/* * Copyright 2004, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2015, Augustin Cavalier . All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Effect from corTeX / Optimum. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "Nebula Screen Saver" typedef struct { int x, y, z, r; } p3; typedef float matrix[3][3]; #define GMAX 5000 p3 gal[GMAX]; float precos[512]; float presin[512]; typedef unsigned short word; extern "C" { #include "Draw.h" #include "DrawStars.h" } const uint32 kMsgWidth = 'widt'; const uint32 kMsgColorScheme = 'cols'; const uint32 kMsgBlankBorders = 'blbr'; const uint32 kMsgMotionBlur = 'blur'; const uint32 kMsgSpeed = 'sped'; const uint32 kMsgFrames = 'mfps'; float gSpeed; bool gMotionBlur; int32 gSettingsWidth; int32 gWidth; int32 gHeight; float gMaxFramesPerSecond; BBitmap* gBitmap; BScreenSaver* gScreenSaver; uint32 gPalette[256]; int8 gPaletteScheme; int8 gBlankBorders; char* gBuffer8; /* working 8bit buffer */ inline float ocos(float a) { return (precos[(int)(a * 256 / M_PI) & 511]); } inline float osin(float a) { return (presin[(int)(a * 256 / M_PI) & 511]); } void mulmat(matrix* a, matrix* b, matrix* c) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { (*c)[i][j] = (*a)[i][0] * (*b)[0][j] + (*a)[i][1] * (*b)[1][j] + (*a)[i][2] * (*b)[2][j]; } } } inline void mulvec(matrix* a, float* x, float* y, float* z) { float nx = *x, ny = *y, nz = *z; *x = nx * (*a)[0][0] + ny * (*a)[0][1] + nz * (*a)[0][2]; *y = nx * (*a)[1][0] + ny * (*a)[1][1] + nz * (*a)[1][2]; *z = nx * (*a)[2][0] + ny * (*a)[2][1] + nz * (*a)[2][2]; } void setrmat(float a, float b, float c, matrix* m) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) (*m)[i][j] = (float)(i == j); if (a != 0) { (*m)[0][0] = cos(a); (*m)[0][1] = sin(a); (*m)[1][0] = sin(a); (*m)[1][1] = -cos(a); return; } if (b != 0) { (*m)[0][0] = cos(b); (*m)[0][2] = sin(b); (*m)[2][0] = sin(b); (*m)[2][2] = -cos(b); return; } (*m)[1][1] = cos(c); (*m)[1][2] = sin(c); (*m)[2][1] = sin(c); (*m)[2][2] = -cos(c); } void rotate3d(float* xr, float* yr, float* zr, /* point to rotate */ float ax, float ay, float az) /* the 3 angles (order ?..) */ { float xr2, yr2, zr2; xr2 = (*xr * ocos(az) + *yr * osin(az)); yr2 = (*xr * osin(az) - *yr * ocos(az)); *xr = xr2; *yr = yr2; xr2 = (*xr * ocos(ay) + *zr * osin(ay)); zr2 = (*xr * osin(ay) - *zr * ocos(ay)); *xr = xr2; *zr = zr2; zr2 = (*zr * ocos(ax) + *yr * osin(ax)); yr2 = (*zr * osin(ax) - *yr * ocos(ax)); *zr = zr2; *yr = yr2; } void drawshdisk(int x0, int y0, int r) { int x = 0; int y; int ly; /* last y */ int delta; int c; /* color at center */ int d; /* delta */ #define SLIMIT 17 #define SRANGE 15 if (r <= SLIMIT) { /* range checking is already (more or less) done... */ draw_stars(gWidth, &gBuffer8[x0 + gWidth * y0], 10 + r * 5); //gBuffer8[x0 + W * y0] = 10 + r * 5; return; } if (r < SLIMIT + SRANGE) r = ((r - SLIMIT) * SLIMIT) / SRANGE + 1; y = ly = r; /* AAaargh */ delta = 3 - 2 * r; do { if (y != ly) { /* dont overlap these lines */ c = ((r - y + 1) << 13) / r; d = -c / (x + 1); if (y == x + 1) /* this would overlap with the next x lines */ goto TOTO; /* WHY NOT */ /* note : for "normal" numbers (not too big) : (unsigned int)(x) < M <=> 0<=xH ) This is clearly a stupid, unmaintanable, unreadable "optimization". But i like it :) */ if ((uint32)(y0 - y - 1) < gHeight - 3) memshset(&gBuffer8[x0 + gWidth * (y0 - y + 1)], c, d, x); if ((uint32)(y0 + y - 1) < gHeight - 3) memshset(&gBuffer8[x0 + gWidth*(y0 + y)], c, d, x); } TOTO: c = ((r - x + 1) << 13) / r; d = -c / (y); if ((uint32)(y0 - x - 1) < gHeight - 3) memshset(&gBuffer8[x0 + gWidth*(y0 - x)], c, d, y); if ((uint32)(y0 + x - 1) < gHeight - 3) memshset(&gBuffer8[x0 + gWidth * (y0 + x + 1)], c, d, y); ly = y; if (delta < 0) delta += 4 * x + 6; else { delta += 4 * (x - y) + 10; y--; } x++; } while (x < y); } void drawGalaxy() { int r; int x, y; float rx, ry, rz; int i; float oa, ob, oc; float t; float a, b, c; matrix ma, mb, mc, mr; /* t is the parametric coordinate for the animation; change the scale value to change the speed of anim (independant of processor speed) */ static bigtime_t firstTime = system_time(); t = ((double)gSpeed * system_time() - firstTime) / 1000000.0; //opti_scale_time(0.418, &demo_elapsed_time); a = 0.9 * t; b = t; c = 1.1 * t; setrmat(a, 0, 0, &ma); setrmat(0, b, 0, &mb); mulmat(&ma, &mb, &mc); setrmat(0, 0, c, &ma); mulmat(&ma, &mc, &mr); oa = 140 * osin(a); ob = 140 * ocos(b); oc = 240 * osin(c); if (gMotionBlur) { /* mblur does something like that: * (or did, perhaps it's another version!..) for (i = 0; i < W * H; i++) gBuffer8[i]= (gBuffer8[i] >> 3) + (gBuffer8[i] >> 1); */ mblur (gBuffer8, gWidth * gHeight); } else memset(gBuffer8, 0, gWidth * gHeight); for (i = 0; i < GMAX; i++) { rx = gal[i].x; ry = gal[i].y; rz = gal[i].z; mulvec(&mr, &rx, &ry, &rz); rx += oa; ry += ob; rz += oc; rz += 300; if (rz > 5) { x = (int)(15 * rx / (rz / 5 + 1)) + gWidth / 2; /* tain jcomprend plus rien */ y = (int)(15 * ry/ (rz / 5 + 1)) + gHeight / 2; /* a ces formules de daube !! */ r = (int)(3 * gal[i].r / (rz / 4 + 3)) + 2; if (x > 5 && x < gWidth - 6 && y > 5 && y < gHeight - 6) // if ((uint32)x < gWidth - 1 && (uint32)y < gHeight - 1) drawshdisk(x, y, r); } } } void setPalette() { int i; switch (gPaletteScheme) { case 0: // yellow default: for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)(i * 8 / 10) << 16 | (uint8)(i * 6 / 10) << 8; // | (uint8)(i*3/10); for (i = 30; i < 256; i++) { uint8 r = (i); uint8 g = (i * i >> 8); //(i*8/10); uint8 b = i >= 240 ? (i - 240) << 3 : 0; //(i * 2 / 10); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } break; case 1: // blue for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)(i * 8 / 10); // << 16 | (uint8)(i * 6 / 10) << 8; // | (uint8)(i * 3 / 10); for (i = 30; i < 256; i++) { uint8 b = (i); uint8 g = (i * i >> 8); //(i * 8 / 10); uint8 r = i >= 240 ? (i - 240) << 3 : 0; //(i * 2 / 10); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } break; case 2: // red for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)i << 16; // << 16 | (uint8)(i * 6/10) << 8; // | (uint8)(i * 3 / 10); for (i = 128;i < 256; i++) { uint8 r = i; uint8 c = (uint8)((cos((i - 256) / 42.0) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 225); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (c << 8) | c); } /* for (i = 192; i < 224; i++) { uint8 c = (i - 192); gPalette[i] = gPalette[i] & 0xff0000 | c << 8 | c; } for (i = 224; i < 256; i++) { uint8 c = (i-224) / 2; c = 32 + c * c * 6 / 10; gPalette[i] = gPalette[i] & 0xff0000 | c << 8 | c; } */ break; case 3: // green for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)(i * 8 / 10) << 8; // << 16 | (uint8)(i * 6 / 10) << 8; // | (uint8)(i * 3 / 10); for (i = 30; i < 256; i++) { uint8 g = (i); uint8 r = (i * i >> 8); //(i * 8 / 10); uint8 b = i >= 240 ? (i-240) << 3 : 0; //(i * 2 / 10); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } break; case 4: // grey for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { uint8 c = i * 15 / 16 + 10; gPalette[i] = c << 16 | c << 8 | c; } break; case 5: // cold for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)(i * 8 / 10) << 16; // << 16 | (uint8)(i * 6 / 10) << 8; // | (uint8)(i * 3 / 10); for (i = 30; i < 256; i++) { uint8 r = i; uint8 c = (uint8)((cos((i - 255) / 82.0) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 255); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (c << 8) | c); } break; case 6: // original for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { uint32 c = *(char *)&i; gPalette[i] = c << 16 | c << 8; } break; } /* for (i = 0;i < 256; i++) { uint8 r = (i); uint8 g = (i * i >> 8); //(i * 8 / 10); uint8 b = 0; //(i * 2 / 10); gPalette[i] = ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } */ /* for (i = 240; i < 256; i++) gPalette[i] = (uint8)i << 16 | (uint8)i << 8 | (uint8)(i * 6 / 10); */ } // #pragma mark - SimpleSlider class SimpleSlider : public BSlider { public: SimpleSlider(const char* label, BMessage* message) : BSlider(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_EMPTY_STRING, message, 1, 100, B_HORIZONTAL) { SetLimitLabels("1", "100"); SetHashMarks(B_HASH_MARKS_BOTTOM); SetHashMarkCount(11); fLabel = label; }; const char* UpdateText() const { fText.SetToFormat("%s: %d", fLabel, Value()); return fText.String(); }; private: mutable BString fText; const char* fLabel; }; // #pragma mark - SettingsView class SettingsView : public BView { public: SettingsView(BRect frame); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); private: BMenuField* fWidthMenuField; BMenuField* fColorMenuField; BMenuField* fBorderMenuField; BCheckBox* fMotionCheck; BSlider* fSpeedSlider; BSlider* fFramesSlider; }; SettingsView::SettingsView(BRect frame) : BView(frame, "", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); BStringView* titleString = new BStringView(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_TRANSLATE("Nebula")); titleString->SetFont(be_bold_font); BStringView* copyrightString = new BStringView(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_TRANSLATE("© 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler.")); BPopUpMenu* popUpMenu; int32 widths[] = { 0, 320, 512, 576, 640, 800, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1400, 1600 }; size_t widthsLength = sizeof(widths) / sizeof(widths[0]); popUpMenu = new BPopUpMenu(""); for (size_t i = 0; i < widthsLength; i++) { BString label; if (widths[i] == 0) label.SetTo("screen resolution"); else label.SetToFormat("%" B_PRId32 " pixels", widths[i]); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgWidth); message->AddInt32("width", widths[i]); const char* l = label.String(); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE(l), message); popUpMenu->AddItem(item); item->SetMarked(gSettingsWidth == widths[i]); } fWidthMenuField = new BMenuField("res", B_TRANSLATE("Internal width:"), popUpMenu); const char* colorSchemeLabels[] = { B_TRANSLATE("yellow"), B_TRANSLATE("cyan"), B_TRANSLATE("red"), B_TRANSLATE("green"), B_TRANSLATE("grey"), B_TRANSLATE("cold"), B_TRANSLATE("orange (original)") }; rgb_color colorSchemeColors[] = { (rgb_color){ 255, 220, 0 }, (rgb_color){ 127, 219, 255 }, (rgb_color){ 255, 65, 54 }, (rgb_color){ 46, 204, 64 }, (rgb_color){ 170, 170, 170 }, (rgb_color){ 234, 234, 234 }, (rgb_color){ 255, 133, 27 } }; popUpMenu = new BPopUpMenu(""); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgColorScheme); message->AddInt8("scheme", (int8)i); BColorMenuItem* item = new BColorMenuItem(colorSchemeLabels[i], message, colorSchemeColors[i]); popUpMenu->AddItem(item); item->SetMarked(gPaletteScheme == i); } fColorMenuField = new BMenuField("col", B_TRANSLATE("Color:"), popUpMenu); const char* blankBorderFormats[] = { B_TRANSLATE("fullscreen, no borders"), B_TRANSLATE("16:9, wide-screen"), B_TRANSLATE("2:3.5, cinemascope"), B_TRANSLATE("only a slit") }; popUpMenu = new BPopUpMenu(""); for (int8 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgBlankBorders); message->AddInt8("border", i); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(blankBorderFormats[i], message); popUpMenu->AddItem(item); item->SetMarked(gBlankBorders == i); } fBorderMenuField = new BMenuField("cinema", B_TRANSLATE("Format:"), popUpMenu); fMotionCheck = new BCheckBox(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_TRANSLATE("Enable motion blur"), new BMessage(kMsgMotionBlur)); fMotionCheck->SetValue((int)gMotionBlur); fSpeedSlider = new SimpleSlider(B_TRANSLATE("Speed"), new BMessage(kMsgSpeed)); fSpeedSlider->SetValue((gSpeed - 0.002) / 0.05); fFramesSlider = new SimpleSlider(B_TRANSLATE("Maximum Frames Per Second"), new BMessage(kMsgFrames)); fFramesSlider->SetValue(gMaxFramesPerSecond); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL, B_USE_HALF_ITEM_SPACING) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(titleString) .Add(copyrightString) .AddStrut(roundf(be_control_look->DefaultItemSpacing() / 2)) .AddGlue() .AddGrid(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_SMALL_SPACING) .Add(fColorMenuField->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 0) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, 0.0f, 1, 0) .Add(fColorMenuField->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 0.0f) .AddGlue() .End() .Add(fWidthMenuField->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 1) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, 0.0f, 1, 1) .Add(fWidthMenuField->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 0.0f) .AddGlue() .End() .Add(fBorderMenuField->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 2) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, 0.0f, 1, 2) .Add(fBorderMenuField->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 0.0f) .AddGlue() .End() .Add(fMotionCheck, 1, 3) .End() .Add(fSpeedSlider) .Add(fFramesSlider) .End(); } void SettingsView::AttachedToWindow() { fWidthMenuField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fColorMenuField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fBorderMenuField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fMotionCheck->SetTarget(this); fSpeedSlider->SetTarget(this); fFramesSlider->SetTarget(this); } void SettingsView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch(message->what) { case kMsgWidth: message->FindInt32("width", &gSettingsWidth); break; case kMsgColorScheme: if (message->FindInt8("scheme", &gPaletteScheme) == B_OK) setPalette(); break; case kMsgBlankBorders: message->FindInt8("border", &gBlankBorders); break; case kMsgMotionBlur: gMotionBlur = fMotionCheck->Value() > 0; break; case kMsgSpeed: gSpeed = 0.002 + 0.05 * fSpeedSlider->Value(); break; case kMsgFrames: gMaxFramesPerSecond = fFramesSlider->Value(); gScreenSaver->SetTickSize( (bigtime_t)(1000000LL / gMaxFramesPerSecond)); break; } } // #pragma mark - Nebula class Nebula : public BScreenSaver { public: Nebula(BMessage* message, image_id id); virtual void StartConfig(BView* view); virtual status_t SaveState(BMessage* state) const; virtual status_t StartSaver(BView* view, bool preview); virtual void StopSaver(); virtual void Draw(BView* view, int32 frame); private: float fFactor; bool fStarted; }; Nebula::Nebula(BMessage* message, image_id id) : BScreenSaver(message, id), fStarted(false) { message->FindFloat("speed", 0, &gSpeed); message->FindInt32("width", 0, &gSettingsWidth); message->FindBool("motionblur", 0, &gMotionBlur); message->FindFloat("max_fps", 0, &gMaxFramesPerSecond); message->FindInt8("scheme", 0, &gPaletteScheme); message->FindInt8("border", 0, &gBlankBorders); if (gSpeed < 0.01f) gSpeed = 0.4f; if (gMaxFramesPerSecond < 1.f) gMaxFramesPerSecond = 40.0f; gScreenSaver = this; } void Nebula::StartConfig(BView* view) { view->AddChild(new SettingsView(view->Bounds())); } status_t Nebula::SaveState(BMessage* state) const { state->AddFloat("speed", gSpeed); state->AddInt32("width", gSettingsWidth); state->AddBool("motionblur", gMotionBlur); state->AddFloat("max_fps", gMaxFramesPerSecond); state->AddInt8("scheme", gPaletteScheme); state->AddInt8("border", gBlankBorders); return B_OK; } status_t Nebula::StartSaver(BView* view, bool preview) { // initialize palette setPalette(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { precos[i]=cos(i * M_PI / 256); presin[i]=sin(i * M_PI / 256); } // uniforme cubique /* for (i = 0;i < GMAX; i++) { gal[i].x = 1 * ((rand()&1023) - 512); gal[i].y = 1 * ((rand()&1023) - 512); gal[i].z = 1 * ((rand()&1023) - 512); gal[i].r = rand() & 63; } */ for (i = 0; i < GMAX; i++) { float r, th, h, dth; r = rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX; r = (1 - r) * (1 - r) + 0.05; if (r < 0.12) th = rand() * M_PI * 2 / RAND_MAX; else { th = (rand() & 3) * M_PI_2 + r * r * 2; dth = rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX; dth = dth * dth * 2; th += dth; } gal[i].x = (int)(512 * r * cos(th)); gal[i].z = (int)(512 * r * sin(th)); h = (1 + cos(r * M_PI)) * 150; dth = rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX; gal[i].y = (int)(h * (dth - 0.5)); gal[i].r = (int)((2 - r) * 60 + 31); } gal[0].x = gal[0].y = gal[0].z = 0; gal[0].r = 320; if (gSettingsWidth == 0) gWidth = view->Bounds().Width(); else gWidth = gSettingsWidth; fFactor = (view->Bounds().Width()+1) / gWidth; if ((int)fFactor != fFactor) fFactor += 0.01; // 4:3 gHeight = (int32)((view->Bounds().Height()+1)/fFactor + 0.5f); // calculate blank border format (if not in preview) if (!preview) switch (gBlankBorders) { case 1: // 16:9 gHeight = (int32)(gHeight * 0.703125 + 0.5); break; case 2: // 2:3.5 gHeight = (int32)(gHeight * 0.534 + 0.5); break; case 3: gHeight /= 5; break; } view->SetScale(fFactor); gBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, gWidth - 1, gHeight - 1), B_RGB32); gBuffer8 = (char*)malloc(gWidth * gHeight); SetTickSize((bigtime_t)(1000000LL / gMaxFramesPerSecond)); fStarted = true; return B_OK; } void Nebula::StopSaver() { free(gBuffer8); gBuffer8 = NULL; delete gBitmap; gBitmap = NULL; } void Nebula::Draw(BView* view, int32) { if (fStarted) { view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, 0); view->FillRect(view->Frame()); view->MovePenTo(0, (view->Bounds().Height() / fFactor - 1 - gHeight) / 2); fStarted = false; } uint32* buffer32 = (uint32*)gBitmap->Bits(); drawGalaxy(); for (int x = 0, end = gWidth * gHeight; x < end; x++) buffer32[x] = gPalette[(uint8)gBuffer8[x]]; view->DrawBitmap(gBitmap); } // #pragma mark - instantiate_screen_saver extern "C" _EXPORT BScreenSaver* instantiate_screen_saver(BMessage* message, image_id image) { return new Nebula(message, image); }