 * Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Authors:
 *		John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
 * Corresponds to:
 *		headers/os/interface/SeparatorItem.h	 hrev46970
 *		src/kits/interface/SeparatorItem.cpp	 hrev46970

	\file SeparatorItem.h
	\ingroup interface
	\ingroup libbe
	\brief BSeparatorItem class definition.

	\class BSeparatorItem
	\ingroup interface
	\ingroup libbe
	\brief Display separator item for BMenu class.

	A BSeparatorItem is used to separate groups of menu items in a BMenu.
	It is drawn as a horizontal line and cannot be selected or highlighted.

	\warning BSeparatorItems are only meant to be used with menus whose
	         items are arranged in a \c B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN layout.

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn BSeparatorItem::BSeparatorItem()
	\brief Creates a new BSeparatorItem object.

	The creates a new BSeparatorItem from BMenuItem with a blank label and
	\c NULL message, then disables it.

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn BSeparatorItem::BSeparatorItem(BMessage* data)
	\brief Archive constructor.

	\param data The message \a data to construct the separator item from.

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn BSeparatorItem::~BSeparatorItem()
	\brief Destructor, does nothing.

	\since BeOS R3

	\name Archiving

//! @{

	\fn status_t BSeparatorItem::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const
	\brief Archives the the BSeparatorItem object into the \a data message.

	\param data A pointer to the BMessage to archive the object into.
	\param deep This parameter has no effect for this class.

	\return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code
	\retval B_OK The object was archived successfully.
	\retval B_NO_MEMORY Ran out of memory while archiving the object.

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn BArchivable* BSeparatorItem::Instantiate(BMessage* data)
	\brief Creates a new BSeparatorItem object from an \a data message.

	\return A newly created BSeparatorItem object or \c NULL if the message
	        doesn't contain an archived BSeparatorItem.

	\since BeOS R3

//! @}

	\fn void BSeparatorItem::SetEnabled(bool enable)
	\brief Does nothing, this method is defined to override the default
	       BMenuItem behavior.

	\param enable Not used.

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn void BSeparatorItem::GetContentSize(float* _width, float* _height)
	\brief Fills out \a _width and \a _height with the content rectangle

	You only need to call this method if you're implementing your own
	DrawContent() method to override how the contents of the separator
	are drawn.

	\param _width Filled out with the width of the content rectangle.
	\param _height Filled out with the height of the content rectangle.

	\sa ContentLocation()
	\sa DrawContent()

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn void BSeparatorItem::Draw()
	\brief Hook method used to draw the menu items.

	This method is called by automatically by BMenu::Draw(). You should not need to
	call this method yourself but you may want to override it in a derived class
	to do something other than the default.

	The default draws a light grey horizontal line through the middle of the item.

	\since BeOS R3