/* * Copyright 2004-2009, Marcus Overhagen. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #define TRACE(a...) dprintf("ahci: " a) #define ERROR(a...) dprintf("ahci: " a) static inline uint32 round_to_pagesize(uint32 size) { return (size + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(B_PAGE_SIZE - 1); } area_id alloc_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t *phy, size_t size, uint32 protection, const char *name) { physical_entry pe; void * virtadr; area_id areaid; status_t rv; TRACE("allocating %ld bytes for %s\n", size, name); size = round_to_pagesize(size); areaid = create_area(name, &virtadr, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS, size, B_CONTIGUOUS, protection); if (areaid < B_OK) { ERROR("couldn't allocate area %s\n", name); return B_ERROR; } rv = get_memory_map(virtadr, size, &pe, 1); if (rv < B_OK) { delete_area(areaid); ERROR("couldn't get mapping for %s\n", name); return B_ERROR; } if (virt) *virt = virtadr; if (phy) *phy = pe.address; TRACE("area = %" B_PRId32 ", size = %ld, virt = %p, phy = %#" B_PRIxPHYSADDR "\n", areaid, size, virtadr, pe.address); return areaid; } area_id map_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t phy, size_t size, uint32 protection, const char *name) { uint32 offset; phys_addr_t phyadr; void *mapadr; area_id area; TRACE("mapping physical address %#" B_PRIxPHYSADDR " with %" B_PRIuSIZE " bytes for %s\n", phy, size, name); offset = phy & (B_PAGE_SIZE - 1); phyadr = phy - offset; size = round_to_pagesize(size + offset); area = map_physical_memory(name, phyadr, size, B_ANY_KERNEL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, protection, &mapadr); if (area < B_OK) { ERROR("mapping '%s' failed, error 0x%" B_PRIx32 " (%s)\n", name, area, strerror(area)); return area; } *virt = (char *)mapadr + offset; TRACE("physical = %#" B_PRIxPHYSADDR ", virtual = %p, offset = %" B_PRId32 ", phyadr = %#" B_PRIxPHYSADDR ", mapadr = %p, size = %" B_PRIuSIZE ", area = 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", phy, *virt, offset, phyadr, mapadr, size, area); return area; } status_t sg_memcpy(const physical_entry *sgTable, int sgCount, const void *data, size_t dataSize) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sgCount && dataSize > 0; i++) { size_t size = min_c(dataSize, sgTable[i].size); TRACE("sg_memcpy phyAddr %#" B_PRIxPHYSADDR ", size %lu\n", sgTable[i].address, size); vm_memcpy_to_physical(sgTable[i].address, data, size, false); data = (char *)data + size; dataSize -= size; } if (dataSize != 0) return B_ERROR; return B_OK; } void swap_words(void *data, size_t size) { uint16 *word = (uint16*)data; size_t count = size / 2; while (count--) { *word = (*word << 8) | (*word >> 8); word++; } }