/* * Copyright 2011-2015, 2019 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com * Joseph Groover, looncraz@looncraz.net * * Corresponds to: * headers/os/interface/View.h hrev52835 * src/kits/interface/View.cpp hrev53446 */ /*! \file View.h \ingroup interface \ingroup libbe \brief BView class definition and support data structures. \since BeOS R5 */ // mouse buttons /*! \var B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON \brief Primary mouse button mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON \brief Secondary mouse button mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON \brief Tertiary mouse button mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ // mouse transit /*! \var B_ENTERED_VIEW \brief Mouse transit entered view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_INSIDE_VIEW \brief Mouse transit inside view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_EXITED_VIEW \brief Mouse transit exited view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_OUTSIDE_VIEW \brief Mouse transit outside view. \since BeOS R5 */ // event mask /*! \var B_POINTER_EVENTS \brief Mouse pointer events mask parameter. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS \brief Keyboard events mask parameter. \since BeOS R5 */ // event mask options /*! \var B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS \brief Prevents the attached window from losing its focused state while the mouse is held down. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_SUSPEND_VIEW_FOCUS \brief Events normally sent to the focus view are suppressed. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY \brief Send only the most recent MouseMoved() event to the view. \note New in Haiku: unless this flag is specified, both BWindow and BView::GetMouse() will filter out older mouse moved messages. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_FULL_POINTER_HISTORY \brief Send all MouseMoved() events to the view. \since Haiku R1 */ // event tracking /*! \var B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT \brief The whole rectangle moves with the cursor. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_TRACK_RECT_CORNER \brief The left top corner is fixed while the right and bottom edges move with the cursor. \since BeOS R3 */ // set font mask /*! \var B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE \brief Font family and style mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_SIZE \brief Font size mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_SHEAR \brief Font shear mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_ROTATION \brief Font rotation mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_SPACING \brief Font spacing mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_ENCODING \brief Font encoding mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_FACE \brief Font face mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_FLAGS \brief Font flags mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH \brief Font false bold width mask parameter. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var B_FONT_ALL \brief Font all properties mask parameter. \since BeOS R3 */ // view flags /*! \var B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE \brief Redraw the entire view on resize. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var _B_RESERVED1_ \brief Reserved for future use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var B_WILL_DRAW \brief Indicates that the view will do its own drawing. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_PULSE_NEEDED \brief Indicates that the view accepts Pulse() messages. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP \brief Indicates this is the default keyboard navigation view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FRAME_EVENTS \brief View responds to frame move and resize events. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_NAVIGABLE \brief The view is able to receive focus for keyboard navigation. Typically focus is indicated by drawing a blue rectangle around the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE \brief The view draws with sub-pixel precision. If this flag is not specified, drawing coordinates will be rounded to the nearest integer. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN \brief Indicates that the view responds to the DrawAfterChildren() hook method. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_INPUT_METHOD_AWARE \brief Indicates the view understands input method add-ons, as used for complex text input in CJK and other languages. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \var B_SCROLL_VIEW_AWARE \brief Indicates the view will properly manage scrollbars that have been targeted to it, i.e. update their ranges and proportions. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT \brief The view supports the layout APIs, i.e. it doesn't require an frame rectangle to be specified. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var B_INVALIDATE_AFTER_LAYOUT \brief Indicates that the view should be redraw after being added to a layout. \since Haiku R1 */ // resize mask variables, internal variables but are in a public header. /*! \var _RESIZE_MASK_ \brief Resize mask. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var _VIEW_TOP_ \brief View top mask variable. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var _VIEW_LEFT_ \brief View left mask variable. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var _VIEW_BOTTOM_ \brief View bottom mask variable. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var _VIEW_RIGHT_ \brief View right mask variable. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var _VIEW_CENTER_ \brief View center mask variable. Do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn inline uint32 _rule_(uint32 r1, uint32 r2, uint32 r3, uint32 r4) \brief Internal function, do not use. \since Haiku R1 */ // resize mask /*! \var B_FOLLOW_NONE \brief Follow none resize mask parameter. Equivalent to \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT | \c B_FOLLOW_TOP. The view maintains its position in its parent's coordinate system but not in the screen coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES \brief Follow all sides resize mask parameter. Equivalent to \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | \c B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM. The view will be resized with its parent view both horizontally and vertically. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_ALL \brief Equivalent to \c B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES. \since BeOS R3 */ // horizontal resize mask /*! \var B_FOLLOW_LEFT \brief The margin between the left side of the view and the left side of its parent remains constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_RIGHT \brief The margin between the right side of the view and the right side of its parent remains constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT \brief The margin between the left and right sides of the view and the left and right sides of its parent both remain constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_H_CENTER \brief The view maintains a constant relationship to the horizontal center of its parent view. \since BeOS R3 */ // vertical resize mask /*! \var B_FOLLOW_TOP \brief The margin between the top of the view and the top of its parent remains constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM \brief The margin between the bottom of the view and the bottom of its parent remains constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM \brief The margin between the top and bottom sides of the view and the top and bottom sides of its parent both remain constant. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER \brief The view maintains a constant relationship to the vertical center of its parent view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \var B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP \brief The margins between the left and top sides of the view and the left and top sides of its parent remain constant. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \class BView \ingroup interface \ingroup libbe \brief View base class. A BView is a rectangular area within a window that responds to mouse clicks and key presses, and acts as a surface for you to draw on. Most Interface Kit classes, with the notable exception of BWindow inherit from BView. Some of the time you might use a BView object as is, but most of the time you subclass BView to do something unique. To create a subclass of BView you generally override one or more of BView's hook methods to respond to user events such as MouseDown() or FrameMoved(). By default a BView does nothing in its hook methods unless otherwise stated, it's up to you to define what happens. To override the look of a BView you should override the Draw() or DrawAfterChildren() methods. See the section on Hook Methods below for more details. When a BView object is first created it has no parent or child views. How you add a view to the view hierarchy depends on if you want to use a standard view with a defined frame rectangle or to use the Layout APIs to position and size your view instead. If you create a standard view you need to add it to a window or another view using the AddChild() method, if you create a layout view you need to add your view to a layout using BLayout::AddView() or by adding it to a layout builder. Views are not very interesting until they, or one of their parents, are attached to a window as many of BView's methods depend on a connection to the App Server to do their work. In order to prevent multiple views from altering the window simultaneously though locking is required. To perform an action while the window is locked you issue the following code: \code if (Window()->LockLooper()) { ... Window()->UnlockLooper() } \endcode Whenever App Server calls a hook method it automatically locks the BWindow for you. Only one view attached to a window is able to receive keyboard events at a time. The view that is able to receive keyboard events such as KeyDown() is called the "focus view". MakeFocus() gives or removes focus from a view. Call IsFocus() to determine whether or not the view is the window's current focus view. When a view has focus an indicator should be drawn to inform the user. Typically the view is surrounded by a blue rectangle to indicate that it is the window's focus view. The color can be queried using the keyboard_navigation_color() function in InterfaceDefs.h Each view has its own coordinate system with the origin point (0.0, 0.0) located at the top left corner. You can convert a BPoint or BRect to or from the view's coordinate system to the coordinate system of its parent, or of the screen's coordinate system. See the section on Coordinate Conversion Methods for more details. The Application Server clips a BView to the region where it's permitted to draw which is never larger than the view's bound rectangle. A view can never draw outside its bounds nor can it draw outside of the bounds rectangle of any parent view. You may limit the clipping region further by passing a BRegion object to ConstrainClippingRegion(). You can obtain the current clipping region by calling GetClippingRegion(). Each view has a ViewColor() that fills the frame rectangle before the view does any drawing of its own. The default view color is white, you may change the view color by calling SetViewColor() or, as of Haiku R1, SetViewUIColor(). A commonly used view color is \c B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR which is a user-defined color used as the view color of most applications. If you set the view color to \c B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR then the Application Server won't erase the clipping region of the view before updating, this should only be used if the view erases itself by drawing on every pixel in the clipping region. If you want to set the view color of a view to be the same as its parent you need to set it within the AttachedToWindow() method of the view like so: \code SetViewColor(Parent()->ViewColor()); \endcode \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView::BView(const char* name, uint32 flags, BLayout* layout) \brief Layout constructor. To be used as part of a BLayout. You may use the Layout Methods found below to set the size and alignment constraints of the view. \c B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT is automatically set to the view. The view flags can be set after the view has been constructed by calling the SetFlags() methods. \param name The name of the view, can be \c NULL. \param flags The view flags, a mask of one or more of the following: - \c B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE Redraw the entire view on resize. - \c B_WILL_DRAW Indicates that the view will do its own drawing. - \c B_PULSE_NEEDED The view accepts Pulse() messages. - \c B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP Default for keyboard navigation. - \c B_FRAME_EVENTS Responds to move and resize events. - \c B_NAVIGABLE Able to receive keyboard navigation focus. - \c B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE Draws with sub-pixel precision. - \c B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN Responds to DrawAfterChildren(). - \c B_INPUT_METHOD_AWARE Allows access input method add-ons. - \c B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT Supports the layout APIs, i.e. it doesn't use a frame rectangle. - \c B_INVALIDATE_AFTER_LAYOUT Is redraw after added to a layout. \param layout A \a layout to set the view to. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BView::BView(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) \brief Standard constructor. A newly constructed BView object has no parent, you must assign it one by passing it into the AddChild() method of another view or window. Once the view or a parent view has been attached to a window the view becomes part of that window's view hierarchy. When the BView object is added as a child the \a frame values are interpreted in the parent's coordinate system. The frame rectangle should be specified in integral values to align on pixel boundaries, decimal values will be rounded. The resizing mode flags and view flags can be set after the view has been constructed by calling the SetResizingMode() and SetFlags() methods. \param frame The \a frame rectangle of the view. \param name The name of the view, can be \c NULL. \param resizingMode Defines the view's behavior when its parent is resized. \n\n It combines one of the following horizontal resizing constants: \li \c B_FOLLOW_TOP The margin between the top of the view and the top of its parent remains constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM The margin between the bottom of the view and the bottom of its parent remains constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM The margin between the top and bottom sides of the view and the top and bottom sides of the parent both remain constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER Maintains a constant relationship to the vertical center of the parent view. with one of the following vertical resizing constants: \li \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT The margin between the left side of the view and the left side of its parent remains constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_RIGHT The margin between the right side of the view and the right side of the parent remains constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT The margin between the left and right sides of the view and the left and right sides of its parent both remain constant. \li \c B_FOLLOW_H_CENTER The view maintains a constant relationship to the horizontal center of the parent view. or use one of the following combined horizontal/vertical constants: \li \c B_FOLLOW_NONE Equivalent to \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT | \c B_FOLLOW_TOP. \li \c B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES Equivalent to \c B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | \c B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM. \param flags The view flags, a mask of one or more of the following: - \c B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE Redraw the entire view on resize. - \c B_WILL_DRAW Indicates that the view will do its own drawing. - \c B_PULSE_NEEDED The view accepts Pulse() messages. - \c B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP Default for keyboard navigation. - \c B_FRAME_EVENTS Responds to move and resize events. - \c B_NAVIGABLE Able to receive keyboard navigation focus. - \c B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE Draws with sub-pixel precision. - \c B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN Responds to DrawAfterChildren(). - \c B_INPUT_METHOD_AWARE Allows access input method add-ons. - \c B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT Supports the layout APIs, i.e. it doesn't use a frame rectangle. - \c B_INVALIDATE_AFTER_LAYOUT Is redraw after added to a layout. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView::BView(BMessage* archive) \brief Archive constructor. \param archive The message data to construct the view from. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView::~BView() \brief Destructor method. Deletes the view and all children freeing any memory used. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \name Archiving */ //! @{ /*! \fn BArchivable* BView::Instantiate(BMessage* data) \brief Creates a new BView object from the \a data message. \returns A newly created BView object or \c NULL if the message doesn't contain an archived BView. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const \brief Archives the object into the \a data message. \param data A pointer to the BMessage object to archive the object into. \param deep Whether or not to archive child views as well. \return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code otherwise. \retval B_OK The object was archived successfully. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Ran out of memory while archiving the object. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name Hook Methods */ //! @{ /*! \fn status_t BView::AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from) \brief Hook method called when all views have been unarchived. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::AllArchived(BMessage* into) const \brief Hook method called when all views have been archived. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::AllAttached() \brief Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been attached to a window. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DetachedFromWindow() \brief Hook method called when the object is detached from a window. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::AttachedToWindow() \brief Hook method called when the object is attached to a window. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::AllDetached() \brief Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been detached from a window. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::Draw(BRect updateRect) \brief Draws the area of the view that intersects \a updateRect. Derived classes should override this method to draw their view. \remark This is an hook method called by the Interface Kit, you don't have to call it yourself. If you need to forcefully redraw the view consider calling Invalidate() instead. \param updateRect The rectangular area to be drawn. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect) \brief Perform any drawing that needs to be done after child view have already been drawn. \param updateRect The rectangular area to drawn in. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition) \brief Hook method called when the view is moved. \param newPosition The point of the top left corner of the frame that the view has been moved to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight) \brief Hook method called when the view is resized. \param newWidth The new width of the view. \param newHeight The new height of the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) \brief Hook method called when a keyboard key is pressed. \param bytes The bytes of the key combination pressed. \param numBytes The number of bytes in \a bytes. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) \brief Hook method called when a keyboard key is released. \param bytes The bytes of the key combination pressed. \param numBytes The number of bytes in \a bytes. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn virtual void BView::LayoutChanged() \brief Hook function that is called when the layout if this view, or one of its children, has changed. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants) \brief Hook method called when the layout is invalidated. \param descendants Whether or not child views have also been invalidated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) \brief Handle \a message received by the associated looper. \param message The \a message received by the associated looper. \see BHandler::MessageReceived() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MouseDown(BPoint where) \brief Hook method called when a mouse button is pressed. \param where The point on the screen where to mouse pointer is when the mouse button is pressed. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MouseUp(BPoint where) \brief Hook method called when a mouse button is released. \param where The point on the screen where to mouse pointer is when the mouse button is released. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* dragMessage) \brief Hook method called when the mouse is moved. \param where The new location of the mouse in the view's coordinate system. \param code One of the following: - \c B_ENTERED_VIEW The cursor has just entered the view. - \c B_INSIDE_VIEW The cursor is inside the view. - \c B_EXITED_VIEW The cursor has left the view's bounds. This only gets sent if the scope of the mouse events that the view can receive has been expanded by SetEventMask() or SetMouseEventMask(). - \c B_OUTSIDE_VIEW The cursor is outside the view. This only gets sent if the scope of the mouse events that the view can receive has been expanded by SetEventMask() or SetMouseEventMask(). \param dragMessage If a drag-and-drop operation is taking place this is a pointer to a BMessage that holds the drag information, otherwise the pointer is \c NULL. \sa SetEventMask(), SetMouseEventMask() \sa DragMessage() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::Pulse() \brief Hook method called when the view receives a \c B_PULSE message. An action is performed each time the App Server calls the Pulse() method. The pulse rate is set by SetPulseRate(). You can implement Pulse() to do anything you want. The default version does nothing. The pulse granularity is no better than once per 100,000 microseconds. \sa SetPulseRate() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView* scrollView) \brief Hook method called when the view becomes the target of \a scrollView. \param scrollView The BScrollView object that has targeted the view. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::WindowActivated(bool active) \brief Hook method called when the attached window is activated or deactivated. \param active \c true when the window becomes activated, \c false when the window becomes deactivated. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \fn BRect BView::Bounds() const \brief Returns the view's frame rectangle in the view's coordinate system. \return The view's bounding rectangle in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BRect BView::Frame() const \brief Returns the view's frame rectangle in the parent's coordinate system. \returns The view's frame rectangle in the parent's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \name Coordinate Conversions */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertToParent(BPoint* point) const \brief Convert \a point to the parent's coordinate system in place. \param point A pointer to a BPoint object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::ConvertToParent(BPoint point) const \brief Returns \a point converted to the parent's coordinate system. \param point A BPoint object to convert. \return A new BPoint object in the parent's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertFromParent(BPoint* point) const \brief Convert \a point from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place. \param point A pointer to a BPoint object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::ConvertFromParent(BPoint point) const \brief Returns \a point converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system. \param point A BPoint object to convert. \return A new BPoint object in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertToParent(BRect* rect) const \brief Convert \a rect to the parent's coordinate system in place. \param rect A pointer to a BRect object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BRect BView::ConvertToParent(BRect rect) const \brief Returns \a rect converted to the parent's coordinate system. \param rect A BRect object to convert. \return A new BRect object in the parent's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertFromParent(BRect* rect) const \brief Convert \a rect from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place. \param rect A pointer to a BRect object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BRect BView::ConvertFromParent(BRect rect) const \brief Returns \a rect converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system. \param rect A BRect object to convert. \return A new BRect object in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertToScreen(BPoint* point) const \brief Convert \a point to the screen's coordinate system in place. \param point A pointer to a BPoint object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::ConvertToScreen(BPoint point) const \brief Returns \a point converted to the screen's coordinate system. \param point A BPoint object to convert. \return A new BPoint object in the screen's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* point) const \brief Convert \a point from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place. \param point A pointer to a BPoint object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::ConvertFromScreen(BPoint point) const \brief Returns \a point converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system. \param point A BPoint object to convert. \return A new BPoint object in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertToScreen(BRect* rect) const \brief Convert \a rect to the screen's coordinate system in place. \param rect A pointer to a BRect object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BRect BView::ConvertToScreen(BRect rect) const \brief Returns \a rect converted to the screen's coordinate system. \param rect A BRect object to convert. \return A new BRect object in the screen's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConvertFromScreen(BRect* rect) const \brief Convert \a rect from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place. \param rect A pointer to a BRect object to convert. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BRect BView::ConvertFromScreen(BRect rect) const \brief Returns \a rect converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system. \param rect A BRect object to convert. \return A new BRect object in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \fn uint32 BView::Flags() const \brief Return the view flags set in the constructor or by SetFlags(). \return The view flags as a uint32 mask. \sa SetFlags() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetFlags(uint32 flags) \brief Sets the view flags to the \a flags mask. \param flags The view flags to set as a uint32 mask. \sa Flags() \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \fn void BView::Hide() \brief Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy. Calls to Hide() and Show() are cumulative. A visible view becomes hidden once the number of Hide() calls exceeds the number of Show() calls. \sa Show() \sa BWindow::Hide() \sa IsHidden() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::Show() \brief Shows the view making it visible. Calls to Hide() and Show() are cumulative. A hidden view becomes visible again once the number of Show() calls matches the number of Hide() calls. \sa Hide() \sa BWindow::Show() \sa IsHidden() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsFocus() const \brief Returns whether or not the view is the window's current focus view. The focus view changes as the user moves from one view to another either by pushing the tab key or by clicking a new view with the mouse. The change can be made programmatically via the MakeFocus() method. \returns \c true if the view is the current focus view, \c false otherwise. \sa MakeFocus() \sa BWindow::CurrentFocus() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsHidden(const BView* lookingFrom) const \brief Returns whether or not the view is hidden from the perspective of \a lookingFrom. A view is considered hidden if it, any of its parent views, or the window it's attached to has had the Hide() method called on it. This method allows you to determine the hidden status of a view from a different point on the view hierarchy. \param lookingFrom The view used as a base when determining the hidden status of the BView object. \return \c true if the view was hidden via the Hide() method, \c false otherwise. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsHidden() const \brief Returns whether or not the view is hidden. A view can be hidden either by calling Hide() on the view, calling Hide() on a parent view or calling Hide() on the window that the view is attached to. When a BWindow or BView is hidden, all its descendants are also hidden. This method only returns whether the view or an ancestor view has had the Hide() method called on it, it doesn't consider if the view is obscured by another view or is off-screen. A BView is not hidden by default. \return \c true if the view was hidden via the Hide() method, \c false otherwise. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsPrinting() const \brief Returns whether or not the view is drawing to a printer. This method should only be called from the Draw() or DrawAfterChildren() methods. If called from any other method this method returns \c false. The view may choose different fonts, images, or colors when drawing to a printer vs. when drawing to the screen. \return Returns \c true if drawing to a printer, \c false otherwise. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::LeftTop() const \brief Returns the left top corner point. \return The left top corner of the view as a BPoint object. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetResizingMode(uint32 mode) \brief Sets the resizing mode of the view according to the \a mode mask. The resizing mode is first set in the BView constructor. \sa ResizingMode() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn uint32 BView::ResizingMode() const \brief Returns the resizing mode flags mask set in the constructor or by SetResizingMode(). \returns the current resizing mode flags as a uint32 mask. \sa SetResizingMode() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewCursor(const BCursor* cursor, bool sync) \brief Assigns \a cursor to the view. This cursor will be displayed when the mouse is positioned inside the view. \param cursor The BCursor object to assign to the view. \param sync If \c true App Server is synchronized immediately forcing the change to occur. If \c false, the change will be put in the queue and will take effect when the pending requests are processed. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::Flush() const \brief Flushes the attached window's connection to App Server. \note If the view isn't attached to a window, Flush() does nothing. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::Sync() const \brief Synchronizes the attached window's connection to App Server. \warning If the view isn't attached to a window, Sync() might crash the application. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BWindow* BView::Window() const \brief Returns the window the view is attached to. \return The window the view is attached to or \c NULL if the view isn't attached to a window. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height) \brief Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the \a _width and \a _height parameters. Derived classes should override this method to set the preferred size of object. \remark Either the \a _width or \a _height parameter may be set to \c NULL if you only want to get the other one. \param[out] _width Pointer to a float to store the width of the view. \param[out] _height Pointer to a float to store the height of the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ResizeToPreferred() \brief Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant. \warning It is not recommended to use this method for views that are part of a BLayout. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \name Input Related */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::BeginRectTracking(BRect startRect, uint32 style) \brief Displays an outline rectangle on the view and initiates tracking. This method is typically called from the MouseDown() while EndRectTracking() is typically called from the MouseUp method(). \param startRect The initial frame in the view's coordinate system. \param style This parameter is set to one of the following: - \c B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT The position of the rect changes with the cursor while its size remains the same. - \c B_TRACK_RECT_CORNER The left top corner is fixed while the right and bottom edges move with the cursor. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::EndRectTracking() \brief Ends tracking removing the outline rectangle from the view. BeginRectTracking() is typically called from the MouseDown() while this method is typically called from the MouseUp() method. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BRect dragRect, BHandler* replyTo) \brief Initiates a drag-and-drop session. \warning This method only works if the BView objects are attached to a window. \param message Contains data to be dragged and dropped on the destination view. The caller retains responsibility for this object. \param dragRect An outline rectangle used in place of a bitmap image set in the view's coordinate system. \param replyTo The target set to handle the message sent in reply to the dragged message. If \c NULL the reply is instead directed to the BView object that initiated the drag-and-drop session. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* image, BPoint offset, BHandler* replyTo) \brief Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an \a image. \warning This method only works if the BView objects are attached to a window. \param message Contains data to be dragged and dropped on the destination view. The caller retains responsibility for this object. \param image Bitmap image dragged by the user. The memory used by the bitmap is freed automatically when the message is dropped. \param offset The offset to the hotspot within the image in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param replyTo The target set to handle the message sent in reply to the dragged message. If \c NULL the reply is instead directed to the BView object that initiated the drag-and-drop session. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* image, drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset, BHandler* replyTo) \brief Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an \a image with drawing_mode set by \a dragMode. \warning This method only works if the BView objects are attached to a window. \param message Contains data to be dragged and dropped on the destination view. The caller retains responsibility for this object. \param image Bitmap image dragged by the user. The memory used by the bitmap is freed automatically when the message is dropped. \param dragMode Sets the drawing_mode used to draw the dragged image. Set to \c B_OP_ALPHA to drag-and-drop partially transparent images. \param offset The offset to the hotspot within the image in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param replyTo The target set to handle the message sent in reply to the dragged message. If \c NULL the reply is instead directed to the BView object that initiated the drag-and-drop session. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetMouse(BPoint* _location, uint32* _buttons, bool checkMessageQueue) \brief Fills out the cursor location and the current state of the mouse buttons. The cursor doesn't have to be located within the view for this method to work, however, the view must be attached to a window. Don't use this method to track the mouse in your derived view, implement MouseMoved() instead. \param[out] _location Filled out with the cursor location in the view's coordinate system. \param[out] _buttons Filled out with a mask of the following values: - \c B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON - \c B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON - \c B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON \param checkMessageQueue If \c true pull from any pending MouseMoved() or MouseUp() events in the message queue top down before filling out the current mouse cursor state. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MakeFocus(bool focus) \brief Makes the view the current focus view of the window or gives up being the window's focus view. The focus view handles selections and KeyDown events when the the attached window is active. There can be only one focus view at a time per window. When called with \a focus set to \c true this method first calls MakeFocus() on the previously focused view with \a focus set to \c false. The focus doesn't automatically change when MouseDown() is called so calling MakeFocus() is the only way to make a view the focus view of a window. Classes derived from BView that can display the current selection, or that can accept pasted data should call MakeFocus() in their MouseDown() method to update the focus view of the window on click. If the view isn't attached to a window this method has no effect. \param focus \a true to set focus, \a false to remove it. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BScrollBar* BView::ScrollBar(orientation posture) const \brief Returns the BScrollBar object that has the BView set as its target. \param posture Either \c B_VERTICAL to get the vertical scroll bar or \c B_HORIZONTAL to get the horizontal scroll bar. \returns the Scrollbar object requested or \c NULL if none found. \see BScrollBar::SetTarget() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ScrollBy(float deltaX, float deltaY) \brief Scroll the view by \a deltaX horizontally and \a deltaY vertically. \param deltaX The amount to scroll horizontally. \param deltaY The amount to scroll vertically. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ScrollTo(float x, float y) \brief Scroll the view to the point specified by coordinates. \param x The x-coordinate to scroll the view to. \param y The y-coordinate to scroll the view to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn virtual void BView::ScrollTo(BPoint where) \brief Scroll the view to the point specified by \a where. \param where The location to scroll the view to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ScrollWithMouseWheelDelta(BScrollBar* scrollBar, float delta) \brief Handle the scroll wheel changing over scrollbars. - Extract the scrollbar change based on the mouse wheel \a delta into a protected method of BView. - The method is called from the MessageReceived() method of BScrollBar. With this change it is now a bit easier to scroll horizontally around the system by putting the mouse cursor over a horizontal scrollbar and using the wheel. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::SetEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options) \brief Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus. If \a mask includes \c B_POINTER_EVENTS then the view will receive mouse events even when the mouse isn't over the view and if it includes \c B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS the view will receive keyboard events even if it isn't in focus. The \a options mask options are as follows: - \c B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY Tells App Server to only send the most recent MouseMoved() event to the view sacrificing some granularity. - \c B_FULL_POINTER_HISTORY Tells App Server to send all MouseMoved() events to the view. \param mask The \a mask of \c B_POINTER_EVENTS and \c B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS to set. \param options Sets other event-handling options. \return \c B_OK if everything went fine or an error code, usually \c B_ERROR if something went wrong. \sa EventMask() \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn uint32 BView::EventMask() \brief Returns the current event mask. \return The current event mask as a uint32. \sa SetEventMask() \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::SetMouseEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options) \brief Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus from within MouseDown() until the following MouseUp() event. The \a options mask options are as follows: - \c B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY Tells App Server to send only the most recent MouseMoved() event to the view sacrificing mouse movement granularity. - \c B_FULL_POINTER_HISTORY Tells App Server to send all MouseMoved() events to the view. - \c B_SUSPEND_VIEW_FOCUS Events normally sent to the focus view are suppressed. While the mouse is held down, the keyboard is ignored. The view receiving the MouseDown() messages doesn't have to be the focus view to suppress focused messages. - \c B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS Prevents the attached window from losing its focused state while the mouse is held down, even if the mouse leaves the bounds of the window. \param mask The \a mask of \c B_POINTER_EVENTS and \c B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS to set. \param options Sets other event-handling options. \return \c B_OK if everything went fine or an error code, usually \c B_ERROR if something went wrong. \since BeOS R5 */ //! @} /*! \name Graphics State */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::PushState() \brief Saves the drawing state to the stack. The drawing state contains the following elements: - local and global origins - local and global scales - local and global clipping regions - the current drawing mode - pen size and location - the font context - foreground and background color - line cap and join modes - miter limit - stipple pattern A new state context is created after PushState() is called with a local scale at 0, a local origin at (0, 0), and no clipping region. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::PopState() \brief Restores the drawing state from the stack. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetOrigin(BPoint where) \brief Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system. \param where The point to set the origin to. \sa Origin() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetOrigin(float x, float y) \brief Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system. \param x The x-coordinate to set the origin to. \param y The y-coordinate to set the origin to. \sa Origin() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::Origin() const \brief Returns the origin point in the view's coordinate system. \return The local origin point in the view's coordinate system. \sa SetOrigin() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetTransform(BAffineTransform transform) \brief Sets a BAffineTransform to transform the coordinate system \sa See Transform() to get the current transformations, and TranslateBy(), ScaleBy() and RotateBy() for additional transformation options. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BAffineTransform BView::Transform() const \brief Returns the current BAffineTransform that is applied to the coordinate system \sa SetTransform() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::TranslateBy(double x, double y) \brief Translate the current view by coordinates. The translation of \a x and \a y are applied to the current transformation, not instead of, so it is an additive action. \sa See Transform() to get the current transformations, SetTransform(), ScaleBy() and RotateBy() for additional transformation options. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ScaleBy(double x, double y) \brief Scale the current view by factors \a x and \a y. The scaling with factors \a x and \a y are applied to the current transformation, not instead of, so it is an additive action. \sa See Transform() to get the current transformations, SetTransform(), TranslateBy() and RotateBy() for additional transformation options. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::RotateBy(double angleRadians) \brief Rotate the current view by \a angleRadians. The rotation is applied to the current transformation, not instead of, so it is an additive action. \sa See Transform() to get the current transformations, SetTransform(), ScaleBy() and TranslateBy() for additional transformation options. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetScale(float scale) const \brief Sets the scale of the coordinate system the view uses for drawing. The default scale is 1.0. A \a scale value lower than 1.0 reduces the size of the drawing coordinate system, a \a scale value greater than 1.0 magnifies the coordinate system; for example, a \a scale value of 0.5 cuts the drawing drawing area in half moving the drawing closer to the origin while a \a scale value of 2.0 doubles the drawing area and moving it away from the origin. Updating the \a scale of view won't update previously drawn elements. SetScale() calls are not commutative unless you call them across different drawing states as the following: \code view->SetScale(2); view->SetScale(2); // view's scale is 2 view2->SetScale(2); view2->PushState(); view2->SetScale(2); // view2's scale is 4 \endcode \param scale The scale factor to set. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn float BView::Scale() const \brief Return the current drawing scale. \return The current drawing scale. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetLineMode(cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin, float miterLimit) \brief Set line mode to use PostScript-style line cap and join modes. \a lineCap determines the shape of the endpoints of stroked paths while \a lineJoin determines the shape of the corners where two lines meet. The default miter limit is 10.0 which gives an angle of 11.478341°. \param lineCap One of the following: - \c B_ROUND_CAP A semicircle with diameter of line width is drawn at the endpoint. - \c B_BUTT_CAP A straight edge is drawn without extending beyond the endpoint. - \c B_SQUARE_CAP A straight edge is drawn extending past the endpoint by half the line width. \param lineJoin One of the following: - \c B_ROUND_JOIN Same as \c B_ROUND_CAP but for a join. - \c B_MITER_JOIN The lines are extended until they meet. If angle that they meet at is greater than the 2*arcsin(1/\a miterLimit) than a bevel join is used instead. - \c B_BEVEL_JOIN The area between the caps is filled with a triangle. - \c B_BUTT_JOIN Same as \c B_BUTT_CAP but for a join. - \c B_SQUARE_JOIN Same as \c B_SQUARE_CAP but for a join. \param miterLimit Sets the cut off angle before a miter join becomes a bevel join calculated by 2*arcsin(1/\a miterLimit). \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn join_mode BView::LineJoinMode() const \brief Returns the current line join mode. \return The current line join mode set to the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn cap_mode BView::LineCapMode() const \brief Returns the current line cap mode. \return The current line cap mode set to the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn float BView::LineMiterLimit() const \brief Returns the miter limit used for \c B_MITER_JOIN join mode. \return The current miter limit set to the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetFillRule(int32 rule) \brief Sets the fill rule for the view. A fill rule is a rule that describes an algorithm that is used to find out what the inside of a shape is. The concept comes from the SVG format. See the Mozilla documentation on the fill property of SVG for more information. \param rule There are two algorithms: the \c B_NONZERO and the \c B_EVEN_ODD algorithm. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn int32 BView::FillRule() const \brief Return the current fill mode. See BView::SetFillRule() for more information. \returns Returns \c 0 if no fill rule is applied, \c B_EVEN_ODD when the even-odd algorithm is applied, and \c B_NONZERO if the nonzero algorithm is applied. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode) \brief Sets the drawing mode of the view. The default drawing mode is \c B_OP_COPY. \param mode Set to one of the following: - \c B_OP_COPY - \c B_OP_OVER - \c B_OP_ERASE - \c B_OP_INVERT - \c B_OP_SELECT - \c B_OP_ALPHA - \c B_OP_MIN - \c B_OP_MAX - \c B_OP_ADD - \c B_OP_SUBTRACT - \c B_OP_BLEND \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn drawing_mode BView::DrawingMode() const \brief Return the current drawing_mode. \return The current drawing_mode. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetBlendingMode(source_alpha srcAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunc) \brief Set the blending mode which controls how transparency is used. \param srcAlpha Set to one of the following: - \c B_CONSTANT_ALPHA Use the high color's alpha channel. - \c B_PIXEL_ALPHA Use the alpha value of each pixel when drawing a bitmap. \param alphaFunc Set to one of the following: - \c B_ALPHA_OVERLAY Used for drawing a image with transparency over an opaque background. - \c B_ALPHA_COMPOSITE Used to composite two or more transparent images together offscreen to produce a new image drawn using \c B_ALPHA_OVERLAY mode. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetBlendingMode(source_alpha* srcAlpha, alpha_function* alphaFunc) const \brief Fill out \a srcAlpha and \a alphaFunc with the alpha mode and alpha function of the view. \param[out] srcAlpha The alpha mode to fill out. \param[out] alphaFunc The alpha function to fill out. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::MovePenTo(BPoint point) \brief Move the pen to \a point in the view's coordinate system. \param point the location to move the pen to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MovePenTo(float x, float y) \brief Move the pen to the point specified by \a x and \a y in the view's coordinate system. \param x The horizontal coordinate to move the pen to. \param y The vertical coordinate to move the pen to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MovePenBy(float x, float y) \brief Move the pen by \a x pixels horizontally and \a y pixels vertically. \param x The number of pixels to move the pen horizontally. \param y The number of pixels to move the pen vertically. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPoint BView::PenLocation() const \brief Return the current pen location as a BPoint object. \return The current pen location in the view's coordinate system. \sa MovePenTo(BPoint) \sa MovePenTo(float, float) \sa MovePenBy(float, float) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetPenSize(float size) \brief Set the pen size to \a size. \param size The pen size to set. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn float BView::PenSize() const \brief Return the current pen size. \return The current pen size as a float. \sa SetPenSize() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::HasDefaultColors() const \brief Tests if the view has any colors set. \return Boolean value, true if colors are not set. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::HasSystemColors() const \brief Tests if the view is using system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor() \return Boolean value, true if colors are as described. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::AdoptParentColors() \brief Attempts to use the colors of any parent view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors. Should be called in AttachedToWindow() or AllAttached(). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::AdoptSystemColors() \brief Instructs view to use standard system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::AdoptViewColors(BView* view) \brief Attempts to use the colors of a given view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetHighColor(rgb_color color) \brief Set the high color of the view. \param color The color to set. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetHighColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha) \brief Set the high color of the view. \param red The \a red component of the high color. \param green The \a green component of the high color. \param blue The \a blue component of the high color. \param alpha The \a alpha component of the high color. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetHighUIColor(color_which which, float tint) \brief Set the high color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes. \param which The color_which constant to set. \param tint Optional tint value to use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn rgb_color BView::HighColor() const \brief Return the current high color. \return The current high color as an rgb_color struct. \sa SetHighColor(rgb_color) \sa SetHighColor(uchar, uchar, uchar, uchar) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn color_which BView::HighUIColor(float* tint) const \brief Return the current high color constant being used. \param tint Optional float pointer in which to store the tint value used to modify the system color constant. \return The current high color constant. \sa SetHighUIColor(color_which, float) \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetLowColor(rgb_color color) \brief Set the low color of the view. \param color The color to set. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetLowColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha) \brief Set the low color of the view. \param red The \a red component of the low color. \param green The \a green component of the low color. \param blue The \a blue component of the low color. \param alpha The \a alpha component of the low color. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetLowUIColor(color_which which, float tint) \brief Set the low color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes. \param which The color_which constant to set. \param tint Optional tint value to use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn rgb_color BView::LowColor() const \brief Return the current low color. \return The current low color as an rgb_color struct. \sa SetLowColor(rgb_color) \sa SetLowColor(uchar, uchar, uchar, uchar) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn color_which BView::LowUIColor(float* tint) const \brief Return the current low color constant being used. \param tint Optional float pointer in which to store the tint value used to modify the system color constant. \return The current low color constant. \sa SetLowUIColor(color_which, float) \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewColor(rgb_color color) \brief Set the view color of the view. \param color The color to set. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha) \brief Set the view color of the view. \param red The \a red component of the view color. \param green The \a green component of the view color. \param blue The \a blue component of the view color. \param alpha The \a alpha component of the view color. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewUIColor(color_which which, float tint) \brief Set the view color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes. \param which The color_which constant to set. \param tint Optional tint value to use. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn rgb_color BView::ViewColor() const \brief Return the current view color. \return The current view color as an rgb_color struct. \sa SetViewColor(rgb_color) \sa SetViewColor(uchar, uchar, uchar, uchar) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn color_which BView::ViewUIColor(float* tint) const \brief Return the current view color constant being used. \param tint Optional float pointer in which to store the tint value used to modify the system color constant. \return The current view color constant. \sa SetViewUIColor(color_which, float) \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ForceFontAliasing(bool enable) \brief Turn anti-aliasing on and off when printing. Typically want to turn font anti-aliasing off when printing by passing \c true to this method and then turn it on again by passing in \c false. This method does not affect characters drawn to the screen. \param enable If \c true turn off anti-aliasing, if \c false turn on anti-aliasing. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetFont(const BFont* font, uint32 mask) \brief Set the font of the view. By passing \c B_FONT_ALL to the \a mask parameter as is the default all font properties from \a font are set on the view. \param font A pointer to a const BFont object to set on the view. \param mask A mask to determine what font properties to set, either pass in \c B_FONT_ALL to set all font properties or create a mask containing one or more of the following values to set: - \c B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE - \c B_FONT_SPACING - \c B_FONT_SIZE - \c B_FONT_ENCODING - \c B_FONT_SHEAR - \c B_FONT_FACE - \c B_FONT_ROTATION - \c B_FONT_FLAGS \see BFont for more details. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetFont(BFont* font) const \brief Fill out \a font with the font set to the view. \param[out] font The BFont object to fill out. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetFontHeight(font_height* height) const \brief Fill out the font_height struct with the view font. \param[out] height The font_height struct to fill out. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetFontSize(float size) \brief Set the size of the view's font to \a size. \param size The font size to set to the view in points. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn float BView::StringWidth(const char* string) const \brief Return the width of \a string set in the font of the view. \param string The \a string to get the width of. \return The width of the string in the view's font as a float. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn float BView::StringWidth(const char* string, int32 length) const \brief Return the width of \a string set in the font of the view up to \a length characters. \param string The \a string to get the width of. \param length The maximum number of characters in \a string to consider. \return The width of the string in the view's font as a float. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetStringWidths(char* stringArray[], int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings, float widthArray[]) const \brief Fill out widths of the strings in \a stringArray set in the font of the view into \a widthArray. \param stringArray The array of strings to get the lengths of. \param lengthArray The number of characters of the strings in \a stringArray to consider. \param numStrings The number of strings in \a stringArray. \param widthArray The array to store the widths of the strings in \a stringArray. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::TruncateString(BString* string, uint32 mode, float width) const \brief Truncate \a string with truncation mode \a mode so that it is no wider than \a width set in the view's font. When the string is truncated the missing characters are replaced by a horizontal ellipses. \param string The string to truncate in place. \param mode The truncation mode to use, one of the following: - \c B_TRUNCATE_BEGINNING Truncate from the beginning of the string. - \c B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE Truncate from the middle of the string. - \c B_TRUNCATE_END Truncate from the end of the string. - \c B_TRUNCATE_SMART Truncate from anywhere based on the string content. Not currently implemented. \param width The maximum width to truncate the string to. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where, bool sync) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of \a picture. BPicture instances are resolution independent, \a picture is effectively drawn at the view's resolution and the bitmap produced is used to modify the clipping region. The pixels that are at least partially opaque are the ones drawn by \a picture. \param picture The BPicture object to intersect with. \param where Offset in the view's coordinate system. \param sync If \c false, this method will execute asynchronously. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToInversePicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where, bool sync) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of \a picture. \param picture The BPicture object to intersect with. \param where Offset in the view's coordinate system. \param sync If \c false, this method will execute asynchronously. \see ClipToPicture() \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToRect(BRect rect) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of \a rect. \param rect The BRect that describes the rectangle to intersect with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToInverseRect(BRect rect) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of \a rect. \param rect The BRect that describes the rectangle to intersect with. \see ClipToRect() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToShape(BShape* shape) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of \a shape. \param shape The BShape that describes the area to intersect with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClipToInverseShape(BShape* shape) \brief Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of \a shape. \param shape The BShape that describes the area to intersect with. \see ClipToShape() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::GetClippingRegion(BRegion* region) const \brief Fill out \a region with the view's clipping region. \param[out] region The BRegion object to fill out. Get the current clipping region, which is an intersection of the view visible region on screen (which depends on the view bounds, any child view hiding parts of it, and overlapping windows) and the constrained clipping regions set by calls to ConstrainClippingRegion() in the current stack of drawing states. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ConstrainClippingRegion(BRegion* region) \brief Set the clipping region the \a region restricting the area that the view can draw in. The Application Server keeps track of the clipping region for each view attached to a window so that the view can't draw outside of it, consequently this method works only for views that are attached to a window. The default clipping region contains the visible area of the view. By passing a region to this method the clipping area is further restricted. Passing in \c NULL resets the clipping region back to the default. Calls to ConstrainClippingRegion() are not cumulative, each time this method is called it replaces the old clipping region. However, clipping regions from previous states are intersected to compute the effective clipping. Region-based clipping is not affected by the view transform. If you need to constrain drawing to a transformed region, use ClipToPicture() and FillRegion() instead. \param region The region to set the clipping region to or \c NULL to reset to default. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name Drawing Related The view must be attached to the window for these methods to work unless otherwise stated. Notes on specific methods are provided below: DrawBitmap() DrawTiledBitmap() DrawBitmap() scales the image to fit if the image has different size than the destination rectangle. DrawTiledBitmap() fills the destination rectangle with copies of the source image, without changing its size. The asynchronous versions pass the image to Application Server and return immediately. This can be more efficient in some cases for example to draw several bitmaps at once and then call Sync() to tell Application Server to wait for them all to finish drawing rather than waiting for each one to draw. DrawPicture() The asynchronous versions pass the picture to Application Server and return immediately. This can be more efficient in some cases for example to draw several pictures at once and then call Sync() to tell Application Server to wait for them all to finish drawing rather than waiting for each one to draw. DrawPicture() doesn't alter the graphics state of the view nor do changes to the graphics state of the view alter the BPicture object. What the picture will look like depends on the graphics parameters that were in effect when the picture was recorded. DrawString() The \a string is drawn in the view's current font and is modified by the other parameters of the font such as its direction (left-to-right or right-to-left), rotation, spacing, shear, etc. The \a string is always drawn left to right even if its text direction is set to right-to-left mode. Drawing a string is fastest in \c B_OP_COPY mode and anti-aliasing can produce undesirable effects when a string is draw in other modes, especially if the string is drawn in the same location repeatedly. DrawString() doesn't erase before drawing. */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect asynchronously. \a bitmap portion is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param bitmapRect The portion of the bitmap to draw in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \param options combination of \a bitmap_drawing_options flags \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect asynchronously. \a bitmap portion is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param bitmapRect The portion of the bitmap to draw in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect asynchronously. \a bitmap is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BPoint where) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view offset by \a where asynchronously. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param where The location to draw the bitmap in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view asynchronously. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect. \a bitmap portion is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param bitmapRect The portion of the bitmap to draw in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \param options ?? \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect. \a bitmap portion is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param bitmapRect The portion of the bitmap to draw in the bitmap's coordinate system. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect. \a bitmap is scaled to fit \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BPoint where) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view offset by \a where. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param where The location to draw the bitmap in the view's coordinate system. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawTiledBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase = B_ORIGIN) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect asynchronously. If \a bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \param phase Source bitmap offset used as starting point for drawing. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawTiledBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase = B_ORIGIN) \brief Draws \a bitmap on the view within \a viewRect. If \a bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in \a viewRect. \param bitmap The bitmap to draw onto the view. \param viewRect The area in the view's coordinate system to draw the bitmap in. \param phase Source bitmap offset used as starting point for drawing. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawChar(char c) \brief Draws character \a c onto to the view at the current pen position. The character is drawn in the view's current font. \param c The character to draw. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawChar(char c, BPoint location) \brief Draws character \a c at the specified \a location in the view. The character is drawn in the view's current font. \param c The character to draw. \param location The location in the view to draw the character. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, escapement_delta* delta) \brief Draw \a string onto the view at the current pen position. \param string The string to draw. \param delta Adds additional width to each character according to the following fields: - nonspace(float) The amount of width to add to characters with visible glyphs. - space(float) The amount of width to add to characters with escapements but don't have visible glyphs. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, BPoint location, escapement_delta* delta) \brief Draw \a string onto the view at the specified \a location in the view. \param string The string to draw. \param location The location in the view to draw the string. \param delta Adds additional width to each character according to the following fields: - nonspace(float) The amount of width to add to characters with visible glyphs. - space(float) The amount of width to add to characters with escapements but don't have visible glyphs. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, escapement_delta* delta) \brief Draw \a string up to \a length characters onto the view at the current pen position. \param string The string to draw. \param length The maximum number of characters in \a string to draw. \param delta Adds additional width to each character according to the following fields: - nonspace(float) The amount of width to add to characters with visible glyphs. - space(float) The amount of width to add to characters with escapements but don't have visible glyphs. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, BPoint location, escapement_delta* delta) \brief Draw \a string up to \a length characters onto the view at the specified \a location in the view. \param string The string to draw. \param length The maximum number of characters in \a string to draw. \param location The location in the view to draw the string. \param delta Adds additional width to each character according to the following fields: - nonspace(float) The amount of width to add to characters with visible glyphs. - space(float) The amount of width to add to characters with escapements but don't have visible glyphs. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, const BPoint* locations, int32 locationCount) \brief Draw \a string \a locationCount times at the specified \a locations. \param string The string to draw. \param locations A pointer to an array of BPoint objects to draw the string. \param locationCount The number of elements in \a locations. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, const BPoint* locations, int32 locationCount) \brief Draw \a string up to \a length characters \a locationCount times at the specified \a locations. \param string The string to draw. \param length The maximum number of characters in \a string to draw. \param locations A pointer to an array of BPoint objects to draw the string. \param locationCount The number of elements in \a locations. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the outline of an ellipse starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the outline of an ellipse inscribed within \a rect. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill an ellipse starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill an ellipse inscribed within \a rect. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill an ellipse with the specified \a gradient pattern starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the ellipse with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillEllipse(BRect rect, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill an ellipse with the specified \a gradient pattern inscribed within \a rect. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the ellipse with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the outline of an arc starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius starting at \a startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the outline of an arc inscribed within \a rect starting at \a startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill an arc starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius starting at \a startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill an arc with the specified \a gradient pattern starting at \a center with a horizontal radius of \a xRadius and a vertical radius of \a yRadius starting at \a startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param center The center point. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the arc with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill an arc inscribed within \a rect starting at startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill an arc with the specified \a gradient pattern inscribed within \a rect starting at startAngle and drawing \a arcAngle degrees. \param rect The area within which to inscribe the shape. \param startAngle The angle to begin drawing at. \param arcAngle The number of degrees of the arc to draw. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the arc with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a bezier curve. \param controlPoints The list of points that form the bezier curve. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill a bezier curve. \param controlPoints The list of points that form the bezier curve. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill a bezier curve. \param controlPoints The list of points that form the bezier curve. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the bezier curve with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokePolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, bool closed, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a polygon shape. \param polygon The polygon shape to stroke. \param closed Whether or not the last line of the polygon should intersect with the initial point. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, bool closed, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param closed Whether or not the last line of the polygon should intersect with the initial point. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, bool closed, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray inscribed by \a bounds. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param bounds The smallest rectangle that encloses the points in \a pointArray. \param closed Whether or not the last line of the polygon should intersect with the initial point. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill a polygon shape. \param polygon The polygon shape to fill. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill a polygon shape with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param polygon The polygon shape to fill. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the polygon with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the polygon with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray inscribed by \a bounds. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param bounds The smallest rectangle that encloses the points in \a pointArray. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by \a pointArray inscribed by \a bounds with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param pointArray An array of points that specify the vertices of the polygon. \param numPoints The number of points in \a pointArray. \param bounds The smallest rectangle that encloses the points in \a pointArray. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the polygon with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the rectangle specified by \a rect. \param rect The rectangular area to stroke. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill the rectangle specified by \a rect. \param rect The rectangular area to fill. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRect(BRect rect, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill the rectangle specified by \a rect with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param rect The rectangular area to fill. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the rectangle with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius \a xRadius and vertical radius \a yRadius. \param rect The rectangular area to stroke the round rect within. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius \a xRadius and vertical radius \a yRadius. \param rect The rectangular area to fill the round rect within. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius \a xRadius and vertical radius \a yRadius with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param rect The rectangular area to fill the round rect within. \param xRadius The horizontal radius. \param yRadius The vertical radius. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the round rect with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRegion(BRegion* region, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill \a region. \param region The \a region to fill. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillRegion(BRegion* region, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill \a region with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param region The \a region to fill. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the \a region with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3 and enclosed by \a bounds. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param bounds The rectangular area that encloses the triangle. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3 with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the triangle with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3 and enclosed by \a bounds. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param bounds The rectangular area that encloses the triangle. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill the triangle specified by points \a point1, \a point2, and \a point3 and enclosed by \a bounds with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param point1 The first point of the triangle. \param point2 The second point of the triangle. \param point3 The third point of the triangle. \param bounds The rectangular area that encloses the triangle. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the triangle with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeLine(BPoint toPoint, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a line from the current pen location to the point \a toPoint. \param toPoint The end point of the line. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke a line from point \a start to point \a end. \param start The start point of the line. \param end The end point of the line. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::StrokeShape(BShape* shape, ::pattern pattern) \brief Stroke \a shape. \param shape The \a shape to stroke. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillShape(BShape* shape, ::pattern pattern) \brief Fill \a shape. \param shape The \a shape to fill. \param pattern One of the following: - \c B_SOLID_HIGH - \c B_SOLID_LOW - \c B_MIXED_COLORS \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::FillShape(BShape* shape, const BGradient& gradient) \brief Fill \a shape with the specified \a gradient pattern. \param shape The \a shape to fill. \param gradient The gradient pattern to fill the \a shape with. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::BeginLineArray(int32 count) \brief Begin a line array of up to \a count lines. This is a more efficient way of drawing a large number of lines than calling StrokeLine() repeatedly. First call BeginLineArray() to begin drawing lines, then call AddLine() for each line you wish to draw, and finally call EndLineArray() to finish the line array and draw the lines. These methods don't move the current pen location or change the high or low colors of the view. \a count should be close to the number of lines you wish to draw and should be below 256 to draw efficiently. \param count The maximum number of lines in the line array to draw. \see StrokeLine() \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::AddLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, rgb_color color); \brief Add a line to the line array drawn from \a start to \a end. \param start The \a start point of the line. \param end The \a end point of the line. \param color The \a color to draw the line. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::EndLineArray() \brief End the line array drawing the lines. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetDiskMode(char* filename, long offset) \brief Unimplemented. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::BeginPicture(BPicture* picture) \brief Begins sending drawing instructions to \a picture. The \a BPicture object is cleared and any successive drawing instructions sent to the view are redirected to \a picture until EndPicture() is called. To append drawing instructions to a BPicture object without clearing it first call AppendToPicture() instead. The view doesn't display anything to the screen while it's recording to \a picture. Use the DrawPicture() method to render the \a picture. Only drawing instructions performed directly on the view, not its child views are send to the BPicture object and BPicture captures only primitive graphics operations. The view must be attached to a window for the drawing instruction to be recorded. Drawing instructions are recorded even if the view is hidden or resides outside the clipping region or the window is off-screen. \param picture The BPicture object to record drawing instructions to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::AppendToPicture(BPicture* picture) \brief Appends drawing instructions to \a picture without clearing it first. \param picture The BPicture object to record drawing instructions to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BPicture* BView::EndPicture() \brief Ends the drawing instruction recording session and returns the BPicture object passed to BeginPicture() or AppendToPicture(). \return The BPicture object passed to BeginPicture() or AppendToPicture(). \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, uint32 followFlags, uint32 options) \brief Sets the background \a bitmap of the view. All drawing to the view occurs over \a bitmap. Any visible regions not covered by \a bitmap are filled with the current background color. Once \a bitmap has been passed in and this method returns the caller may safely delete the object. \param bitmap The background bitmap to set to the view. \param srcRect Specifies the area of \a bitmap to use. \param dstRect Specifies the area of the view to set \a bitmap to. \param followFlags Specifies the as the view is resized. See the BView constructor for more details. \param options Specifies additional view options. The only option currently available is \c B_TILE_BITMAP which tiles the bitmap across the view. \since BeOS R4 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, uint32 followFlags, uint32 options) \brief Sets the background \a bitmap of the view. All drawing to the view occurs over \a bitmap. Any visible regions not covered by \a bitmap are filled with the current background color. Once \a bitmap has been passed in and this method returns the caller may safely delete the object. \param bitmap The background bitmap to set to the view. \param followFlags Specifies the as the view is resized. See the BView constructor for more details. \param options Specifies additional view options. The only option currently available is \c B_TILE_BITMAP which tiles the bitmap across the view. \since BeOS R4 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClearViewBitmap() \brief Clears the background bitmap of the view if it has one. \since BeOS R4 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, rgb_color* colorKey, uint32 followFlags, uint32 options) \brief Sets the \a overlay bitmap of the view. \a colorKey specifies which color pixels in \a overlay are treated as transparent allowing the pixels of the view to show through. Once \a overlay has been passed in and this method returns the caller may safely delete the object. \param overlay The overlay bitmap to set to the view. \param srcRect Specifies the area of \a overlay to use. \param dstRect Specifies the area of the view to set \a overlay to. \param colorKey The color in \a overlay to treat as transparent. \param followFlags Specifies the as the view is resized. See the BView constructor for more details. \param options Specifies additional view options. The only option currently available is \c B_TILE_BITMAP which tiles the bitmap across the view. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn status_t BView::SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay, rgb_color* colorKey, uint32 followFlags, uint32 options) \brief Sets the \a overlay bitmap of the view. \a colorKey specifies which color pixels in \a overlay are treated as transparent allowing the pixels of the view to show through. Once \a overlay has been passed in and this method returns the caller may safely delete the object. \param overlay The overlay bitmap to set to the view. \param colorKey The color in \a overlay to treat as transparent. \param followFlags Specifies the as the view is resized. See the BView constructor for more details. \param options Specifies additional view options. The only option currently available is \c B_TILE_BITMAP which tiles the bitmap across the view. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::ClearViewOverlay() \brief Clears the overlay bitmap of the view if it has one. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::CopyBits(BRect src, BRect dst) \brief Copy the bits from the \a src rectangle to the \a dst rectangle in the view's coordinate system. If the rectangles are of different sizes than \a src is scaled to fit. \a src is clipped if a part of \a dst lies outside of the visible region of the view. Only the visible portions of \a src are copied. The view must be attached to a window for this method to work. \param src The source rectangle to copy bits from. \param dst The destination rectangle to copy bits to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPicture(const BPicture* picture) \brief Draws the \a picture at the view's current pen position. \param picture The BPicture object to draw. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPicture(const BPicture* picture, BPoint where) \brief Draws the \a picture at the location in the view specified by \a where. \param picture The BPicture object to draw. \param where The point on the view to draw \a picture. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPicture(const char* filename, long offset, BPoint where) \brief Draws the \a picture from the file specified by \a filename offset by \a offset bytes at the location in the view specified by \a where. \param filename The filename of the file containing the picture to draw. \param where The point on the view to draw the picture. \param offset The number of bytes to offset in the file to find the picture. \since BeOS R4 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* picture) \brief Draws the \a picture at the view's current pen position. \param picture The BPicture object to draw. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* picture, BPoint where) \brief Draws the \a picture at the location in the view specified by \a where. \param picture The BPicture object to draw. \param where The point on the view to draw \a picture. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::DrawPictureAsync(const char* filename, long offset, BPoint where) \brief Draws the \a picture from the file specified by \a filename offset by \a offset bytes at the location in the view specified by \a where. \param filename The filename of the file containing the picture to draw. \param where The point on the view to draw the picture. \param offset The number of bytes to offset in the file to find the picture. \since BeOS R5 */ /*! \fn void BView::BeginLayer(uint8 opacity) \brief Begins a drawing layer. This feature of BView allows you to create a separate layer, draw on it, and blend it in with the rest of the view with a given \a opacity. Internally, the method creates a new drawing buffer, that you can draw on using the methods of BView. After finishing your layer, you call EndLayer() to apply the \a opacity to the layer, and blend it in with the existing drawing. You can nest layers, meaning you can call this method while drawing a layer, to create a sublayer. The layers are mixed and blended in order. This work was done to support drawing for WebKit. \sa EndLayer() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::EndLayer() \brief Finish a layer and blend it in with the view. This is the counterpart to BeginLayer(). You can nest multiple layer. If this method is called and the current layer is nested in another layer, the current layer is applied to the layer above. If this is the only layer, it will directly blend in to the main view. \sa BeginLayer() \since Haiku R` */ /*! \fn void BView::Invalidate(BRect invalRect) \brief Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by \a invalRect. \param invalRect The rectangular area of the view to redraw. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::Invalidate(const BRegion* region) \brief Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by \a region. \param region The region of the view to redraw. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::Invalidate() \brief Sends a message to App Server to redraw the view. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay) \brief Sends a message to App Server to redraw the entire view after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the view is guaranteed to be redrawn after the delay given in the first call of this method. \param delay The time, in microseconds, to wait until redrawing the view. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay, BRect invalRect) \brief Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by \a invalRect after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the invalidated rect is guaranteed to be redrawn after the minimum delay given by the first call of this method. \param delay The time, in microseconds, to wait until redrawing the view. \param invalRect The rectangular area of the view to redraw. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::InvertRect(BRect rect) \brief Inverts the colors within \a rect. This method is often used to draw a highlighted selection in a view. \param rect The rectangular area in the view to invert the colors of. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name View Hierarchy */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::AddChild(BView* child, BView* before) \brief Adds \a child to the view hierarchy immediately before \a before. A view may only have one parent at a time so \a child must not have already been added to the view hierarchy. If \a before is \c NULL then \a child is added to the end of the tree. If the view is attached to a window \a child and all of its descendent views also become attached to the window invoking an AttachedToWindow() method on each view. \param child The child view to add. \param before The sibling view to add \a child before. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::AddChild(BLayoutItem* child) \brief Add the \a child layout item to the view hierarchy. \param child The child layout item to add. \return Whether or not \a child was added to the view layout hierarchy. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::RemoveChild(BView* child) \brief Removes \a child from the view hierarchy. \param child The child view to remove. \return Whether or not \a child was removed from the view hierarchy. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn int32 BView::CountChildren() const \brief Returns the number of child views that this view has. \return The number of child views. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView* BView::ChildAt(int32 index) const \brief Returns a pointer to the child view found at \a index. \param index The index of the child view to return a pointer of. \return A pointer to the child view at \a index or \c NULL if not found. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView* BView::NextSibling() const \brief Returns a pointer to the next sibling view. \return A pointer to the next sibling view or \a NULL if not found. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView* BView::PreviousSibling() const \brief Returns a pointer to the previous sibling view. \return A pointer to the previous sibling view or \a NULL if not found. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BView::RemoveSelf() \brief Removes the view and all child views from the view hierarchy. \returns Whether or not the view was removed from the view hierarchy. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView* BView::Parent() const \brief Returns a pointer to the view's parent. \return A pointer to the parent view or \c NULL if not attached. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BView* BView::FindView(const char* name) const \brief Returns the view in the view hierarchy with the specified \a name. \return The view in the view hierarchy with the specified \a name or \c NULL if not found. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name View Frame Alteration As a view's frame rectangle must be aligned to pixel values all parameters are rounded to the nearest integer. If the view isn't attached these methods alter the frame rectangle without triggering FrameMoved(), FrameResized() or Invalidate(). */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::MoveBy(float deltaX, float deltaY) \brief Moves the view \a deltaX pixels horizontally and \a deltaY pixels vertically in the parent view's coordinate system. \param deltaX The number of pixels to move the view horizontally. \param deltaY The number of pixels to move the view vertically. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MoveTo(BPoint where) \brief Move the view to the location specified by \a where in the parent view's coordinate system. \param where The location to move the view to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::MoveTo(float x, float y) \brief Move the view to the coordinates specified by \a x in the horizontal dimension and \a y in the vertical dimension in the parent view's coordinate system. \param x The horizontal coordinate to move the view to. \param y The vertical coordinate to move the view to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ResizeBy(float deltaWidth, float deltaHeight) \brief Resize the view by \a deltaWidth horizontally and \a deltaHeight vertically without moving the top left corner of the view. \param deltaWidth The number of pixels to resize the view by horizontally. \param deltaHeight The number of pixels to resize the view by vertically. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ResizeTo(float width, float height) \brief Resize the view to the specified \a width and \a height. \param width The width to resize the view to. \param height The height to resize the view to. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BView::ResizeTo(BSize size) \brief Resize the view to the dimension specified by \a size. \param size The \a size to resize the view to. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \fn status_t BView::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data) \copydoc BHandler::GetSupportedSuites() */ /*! \fn BHandler* BView::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier, int32 what, const char* property) \copydoc BHandler::ResolveSpecifier() */ /*! \fn status_t BView::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data) \brief Perform some action. (Internal Method) The following perform codes are recognized: - \c PERFORM_CODE_MIN_SIZE: - \c PERFORM_CODE_MAX_SIZE: - \c PERFORM_CODE_PREFERRED_SIZE: - \c PERFORM_CODE_LAYOUT_ALIGNMENT: - \c PERFORM_CODE_HAS_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH: - \c PERFORM_CODE_GET_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH: - \c PERFORM_CODE_SET_LAYOUT: - \c PERFORM_CODE_INVALIDATE_LAYOUT: - \c PERFORM_CODE_DO_LAYOUT: - \c PERFORM_CODE_GET_TOOL_TIP_AT: - \c PERFORM_CODE_ALL_UNARCHIVED: - \c PERFORM_CODE_ALL_ARCHIVED: \param code The perform code. \param _data A pointer to store some data. \returns A status code. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \name Layouting \note These methods were not available in BeOS R5. */ //! @{ /*! \fn BSize BView::MinSize() \brief Return the minimum size of the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \return The minimum size of the view as a BSize. \sa BAbstractLayout::MinSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::MaxSize() \brief Return the maximum size of the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \return The maximum size of the view as a BSize. \sa BAbstractLayout::MaxSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::PreferredSize() \brief Return the preferred size of the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \return The preferred size of the view as a BSize. \sa BAbstractLayout::PreferredSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn virtual BAlignment BView::LayoutAlignment() \brief Return the current BAlignemnt of the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size) \brief Set this view's min size, to be used by MinSize(). \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \sa BAbstractLayout::SetExplicitMinSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size) \brief Set this view's max size, to be used by MaxSize(). \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \sa BAbstractLayout::SetExplicitMaxSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size) \brief Set this view's preferred size, to be used by PreferredSize(). \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \sa BAbstractLayout::SetExplicitPreferredSize() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetExplicitSize(BSize size) \brief Set this view's size. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. This is a convenience function that calls both SetExplicitMinSize() and SetExplicitMaxSize() with the \a size parameter. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment) \brief Set this view's alignment, to be used by Alignment(). \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \sa BAbstractLayout::SetExplicitAlignment() \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::ExplicitMinSize() const \brief Returns the explicit minimum size. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. This returns the value that was set by SetExplicitMinSize(). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::ExplicitMaxSize() const \brief Returns the explicit maximum size. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. This returns the value that was set by SetExplicitMaxSize(). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::ExplicitPreferredSize() const \brief Returns the explicit preferred size. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. This returns the value that was set by SetExplicitPreferredSize(). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BSize BView::ExplicitAlignment() const \brief Returns the explicit alignment size. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. This returns the value that was set by SetExplicitAlignment(). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::HasHeightForWidth() \brief Returns whether the layout of the view can calculate a height for a given width. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. Use GetHeightForWidth() to actually get the preferred size. \returns \c true if the height values can be calculated, \c false if they cannot. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn virtual void BView::GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min, float* max, float* preferred) \brief Returns the min, max and preferred height for a given width. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \param[in] width The width you want the height to be calculated for. \param[out] min The minimum height that the layout will request. \param[out] max The maximum height that the layout will request. \param[out] preferred The preferred height for this \a width. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetLayout(BLayout* layout) \brief Sets the \a layout of the view. \param layout The \a layout to set. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BLayout* BView::GetLayout() const \brief Get the layout of the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \returns The layout of the view. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::InvalidateLayout(bool descendants) \brief Invalidate layout. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \param descendants Also invalidate its children views. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::EnableLayoutInvalidation() \brief Enable layout invalidation. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DisableLayoutInvalidation() \brief Disable layout invalidation. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled() \brief Returns whether or not layout invalidation is disabled. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \return \c true of layout invalidation is disabled, \c false otherwise. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::IsLayoutValid() const \brief Returns whether or not the layout is valid. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \returns Returns \c true if the layout is valid, \c false otherwise. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ResetLayoutInvalidation() \brief Service call for BView derived classes re-enabling InvalidateLayout() notifications. BLayout and BView will avoid calling InvalidateLayout on views that have already been invalidated, but if the view caches internal layout information which it updates in methods other than DoLayout(), it has to invoke this method, when it has done so, since otherwise the information might become obsolete without the layout noticing. This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BLayoutContext* BView::LayoutContext() const \brief Returns the BLayoutContext for this View. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::Layout(bool force) \brief Layout the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \param force If \c true layout even if valid. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::Relayout() \brief Relayout the view. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::DoLayout() \brief Layout view within the layout context. \remark This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Tool Tips \note These methods were not available in BeOS R5. */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BView::SetToolTip(const char* text) \brief Set the tool tip of the view to \a text. \param text The \a text to set the view to or \c NULL or blank to unset. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::SetToolTip(BToolTip* tip) \brief Set the tool tip of the view to the \a tip object. \param tip The tool tip object to set the view to or \c NULL to unset. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BToolTip* BView::ToolTip() const \brief Return the tool tip set to the view or \c NULL if not set. \return The BToolTip object set to the view. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::ShowToolTip(BToolTip* tip) \brief Show the tool tip at the current mouse position. \param tip The BToolTip object to show. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BView::HideToolTip() \brief Hide the view's tool tip. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BView::GetToolTipAt(BPoint point, BToolTip** _tip) \brief Point \a _tip with the view's tool tip. \param point Currently unused. \param _tip A pointer to a pointer to a BToolTip object to set. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @}