/* * Copyright 2007-2009, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. * Copyright 2002, Tyler Dauwalder. * * This file may be used under the terms of the MIT License. */ /*!
The standard to which this module is written is ECMA-119 second edition, a freely available iso9660 equivalent.
Joliet support comes courtesy of the following document: http://www-plateau.cs.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/jolspec.htm As specified there, the existence of any of the following escape sequences in a supplementary volume descriptor's "escape sequences" field denotes a Joliet volume descriptor using unicode ucs-2 character encoding (2-byte characters, big-endian): - UCS-2 Level 1: 0x252F40 == "%/@" - UCS-2 Level 2: 0x252F43 == "%/C" - UCS-2 Level 3: 0x252F45 == "%/E" The following UCS-2 characters are considered illegal (we allow them, printing out a warning if encountered): - All values between 0x0000 and 0x001f inclusive == control chars - 0x002A == '*' - 0x002F == '/' - 0x003A == ':' - 0x003B == ';' - 0x003F == '?' - 0x005C == '\' */ #include "iso9660_identify.h" #ifndef FS_SHELL # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #endif #include "iso9660.h" //#define TRACE(x) ; #define TRACE(x) dprintf x static const char *kISO9660Signature = "CD001"; static const uint32 kVolumeDescriptorLength = 2048; #define ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH 32 #define ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH 32 //! Volume descriptor types typedef enum { ISO9660VD_BOOT, ISO9660VD_PRIMARY, ISO9660VD_SUPPLEMENTARY, ISO9660VD_PARTITION, ISO9660VD_TERMINATOR = 255 } iso9660_descriptor_type; /*! \brief The portion of the volume descriptor common to all descriptor types. */ typedef struct iso9660_common_descriptor { uint8 type; char standard_identifier[5]; // should be 'CD001' uint8 version; // Remaining bytes are unused } __attribute__((packed)) iso9660_common_volume_descriptor; typedef struct iso9660_volume_descriptor { iso9660_common_descriptor common; uint8 flags; char system_identifier[32]; char identifier[ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; uint8 _reserved0[8]; uint32 size; uint32 size_big_endian; char escape_sequences[ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH]; // unused on primary descriptor uint16 set_size; uint16 set_size_big_endian; uint16 sequence_number; uint16 sequence_number_big_endian; uint16 logical_block_size; uint16 logical_block_size_big_endian; uint32 path_table_size; uint32 path_table_size_big_endian; uint32 _reserved1[4]; uint8 root_directory_record[34]; char set_identifier[28]; // Remaining bytes are disinteresting to us } __attribute__((packed)) iso9660_volume_descriptor; typedef struct iso9660_directory_record { uint8 length; uint8 extended_attribute_record_length; uint32 location; uint32 location_big_endian; uint32 data_length; uint8 _reserved[14]; uint16 volume_space; } __attribute__((packed)) iso9660_directory_record; static void dump_directory_record(iso9660_directory_record *record, const char *indent); // #pragma mark - /*! \brief Creates a new iso9660_info struct with empty volume names. \note Use the applicable set_XYZ_volume_name() functions rather than messing with the volume name data members directly. */ iso9660_info::iso9660_info() : iso9660_name(NULL), joliet_name(NULL) { } iso9660_info::~iso9660_info() { free(iso9660_name); free(joliet_name); } /*! \brief Returns true if a valid volume name exists. */ bool iso9660_info::IsValid() { return iso9660_name != NULL || joliet_name != NULL; } /*! \brief Sets the iso9660 volume name. \param name UTF-8 string containing the name. \param length The length (in bytes) of the string. */ void iso9660_info::SetISO9660Name(const char *name, uint32 length) { _SetString(&iso9660_name, name, length); } /*! \brief Sets the Joliet volume name. \param name UTF-8 string containing the name. \param length The length (in bytes) of the string. */ void iso9660_info::SetJolietName(const char *name, uint32 length) { _SetString(&joliet_name, name, length); } /*! \brief Returns the volume name of highest precedence. Currently, the ordering is (decreasingly): - Joliet - iso9660 */ const char* iso9660_info::PreferredName() { if (joliet_name) return joliet_name; return iso9660_name; } /*! \brief Copies the given string into the old string, managing memory deallocation and allocation as necessary. */ void iso9660_info::_SetString(char **string, const char *newString, uint32 newLength) { if (string == NULL) return; TRACE(("iso9660_info::set_string(%p ('%s'), '%s', %u)\n", string, *string, newString, (unsigned)newLength)); char *&oldString = *string; free(oldString); if (newString) { oldString = (char*)malloc(newLength + 1); if (oldString != NULL) { memcpy(oldString, newString, newLength); oldString[newLength] = '\0'; } } else oldString = NULL; } // #pragma mark - C functions /*! \brief Converts the given unicode character to utf8. */ static void unicode_to_utf8(uint32 c, char **out) { char *s = *out; if (c < 0x80) *(s++) = c; else if (c < 0x800) { *(s++) = 0xc0 | (c >> 6); *(s++) = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } else if (c < 0x10000) { *(s++) = 0xe0 | (c >> 12); *(s++) = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f); *(s++) = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } else if (c <= 0x10ffff) { *(s++) = 0xf0 | (c >> 18); *(s++) = 0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f); *(s++) = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f); *(s++) = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } *out = s; } static const char* descriptor_type_to_string(iso9660_descriptor_type type) { switch (type) { case ISO9660VD_BOOT: return "boot"; case ISO9660VD_PRIMARY: return "primary"; case ISO9660VD_SUPPLEMENTARY: return "supplementary"; case ISO9660VD_PARTITION: return "partiton"; case ISO9660VD_TERMINATOR: return "terminator"; default: return "invalid"; } } static void dump_common_descriptor(iso9660_common_descriptor *common, const char *indent, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) TRACE(("%siso9660_common_descriptor:\n", indent)); TRACE(("%s volume descriptor type: %d (%s)\n", indent, common->type, descriptor_type_to_string( (iso9660_descriptor_type)common->type))); TRACE(("%s standard identifier: %.5s (%s)\n", indent, common->standard_identifier, strncmp(common->standard_identifier, kISO9660Signature, 5) == 0 ? "valid" : "INVALID")); TRACE(("%s version: %d\n", indent, common->version)); } static void dump_primary_descriptor(iso9660_volume_descriptor *primary, const char *indent, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) TRACE(("%siso9660_primary_descriptor:\n", indent)); dump_common_descriptor(&primary->common, indent, false); TRACE(("%s identifier: '%.32s'\n", indent, primary->identifier)); TRACE(("%s size: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->size))); TRACE(("%s set size: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->set_size))); TRACE(("%s sequence number: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->sequence_number))); TRACE(("%s logical block size: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->logical_block_size))); TRACE(("%s path table size: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->path_table_size))); TRACE(("%s set identifier: %.28s\n", indent, primary->set_identifier)); dump_directory_record((iso9660_directory_record*) primary->root_directory_record, indent); } static void dump_supplementary_descriptor(iso9660_volume_descriptor *supplementary, const char *indent, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) TRACE(("%siso9660_supplementary_descriptor:\n", indent)); dump_primary_descriptor(supplementary, indent, false); TRACE(("%s escape sequences: ", indent)); for (int i = 0; i < ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH; i++) { TRACE((" %2x", supplementary->escape_sequences[i])); if (i == ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH / 2 - 1) TRACE(("\n ")); } TRACE(("\n")); } static void dump_directory_record(iso9660_directory_record *record, const char *indent) { TRACE(("%s root directory record:\n", indent)); TRACE(("%s length: %d\n", indent, record->length)); TRACE(("%s location: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(record->location))); TRACE(("%s data length: %d\n", indent, (int)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(record->data_length))); TRACE(("%s volume space: %d\n", indent, B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(record->volume_space))); } static status_t check_common_descriptor(iso9660_common_descriptor *common) { if (common == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; return strncmp(common->standard_identifier, kISO9660Signature, 5) == 0 ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - Public functions // iso9660_fs_identify /*! \brief Returns true if the given partition is a valid iso9660 partition. See fs_identify_hook() for more information. \todo Fill in partitionInfo->mounted_at with something useful. */ status_t iso9660_fs_identify(int deviceFD, iso9660_info *info) { char buffer[ISO_PVD_SIZE]; bool exit = false; bool found = false; status_t error = B_OK; TRACE(("identify(%d, %p)\n", deviceFD, info)); off_t offset = 0x8000; // Read through the volume descriptors looking for a primary descriptor. // If for some reason there are more than one primary descriptor, the // volume name from the last encountered descriptor will be used. while (!error && !exit) {// && count++ < 10) { iso9660_common_descriptor *common = NULL; // Read the block containing the current descriptor error = read_pos(deviceFD, offset, (void *)&buffer, ISO_PVD_SIZE); offset += ISO_PVD_SIZE; if (error < ISO_PVD_SIZE) break; common = (iso9660_common_descriptor*)buffer; error = check_common_descriptor(common); if (error < B_OK) break; // dump_common_descriptor(common, "", true); // Handle each type of descriptor appropriately TRACE(("found %s descriptor\n", descriptor_type_to_string( (iso9660_descriptor_type)common->type))); found = true; switch (common->type) { case ISO9660VD_BOOT: break; case ISO9660VD_PRIMARY: { iso9660_volume_descriptor *primary = (iso9660_volume_descriptor*)buffer; int i; dump_primary_descriptor(primary, " ", true); // Cut off any trailing spaces from the volume id. Note // that this allows for spaces INSIDE the volume id, even // though that's not technically allowed by the standard; // this was necessary to support certain RedHat 6.2 CD-ROMs // from a certain Linux company who shall remain unnamed. ;-) for (i = ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (primary->identifier[i] != 0x20) break; } // Give a holler if the iso9660 name is already set if (info->iso9660_name) { char name[ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH + 1]; strlcpy(name, primary->identifier, i + 1); TRACE(("duplicate iso9660 volume name found, using " "latter (`%s') instead of former (`%s')\n", name, info->iso9660_name)); } info->SetISO9660Name(primary->identifier, i + 1); info->max_blocks = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(primary->set_size); break; } case ISO9660VD_SUPPLEMENTARY: { iso9660_volume_descriptor *supplementary = (iso9660_volume_descriptor*)buffer; dump_supplementary_descriptor(supplementary, " ", true); // Copy and null terminate the escape sequences char escapes[ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH + 1]; strlcpy(escapes, supplementary->escape_sequences, ISO9660_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH + 1); // Check for a Joliet VD if (strstr(escapes, "%/@") || strstr(escapes, "%/C") || strstr(escapes, "%/E")) { char name[(ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH * 3 / 2) + 1]; // Since we're dealing with 16-bit Unicode, each // UTF-8 sequence will be at most 3 bytes long. char *pos = name; uint16 ch; // Walk thru the unicode volume name, converting to utf8 as we go. for (int i = 0; (ch = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16( ((uint16*)supplementary->identifier)[i])) && i < ISO9660_VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH; i++) { // Give a warning if the character is technically // illegal if (ch <= 0x001F || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == ':' || ch == ';' || ch == '?' || ch == '\\') { TRACE(("warning: illegal Joliet character " "found: 0%4x\n", ch)); } // Convert to utf-8 unicode_to_utf8(ch, &pos); } pos[0] = '\0'; // Give a holler if the joliet name is already set if (info->joliet_name) { TRACE(("duplicate joliet volume name found, using " "latter (`%s') instead of former (`%s')\n", name, info->joliet_name)); } info->SetJolietName(name, pos - name); } break; } case ISO9660VD_PARTITION: break; case ISO9660VD_TERMINATOR: exit = true; break; default: break; } } return found ? B_OK : error; }