/* * This file is a part of BeOS USBVision driver project. * Copyright (c) 2003 by Siarzuk Zharski <imker@gmx.li> * * This file may be used under the terms of the BSD License * */ #include <Path.h> #include <Directory.h> #include <Entry.h> #include <FindDirectory.h> #include <fstream.h> #include "TunerLocale.h" using namespace Locale; const char *kLocalesSettings = "media/usb_vision/Locales"; Channel::Channel(string &str, uint32 frequency): fName(str), fFrequency(frequency) { } const string &Channel::Name() const { return fName; } const uint32 Channel::Frequency() { return fFrequency; } TunerLocale::TunerLocale(BEntry &entry) { fStatus = B_NO_INIT; if(entry.IsFile()){ BPath path; if((fStatus = entry.GetPath(&path)) == B_OK){ char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; if((fStatus = entry.GetName(name)) == B_OK){ fName = name; fStatus = LoadLocale(path.Path()); } } } } TunerLocale::~TunerLocale() { } status_t TunerLocale::InitCheck() { return fStatus; } status_t TunerLocale::LoadLocale(const char *name) { status_t status = B_OK; ifstream ifs(name); while(ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()){ string str; getline(ifs, str); //TODO : validity check and parse strings ... str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(" \t")); str.erase(str.find_last_not_of(" \t") + 1); switch(str[0]){ case ';': continue; case '@': str.erase(0, 1); fName = str; break; default: //TODO parse ... Channel channel(str, 0); fChannels.push_back(channel); break; } } return status; } status_t TunerLocale::LoadLocales(vector<TunerLocale *> &vector) { status_t status = B_ERROR; BPath path; if((status = find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path)) != B_OK) return status; if((status = path.Append(kLocalesSettings)) != B_OK) return status; BDirectory directory(path.Path()); if((status = directory.InitCheck()) != B_OK) return status; vector.clear(); BEntry entry; while((status = directory.GetNextEntry(&entry)) == B_OK){ if(entry.IsFile()){ TunerLocale *locale = new TunerLocale(entry); if((status = locale->InitCheck()) == B_OK){ vector.push_back(locale); } else delete locale; } } if(status == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) //we reached the end of entries list ... status = B_OK; return status; } status_t TunerLocale::ReleaseLocales(vector<TunerLocale *> &vector) { for(LocalesIterator locale = vector.begin(); locale != vector.end(); locale ++){ delete *locale; } return B_OK; } const string &TunerLocale::Name() { return fName; } const Channel &TunerLocale::GetChannel(int idx) { if(idx < 0) idx = 0; if(idx >= (int)fChannels.size()) idx = (int)(fChannels.size() - 1); return fChannels[idx]; } uint32 TunerLocale::ChannelsCount() { return fChannels.size(); }