/* * Copyright 2008-2011, Michael Lotz * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ //! Driver for USB Human Interface Devices. #include "Driver.h" #include "HIDDevice.h" #include "HIDReport.h" #include "HIDWriter.h" #include "ProtocolHandler.h" #include "QuirkyDevices.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include HIDDevice::HIDDevice(usb_device device, const usb_configuration_info *config, size_t interfaceIndex, int32 quirkyIndex) : fStatus(B_NO_INIT), fDevice(device), fInterfaceIndex(interfaceIndex), fTransferScheduled(0), fTransferBufferSize(0), fTransferBuffer(NULL), fParentCookie(-1), fOpenCount(0), fRemoved(false), fParser(this), fProtocolHandlerCount(0), fProtocolHandlerList(NULL) { uint8 *reportDescriptor = NULL; size_t descriptorLength = 0; const usb_device_descriptor *deviceDescriptor = gUSBModule->get_device_descriptor(device); HIDWriter descriptorWriter; bool hasFixedDescriptor = false; if (quirkyIndex >= 0) { quirky_build_descriptor quirkyBuildDescriptor = gQuirkyDevices[quirkyIndex].build_descriptor; if (quirkyBuildDescriptor != NULL && quirkyBuildDescriptor(descriptorWriter) == B_OK) { reportDescriptor = (uint8 *)descriptorWriter.Buffer(); descriptorLength = descriptorWriter.BufferLength(); hasFixedDescriptor = true; } } if (!hasFixedDescriptor) { // Conforming device, find the HID descriptor and get the report // descriptor from the device. usb_hid_descriptor *hidDescriptor = NULL; const usb_interface_info *interfaceInfo = config->interface[interfaceIndex].active; for (size_t i = 0; i < interfaceInfo->generic_count; i++) { const usb_generic_descriptor &generic = interfaceInfo->generic[i]->generic; if (generic.descriptor_type == B_USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_HID) { hidDescriptor = (usb_hid_descriptor *)&generic; descriptorLength = hidDescriptor->descriptor_info[0].descriptor_length; break; } } if (hidDescriptor == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("didn't find a HID descriptor in the configuration, " "trying to retrieve manually\n"); descriptorLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor); hidDescriptor = (usb_hid_descriptor *)malloc(descriptorLength); if (hidDescriptor == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to allocate buffer for hid descriptor\n"); fStatus = B_NO_MEMORY; return; } status_t result = gUSBModule->send_request(device, USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE_IN | USB_REQTYPE_STANDARD, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, B_USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_HID << 8, interfaceIndex, descriptorLength, hidDescriptor, &descriptorLength); TRACE("get hid descriptor: result: 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "; length: %lu" "\n", result, descriptorLength); if (result == B_OK) { descriptorLength = hidDescriptor->descriptor_info[0].descriptor_length; } else { descriptorLength = 256; /* XXX */ TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to get HID descriptor, trying with a " "fallback report descriptor length of %lu\n", descriptorLength); } free(hidDescriptor); } reportDescriptor = (uint8 *)malloc(descriptorLength); if (reportDescriptor == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to allocate buffer for report descriptor\n"); fStatus = B_NO_MEMORY; return; } status_t result = gUSBModule->send_request(device, USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE_IN | USB_REQTYPE_STANDARD, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, B_USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_REPORT << 8, interfaceIndex, descriptorLength, reportDescriptor, &descriptorLength); TRACE("get report descriptor: result: 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "; length: %" B_PRIuSIZE "\n", result, descriptorLength); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed tot get report descriptor\n"); free(reportDescriptor); return; } } else { TRACE_ALWAYS("found quirky device, using patched descriptor\n"); } #if 1 // save report descriptor for troubleshooting char outputFile[128]; sprintf(outputFile, "/tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_%04x_%04x_%lu.bin", deviceDescriptor->vendor_id, deviceDescriptor->product_id, interfaceIndex); int fd = open(outputFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd >= 0) { write(fd, reportDescriptor, descriptorLength); close(fd); } #endif status_t result = fParser.ParseReportDescriptor(reportDescriptor, descriptorLength); if (!hasFixedDescriptor) free(reportDescriptor); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("parsing the report descriptor failed\n"); fStatus = result; return; } #if 0 for (uint32 i = 0; i < fParser.CountReports(HID_REPORT_TYPE_ANY); i++) fParser.ReportAt(HID_REPORT_TYPE_ANY, i)->PrintToStream(); #endif // find the interrupt in pipe usb_interface_info *interface = config->interface[interfaceIndex].active; for (size_t i = 0; i < interface->endpoint_count; i++) { usb_endpoint_descriptor *descriptor = interface->endpoint[i].descr; if ((descriptor->endpoint_address & USB_ENDPOINT_ADDR_DIR_IN) && (descriptor->attributes & USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_MASK) == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_INTERRUPT) { fEndpointAddress = descriptor->endpoint_address; fInterruptPipe = interface->endpoint[i].handle; break; } } if (fInterruptPipe == 0) { TRACE_ALWAYS("didn't find a suitable interrupt pipe\n"); return; } fTransferBufferSize = fParser.MaxReportSize(); if (fTransferBufferSize == 0) { TRACE_ALWAYS("report claims a report size of 0\n"); return; } // We pad the allocation size so that we can always read 32 bits at a time // (as done in HIDReportItem) without the need for an additional boundary // check. We don't increase the transfer buffer size though as to not expose // this implementation detail onto the device when scheduling transfers. fTransferBuffer = (uint8 *)malloc(fTransferBufferSize + 3); if (fTransferBuffer == NULL) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to allocate transfer buffer\n"); fStatus = B_NO_MEMORY; return; } if (quirkyIndex >= 0) { quirky_init_function quirkyInit = gQuirkyDevices[quirkyIndex].init_function; if (quirkyInit != NULL) { fStatus = quirkyInit(device, config, interfaceIndex); if (fStatus != B_OK) return; } } ProtocolHandler::AddHandlers(*this, fProtocolHandlerList, fProtocolHandlerCount); fStatus = B_OK; } HIDDevice::~HIDDevice() { ProtocolHandler *handler = fProtocolHandlerList; while (handler != NULL) { ProtocolHandler *next = handler->NextHandler(); delete handler; handler = next; } free(fTransferBuffer); } void HIDDevice::SetParentCookie(int32 cookie) { fParentCookie = cookie; } status_t HIDDevice::Open(ProtocolHandler *handler, uint32 flags) { atomic_add(&fOpenCount, 1); return B_OK; } status_t HIDDevice::Close(ProtocolHandler *handler) { atomic_add(&fOpenCount, -1); gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fInterruptPipe); // This will wake up any listeners. Whether they should close or retry // is handeled internally by the handlers. return B_OK; } void HIDDevice::Removed() { fRemoved = true; gUSBModule->cancel_queued_transfers(fInterruptPipe); } status_t HIDDevice::MaybeScheduleTransfer(HIDReport*) { if (fRemoved) return B_ERROR; if (atomic_get_and_set(&fTransferScheduled, 1) != 0) { // someone else already caused a transfer to be scheduled return B_OK; } TRACE("scheduling interrupt transfer of %lu bytes\n", fTransferBufferSize); status_t result = gUSBModule->queue_interrupt(fInterruptPipe, fTransferBuffer, fTransferBufferSize, _TransferCallback, this); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to schedule interrupt transfer 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result); return result; } return B_OK; } status_t HIDDevice::SendReport(HIDReport *report) { size_t actualLength; return gUSBModule->send_request(fDevice, USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE_OUT | USB_REQTYPE_CLASS, B_USB_REQUEST_HID_SET_REPORT, 0x200 | report->ID(), fInterfaceIndex, report->ReportSize(), report->CurrentReport(), &actualLength); } ProtocolHandler * HIDDevice::ProtocolHandlerAt(uint32 index) const { ProtocolHandler *handler = fProtocolHandlerList; while (handler != NULL) { if (index == 0) return handler; handler = handler->NextHandler(); index--; } return NULL; } void HIDDevice::_UnstallCallback(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data, size_t actualLength) { HIDDevice *device = (HIDDevice *)cookie; if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ALWAYS("Unable to unstall device: %s\n", strerror(status)); } // Now report the original failure, since we're ready to retry _TransferCallback(cookie, B_ERROR, device->fTransferBuffer, 0); } void HIDDevice::_TransferCallback(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data, size_t actualLength) { HIDDevice *device = (HIDDevice *)cookie; if (status == B_DEV_STALLED && !device->fRemoved) { // try clearing stalls right away, the report listeners will resubmit gUSBModule->queue_request(device->fDevice, USB_REQTYPE_STANDARD | USB_REQTYPE_ENDPOINT_OUT, USB_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE, USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT, device->fEndpointAddress, 0, NULL, _UnstallCallback, device); return; } atomic_set(&device->fTransferScheduled, 0); device->fParser.SetReport(status, device->fTransferBuffer, actualLength); }