersion == PSD_FILE) fStreamPos += fHeight * fChannels * 2; else if (fVersion == PSB_FILE) fStreamPos += fHeight * fChannels * 4; for (int channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < fChannels; channelIdx++) { uint8 *ptr = imageData[channelIdx]; // Read the RLE data. int count = 0; while (count < channelBytes) { uint8 len = (uint8)fStreamBuffer[fStreamPos++]; if (len == 128) { continue; } else if (len < 128) { len++; count += len; while (len) { *ptr++ = (int8)fStreamBuffer[fStreamPos++]; len--; } } else if (len > 128) { int8 val = (int8)fStreamBuffer[fStreamPos++]; len ^= 255; len += 2; count += len; while (len) { *ptr++ = val; len--; } } } } break; } default: delete[] fStreamBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < fChannels; i++) delete[] imageData[i]; return B_NO_TRANSLATOR; } delete[] fStreamBuffer; TranslatorBitmap bitsHeader; bitsHeader.magic = B_TRANSLATOR_BITMAP; bitsHeader.bounds.left = 0; bitsHeader.bounds.top = 0; bitsHeader.bounds.right = fWidth - 1; bitsHeader.bounds.bottom = fHeight - 1; psd_color_format colorFormat = _ColorFormat(); if (colorFormat == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_BITMAP) { bitsHeader.rowBytes = rowBytes; bitsHeader.dataSize = channelBytes; bitsHeader.colors = B_GRAY1; } else { bitsHeader.rowBytes = sizeof(uint32) * fWidth; bitsHeader.colors = B_RGBA32; bitsHeader.dataSize = bitsHeader.rowBytes * fHeight; } if (swap_data(B_UINT32_TYPE, &bitsHeader, sizeof(TranslatorBitmap), B_SWAP_HOST_TO_BENDIAN) != B_OK) { return B_NO_TRANSLATOR; } target->Write(&bitsHeader, sizeof(TranslatorBitmap)); uint8 *lineData = new uint8[fWidth * sizeof(uint32)]; switch (colorFormat) { case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_BITMAP: { int32 rowBytes = (fWidth / 8 ) * fHeight; for (int32 i = 0; i < rowBytes; i++) imageData[0][i]^=255; target->Write(imageData[0], rowBytes); break; } case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_INDEXED: { int32 paletteSize = fColorModeDataSize / 3; uint8 *colorData = new uint8[fColorModeDataSize]; fStream->Seek(fColorModeDataPos, SEEK_SET); fStream->Read(colorData, fColorModeDataSize); if (_ParseImageResources() != B_OK) fTransparentIndex = 256; uint8 *redPalette = colorData; uint8 *greenPalette = colorData + paletteSize; uint8 *bluePalette = colorData + paletteSize * 2; int32 index = 0; for (int h = 0; h < fHeight; h++) { uint8 *ptr = lineData; for (int w = 0; w < fWidth; w++) { uint8 colorIndex = imageData[0][index]; ptr[0] = bluePalette[colorIndex]; ptr[1] = greenPalette[colorIndex]; ptr[2] = redPalette[colorIndex]; ptr[3] = colorIndex == fTransparentIndex ? 0 : 255; ptr += sizeof(uint32); index++; } target->Write(lineData, fWidth * sizeof(uint32)); } delete[] colorData; break; } case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_DUOTONE: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_GRAY: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_GRAY_A: { bool isAlpha = colorFormat == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_GRAY_A; int32 index = 0; for (int h = 0; h < fHeight; h++) { uint8 *ptr = lineData; for (int w = 0; w < fWidth; w++) { ptr[0] = imageData[0][index]; ptr[1] = imageData[0][index]; ptr[2] = imageData[0][index]; ptr[3] = isAlpha ? imageData[1][index] : 255; ptr += sizeof(uint32); index += depthBytes; } target->Write(lineData, fWidth * sizeof(uint32)); } break; } case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_MULTICHANNEL: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_A: { bool isAlpha = colorFormat == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_A; int32 index = 0; for (int h = 0; h < fHeight; h++) { uint8 *ptr = lineData; for (int w = 0; w < fWidth; w++) { ptr[0] = imageData[2][index]; ptr[1] = imageData[1][index]; ptr[2] = imageData[0][index]; ptr[3] = isAlpha ? imageData[3][index] : 255; ptr += sizeof(uint32); index += depthBytes; } target->Write(lineData, fWidth * sizeof(uint32)); } break; } case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_CMYK: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_CMYK_A: { bool isAlpha = colorFormat == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_CMYK_A; int32 index = 0; for (int h = 0; h < fHeight; h++) { uint8 *ptr = lineData; for (int w = 0; w < fWidth; w++) { double c = 1.0 - imageData[0][index] / 255.0; double m = 1.0 - imageData[1][index] / 255.0; double y = 1.0 - imageData[2][index] / 255.0; double k = 1.0 - imageData[3][index] / 255.0; ptr[0] = (uint8)((1.0 - (y * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0); ptr[1] = (uint8)((1.0 - (m * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0); ptr[2] = (uint8)((1.0 - (c * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0); ptr[3] = isAlpha ? imageData[4][index] : 255; ptr += sizeof(uint32); index += depthBytes; } target->Write(lineData, fWidth * sizeof(uint32)); } break; } case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_LAB: case PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_LAB_A: { bool isAlpha = colorFormat == PSD_COLOR_FORMAT_LAB_A; int32 index = 0; for (int h = 0; h < fHeight; h++) { uint8 *ptr = lineData; for (int w = 0; w < fWidth; w++) { double L = imageData[0][index] / 255.0 * 100.0; double a = imageData[1][index] - 128.0; double b = imageData[2][index] - 128.0; double Y = L * (1.0 / 116.0) + 16.0 / 116.0; double X = a * (1.0 / 500.0) + Y; double Z = b * (-1.0 / 200.0) + Y; X = X > 6.0 / 29.0 ? X * X * X : X * (108.0 / 841.0) - (432.0 / 24389.0); Y = L > 8.0 ? Y * Y * Y : L * (27.0 / 24389.0); Z = Z > 6.0 / 29.0 ? Z * Z * Z : Z * (108.0 / 841.0) - (432.0 / 24389.0); double R = X * (1219569.0 / 395920.0) + Y * (-608687.0 / 395920.0) + Z * (-107481.0 / 197960.0); double G = X * (-80960619.0 / 87888100.0) + Y * (82435961.0 / 43944050.0) + Z * (3976797.0 / 87888100.0); double B = X * (93813.0 / 1774030.0) + Y * (-180961.0 / 887015.0) + Z * (107481.0 / 93370.0); R = R > 0.0031308 ? pow(R, 1.0 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055 : R * 12.92; G = G > 0.0031308 ? pow(G, 1.0 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055 : G * 12.92; B = B > 0.0031308 ? pow(B, 1.0 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055 : B * 12.92; R = (R < 0) ? 0 : ((R > 1) ? 1 : R); G = (G < 0) ? 0 : ((G > 1) ? 1 : G); B = (B < 0) ? 0 : ((B > 1) ? 1 : B); ptr[0] = (uint8)(B * 255.0); ptr[1] = (uint8)(G * 255.0); ptr[2] = (uint8)(R * 255.0); ptr[3] = isAlpha ? imageData[3][index] : 255; ptr += sizeof(uint32); index += depthBytes; } target->Write(lineData, fWidth * sizeof(uint32)); } break; } default: break; }; delete[] lineData; for (int i = 0; i < fChannels; i++) delete[] imageData[i]; return B_OK; } int64 PSDLoader::_GetInt64FromStream(BPositionIO *in) { int64 ret; in->Read(&ret, sizeof(int64)); return B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(ret); } int32 PSDLoader::_GetInt32FromStream(BPositionIO *in) { int32 ret; in->Read(&ret, sizeof(int32)); return B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(ret); } int16 PSDLoader::_GetInt16FromStream(BPositionIO *in) { int16 ret; in->Read(&ret, sizeof(int16)); return B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(ret); } int8 PSDLoader::_GetInt8FromStream(BPositionIO *in) { int8 ret; in->Read(&ret, sizeof(int8)); return ret; } uint8 PSDLoader::_GetUInt8FromStream(BPositionIO *in) { uint8 ret; in->Read(&ret, sizeof(uint8)); return ret; } void PSDLoader::_SkipStreamBlock(BPositionIO *in, size_t count) { in->Seek(count, SEEK_CUR); } status_t PSDLoader::_ParseImageResources(void) { if (!fLoaded && fImageResourceSectionSize == 0) return B_ERROR; size_t currentPos = fStream->Position(); fStream->Seek(fImageResourceSectionPos, SEEK_SET); while (fStream->Position() < currentPos + fImageResourceSectionSize) { int32 resBlockSignature = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); if (resBlockSignature != 0x3842494D) // 8BIM return B_ERROR; uint16 resID = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); BString resName, name; int nameLength = 0; while (true) { int charData = _GetUInt8FromStream(fStream); nameLength++; if (charData == 0) { if (nameLength % 2 == 1) { _GetUInt8FromStream(fStream); nameLength++; } break; } else name += charData; resName = name; } uint32 resSize = _GetInt32FromStream(fStream); if (resSize % 2 == 1) resSize++; switch (resID) { case 0x0417: fTransparentIndex = _GetInt16FromStream(fStream); break; default: _SkipStreamBlock(fStream, resSize); } } fStream->Seek(currentPos, SEEK_SET); return B_OK; }