/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "TimeComputer.h" #include TimeComputer::TimeComputer() : fRealTime(0), fPerformanceTime(0), fDrift(1), fFrameRate(1000000), fUsecsPerFrame(1), fPerformanceTimeBase(0), fFrameBase(0), fResetTimeBase(true), fFirstEntry(0), fLastEntry(0) { } void TimeComputer::Init(float frameRate, bigtime_t realBaseTime) { fRealTime = realBaseTime; fPerformanceTime = 0; fDrift = 1; SetFrameRate(frameRate); } void TimeComputer::SetFrameRate(float frameRate) { if (frameRate == fFrameRate) return; fFrameRate = frameRate; fUsecsPerFrame = (double)1000000 / fFrameRate; fResetTimeBase = true; fFirstEntry = 0; fLastEntry = 0; } void TimeComputer::AddTimeStamp(bigtime_t realTime, uint64 frames) { bigtime_t estimatedPerformanceTime = fPerformanceTime + bigtime_t((realTime - fRealTime) * fDrift); if (realTime < fRealTime) debugger("TimeComputer: real time went backwards!"); fRealTime = realTime; if (fResetTimeBase) { // use the extrapolated performance time at the given real time fPerformanceTime = estimatedPerformanceTime; fPerformanceTimeBase = estimatedPerformanceTime; fFrameBase = frames; fResetTimeBase = false; _AddEntry(fRealTime, fPerformanceTime); fFirstEntry = fLastEntry; return; } // add entry bigtime_t performanceTime = fPerformanceTimeBase + bigtime_t((frames - fFrameBase) * fUsecsPerFrame); _AddEntry(realTime, performanceTime); // Update performance time and drift. We don't use the given // performance time directly, but average it with the estimated // performance time. fPerformanceTime = (performanceTime + estimatedPerformanceTime) / 2; Entry& entry = fEntries[fFirstEntry]; fDrift = double(fPerformanceTime - entry.performanceTime) / double(fRealTime - entry.realTime); } void TimeComputer::_AddEntry(bigtime_t realTime, bigtime_t performanceTime) { fLastEntry = (fLastEntry + 1) % kEntryCount; Entry& entry = fEntries[fLastEntry]; entry.realTime = realTime; entry.performanceTime = performanceTime; if (fLastEntry == fFirstEntry) fFirstEntry = (fFirstEntry + 1) % kEntryCount; }