//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File: GIFLoad.h // // Date: December 1999 // // Author: Daniel Switkin // // Copyright 2003 (c) by Daniel Switkin. This file is made publically available // under the BSD license, with the stipulations that this complete header must // remain at the top of the file indefinitely, and credit must be given to the // original author in any about box using this software. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef GIFLOAD_H #define GIFLOAD_H #include #include "LoadPalette.h" #define GIF_INTERLACED 0x40 #define GIF_LOCALCOLORMAP 0x80 class Memblock { public: uchar data[4096]; int offset; Memblock *next; }; const int gl_pass_starts_at[] = {0, 4, 2, 1, 0}; const int gl_increment_pass_by[] = {8, 8, 4, 2, 0}; class GIFLoad { public: GIFLoad(BPositionIO *input, BPositionIO *output); ~GIFLoad(); bool fatalerror; private: bool ReadGIFHeader(); bool ReadGIFLoopBlock(); bool ReadGIFControlBlock(); bool ReadGIFImageHeader(); bool ReadGIFImageData(); bool ReadGIFCommentBlock(); bool ReadGIFUnknownBlock(unsigned char c); bool InitFrame(int size); short NextCode(); void ResetTable(); uchar *MemblockAllocate(int size); void MemblockDeleteAll(); inline bool OutputColor(unsigned char *string, int size) { int bpr = fWidth << 2; for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { fScanLine[fScanlinePosition] = fPalette->ColorForIndex(string[x]); fScanlinePosition++; if (fScanlinePosition >= fWidth) { if (fOutput->WriteAt(32 + (fRow * bpr), fScanLine, bpr) < bpr) return false; fScanlinePosition = 0; if (fInterlaced) { fRow += gl_increment_pass_by[fPass]; while (fRow >= fHeight) { fPass++; if (fPass > 3) return true; fRow = gl_pass_starts_at[fPass]; } } else fRow++; } } return true; } BPositionIO *fInput, *fOutput; LoadPalette *fPalette; bool fInterlaced; int fPass, fRow, fWidth, fHeight; unsigned char fOldCode[4096]; unsigned int fOldCodeLength; short fNewCode; int fBits, fMaxCode, fCodeSize; short fClearCode, fEndCode, fNextCode; unsigned char *fTable[4096]; short fEntrySize[4096]; Memblock *fHeadMemblock; int fBitCount; unsigned int fBitBuffer; unsigned char fByteCount; unsigned char fByteBuffer[255]; uint32 *fScanLine; int fScanlinePosition; }; #endif