/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Michael Lotz * Heavily based on the original usb_serial driver which is: * * Copyright (c) 2003 by Siarzhuk Zharski * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Alexander von Gluck IV, kallisti5@unixzen.com */ #include #include "SerialDevice.h" #include "USB3.h" #include "ACM.h" #include "FTDI.h" #include "KLSI.h" #include "Option.h" #include "Prolific.h" #include "Silicon.h" #include SerialDevice::SerialDevice(usb_device device, uint16 vendorID, uint16 productID, const char *description) : fDevice(device), fVendorID(vendorID), fProductID(productID), fDescription(description), fDeviceOpen(false), fDeviceRemoved(false), fControlPipe(0), fReadPipe(0), fWritePipe(0), fBufferArea(-1), fReadBuffer(NULL), fReadBufferSize(ROUNDUP(DEF_BUFFER_SIZE, 16)), fOutputBuffer(NULL), fOutputBufferSize(ROUNDUP(DEF_BUFFER_SIZE, 16)), fWriteBuffer(NULL), fWriteBufferSize(ROUNDUP(DEF_BUFFER_SIZE, 16)), fInterruptBuffer(NULL), fInterruptBufferSize(16), fDoneRead(-1), fDoneWrite(-1), fControlOut(0), fInputStopped(false), fMasterTTY(NULL), fSlaveTTY(NULL), fSystemTTYCookie(NULL), fDeviceTTYCookie(NULL), fInputThread(-1), fStopThreads(false) { memset(&fTTYConfig, 0, sizeof(termios)); fTTYConfig.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD; } SerialDevice::~SerialDevice() { Removed(); if (fDoneRead >= 0) delete_sem(fDoneRead); if (fDoneWrite >= 0) delete_sem(fDoneWrite); if (fBufferArea >= 0) delete_area(fBufferArea); } status_t SerialDevice::Init() { fDoneRead = create_sem(0, "usb_serial:done_read"); if (fDoneRead < 0) return fDoneRead; fDoneWrite = create_sem(0, "usb_serial:done_write"); if (fDoneWrite < 0) return fDoneWrite; size_t totalBuffers = fReadBufferSize + fOutputBufferSize + fWriteBufferSize + fInterruptBufferSize; fBufferArea = create_area("usb_serial:buffers_area", (void **)&fReadBuffer, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ROUNDUP(totalBuffers, B_PAGE_SIZE), B_CONTIGUOUS, B_READ_AREA | B_WRITE_AREA); if (fBufferArea < 0) return fBufferArea; fOutputBuffer = fReadBuffer + fReadBufferSize; fWriteBuffer = fOutputBuffer + fOutputBufferSize; fInterruptBuffer = fWriteBuffer + fWriteBufferSize; return B_OK; } void SerialDevice::SetControlPipe(usb_pipe handle) { fControlPipe = handle; } void SerialDevice::SetReadPipe(usb_pipe handle) { fReadPipe = handle; } void SerialDevice::SetWritePipe(usb_pipe handle) { fWritePipe = handle; } inline int32 baud_index_to_speed(int index) { switch (index) { case B0: return 0; case B50: return 50; case B75: return 75; case B110: return 110; case B134: return 134; case B150: return 150; case B200: return 200; case B300: return 300; case B600: return 600; case B1200: return 1200; case B1800: return 1800; case B2400: return 2400; case B4800: return 4800; case B9600: return 9600; case B19200: return 19200; case B31250: return 31250; case B38400: return 38400; case B57600: return 57600; case B115200: return 115200; case B230400: return 230400; } TRACE_ALWAYS("invalid baud index %d\n", index); return -1; } void SerialDevice::SetModes(struct termios *tios) { TRACE_FUNCRES(trace_termios, tios); uint8 baud = tios->c_cflag & CBAUD; int32 speed = baud_index_to_speed(baud); if (speed < 0) { baud = CBAUD; speed = tios->c_ospeed; } // update our master config in full memcpy(&fTTYConfig, tios, sizeof(termios)); fTTYConfig.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; fTTYConfig.c_cflag |= baud; // only apply the relevant parts to the device side termios config; memset(&config, 0, sizeof(termios)); config.c_cflag = tios->c_cflag; config.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; config.c_cflag |= baud; // update the termios of the device side gTTYModule->tty_control(fDeviceTTYCookie, TCSETA, &config, sizeof(termios)); SetHardwareFlowControl((tios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) != 0); usb_cdc_line_coding lineCoding; lineCoding.speed = speed; lineCoding.stopbits = (tios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) ? USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_2_STOPBITS : USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_1_STOPBIT; if (tios->c_cflag & PARENB) { lineCoding.parity = USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_EVEN_PARITY; if (tios->c_cflag & PARODD) lineCoding.parity = USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_ODD_PARITY; } else lineCoding.parity = USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_NO_PARITY; lineCoding.databits = (tios->c_cflag & CS8) ? 8 : 7; if (memcmp(&lineCoding, &fLineCoding, sizeof(usb_cdc_line_coding)) != 0) { fLineCoding.speed = lineCoding.speed; fLineCoding.stopbits = lineCoding.stopbits; fLineCoding.databits = lineCoding.databits; fLineCoding.parity = lineCoding.parity; TRACE("send to modem: speed %d sb: 0x%08x db: 0x%08x parity: 0x%08x\n", fLineCoding.speed, fLineCoding.stopbits, fLineCoding.databits, fLineCoding.parity); SetLineCoding(&fLineCoding); } } bool SerialDevice::Service(struct tty *tty, uint32 op, void *buffer, size_t length) { if (!fDeviceOpen) return false; if (tty != fMasterTTY) return false; switch (op) { case TTYENABLE: { bool enable = *(bool *)buffer; TRACE("TTYENABLE: %sable\n", enable ? "en" : "dis"); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWDCD, enable); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWCTS, enable); fControlOut = enable ? USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_DTR | USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_RTS : 0; SetControlLineState(fControlOut); return true; } case TTYISTOP: fInputStopped = *(bool *)buffer; TRACE("TTYISTOP: %sstopped\n", fInputStopped ? "" : "not "); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWCTS, !fInputStopped); return true; case TTYGETSIGNALS: TRACE("TTYGETSIGNALS\n"); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWDCD, (fControlOut & (USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_DTR | USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_RTS)) != 0); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWCTS, !fInputStopped); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWDSR, false); gTTYModule->tty_hardware_signal(fSystemTTYCookie, TTYHWRI, false); return true; case TTYSETMODES: TRACE("TTYSETMODES\n"); SetModes((struct termios *)buffer); return true; case TTYSETDTR: case TTYSETRTS: { bool set = *(bool *)buffer; uint8 bit = op == TTYSETDTR ? USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_DTR : USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_RTS; if (set) fControlOut |= bit; else fControlOut &= ~bit; SetControlLineState(fControlOut); return true; } case TTYOSTART: case TTYOSYNC: case TTYSETBREAK: TRACE("TTY other\n"); return true; } return false; } status_t SerialDevice::Open(uint32 flags) { if (fDeviceOpen) return B_BUSY; if (fDeviceRemoved) return B_DEV_NOT_READY; fMasterTTY = gTTYModule->tty_create(usb_serial_service, true); if (fMasterTTY == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("open: failed to init master tty\n"); return B_NO_MEMORY; } fSlaveTTY = gTTYModule->tty_create(usb_serial_service, false); if (fSlaveTTY == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("open: failed to init slave tty\n"); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fMasterTTY); return B_NO_MEMORY; } fSystemTTYCookie = gTTYModule->tty_create_cookie(fMasterTTY, fSlaveTTY, O_RDWR); if (fSystemTTYCookie == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("open: failed to init system tty cookie\n"); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fMasterTTY); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fSlaveTTY); return B_NO_MEMORY; } fDeviceTTYCookie = gTTYModule->tty_create_cookie(fSlaveTTY, fMasterTTY, O_RDWR); if (fDeviceTTYCookie == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("open: failed to init device tty cookie\n"); gTTYModule->tty_destroy_cookie(fSystemTTYCookie); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fMasterTTY); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fSlaveTTY); return B_NO_MEMORY; } ResetDevice(); fStopThreads = false; fInputThread = spawn_kernel_thread(_InputThread, "usb_serial input thread", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); if (fInputThread < 0) { TRACE_ALWAYS("open: failed to spawn input thread\n"); return fInputThread; } resume_thread(fInputThread); fControlOut = USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_DTR | USB_CDC_CONTROL_SIGNAL_STATE_RTS; SetControlLineState(fControlOut); status_t status = gUSBModule->queue_interrupt(fControlPipe, fInterruptBuffer, fInterruptBufferSize, _InterruptCallbackFunction, this); if (status < B_OK) TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to queue initial interrupt\n"); // set our config (will propagate to the slave config as well in SetModes() gTTYModule->tty_control(fSystemTTYCookie, TCSETA, &fTTYConfig, sizeof(termios)); fDeviceOpen = true; return B_OK; } status_t SerialDevice::Read(char *buffer, size_t *numBytes) { if (fDeviceRemoved) { *numBytes = 0; return B_DEV_NOT_READY; } return gTTYModule->tty_read(fSystemTTYCookie, buffer, numBytes); } status_t SerialDevice::Write(const char *buffer, size_t *numBytes) { if (fDeviceRemoved) { *numBytes = 0; return B_DEV_NOT_READY; } size_t bytesLeft = *numBytes; *numBytes = 0; while (bytesLeft > 0) { size_t length = MIN(bytesLeft, 256); // TODO: This is an ugly hack; We use a small buffer size so that // we don't overrun the tty line buffer and cause it to block. While // that isn't a problem, we shouldn't just hardcode the value here. status_t result = gTTYModule->tty_write(fSystemTTYCookie, buffer, &length); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to write to tty: %s\n", strerror(result)); return result; } buffer += length; *numBytes += length; bytesLeft -= length; while (true) { // Write to the device as long as there's anything in the tty buffer int readable = 0; gTTYModule->tty_control(fDeviceTTYCookie, FIONREAD, &readable, sizeof(readable)); if (readable == 0) break; result = _WriteToDevice(); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to write to device: %s\n", strerror(result)); return result; } } } if (*numBytes > 0) return B_OK; return B_ERROR; } status_t SerialDevice::Control(uint32 op, void *arg, size_t length) { if (fDeviceRemoved) return B_DEV_NOT_READY; return gTTYModule->tty_control(fSystemTTYCookie, op, arg, length); } status_t SerialDevice::Select(uint8 event, uint32 ref, selectsync *sync) { if (fDeviceRemoved) return B_DEV_NOT_READY; return gTTYModule->tty_select(fSystemTTYCookie, event, ref, sync); } status_t SerialDevice::DeSelect(uint8 event, selectsync *sync) { if (fDeviceRemoved) return B_DEV_NOT_READY; return gTTYModule->tty_deselect(fSystemTTYCookie, event, sync); } status_t SerialDevice::Close() { OnClose(); fStopThreads = true; fInputStopped = false; fDeviceOpen = false; if (!fDeviceRemoved) { gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fReadPipe); gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fWritePipe); gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fControlPipe); } gTTYModule->tty_close_cookie(fSystemTTYCookie); gTTYModule->tty_close_cookie(fDeviceTTYCookie); int32 result = B_OK; wait_for_thread(fInputThread, &result); fInputThread = -1; gTTYModule->tty_destroy_cookie(fSystemTTYCookie); gTTYModule->tty_destroy_cookie(fDeviceTTYCookie); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fMasterTTY); gTTYModule->tty_destroy(fSlaveTTY); fMasterTTY = NULL; fSlaveTTY = NULL; fSystemTTYCookie = NULL; fDeviceTTYCookie = NULL; return B_OK; } status_t SerialDevice::Free() { return B_OK; } void SerialDevice::Removed() { if (fDeviceRemoved) return; // notifies us that the device was removed fDeviceRemoved = true; // we need to ensure that we do not use the device anymore fStopThreads = true; fInputStopped = false; gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fReadPipe); gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fWritePipe); gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fControlPipe); } status_t SerialDevice::AddDevice(const usb_configuration_info *config) { // default implementation - does nothing return B_ERROR; } status_t SerialDevice::ResetDevice() { // default implementation - does nothing return B_OK; } status_t SerialDevice::SetLineCoding(usb_cdc_line_coding *coding) { // default implementation - does nothing return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t SerialDevice::SetControlLineState(uint16 state) { // default implementation - does nothing return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t SerialDevice::SetHardwareFlowControl(bool enable) { // default implementation - does nothing return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } void SerialDevice::OnRead(char **buffer, size_t *numBytes) { // default implementation - does nothing } void SerialDevice::OnWrite(const char *buffer, size_t *numBytes, size_t *packetBytes) { memcpy(fWriteBuffer, buffer, *numBytes); } void SerialDevice::OnClose() { // default implementation - does nothing } int32 SerialDevice::_InputThread(void *data) { SerialDevice *device = (SerialDevice *)data; while (!device->fStopThreads) { status_t status = gUSBModule->queue_bulk(device->fReadPipe, device->fReadBuffer, device->fReadBufferSize, device->_ReadCallbackFunction, data); if (status < B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("input thread: queueing failed with error: 0x%08x\n", status); return status; } status = acquire_sem_etc(device->fDoneRead, 1, B_CAN_INTERRUPT, 0); if (status < B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("input thread: failed to get read done sem 0x%08x\n", status); return status; } if (device->fStatusRead != B_OK) { TRACE("input thread: device status error 0x%08x\n", device->fStatusRead); if (device->fStatusRead == B_DEV_STALLED && gUSBModule->clear_feature(device->fReadPipe, USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("input thread: failed to clear halt feature\n"); return B_ERROR; } continue; } char *buffer = device->fReadBuffer; size_t readLength = device->fActualLengthRead; device->OnRead(&buffer, &readLength); if (readLength == 0) continue; while (device->fInputStopped) snooze(100); status = gTTYModule->tty_write(device->fDeviceTTYCookie, buffer, &readLength); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("input thread: failed to write into TTY\n"); return status; } } return B_OK; } status_t SerialDevice::_WriteToDevice() { char *buffer = fOutputBuffer; size_t bytesLeft = fOutputBufferSize; status_t status = gTTYModule->tty_read(fDeviceTTYCookie, buffer, &bytesLeft); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("write to device: failed to read from TTY: %s\n", strerror(status)); return status; } while (!fDeviceRemoved && bytesLeft > 0) { size_t length = MIN(bytesLeft, fWriteBufferSize); size_t packetLength = length; OnWrite(buffer, &length, &packetLength); status = gUSBModule->queue_bulk(fWritePipe, fWriteBuffer, packetLength, _WriteCallbackFunction, this); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("write to device: queueing failed with status " "0x%08x\n", status); return status; } status = acquire_sem_etc(fDoneWrite, 1, B_CAN_INTERRUPT, 0); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("write to device: failed to get write done sem " "0x%08x\n", status); return status; } if (fStatusWrite != B_OK) { TRACE("write to device: device status error 0x%08x\n", fStatusWrite); if (fStatusWrite == B_DEV_STALLED) { status = gUSBModule->clear_feature(fWritePipe, USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("write to device: failed to clear device " "halt\n"); return B_ERROR; } } continue; } buffer += length; bytesLeft -= length; } return B_OK; } void SerialDevice::_ReadCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data, size_t actualLength) { TRACE_FUNCALLS("read callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: 0x%08x " "length: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength); SerialDevice *device = (SerialDevice *)cookie; device->fActualLengthRead = actualLength; device->fStatusRead = status; release_sem_etc(device->fDoneRead, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE); } void SerialDevice::_WriteCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data, size_t actualLength) { TRACE_FUNCALLS("write callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: 0x%08x " "length: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength); SerialDevice *device = (SerialDevice *)cookie; device->fActualLengthWrite = actualLength; device->fStatusWrite = status; release_sem_etc(device->fDoneWrite, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE); } void SerialDevice::_InterruptCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data, size_t actualLength) { TRACE_FUNCALLS("interrupt callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: " "0x%08x len: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength); SerialDevice *device = (SerialDevice *)cookie; device->fActualLengthInterrupt = actualLength; device->fStatusInterrupt = status; // ToDo: maybe handle those somehow? if (status == B_OK && !device->fDeviceRemoved) { status = gUSBModule->queue_interrupt(device->fControlPipe, device->fInterruptBuffer, device->fInterruptBufferSize, device->_InterruptCallbackFunction, device); } } SerialDevice * SerialDevice::MakeDevice(usb_device device, uint16 vendorID, uint16 productID) { // FTDI Serial Device for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kFTDIDevices) / sizeof(kFTDIDevices[0]); i++) { if (vendorID == kFTDIDevices[i].vendorID && productID == kFTDIDevices[i].productID) { return new(std::nothrow) FTDIDevice(device, vendorID, productID, kFTDIDevices[i].deviceName); } } // KLSI Serial Device for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kKLSIDevices) / sizeof(kKLSIDevices[0]); i++) { if (vendorID == kKLSIDevices[i].vendorID && productID == kKLSIDevices[i].productID) { return new(std::nothrow) KLSIDevice(device, vendorID, productID, kKLSIDevices[i].deviceName); } } // Prolific Serial Device for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kProlificDevices) / sizeof(kProlificDevices[0]); i++) { if (vendorID == kProlificDevices[i].vendorID && productID == kProlificDevices[i].productID) { return new(std::nothrow) ProlificDevice(device, vendorID, productID, kProlificDevices[i].deviceName); } } // Silicon Serial Device for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kSiliconDevices) / sizeof(kSiliconDevices[0]); i++) { if (vendorID == kSiliconDevices[i].vendorID && productID == kSiliconDevices[i].productID) { return new(std::nothrow) SiliconDevice(device, vendorID, productID, kSiliconDevices[i].deviceName); } } // Option Serial Device for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kOptionDevices) / sizeof(kOptionDevices[0]); i++) { if (vendorID == kOptionDevices[i].vendorID && productID == kOptionDevices[i].productID) { return new(std::nothrow) OptionDevice(device, vendorID, productID, kOptionDevices[i].deviceName); } } // Otherwise, return standard ACM device return new(std::nothrow) ACMDevice(device, vendorID, productID, "CDC ACM compatible device"); }