Lines Matching refs:title

109         self::assertSame('Name', $columns[0]->title());
110 … self::assertSame('Relationship of each person to the head of the family', $columns[1]->title());
111 self::assertSame('Sex', $columns[2]->title());
112 self::assertSame('Color or race', $columns[3]->title());
113 self::assertSame('Age at last birthday', $columns[4]->title());
114 self::assertSame('Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced', $columns[5]->title());
115 self::assertSame('Number of years of present marriage', $columns[6]->title());
116 self::assertSame('Mother of how many children', $columns[7]->title());
117 self::assertSame('Number of these children living', $columns[8]->title());
118 self::assertSame('Place of birth of this person', $columns[9]->title());
119 self::assertSame('Place of birth of father of this person', $columns[10]->title());
120 self::assertSame('Place of birth of mother of this person', $columns[11]->title());
121 self::assertSame('Year of immigration to the United States', $columns[12]->title());
122 self::assertSame('Whether naturalized or alien', $columns[13]->title());
123 …ssertSame('Whether able to speak English, of if not, give language spoken', $columns[14]->title());
124 …e('Trade or profession of, or particular kind of work done by this person', $columns[15]->title());
125 self::assertSame('General nature of industry', $columns[16]->title());
126 … self::assertSame('Whether an employer, employee, or work on own account', $columns[17]->title());
127 self::assertSame('Whether out of work on April 15, 1910', $columns[18]->title());
128 self::assertSame('Number of weeks out of work in 1909', $columns[19]->title());
129 self::assertSame('Whether able to read', $columns[20]->title());
130 self::assertSame('Whether able to write', $columns[21]->title());
131 self::assertSame('Attended school since September 1, 1909', $columns[22]->title());
132 self::assertSame('Owned or rented', $columns[23]->title());
133 self::assertSame('Owned free or mortgaged', $columns[24]->title());
134 self::assertSame('Farm or house', $columns[25]->title());
135 …::assertSame('Whether a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy', $columns[26]->title());
136 self::assertSame('Whether blind (both eyes)', $columns[27]->title());
137 self::assertSame('Whether deaf and dumb', $columns[28]->title());