#ifndef _ACCELERANT_H_
#define _ACCELERANT_H_

#include <BeBuild.h>
#include <SupportDefs.h>
#include <GraphicsDefs.h>
#include <OS.h>

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

#define B_ACCELERANT_ENTRY_POINT	"get_accelerant_hook"

typedef void * (*GetAccelerantHook)(uint32, void *);

void *get_accelerant_hook(uint32 feature, void *data);	

enum {
	/* initialization */
	B_INIT_ACCELERANT = 0,			/* required */
	B_CLONE_ACCELERANT,				/* required */
	B_UNINIT_ACCELERANT,			/* required */

	/* mode configuration */
	B_ACCELERANT_MODE_COUNT = 0x100,	/* required */
	B_GET_MODE_LIST,			/* required */
	B_PROPOSE_DISPLAY_MODE,		/* optional */
	B_SET_DISPLAY_MODE,			/* required */	
	B_GET_DISPLAY_MODE,			/* required */
	B_GET_FRAME_BUFFER_CONFIG,	/* required */
	B_GET_PIXEL_CLOCK_LIMITS,	/* required */
	B_MOVE_DISPLAY,				/* optional */
	B_SET_INDEXED_COLORS,		/* required if driver supports 8bit indexed modes */
	B_DPMS_CAPABILITIES,		/* required if driver supports DPMS */
	B_DPMS_MODE,				/* required if driver supports DPMS */
	B_SET_DPMS_MODE,			/* required if driver supports DPMS */
	B_GET_MONITOR_INFO,			/* optional */
	B_GET_EDID_INFO,			/* optional */

	/* cursor managment */
	B_MOVE_CURSOR = 0x200,		/* optional */
	B_SET_CURSOR_SHAPE,			/* optional */
	B_SHOW_CURSOR,				/* optional */

	/* synchronization */
	B_ACCELERANT_ENGINE_COUNT = 0x300,	/* required */
	B_ACQUIRE_ENGINE,			/* required */
	B_RELEASE_ENGINE,			/* required */
	B_WAIT_ENGINE_IDLE,			/* required */
	B_GET_SYNC_TOKEN,			/* required */
	B_SYNC_TO_TOKEN,			/* required */

	/* 2D acceleration */
	B_SCREEN_TO_SCREEN_BLIT = 0x400,	/* optional */
	B_FILL_RECTANGLE,			/* optional */
	B_INVERT_RECTANGLE,			/* optional */
	B_FILL_SPAN,				/* optional */
	B_SCREEN_TO_SCREEN_SCALED_FILTERED_BLIT,	/* optional.  NOTE: source and dest may NOT overlap */
	/* 3D acceleration */

typedef struct {
	uint32	version;			/* structure version number */
	char 	name[32];			/* a name the user will recognize the device by */
	char	chipset[32];		/* the chipset used by the device */
	char	serial_no[32];		/* serial number for the device */
	uint32	memory;				/* amount of memory on the device, in bytes */
	uint32	dac_speed;			/* nominal DAC speed, in MHz */
} accelerant_device_info;

typedef struct {
	uint32	pixel_clock;	/* kHz */
	uint16	h_display;		/* in pixels (not character clocks) */
	uint16	h_sync_start;
	uint16	h_sync_end;
	uint16	h_total;
	uint16	v_display;		/* in lines */
	uint16	v_sync_start;
	uint16	v_sync_end;
	uint16	v_total;
	uint32	flags;			/* sync polarity, etc. */
} display_timing;

typedef struct {
	display_timing	timing;			/* CTRC info */
	uint32		space;				/* pixel configuration */
	uint16		virtual_width;		/* in pixels */
	uint16		virtual_height;		/* in lines */
	uint16		h_display_start;	/* first displayed pixel in line */
	uint16		v_display_start;	/* first displayed line */
	uint32		flags;				/* mode flags */
} display_mode;

typedef struct {
	void	*frame_buffer;		/* pointer to first byte of frame buffer in virtual memory */
	void	*frame_buffer_dma;	/* pointer to first byte of frame buffer in physical memory for DMA */
	uint32	bytes_per_row;		/* number of bytes in one virtual_width line */
								/* not neccesarily the same as virtual_width * byte_per_pixel */
} frame_buffer_config;

typedef struct {
	uint16	h_res;			/* minimum effective change in horizontal pixels, usually 8 */
	uint16	h_sync_min;		/* min/max horizontal sync pulse width in pixels, a multiple of h_res */
	uint16	h_sync_max;
	uint16	h_blank_min;	/* min/max horizontal blank pulse width in pixels, a multiple of h_res */
	uint16	h_blank_max;
	uint16	v_res;			/* minimum effective change in vertical lines, usually 1 */
	uint16	v_sync_min;		/* min/max vertical sync pulse width in lines, a multiple of v_res */
	uint16	v_sync_max;
	uint16	v_blank_min;	/* min/max vertical blank pulse width in linex, a multiple of v_res */
	uint16	v_blank_max;
} display_timing_constraints;

// TODO: experimental API
typedef struct {
	uint32	version;
	char	vendor[128];
	char	name[128];
	char	serial_number[128];
	uint32	product_id;
	struct {
		uint16	week;
		uint16	year;
	}		produced;
	float	width;
	float	height;
	uint32	min_horizontal_frequency;	// in kHz
	uint32	max_horizontal_frequency;
	uint32	min_vertical_frequency;		// in Hz
	uint32	max_vertical_frequency;
	uint32	max_pixel_clock;			// in kHz
} monitor_info;

enum { /* mode flags */
	B_SCROLL = 1 << 0,
	B_8_BIT_DAC = 1 << 1,
	B_DPMS = 1 << 4,
	B_IO_FB_NA = 1 << 5

enum {	/* power saver flags */
	B_DPMS_ON = 1 << 0,
	B_DPMS_STAND_BY = 1 << 1,
	B_DPMS_SUSPEND = 1 << 2,
	B_DPMS_OFF = 1 << 3

enum {	/* timing flags */
	B_BLANK_PEDESTAL = 1 << 27,
	B_POSITIVE_HSYNC = 1 << 29,
	B_POSITIVE_VSYNC = 1 << 30,
	B_SYNC_ON_GREEN = 1 << 31

typedef struct {
	uint16	src_left;	/* guaranteed constrained to virtual width and height */
	uint16	src_top;
	uint16	dest_left;
	uint16	dest_top;
	uint16	width;	/* 0 to N, where zero means one pixel, one means two pixels, etc. */
	uint16	height;	/* 0 to M, where zero means one line, one means two lines, etc. */
} blit_params;

typedef struct {
	uint16	src_left;	/* guaranteed constrained to virtual width and height */
	uint16	src_top;
	uint16	src_width;	/* 0 to N, where zero means one pixel, one means two pixels, etc. */
	uint16	src_height;	/* 0 to M, where zero means one line, one means two lines, etc. */
	uint16	dest_left;
	uint16	dest_top;
	uint16	dest_width;	/* 0 to N, where zero means one pixel, one means two pixels, etc. */
	uint16	dest_height;	/* 0 to M, where zero means one line, one means two lines, etc. */
} scaled_blit_params;

typedef struct {
	uint16	left;	/* guaranteed constrained to virtual width and height */
	uint16	top;
	uint16	right;
	uint16	bottom;
} fill_rect_params;

typedef struct {
	uint32	engine_id;			/* 0 == no engine, 1,2,3 etc individual engines */
	uint32	capability_mask;	/* features this engine supports */
	void	*opaque;			/* optional pointer to engine private storage */
} engine_token;

enum {	/* engine capabilities */
	B_2D_ACCELERATION = 1 << 0,

typedef struct {
	uint64	counter;		/* counts issued primatives */
	uint32	engine_id;		/* what engine the counter is for */
	char	opaque[12];		/* 12 bytes of private storage */
} sync_token;

/* Masks for color info */
/* B_CMAP8    - 0x000000ff */
/* B_RGB15/16 - 0x0000ffff */
/* B_RGB24    - 0x00ffffff */
/* B_RGB32    - 0xffffffff */

typedef status_t (*init_accelerant)(int fd);
typedef ssize_t (*accelerant_clone_info_size)(void);
typedef void (*get_accelerant_clone_info)(void *data);
typedef status_t (*clone_accelerant)(void *data);
typedef void (*uninit_accelerant)(void);
typedef status_t (*get_accelerant_device_info)(accelerant_device_info *adi);

typedef uint32 (*accelerant_mode_count)(void);
typedef status_t (*get_mode_list)(display_mode *);
typedef status_t (*propose_display_mode)(display_mode *target, display_mode *low, display_mode *high);
typedef status_t (*set_display_mode)(display_mode *mode_to_set);
typedef status_t (*get_display_mode)(display_mode *current_mode);
typedef status_t (*get_frame_buffer_config)(frame_buffer_config *a_frame_buffer);
typedef status_t (*get_pixel_clock_limits)(display_mode *dm, uint32 *low, uint32 *high);
typedef status_t (*move_display_area)(uint16 h_display_start, uint16 v_display_start);
typedef status_t (*get_timing_constraints)(display_timing_constraints *dtc);
typedef void (*set_indexed_colors)(uint count, uint8 first, uint8 *color_data, uint32 flags);
typedef uint32 (*dpms_capabilities)(void);
typedef uint32 (*dpms_mode)(void);
typedef status_t (*set_dpms_mode)(uint32 dpms_flags);
typedef status_t (*get_preferred_display_mode)(display_mode *preferredMode);
typedef status_t (*get_monitor_info)(monitor_info *info);
typedef status_t (*get_edid_info)(void *info, uint32 size, uint32 *_version);
typedef sem_id (*accelerant_retrace_semaphore)(void);

typedef status_t (*set_cursor_shape)(uint16 width, uint16 height, uint16 hot_x, uint16 hot_y, uint8 *andMask, uint8 *xorMask);
typedef void (*move_cursor)(uint16 x, uint16 y);
typedef void (*show_cursor)(bool is_visible);

typedef uint32 (*accelerant_engine_count)(void);
typedef status_t (*acquire_engine)(uint32 capabilities, uint32 max_wait, sync_token *st, engine_token **et);
typedef status_t (*release_engine)(engine_token *et, sync_token *st);
typedef void (*wait_engine_idle)(void);
typedef status_t (*get_sync_token)(engine_token *et, sync_token *st);
typedef status_t (*sync_to_token)(sync_token *st);

typedef void (*screen_to_screen_blit)(engine_token *et, blit_params *list, uint32 count);
typedef void (*fill_rectangle)(engine_token *et, uint32 color, fill_rect_params *list, uint32 count);
typedef void (*invert_rectangle)(engine_token *et, fill_rect_params *list, uint32 count);
typedef void (*screen_to_screen_transparent_blit)(engine_token *et, uint32 transparent_color, blit_params *list, uint32 count);
typedef void (*screen_to_screen_scaled_filtered_blit)(engine_token *et, scaled_blit_params *list, uint32 count);

typedef void (*fill_span)(engine_token *et, uint32 color, uint16 *list, uint32 count);
	The uint16 *list points to a list of tripples:
		list[N+0]  Y co-ordinate of span
		list[N+1]  Left x co-ordinate of span
		list[N+2]  Right x co-ordinate of span
	where N is in the range 0 to count-1.

#if defined(__cplusplus)
