/* * Copyright 2017, Chế Vũ Gia Hy, cvghy116@gmail.com. * Copyright 2011, Jérôme Duval, korli@users.berlios.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef BTRFS_H #define BTRFS_H #include "system_dependencies.h" typedef uint64 fileblock_t; // file block number typedef uint64 fsblock_t; // filesystem block number #define BTRFS_LABEL_SIZE 256 #define BTRFS_SUPER_BLOCK_OFFSET 0x10000 // 64KiB #define BTRFS_RESERVED_SPACE_OFFSET 0x100000 // 1MiB #define BTRFS_NUM_ROOT_BACKUPS 4 struct btrfs_backup_roots { uint64 root; uint64 root_generation; uint64 chunk_root; uint64 chunk_root_generation; uint64 extent_root; uint64 extent_root_generation; uint64 fs_root; uint64 fs_root_generation; uint64 device_root; uint64 device_root_generation; uint64 csum_root; uint64 csum_root_generation; uint64 total_size; uint64 used_size; uint64 num_devices; uint8 unused_1[32]; uint8 root_level; uint8 chunk_root_level; uint8 extent_root_level; uint8 fs_root_level; uint8 device_root_level; uint8 csum_root_level; uint8 unused_2[10]; uint64 Root() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(root); } uint64 RootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(root_generation); } uint64 ChunkRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(chunk_root); } uint64 ChunkRootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(chunk_root_generation); } uint64 ExtentRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(extent_root); } uint64 ExtentRootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(extent_root_generation); } uint64 FSRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(fs_root); } uint64 FSRootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(fs_root_generation); } uint64 DeviceRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(device_root); } uint64 DeviceRootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(device_root_generation); } uint64 CSumRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(csum_root); } uint64 CSumRootGen() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(csum_root_generation); } uint8 RootLevel() const { return root_level; } uint8 ChunkRootLevel() const { return chunk_root_level; } uint8 ExtentRootLevel() const { return extent_root_level; } uint8 FSRootLevel() const { return fs_root_level; } uint8 DeviceRootLevel() const { return device_root_level; } uint8 CSumRootLevel() const { return csum_root_level; } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_key { uint64 object_id; uint8 type; uint64 offset; uint64 ObjectID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(object_id); } uint8 Type() const { return type; } uint64 Offset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(offset); } void SetObjectID(uint64 id) { object_id = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(id); } void SetType(uint8 key_type) { type = key_type; } void SetOffset(uint64 off) { offset = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(off); } int32 Compare(const btrfs_key& key) const; // implemented in BTree.cpp } _PACKED; struct btrfs_timespec { uint64 seconds; uint32 nanoseconds; } _PACKED; struct btrfs_header { uint8 checksum[32]; uuid_t fsid; uint64 logical_address; uint64 flags; uuid_t chunk_tree_uuid; uint64 generation; uint64 owner; uint32 item_count; uint8 level; uint64 LogicalAddress() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(logical_address); } uint64 Flags() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(flags); } uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 Owner() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(owner); } uint32 ItemCount() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(item_count); } uint8 Level() const { return level; } void SetLogicalAddress(uint64 logical) { logical_address = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(logical); } void SetGeneration(uint64 gen) { generation = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(gen); } void SetItemCount(uint32 itemCount) { item_count = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(itemCount); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_index { btrfs_key key; uint64 logical_address; uint64 generation; uint64 LogicalAddress() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(logical_address); } uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } void SetLogicalAddress(uint64 address) { logical_address = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(address); } void SetGeneration(uint64 gen) { generation = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(gen); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_entry { btrfs_key key; uint32 offset; uint32 size; uint32 Offset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(offset); } uint32 Size() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(size); } void SetOffset(uint32 off) { offset = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(off); } void SetSize(uint32 itemSize) { size = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(itemSize); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_stream { btrfs_header header; union { btrfs_entry entries[0]; btrfs_index index[0]; }; } _PACKED; struct btrfs_stripe { uint64 device_id; uint64 offset; uuid_t device_uuid; uint64 DeviceID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(device_id); } uint64 Offset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(offset); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_chunk { uint64 length; uint64 owner; uint64 stripe_length; uint64 type; uint32 io_align; uint32 io_width; uint32 sector_size; uint16 stripe_count; uint16 sub_stripes; btrfs_stripe stripes[0]; uint64 Length() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(length); } uint64 Owner() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(owner); } uint64 StripeLength() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(stripe_length); } uint64 Type() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(type); } uint32 IOAlign() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(io_align); } uint32 IOWidth() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(io_width); } uint32 SectorSize() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(sector_size); } uint16 StripeCount() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(stripe_count); } uint16 SubStripes() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(sub_stripes); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_device { uint64 id; uint64 total_size; uint64 used_size; uint32 io_align; uint32 io_width; uint32 sector_size; uint64 type; uint64 generation; uint64 start_offset; uint32 group; uint8 seek_speed; uint8 bandwidth; uuid_t uuid; uuid_t fsid; } _PACKED; struct btrfs_super_block { uint8 checksum[32]; uuid_t fsid; uint64 blocknum; uint64 flags; char magic[8]; uint64 generation; uint64 root; uint64 chunk_root; uint64 log_root; uint64 log_root_transaction_id; uint64 total_size; uint64 used_size; uint64 root_dir_object_id; uint64 num_devices; uint32 sector_size; uint32 node_size; uint32 leaf_size; uint32 stripe_size; uint32 system_chunk_array_size; uint64 chunk_root_generation; uint64 compat_flags; uint64 readonly_flags; uint64 incompat_flags; uint16 checksum_type; uint8 root_level; uint8 chunk_root_level; uint8 log_root_level; btrfs_device device; char label[BTRFS_LABEL_SIZE]; uint64 reserved[32]; uint8 system_chunk_array[2048]; btrfs_backup_roots backup_roots[BTRFS_NUM_ROOT_BACKUPS]; // implemented in Volume.cpp: bool IsValid() const; void Initialize(const char* name, off_t numBlocks, uint32 blockSize, uint32 sectorSize); uint64 TotalSize() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(total_size); } uint32 BlockSize() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(node_size); } uint32 SectorSize() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(sector_size); } uint64 RootDirObjectID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(root_dir_object_id); } uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 Root() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(root); } uint64 ChunkRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(chunk_root); } uint64 LogRoot() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(log_root); } uint8 ChunkRootLevel() const { return chunk_root_level; } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_inode { uint64 generation; uint64 transaction_id; uint64 size; uint64 nbytes; uint64 blockgroup; uint32 num_links; uint32 uid; uint32 gid; uint32 mode; uint64 rdev; uint64 flags; uint64 sequence; uint64 reserved[4]; btrfs_timespec access_time; btrfs_timespec change_time; btrfs_timespec modification_time; btrfs_timespec creation_time; uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 Size() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(size); } uint32 UserID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(uid); } uint32 GroupID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(gid); } uint32 Mode() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(mode); } uint64 Flags() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(flags); } uint64 Sequence() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(sequence); } static void _DecodeTime(struct timespec& timespec, const btrfs_timespec& time) { timespec.tv_sec = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(time.seconds); timespec.tv_nsec = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(time.nanoseconds); } void GetAccessTime(struct timespec& timespec) const { _DecodeTime(timespec, access_time); } void GetChangeTime(struct timespec& timespec) const { _DecodeTime(timespec, change_time); } void GetModificationTime(struct timespec& timespec) const { _DecodeTime(timespec, modification_time); } void GetCreationTime(struct timespec& timespec) const { _DecodeTime(timespec, creation_time); } static void SetTime(btrfs_timespec& time, const struct timespec& timespec) { time.seconds = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(timespec.tv_sec); time.nanoseconds = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(timespec.tv_nsec); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_inode_ref { uint64 index; uint16 name_length; uint8 name[]; uint64 Index() const { return index; } uint16 NameLength() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(name_length); } uint16 Length() const { return sizeof(btrfs_inode_ref) + NameLength(); } void SetName(const char* name, uint16 nameLength) { name_length = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT16(nameLength); memcpy(this->name, name, nameLength); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_root { btrfs_inode inode; uint64 generation; uint64 root_dirid; uint64 logical_address; uint64 limit_bytes; uint64 used_bytes; uint64 last_snapshot; uint64 flags; uint32 refs; btrfs_key drop_progress; uint8 drop_level; uint8 level; uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 LogicalAddress() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(logical_address); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_dir_entry { btrfs_key location; uint64 transaction_id; uint16 data_length; uint16 name_length; uint8 type; uint8 name[]; // if attribute data exists, it goes here uint16 DataLength() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(data_length); } uint16 NameLength() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(name_length); } ino_t InodeID() const { return location.ObjectID(); } uint16 Length() const { return sizeof(*this) + NameLength() + DataLength(); } void SetTransactionID(uint64 id) { transaction_id = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(id); } void SetAttributeData(void* data, uint16 dataLength) { data_length = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT16(dataLength); if (data != NULL) memcpy(&name[name_length], data, dataLength); } void SetName(const char* name, uint16 nameLength) { name_length = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT16(nameLength); memcpy(this->name, name, nameLength); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_extent_data { uint64 generation; uint64 memory_size; uint8 compression; uint8 encryption; uint16 reserved; uint8 type; union { struct { uint64 disk_offset; uint64 disk_size; uint64 extent_offset; uint64 size; }; uint8 inline_data[0]; }; uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 MemoryBytes() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(memory_size); } uint8 Compression() const { return compression; } uint8 Type() const { return type; } uint64 DiskOffset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(disk_offset); } uint64 DiskSize() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(disk_size); } uint64 ExtentOffset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(extent_offset); } uint64 Size() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(size); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_block_group { uint64 used_space; uint64 chunk_object_id; uint64 flags; uint64 UsedSpace() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(used_space); } uint64 ChunkObjectID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(chunk_object_id); } uint64 Flags() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(flags); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_extent { uint64 refs; uint64 generation; uint64 flags; uint64 RefCount() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(refs); } uint64 Generation() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(generation); } uint64 Flags() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(flags); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_extent_inline_ref { uint8 type; uint64 offset; uint8 Type() const { return type; } uint64 Offset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(offset); } } _PACKED; struct btrfs_extent_data_ref { uint64 root_id; uint64 inode_id; uint64 offset; uint32 ref_count; uint64 RootID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(root_id); } uint64 InodeID() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(inode_id); } uint64 Offset() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(offset);} uint32 RefCount() const { return B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(ref_count); } } _PACKED; #define BTRFS_SUPER_BLOCK_MAGIC "_BHRfS_M" #define BTRFS_SUPER_BLOCK_MAGIC_TEMPORARY "!BHRfS_M" #define BTRFS_FIRST_SUBVOLUME 256 #define BTRFS_CSUM_TYPE_CRC32 0 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_ROOT_TREE 1 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_EXTENT_TREE 2 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_CHUNK_TREE 3 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_DEV_TREE 4 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_FS_TREE 5 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_ROOT_TREE_DIR 6 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_CHECKSUM_TREE 7 #define BTRFS_OBJECT_ID_FIRST_CHUNK_TREE 256 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_ANY 0 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_INODE_ITEM 1 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_INODE_REF 12 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_XATTR_ITEM 24 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_DIR_ITEM 84 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_DIR_INDEX 96 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_EXTENT_DATA 108 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_ROOT_ITEM 132 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_EXTENT_ITEM 168 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_METADATA_ITEM 169 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_EXTENT_DATA_REF 178 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_BLOCKGROUP_ITEM 192 #define BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_CHUNK_ITEM 228 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_COMPRESS_NONE 0 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_COMPRESS_ZLIB 1 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_COMPRESS_LZO 2 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_INLINE 0 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_REGULAR 1 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_PRE 2 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DATA 1 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_FLAG_TREE_BLOCK 2 #define BTRFS_EXTENT_FLAG_ALLOCATED 4 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_DATA 1 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_SYSTEM 2 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_METADATA 4 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_RAID0 8 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_RAID1 16 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_DUP 32 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_RAID10 64 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_RAID5 128 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_RAID6 256 #define BTRFS_BLOCKGROUP_FLAG_MASK 511 // d_type in struct dirent #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR 1 #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY 2 #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_CHRDEV 3 // character device #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_BLKDEV 4 // block device #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_FIFO 5 // fifo device #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_SOCKET 6 #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK 7 #define BTRFS_FILETYPE_XATTR 8 // ondisk but not user-visible struct file_cookie { bigtime_t last_notification; off_t last_size; int open_mode; }; #define BTRFS_OPEN_MODE_USER_MASK 0x7fffffff extern fs_volume_ops gBtrfsVolumeOps; extern fs_vnode_ops gBtrfsVnodeOps; #endif // BTRFS_H