/* * Copyright 2006-2010, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Jérôme Duval * * References: * Google search "technic doc genius" , http://www.bebits.com/app/2152 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EasyPenInputDevice.h" #include "keyboard_mouse_driver.h" /* IN ABSOLUTE MODE (MM Series) Least Most Bytes Bit to Significant Significant Bit to Transmitted Start Bit Bit Stop 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------- ----- --------------------------------------------- ------ 1st Byte 0 Fa Fb Fc Sy Sx T PR PH P 1 2nd Byte 0 X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 0 P 1 3rd Byte 0 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 0 P 1 4th Byte 0 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 0 P 1 5th Byte 0 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 0 P 1 */ #if DEBUG inline void LOG(const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); \ fputs(buf, EasyPenInputDevice::sLogFile); fflush(EasyPenInputDevice::sLogFile); } #define LOG_ERR(text...) LOG(text) FILE *EasyPenInputDevice::sLogFile = NULL; #else #define LOG(text...) #define LOG_ERR(text...) fprintf(stderr, text) #endif #define CALLED() LOG("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) const static uint32 kTabletThreadPriority = B_FIRST_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY + 4; const static char* kDeviceName = "Genius EasyPen"; struct tablet_device { tablet_device(BSerialPort *port); ~tablet_device(); input_device_ref device_ref; thread_id device_watcher; bool active; BSerialPort *serial; EasyPenInputDevice *owner; }; extern "C" BInputServerDevice * instantiate_input_device() { return new EasyPenInputDevice(); } EasyPenInputDevice::EasyPenInputDevice() { #if DEBUG sLogFile = fopen("/var/log/easypen_device_log.log", "a"); #endif } EasyPenInputDevice::~EasyPenInputDevice() { CALLED(); for (int32 i = 0; i < fDevices.CountItems(); i++) delete (tablet_device *)fDevices.ItemAt(i); #if DEBUG fclose(sLogFile); #endif } status_t EasyPenInputDevice::InitCheck() { CALLED(); BSerialPort *serial = new BSerialPort(); int count = serial->CountDevices(); char devName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; char byte; for (int i=0; iGetDeviceName(i, devName); serial->SetDataRate(B_9600_BPS); serial->SetDataBits(B_DATA_BITS_8); serial->SetStopBits(B_STOP_BITS_1); serial->SetParityMode(B_ODD_PARITY); serial->SetFlowControl(B_HARDWARE_CONTROL+B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL); serial->SetBlocking(true); serial->SetTimeout(800000); if (serial->Open(devName) < B_OK) { LOG("Fail to open %s\n", devName); continue; } snooze(250000); serial->Write("z9", 2); // 8 data bits,odd parity z 9 serial->Write("", 1); // Reset NUL serial->Write("DP", 2); // mode command D trigger command P snooze(250000); serial->ClearInput(); serial->Write("twP", 3); // Self-Test, Send Test Results, trigger command P serial->Read(&byte, 1); if ((byte & 0xf7) != 0x87) { LOG("Self test failed for %s %x\n", devName, byte & 0xf7); continue; } tablet_device *device = new tablet_device(serial); device->owner = this; input_device_ref *devices[2]; devices[0] = &device->device_ref; devices[1] = NULL; fDevices.AddItem(device); RegisterDevices(devices); serial = new BSerialPort(); } delete serial; LOG("Found %ld devices\n", fDevices.CountItems()); get_click_speed(kDeviceName, &fClickSpeed); return fDevices.CountItems() > 0 ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } status_t EasyPenInputDevice::Start(const char *name, void *cookie) { tablet_device *device = (tablet_device *)cookie; LOG("%s(%s)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, name); char threadName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(threadName, B_OS_NAME_LENGTH, "%s watcher", name); device->active = true; device->device_watcher = spawn_thread(DeviceWatcher, threadName, kTabletThreadPriority, device); if (device->device_watcher < B_OK) return device->device_watcher; resume_thread(device->device_watcher); return B_OK; } status_t EasyPenInputDevice::Stop(const char *name, void *cookie) { tablet_device *device = (tablet_device *)cookie; LOG("%s(%s)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, name); device->active = false; if (device->device_watcher >= 0) { suspend_thread(device->device_watcher); resume_thread(device->device_watcher); status_t dummy; wait_for_thread(device->device_watcher, &dummy); } return B_OK; } status_t EasyPenInputDevice::Control(const char *name, void *cookie, uint32 command, BMessage *message) { LOG("%s(%s, code: %lu)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, name, command); if (command == B_CLICK_SPEED_CHANGED) get_click_speed(kDeviceName, &fClickSpeed); return B_OK; } int32 EasyPenInputDevice::DeviceWatcher(void *arg) { tablet_device *dev = (tablet_device *)arg; EasyPenInputDevice *owner = dev->owner; tablet_movement movements; tablet_movement old_movements; BMessage *message; uint8 byte; uint8 bytes[4]; bigtime_t lastClickTimeStamp = 0LL; memset(&movements, 0, sizeof(movements)); memset(&old_movements, 0, sizeof(old_movements)); dev->serial->Write(":@FRb", 5); while (dev->active) { byte = 0; while(!byte) dev->serial->Read(&byte, 1); if (byte & 0x40 || !(byte & 0x80)) { // 7th bit on or 8th bit off snooze(10000); // this is a realtime thread, and something is wrong... continue; } if (dev->serial->Read(bytes, 4) != 4) continue; if (*(uint32*)bytes & 0x80808080) continue; movements.buttons = byte & 0x7; movements.timestamp = system_time(); movements.xpos = (bytes[1] << 7) | bytes[0]; movements.ypos = (bytes[3] << 7) | bytes[2]; uint32 buttons = old_movements.buttons ^ movements.buttons; LOG("%s: buttons: 0x%lx, x: %f, y: %f, clicks:%ld, wheel_x:%ld, wheel_y:%ld\n", dev->device_ref.name, movements.buttons, movements.xpos, movements.ypos, movements.clicks, movements.wheel_xdelta, movements.wheel_ydelta); movements.xpos /= 1950.0; movements.ypos /= 1500.0; LOG("%s: x: %f, y: %f, \n", dev->device_ref.name, movements.xpos, movements.ypos); if (buttons != 0) { message = new BMessage(B_MOUSE_UP); if ((buttons & movements.buttons) > 0) { message->what = B_MOUSE_DOWN; if(lastClickTimeStamp + owner->fClickSpeed <= movements.timestamp) movements.clicks = 1; else movements.clicks++; lastClickTimeStamp = movements.timestamp; message->AddInt32("clicks", movements.clicks); LOG("B_MOUSE_DOWN\n"); } else { LOG("B_MOUSE_UP\n"); } message->AddInt64("when", movements.timestamp); message->AddInt32("buttons", movements.buttons); message->AddFloat("x", movements.xpos); message->AddFloat("y", movements.ypos); owner->EnqueueMessage(message); } if (movements.xpos != 0.0 || movements.ypos != 0.0) { message = new BMessage(B_MOUSE_MOVED); if (message) { message->AddInt64("when", movements.timestamp); message->AddInt32("buttons", movements.buttons); message->AddFloat("x", movements.xpos); message->AddFloat("y", movements.ypos); message->AddFloat("be:tablet_x", movements.xpos); message->AddFloat("be:tablet_y", movements.ypos); message->AddFloat("be:tablet_pressure", movements.pressure); message->AddInt32("be:tablet_eraser", (movements.switches & B_ERASER) != 0); if (movements.tilt_x != 0.0 || movements.tilt_y != 0.0) { message->AddFloat("be:tablet_tilt_x", movements.tilt_x); message->AddFloat("be:tablet_tilt_y", movements.tilt_y); } owner->EnqueueMessage(message); } } if ((movements.wheel_ydelta != 0) || (movements.wheel_xdelta != 0)) { message = new BMessage(B_MOUSE_WHEEL_CHANGED); if (message) { message->AddInt64("when", movements.timestamp); message->AddFloat("be:wheel_delta_x", movements.wheel_xdelta); message->AddFloat("be:wheel_delta_y", movements.wheel_ydelta); owner->EnqueueMessage(message); } } old_movements = movements; } return 0; } // tablet_device tablet_device::tablet_device(BSerialPort *port) { serial = port; device_watcher = -1; active = false; device_ref.name = strdup(kDeviceName); device_ref.type = B_POINTING_DEVICE; device_ref.cookie = this; }; tablet_device::~tablet_device() { free(device_ref.name); }