/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Michael Lotz * Heavily based on the original usb_serial driver which is: * * Copyright (c) 2003 by Siarzhuk Zharski * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Tracing.h" #include "Driver.h" #include "USB3.h" #include //sprintf #include //posix file i/o - create, write, close #include #include #if DEBUG bool gLogEnabled = true; #else bool gLogEnabled = false; #endif bool gLogToFile = false; bool gLogAppend = false; bool gLogFunctionCalls = false; bool gLogFunctionReturns = false; bool gLogFunctionResults = false; static const char *sLogFilePath="/boot/home/"DRIVER_NAME".log"; static sem_id sLogLock; void load_settings() { void *settingsHandle; settingsHandle = load_driver_settings(DRIVER_NAME); #if !DEBUG gLogEnabled = get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_output", gLogEnabled, true); #endif gLogToFile = get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_output_in_file", gLogToFile, true); gLogAppend = !get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_output_file_rewrite", !gLogAppend, true); gLogFunctionCalls = get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_trace_func_calls", gLogFunctionCalls, false); gLogFunctionReturns = get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_trace_func_returns", gLogFunctionReturns, false); gLogFunctionResults = get_driver_boolean_parameter(settingsHandle, "debug_trace_func_results", gLogFunctionResults, false); unload_driver_settings(settingsHandle); } void create_log_file() { if(!gLogToFile) return; int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (!gLogAppend ? O_TRUNC : 0); close(open(sLogFilePath, flags, 0666)); sLogLock = create_sem(1, DRIVER_NAME"-logging"); } void usb_serial_trace(bool force, char *format, ...) { if (!gLogEnabled && !force) return; static char buffer[1024]; char *bufferPointer = buffer; if (!gLogToFile) { const char *prefix = "\33[32m"DRIVER_NAME":\33[0m "; strcpy(bufferPointer, prefix); bufferPointer += strlen(prefix); } va_list argumentList; va_start(argumentList, format); vsprintf(bufferPointer, format, argumentList); va_end(argumentList); if (gLogToFile) { acquire_sem(sLogLock); int fd = open(sLogFilePath, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); close(fd); release_sem(sLogLock); } else dprintf(buffer); } void trace_ddomain(struct ddomain *dd) { TRACE("struct ddomain:\n" "\tddrover: 0x%08x\n" "\tbg: %d, locked: %d\n", dd->r, dd->bg, dd->locked); } void trace_termios(struct termios *tios) { TRACE("struct termios:\n" "\tc_iflag: 0x%08x\n" "\tc_oflag: 0x%08x\n" "\tc_cflag: 0x%08x\n" "\tc_lflag: 0x%08x\n" "\tc_line: 0x%08x\n" // "\tc_ixxxxx: 0x%08x\n" // "\tc_oxxxxx: 0x%08x\n" "\tc_cc[0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x]\n", tios->c_iflag, tios->c_oflag, tios->c_cflag, tios->c_lflag, tios->c_line, // tios->c_ixxxxx, tios->c_oxxxxx, tios->c_cc[0], tios->c_cc[1], tios->c_cc[2], tios->c_cc[3], tios->c_cc[4], tios->c_cc[5], tios->c_cc[6], tios->c_cc[7], tios->c_cc[8], tios->c_cc[9], tios->c_cc[10]); } void trace_str(struct str *str) { TRACE("struct str:\n" "\tbuffer: 0x%08x\n" "\tbufsize: %d\n" "\tcount: %d\n" "\ttail: %d\n" "\tallocated: %d\n", str->buffer, str->bufsize, str->count, str->tail, str->allocated); } void trace_winsize(struct winsize *ws) { TRACE("struct winsize:\n" "\tws_row: %d\n" "\tws_col: %d\n" "\tws_xpixel: %d\n" "\tws_ypixel: %d\n", ws->ws_row, ws->ws_col, ws->ws_xpixel, ws->ws_ypixel); } void trace_tty(struct tty *tty) { TRACE("struct tty:\n" "\tnopen: %d, flags: 0x%08x,\n", tty->nopen, tty->flags); TRACE("ddomain dd:\n"); trace_ddomain(&tty->dd); TRACE("ddomain ddi:\n"); trace_ddomain(&tty->ddi); TRACE("\tpgid: %08x\n", tty->pgid); TRACE("termios t:"); trace_termios(&tty->t); TRACE("\tiactivity: %d, ibusy: %d\n", tty->iactivity, tty->ibusy); TRACE("str istr:\n"); trace_str(&tty->istr); TRACE("str rstr:\n"); trace_str(&tty->rstr); TRACE("str ostr:\n"); trace_str(&tty->ostr); TRACE("winsize wsize:\n"); trace_winsize(&tty->wsize); TRACE("\tservice: 0x%08x\n", tty->service); }