/* * Copyright 2012, Gerasim Troeglazov (3dEyes**), 3dEyes@gmail.com. * All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "VSTHost.h" static int32 VHostCallback(VSTEffect* effect, int32 opcode, int32 index, int32 value, void* ptr, float opt); //Trim string static void TrimString(BString *string) { char* str = string->LockBuffer(256); uint32 k = 0; uint32 i = 0; for(i=0; str[i]!='\0';) { if (isspace(str[i])) { k = i; for(uint32 j = i; j < strlen(str) - 1; j++) str[j] = str[j + 1]; str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0'; i = k; } else i++; } string->UnlockBuffer(); } //VST Parameter class VSTParameter::VSTParameter(VSTPlugin* plugin, int index) { fIndex = index; fEffect = plugin->Effect(); fDropList.MakeEmpty(); char temp[256]; //get parameter name temp[0] = 0; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PARAM_NAME, index, 0, temp, 0); fName.SetTo(temp); TrimString(&fName); //get parameter label (unit) temp[0] = 0; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PARAM_UNIT, index, 0, temp, 0); fUnit.SetTo(temp); ValidateValues(&fUnit); //store current value float val = fEffect->getParameter(fEffect, index); //test for minimum value fEffect->setParameter(fEffect, index, 0); temp[0] = 0; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PARAM_STR, index, 0, temp, 0); fMinValue.SetTo(temp); ValidateValues(&fMinValue); //test for maximum value temp[0] = 0; fEffect->setParameter(fEffect, index, 1.0); fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PARAM_STR, index, 0, temp, 0); fMaxValue.SetTo(temp); ValidateValues(&fMaxValue); //test for discrete values char test_disp[VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT][256]; float test_values[VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT]; float delta = 1.0 / (float)VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT; int test_cnt = 0; for(int tst_val = 0; tst_val < VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT; tst_val++) { float v = (float)tst_val / (float)VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT; if (tst_val >= VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT - 1) v = 1.0; fEffect->setParameter(fEffect, index, v); float new_value = fEffect->getParameter(fEffect, index); bool valtest = false; for(int i = 0; i < test_cnt; i++) { if (fabs(test_values[i] - new_value) < delta) { valtest = true; break; } } if (valtest == false) { test_values[test_cnt] = new_value; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PARAM_STR, index, 0, test_disp[test_cnt], 0); test_cnt++; } } //restore value fEffect->setParameter(fEffect, index, val); //detect param type if (test_cnt == 2) { fType = VST_PARAM_CHECKBOX; DropListValue* min_item = new DropListValue(); min_item->Value = 0.0; min_item->Index = 0; min_item->Name = fMinValue; fDropList.AddItem(min_item); DropListValue* max_item = new DropListValue(); max_item->Value = 1.0; max_item->Index = 1; max_item->Name = fMaxValue; fDropList.AddItem(max_item); } else if (test_cnt > 2 && test_cnt < VST_PARAM_TEST_COUNT / 2) { fType = VST_PARAM_DROPLIST; for(int i = 0; i < test_cnt; i++) { DropListValue* item = new DropListValue(); item->Value = test_values[i]; item->Index = i; item->Name = test_disp[i]; fDropList.AddItem(item); } } else { fType = VST_PARAM_SLIDER; } fChanged = 0LL; } VSTParameter::~VSTParameter() { } BString* VSTParameter::ValidateValues(BString* string) { if (string->Length() == 0) return string; bool isNum = true; const char *ptr = string->String(); for(; *ptr!=0; ptr++) { char ch = *ptr; if (!((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.' || ch == '-')) { isNum = false; break; } } if (isNum) { float val = atof(string->String()); if (val <= -pow(2, 31)) { string->SetTo("-∞"); } else if (val >= pow(2, 31)) { string->SetTo("∞"); } else { char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, "%g", val); string->SetTo(temp); } } else { TrimString(string); if (*string == "oo" || *string == "inf") string->SetTo("∞"); if (*string == "-oo" || *string == "-inf") string->SetTo("-∞"); } return string; } int VSTParameter::ListCount(void) { return fDropList.CountItems(); } DropListValue* VSTParameter::ListItemAt(int index) { DropListValue* item = NULL; if (index >= 0 && index < fDropList.CountItems()) item = (DropListValue*)fDropList.ItemAt(index); return item; } float VSTParameter::Value() { float value = fEffect->getParameter(fEffect, fIndex); if (fType == VST_PARAM_DROPLIST) { //scan for near value int min_index = 0; float min_delta = 1.0; for(int i = 0; i < fDropList.CountItems(); i++) { DropListValue* item = (DropListValue*)fDropList.ItemAt(i); float delta = fabs(item->Value - value); if (delta <= min_delta) { min_delta = delta; min_index = i; } } value = min_index; } fLastValue = value; return value; } void VSTParameter::SetValue(float value) { if (value == fLastValue) return; if (fType == VST_PARAM_DROPLIST) { //take value by index int index = (int)round(value); if (index >= 0 && index < fDropList.CountItems()) { DropListValue *item = (DropListValue*)fDropList.ItemAt(index); value = item->Value; fLastValue = index; } else { return; } } else { fLastValue = value; } fChanged = system_time(); fEffect->setParameter(fEffect, fIndex, value); } bigtime_t VSTParameter::LastChangeTime(void) { return fChanged; } const char* VSTParameter::MinimumValue(void) { return fMinValue.String(); } const char* VSTParameter::MaximumValue(void) { return fMaxValue.String(); } const char* VSTParameter::Unit(void) { return fUnit.String(); } int VSTParameter::Index(void) { return fIndex; } int VSTParameter::Type(void) { return fType; } const char* VSTParameter::Name(void) { return fName.String(); } //VST Plugin class VSTPlugin::VSTPlugin() { fActive = false; fEffect = NULL; VSTMainProc = NULL; fInputChannels = 0; fOutputChannels = 0; fSampleRate = 44100.f; fBlockSize = 0; inputs = NULL; outputs = NULL; fParameters.MakeEmpty(); } VSTPlugin::~VSTPlugin() { fParameters.MakeEmpty(); UnLoadModule(); } int VSTPlugin::LoadModule(const char *path) { char effectName[256] = {0}; char vendorString[256] = {0}; char productString[256] = {0}; if (fActive) return VST_ERR_ALREADY_LOADED; fPath = BPath(path); fModule = load_add_on(path); if (fModule <= 0) return VST_ERR_NOT_LOADED; if (get_image_symbol(fModule, "main_plugin", B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&VSTMainProc) != B_OK) { unload_add_on(fModule); return VST_ERR_NO_MAINPROC; } fEffect = VSTMainProc(VHostCallback); if (fEffect==NULL) { unload_add_on(fModule); return VST_ERR_NOT_LOADED; } fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_OPEN, 0, 0, 0, 0); fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_EFFECT_NAME, 0, 0, effectName, 0); fEffectName.SetTo(effectName); TrimString(&fEffectName); fModuleName.SetTo("VST:"); fModuleName.Append(fPath.Leaf()); fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_VENDOR_STR, 0, 0, vendorString, 0); fVendorString.SetTo(vendorString); TrimString(&fVendorString); fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_GET_PRODUCT_STR, 0, 0, productString, 0); fProductString.SetTo(productString); TrimString(&fProductString); fInputChannels = fEffect->numInputs; fOutputChannels = fEffect->numOutputs; for(int i=0; i < fEffect->numParams; i++) { VSTParameter *param = new VSTParameter(this, i); fParameters.AddItem(param); } fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_STATE_CHANGED, 0, 1, 0, 0); ReAllocBuffers(); fActive = true; return B_OK; } int VSTPlugin::UnLoadModule(void) { if (!fActive || fModule <= 0) return VST_ERR_NOT_LOADED; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_STATE_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0); fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0); unload_add_on(fModule); return B_OK; } int VSTPlugin::Channels(int mode) { switch(mode) { case VST_INPUT_CHANNELS: return fInputChannels; case VST_OUTPUT_CHANNELS: return fOutputChannels; default: return 0; } } int VSTPlugin::SetSampleRate(float rate) { fSampleRate = rate; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_SET_SAMPLE_RATE, 0, 0, 0, rate); return B_OK; } float VSTPlugin::SampleRate(void) { return fSampleRate; } int VSTPlugin::SetBlockSize(size_t size) { fBlockSize = size; fEffect->dispatcher(fEffect, VST_SET_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, size, 0, 0); ReAllocBuffers(); return B_OK; } const char* VSTPlugin::Path(void) { return fPath.Path(); } int VSTPlugin::ReAllocBuffers(void) { if (inputs != NULL) { for(int32 i = 0; i < fInputChannels; i++) delete inputs[i]; } if (outputs != NULL) { for(int32 i = 0; i < fOutputChannels; i++) delete outputs[i]; } if (fInputChannels > 0) { inputs = new float*[fInputChannels]; for(int32 i = 0; i < fInputChannels; i++) { inputs[i] = new float[fBlockSize]; memset(inputs[i], 0, fBlockSize * sizeof(float)); } } if (fOutputChannels > 0) { outputs = new float*[fOutputChannels]; for(int32_t i = 0; i < fOutputChannels; i++) { outputs[i] = new float[fBlockSize]; memset (outputs[i], 0, fBlockSize * sizeof(float)); } } return B_OK; } size_t VSTPlugin::BlockSize(void) { return fBlockSize; } int VSTPlugin::ParametersCount(void) { return fParameters.CountItems(); } VSTParameter* VSTPlugin::Parameter(int index) { VSTParameter* param = NULL; if (index >= 0 && index < fParameters.CountItems()) param = (VSTParameter*)fParameters.ItemAt(index); return param; } VSTEffect* VSTPlugin::Effect(void) { return fEffect; } const char* VSTPlugin::EffectName(void) { return fEffectName.String(); } const char* VSTPlugin::ModuleName(void) { return fModuleName.String(); } const char* VSTPlugin::Vendor(void) { return fVendorString.String(); } const char* VSTPlugin::Product(void) { return fProductString.String(); } void VSTPlugin::Process(float *buffer, int samples, int channels) { //todo: full channels remapping needed float* src = buffer; if (channels == fInputChannels) { //channel to channel for(int j = 0; j < samples; j++) { for(int c = 0; c < fInputChannels; c++) inputs[c][j] = *src++; } } else if ( channels == 1) { //from mone to multichannel for(int j = 0; j < samples; j++, src++) { for(int c = 0; c < fInputChannels; c++) inputs[c][j] = *src; } } fEffect->processReplacing(fEffect, inputs, outputs, fBlockSize); float* dst = buffer; if (channels == fOutputChannels) { //channel to channel for(int j = 0; j < samples; j++) { for(int c = 0; c < fOutputChannels; c++) *dst++ = outputs[c][j]; } } else if (channels == 1) { //from multichannel to mono for(int j = 0; j < samples; j++, dst++) { float mix = 0; for(int c = 0; c < fOutputChannels; c++) mix += outputs[c][j]; *dst = mix / (float)fOutputChannels; } } } static int32 VHostCallback(VSTEffect* effect, int32 opcode, int32 index, int32 value, void* ptr, float opt) { intptr_t result = 0; switch(opcode) { case VST_MASTER_PRODUCT: if (ptr) { strcpy((char*)ptr, "VSTHost Media AddOn"); result = 1; } break; case VST_MASTER_VERSION : result = 2300; break; } return result; }