/* * Copyright 2020, Shubham Bhagat, shubhambhagat111@yahoo.com * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ShortDirectory.h" ShortDirectory::ShortDirectory(Inode* inode) : fInode(inode), fTrack(0) { fHeader = (ShortFormHeader*)(DIR_DFORK_PTR(fInode->Buffer())); } ShortDirectory::~ShortDirectory() { } uint8 ShortDirectory::GetFileType(ShortFormEntry* entry) { ASSERT(fInode->HasFileTypeField() == true); return entry->name[entry->namelen]; } ShortFormEntry* ShortDirectory::FirstEntry() { return (ShortFormEntry*) ((char*) fHeader + HeaderSize()); } size_t ShortDirectory::HeaderSize() { if (fHeader->i8count) return sizeof(ShortFormHeader); else return sizeof(ShortFormHeader) - sizeof(uint32); } xfs_ino_t ShortDirectory::GetIno(ShortFormInodeUnion* inum) { if (fHeader->i8count) return B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(inum->i8); else return B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(inum->i4); } xfs_ino_t ShortDirectory::GetEntryIno(ShortFormEntry* entry) { if (fInode->HasFileTypeField()) return GetIno((ShortFormInodeUnion*)(entry->name + entry->namelen + sizeof(uint8))); else return GetIno((ShortFormInodeUnion*)(entry->name + entry->namelen)); } size_t ShortDirectory::EntrySize(int namelen) { return sizeof(ShortFormEntry) + namelen + (fInode->HasFileTypeField()? sizeof(uint8) : 0) + (fHeader->i8count? sizeof(uint64):sizeof(uint32)); } status_t ShortDirectory::Lookup(const char* name, size_t length, xfs_ino_t* ino) { TRACE("ShortDirectory::Lookup\n"); if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(name, "..") == 0) { xfs_ino_t rootIno = fInode->GetVolume()->Root(); if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || (rootIno == fInode->ID())) { *ino = fInode->ID(); TRACE("ShortDirectory:Lookup: name: \".\" ino: (%d)\n", *ino); return B_OK; } *ino = GetIno(&fHeader->parent); TRACE("Parent: (%d)\n", *ino); return B_OK; } ShortFormEntry* entry = FirstEntry(); TRACE("Length of first entry: (%d),offset of first entry:" "(%d)\n", entry->namelen, B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(entry->offset.i)); int status; for (int i = 0; i < fHeader->count; i++) { status = strncmp(name, (char*)entry->name, entry->namelen); if (status == 0) { *ino = GetEntryIno(entry); return B_OK; } entry = (ShortFormEntry*) ((char*) entry + EntrySize(entry->namelen)); } return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } status_t ShortDirectory::GetNext(char* name, size_t* length, xfs_ino_t* ino) { if (fTrack == 0) { // Return '.' if (*length < 2) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; *length = 2; strlcpy(name, ".", *length + 1); *ino = fInode->ID(); fTrack = 1; TRACE("ShortDirectory:GetNext: name: \".\" ino: (%d)\n", *ino); return B_OK; } if (fTrack == 1) { // Return '..' if (*length < 3) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; *length = 3; strlcpy(name, "..", *length + 1); *ino = GetIno(&fHeader->parent); fTrack = 2; TRACE("ShortDirectory:GetNext: name: \"..\" ino: (%d)\n", *ino); return B_OK; } ShortFormEntry* entry = FirstEntry(); TRACE("Length of first entry: (%d), offset of first entry:" "(%d)\n", entry->namelen, B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(entry->offset.i)); for (int i = 0; i < fHeader->count; i++) { uint16 curOffset = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(entry->offset.i); if (curOffset > fLastEntryOffset) { if (entry->namelen + 1 > *length) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; fLastEntryOffset = curOffset; memcpy(name, entry->name, entry->namelen); name[entry->namelen] = '\0'; *length = entry->namelen + 1; *ino = GetEntryIno(entry); TRACE("Entry found. Name: (%s), Length: (%ld),ino: (%ld)\n", name, *length, *ino); return B_OK; } entry = (ShortFormEntry*)((char*)entry + EntrySize(entry->namelen)); } return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; }